AutoCad 2D :: Lineweight For Circle Won't Work / Pline
Aug 20, 2013
how to change lineweight on the circle? another word i want to make the arc line thicker. Can we do that rather than offset the circle and Hatch it. I use Pedit alot on straight line but won't work on circle. As you can see on the picture below when i changed the lineweight to be bigger but the circle is still the same.
I have LWPOLYLINEs that represent a cross section of a train tunnel. Each LWPOLYLINE lists its 2D points in an Object Coordinate System.My task is to create 3D Polylines in WorldCoordinateSystem using those LWPOLYLINEs.I have posted a drawing with sample objects.
I have attached a sample drawing. Drawing was created with Civil 3D 2013, but I exporttoautocadr12dxf'd it and then save to 2004 dwg so most should be able to open it.
I was wondering the best way to draw a circle that passes through an endpoint of a line and then is tangent to another circle above it? I need to create a radius of 3.5 between the two points.
I have terrible lag whenever I am drawing a polyline. It seems like it is taking forever to render the preview of the line when I am dragging the line across the screen. I would prefer to just turn off the line preview if at all possible. So far, I have not been able to find a way to do this. When I say preview of the line, I am talking about the transparent line that follows your cursor after you start a polyline and exists until you click to place the line where you want it.
I am running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit Dell Precision M6600 8-gb ram NVIDIA® Quadro® FX 2800M graphics
Recieved a ACAD converted Microstation File for use in an upcoming construction project. Would like to convert all of the existing ellipses to polylines. Have read several threads that lead me to believe redrawing them is about the only real way to do it. Posting here in hopes of a solution. Drawing contains 127 ellipses, and I dont want to redraw all of them!!
I am trying to embolden lineweights to stand out on the drawing, without them getting in the way when viewing in the drawing. I have set the lineweight in the layer dialogue box to the max size (2.xx mm), checked the "plot lineweights" in the printer dialogue and switched between none and grayscale (this is so the assigned colors will fade out in the background). Nothing I have tried thus far has changed the print output on any of my printers (virtual PDF, HP2100, HP2600n, HP2840 they are all very old). I have read through the lweight command and help sections, but I don't need it assigning the lw just getting it to properly print.
One possible problem: is the line weight relative to scale or is it absolute? I am printing at 1/8" scale, and that can't change.
Quick question about plotting to a PDF. I'm using autocad 2013 and I'm plotting to a PDF printer called bullzip, a free PDF printer. My question is, will my line-weights be the same if I have kinko's print a PDF file with my drawings in them
whe i try to draw a pline it accepts the first numerical entry but locks up on the second point. Also when i use this command no matter what layer it is on the line becomes very fat
Is there a way to add/remove vertices from polylines using the grips method similar to editing hatch boundaries? I know of "Pedit" and "edit vertex" then "add vertex" but this seems like too many steps after working with hatch boundaries.
what is the setting to tell a line to extend to the face of a pline when that line doesn't actually intersect with the pline? see image below...line 1 will extend to pline faces A and B, but how do i get line 2 to extend to those faces? i know this worked when i used autocad 2008 but i'm now using 2012 LT so hopefully it still works, i just don't remember the command name to control it.
I have bearings and distances but I am wondering if using PLIN is the best method to draw parcels in AutoCad Map 2012. I have a layer of the Townships, Ranges and Sections that I hope to align with the drawings. Most of the time it looks okay meaning they line up and for the most are where they are suppose to be but ever so often I have problems.
I am currently converting my drawing to PDF. However, certain lines on the drawing are showing up bold and thick when converting. I understand that they are appearing and disappearing due to me turning on or off the hide/show lineweights feature. But I would like the lines to be default size. I don't need them thick.
I am running two networked computers and a networked Designjet 510 plotter. One computer runs LT2013 and the other LT2014.
I am having an issue with the LT2013 machine in that it plots much darker than it should (uses a heavier lineweight). I have checked the plotter set up and plot style and both appear the same.
Im trying to print a logo for my detachment using Autocad to PDF but for one the line dont show up in the PDF file and second the original color of the drawing is faded. Black goes to a smoke grey color, lines dont show up, and the red is blurry. I need this to be fixed but I just dont have the skill to do it. And stupid autocad doesnt have a contact number for step by step instructions with an actual human! Im trying to use the logo for a T-shirt but it seems like I cannot for the life of me print a suitable digital image for it. I am using AutoCad ARCH 12...
I have a few objects on a layer (Circles and Lines).
I am trying to make them "Thicker". I have tried adjusting the layers "Lineweight" as well as individually selecting them and adjusting the lineweight but neither is working for me.
Using AutoCAD 2011 we always use 0.00 as our default line weight but the default will change to 0.010 with no real pattern. It can be any drawing at any time. We have reset this dozens of times without being able to stop it from reoccurring.
We are also not able to get line weight to display (yes we check the Lineweight Settings, Display lineweight box) again on random drawings at random times.
I have a drawing with numerous copies of a particular block. I would like to change the Lineweight of the attribute so that it is reduced in all of the blocks in my drawing. How can I do this?
I've just installed ACad2013 & now my dwg - pdf plotter is showing unweighted coloured lines (prints) instead of 'weighted' black/white lines. These then print out incorrectly. How I can revert to my former pdf print settings
Using acad2011, i have a flatshot image on a separate layer. The lineweight is set by layer, but when i change it in the layer properties manager nothing happens... There is no change to the blocks created by flatshot on the specific layer (other objects do change lineweight).