AutoCad 2D :: Text And Leader Not Visible In Viewport
Sep 5, 2013They are the only objects on this layer with which this happens.
View 6 RepliesThey are the only objects on this layer with which this happens.
View 6 RepliesOk, I'm sure there is a very simple way to fix this that I just haven't yet discovered. When I insert a stacked dimension in the top line of my leader text, the spacing gets automatically adjusted for the hight of the stacked dimension and it adjusts the leader line up so that it actually passes through my top line. Can this be avoided? I have attached a picture for reference.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to add a Leader Text to lable a part- referencing the Part Number or whatever, move the text close to the edge of the part, to remove the leader/arrow and make the txt rotate 90deg to be vertical. I have messed with style settings for a new Vertical Txt style, and Vert Dim style -(pointed to the Vert Txt style and adjusted Notes and Leaders tab)
i don't understand why in the Format Text window the "rotation" box is always grayed out. can you unlock it?
I have a drawing which has 3 viewports in it, two of the viewports are ok but with the third one when i try to have a leader from it to a text box outside the viewport in paperspace, the section of the leader within the viewport is blanked out,. I have tried bringing the leader to the front and sending the viewport to the back along with regenning the drawing to no avail. the leader works ok with the other two viewports no issue there but with the third one it just will not work. The viewport is used for viewing a location using a raster map image and it does show the leader / line object when zoomed out and disappears again when the line goes over the raster image.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to prevent AutoCAD from converting a MTEXT leader with a block element attached to a BLOCK leader when doing a copy/paste? See screen shot.
2012-04-05 3-09-00 PM.jpg
seems like an awfully simple question, but i cannot figure out how to hide the viewport from a plot?
i am plotting an Arch D to PDF, and all looks good except for the viewport in the plot!
I received a drawing this morning, and it's paperspace looks great. However when I tried to view the drawings in modelspace it was empty. All the layers are on, when I click into the viewport (in paperspace) I can draw a line on the same layer as the block and that will show up in modelspace, yet no block.
Is this a feature of CAD, never experienced this before.
P.s. The blocks are available to insert in modelspace , however I'm just curious as to why I can not see the blocks that quite clearly exist in modelspace already.
DWG has viewports on layout tabs, but the viewports are not visible. The viewport can be open, edited as established, but if you pan or zoom, the paperspace layout moves and not model space. In model space, viewport frame does not highlight.
All layers on, unfrozen, and plottable.
Have done extensive internet search to find soution, found others with same problem, have found no one with a solution.
Not extremely CAD literate, basically self taught, but until this problem, I've been knowledgeable and resourceful solving problems.
I have a sub that gets a page number and a collection of layer ID's to freeze. The sub will freeze the selected layers in all of the viewports except for the new one.
After running the program, the layers in the specific viewport are still visible, but when you go into Model mode in the viewport and check the layer status, it shows the selected layers are set to Freeze in the viewport.
If I save the drawing, exit,and re-open it, the layers are now not visible. I believe I have the "Regen" in the correct spot.
The code is attached.
' Freezes the selected layers in all other existing viewport layouts Public Sub freezeOtherLayouts(ByVal pageNumber As Integer, ByVal layersToFreezeLayerIds As ObjectIdCollection) Dim doc As Document =
How to freeze a layer in model space but still be visible in a viewport.
The layer just gets in the way in my model, I could just turn it on whenever I need to print the page but surely theres an easier way.
I have a dialog box that has 2 list boxes. One box has the available layers in it, while the other will contain the selected layers. I want to use those selected layers as a list of layers that will be visible in a particular view port. I have searched all over to find information on what kind of list I would need and how could I use the list with a view port, but all I've found is info for one layer becoming visible.
I'm also looking into "FreezeLayersInViewport" but info sure seems limited.
how to make a 3D model visible in viewport layout?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm creating a new project drawing and have x-ref'd my base drawing onto the sheet to be plotted. I can see the base drawing thru the viewport while in layout, but once I try and preview my plot the drawing inside the viewport is not visible. that is, I can see the preview of my sheet border & title block, but nothing within the viewport shows on the preview screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a viewport in paper space with most layers set to "VP Freeze". When I save the drawing or when a auotsave occurs, the frozen layers become visible again in the viewport even though they are still marked as frozen. The only way I can get the viewport to display correctly again is to close the drawing and re-open it. How I can stop this from happening?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with baked textures. why are the uvw seams visible in viewport? textures baked with mental ray gi from skylight.
I exported scene with baked textures into unity3d and the same happens there. when zooming out the lines start to appear.
(Again) The “leader” of the “dimension text” disappears when the text is moved! Why?
I’m wondering why the “leader” of the “dimension text” disappears when the text is moved.
How can I control this setting?
I need to show this “leader” all the time. Is that possible?
Please, have a look on the screenshots below (the file is attached).
When I draw a Nurbs Curve and check Enable in Viewport it is not visible in the viewport. I can change thickness settings, etcetera and see the bounding boxe changing in size but see no visible curve in any of the viewports. Is this a bug in Max 2012? Running Windows 7, 64 bit, Quadro 4000 with latest drivers.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhow to draw leader with text and text box i have many points if i will click on point it will draw leader with text box
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have the Arrow leader convert to Loop leader in one click. Our company standards use diamond tags and sometimes i have to change the arrow to loop by inserting a leader.
View 9 Replies View RelatedC3D 2012 running with 64 bit Win7 all up to date on a capable Dell Precision
I want to add the leader part to the leader that is created when I drag a Station Offset label. This would be the part in a three point leader that goes horizontal for a short distance before the label text begins, similar to how a multi-leader is created. Looks weird having the C3D labels be the only "leadered" noted be without the landing.
In my current drawing, when I click into Model Space through a viewport and draw a leader, the leader is drawn with a Z coordinate of 0", but the text is being drawn at -9", so the leader is not associative and it doesn't have the tail on it. I just noticed it's also doing it in Model Space in the World UCS.
View 0 Replies View RelatedI have turned off or unchecked "Extend leader to text" (Multileader Style > Modify > Content > Extend leader to text) in all my templates.
Yet, when I start a new drawing using those templates, that feature is turned on (checked) again.
I've tested this several times. Yes, I'm using the same templates I've been saving. I've even created a new template from scratch with none of our standards in it. The check for Extend leader to text keeps returning.
I've tried this in both AutoCAD and Civil 3d.
Any way to duplicate this?
I am using "Attach Text to Leader" to add information about ballooned items to the balloon leader. The same information is needed for each balloon leader as shown below.
I would like to just copy the fields from the first "Attach to Leader Text" and paste them in the subsequent "Attach to Leader Text" instances, instead of picking the "Type" and "Property" from the pull down lists for each of the three property I want to access, each time I place a "Attach to Leader Text" .
The problem is the fields in the subsequent Attach to Leader Text pasted instances do not automatically link to iProperties on the ballooned item? how to automate this procedure/
I have some difficulty in reversing the text on a leader to the opposite side. As per the picture below, it is on the right side, but I would like to move it to the left. When I drag it, the whole leader goes with it. The text in reference here is the one with ".06 x 45.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHere is the setup, I received a survey base from another firm. All of there leaders of text are actually cogo points with labels. I have xrefed the file into my sheet file and rotated the view, so obviously nothing looks like I want. Typically I bring the text forward into my sheet and manipulate it here, but it is attached to a cogo point. I could copy the points and label styles into my current drawing, but this doesn't sound like the best practice. What is a good way to overcome this challenge?
Civil 3D 2013
HP Z400 Workstation
6GB of RAM
ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL)
Win 7 Home Professional
I am currently using AutoCAD 2011LT. When I add a leader sometimes the text appears fine and sometime the text appear to go bold, I tried retyping the text but it appears to be luck of the draw as to when it happens. I don't have a problem with this showing up on the screen but it transfer to prints on both paper and PDF.
View 2 Replies View RelatedRunning 2010 AutoCAD. ondering how to add and subtract a leader to Multileader text. Wondering if there is a shortcut key to type. I like the classic look, and dont want to have to switch between classic and the crappy ribbon.
View 2 Replies View Relatedit's possible to quote with quick leader and have the z value in text
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to convert leader and text that is separate into a multileader where the text is attached to the leader. We just updated to new standards using the multileader and all the old stuff is not attached.
I'm using AutoCad 2009.
My text style height is set to 1/8, however my leader text height is 3/16. How do I change the leader text height? T
View 6 Replies View RelatedAll of my multi leaders (mleaders) worked great in 2012 with the added "extend leader to text" for leaders on the end of a text string, but in 2013, they now attach to the end of the box again.
Some appear as though they are "trying" to extend, but the beginning of the leader without the extension now starts at the end of the box on the FIRST line.
See the attached examples:
Top one - Mleader is on the end of a text box larger than the actual text (NOTE: I have many drawings like this, opening them in 2013 is a nightmare)
Version #2 - Note what the leader does in this example, the "extend to end of text" is the correct length, but it starts at the edge of the box, not the end of the first line of text. Again, this worked fine in 2012.
Version #3 - This is what should happen, only happens if you adjust the text box size. I don't really want to spend my clients money updated dozens of multileaders on hundreds of drawings to force the mleader to work.