AutoCad 2D :: Dynamic Block - Keep Text At Same Rotation
Jul 11, 2011
I have a section symbol that I want to rotate and keep the text at 0degress relative to UCS. The text is not in the middle so I can't rotate about the cetner of the text. I'll attach the block so it's more clear.
Right now the only fix is to assign a seperate rotation grip to both attribute text items.
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Nov 25, 2013
I'm just trying my hand at learning to create some dynamic blocks, but need a solution to keep the text unrotated. I have attached a file of my troublesome file for you experts to look at, if possible.
The file is basically a plan view of 4x foundation columns for overhead line towers (pylons). These towers can be different sizes and at different orientations, hence the dynamic options I have applied. However, when I rotate the block I want the text to rotate with it (to keep aligned with each column A, B, C, D), but I don't want rotation to be applied to the text, if that makes sense?
I have a feeling that constraints might work, although I know nothing about them, but these usually lag my PC. At present I am having to explode the block and apply a 0 rotation to all the text.
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May 25, 2010
Wondering if there was a way to have text maintain a rotation angle of 0 while being included in a rotation parameter. I am wanting the "N" for my North Arrow to follow the direction of the symbol of my viewport tag without the "N" character rotation angle changing with it.
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Mar 22, 2013
So I've done a reasonable amount of work with dynamic blocks. I have a block with a rotation action and grip to arbitrarily align it. However I realized when trying to combine it with an alignment grip (which actions on the basic or fundamental block rotation angle) that there didn't seem to be a way to some how link a dynamic block rotation action or one of the custom angle properties to a the fundamental block rotation angle. Thus there are two additive rotations at work; the dynamic block one with its grip and the fundamental rotation property.
This can cause some confusion when one person aligns with the grip and another via rotating the block's fundamental property and would also be problematic in the generalized sense if one was trying to select or programmatically read back the net angle alignment.
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Jun 14, 2012
Is it possible to mirror a rotation within a dynamic block?
See the attached drawing. I am trying to have two rotations within a dynamic block, but only one grip. When the grip is rotated one half of the block rotates while the other half rotates in reverse. The resulting action would be much like the wings of a butterfly.
I have tried many different combinations of parameters, actions and constraints with no luck. The block in the attached file was as close as I could get. Have I reached the end of what AutoCAD is capable of?
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Dec 28, 2012
We have a dynamic section marker block. You can flip it, rotate it and stretch it. Some of our drawings have a lot of them. For some instances of the block that are rotated, opening the drawing or inserting another copy of the block causes the fill in the arrow to move back to its original orientation (see images). The darn things even plot incorrectly.
Flipping the broken ones back and forth fixes them, but it is silly that a drafter would have to do that with each one.
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Sep 30, 2013
I am making a simple continuation block (attached) and I am trying to get it to have a rotation parameter along the polyline. I am able to do that, but the only issue is the flip parameter goes all weird when I do so (the text starts distancing itself from the polyline when stretched, rotated and flipped).
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Nov 21, 2013
I can not for the life of me get my attributes to rotate with my block. I've attached the block to better understand what I'm talking about. I'd like the attributed text to rotate with the brown line. I don't care if the text ends up upside-down, I just want it to rotate with the block.
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Aug 29, 2011
when trying to create dynamic rotation for a block with attributes. If I constrain the attribute to a line in the block it damaged the behavior of the block when using the dynamic rotation.
I tried both multiline and non- multiline attributes. I tried to fiddle with the "constraint settings" and leave only the Parallel constraint running with no effect.
When I open a new clean acad drawing and paste the block there, no problem.
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Jan 11, 2008
We use this light switch block for work. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to make the attribute to stay (LOCKED) at rotation 0 when inserting no matter which angle the swtich is inserted. The only way the text stays at rotation 0 is if I insert the block as is (pointing right), then align the switch to a wall. The block is created with alignment grip. So if I add the switch to a wall at an angle (eg:45 degrees), the text will be rotated and stay rotated. If I insert the switch on the left side of the wall, the attributes will be upside down. I can manually rotate the attributes back to 0 degrees and it will stay locked to 0 degrees. But what I want it to do is to be inserted at 0 degrees to begin with.
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Jan 7, 2013
I have a block that I'm trying to convert for dynamic use.
In the first image, you'll see the items that I want to have rotatable in blue. The items in red should NOT rotate. That part seems to work fine. But the items that do rotate don't behave as expected.
I created the rotate parameter selecting the center of the red circle as the base point. Shouldn't that cause ALL the items to rotate about that center point?
As you'll see from the second image, the blue line rotates about some other point.
EDIT: Well I guess it only does it if I have the blue horizontal line defined with a length constraint. I also need to have that line dynamic--I need to make it longer/shorter.
I've attached a dwg file with the block in it--it's at the top of the block list (___SectMark2).
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Mar 6, 2013
I have an interior elevation callout block with four arrows, noting the N, S, E, W interior wall elevations. I trick I use to rotate Text while keeping the Text oriented in the upright position is to place a Point Parameter at the center of the text then set the "Chain Actions" to Yes. Then I use the Move Action to tie the text to the Point Parameter. Next step is to use a Rotation Action to select only the Point Parameter, which rotates the Point Parameter and brings the text along with it, keeping the text oriented in the upright reading position always. As an example, think about a viewport tag with a North arrow, and the letter "N" at the arrow tip. When you rotate the arrow, the "N" position rotates with the arrow's point but always is oriented upright.
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Dec 13, 2012
using AutoCAD 2009 (vanilla)
I got too smart for myself today in bringing an old drawing up to current standards...Everyone seems to want their block attributes to be zero - I have blocks where the attributes are best when they match the rotations of each blocks.
I have an old drawing that was rotated (as it should be) at approx 2deg.
I used a lisp routine to global edit all the blocks that needed to be at zero. BUT for some reason (and after hundreds of blocks were corrected), I noticed I now have two blocks that should NOT have been in the set have had their attributes rotated to zero....and the attributes should be at the same rotation as their block's rotation.
Because those two blocks have a fixed tic mark, I can click on the mark to see what the block rotation is, then rotate its attribute to that rotation, but I have hundreds of blocks! One-at-a-time sucks....
Any chance there is a GLOBAL way to edit an attribute rotation to match its own block's rotation?
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Dec 14, 2012
This is just a basic block to specify a section plane. What I would like to have is a BPT with 4 rotation options (0, 90 180, 270) that would rotate the whole block but it would keep the text upright and be able to stretch the ends of the arrows. I know I must be including/not including something important. Pointers on how to do this
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Sep 17, 2013
I am working on making some view tags, and I would like the underline between the tag's title and the scale (any arch or engineer would know what im talking about) to stretch as text is added or taken away. Basically I want the right end of the underline to always be aligned with the right "edge" of the last letter of text. And no, I can't just underline it, the architect is very particular about not doing that. Right now I have this awesome dynamic sheet view tag with a rotatable north arrow and a dozen visibility states for the scale bars, but it all seems in vain if I still have to work with it manually. The text is an attribute, no special properties or settings, just locked in position.
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Jul 27, 2012
I am making a template file having title block with fields. I use this template for creating layouts and sheets using Sheet Set Manager and the fields will be updated from the data of SSM. Now i would like to add a dynamic north block to my template. The block could be rotated (i have this block in file itself) and rotation angle could be inserted. Now how can i add a custom field to SSM so that i could set a rotation angle for the project and thus every new layout or sheet created using the template has the north block rotated with the angle mentioned in SSM.
Here is the file...........
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Apr 17, 2013
Is it possible to have a dynamic block with text which, when inserted into a drawing, will show the text orientation matched to the layout? I have a non-dynamic block which is simply a donut and a piece of text. When I insert it into a drawing, the text orientation will change to suit the orientation of the layout. I created another block with the same entities but I also added a couple of lines extending out from the center of the donut. I added stretch and rotation actions in order to rotate and stretch the lines. I also gave the block visibility states so that either one or two lines would appear (the block is a utility pole,by the way, with the lines representing guy wires). When I insert the dynamic block into a drawing, I cannot get the text to match the orientation of the viewport. I've tried changing different combinations of settings but the text won't appear horizontal.
The two blocks I mentioned above are inserted into one file with a number of other blocks. When I check the properties of the non-dynamic block, the "match orientation" is set to YES. I cannot, however, change the "match to orientation" setting to YES on the dynamic block. Is this simply because it is a dynamic block or am I missing something? I don't create a lot of dynamic blocks and therefore I am not a wizard at it so I am assuming I am doing something wrong.
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Apr 17, 2013
Is it possible to have a dynamic block with text which, when inserted into a drawing, will show the text orientation matched to the layout? I have a non-dynamic block which is simply a do-nut and a piece of text. When I insert it into a drawing, the text orientation will change to suit the orientation of the layout.
I created another block with the same entities but I also added a couple of lines extending out from the center of the do-nut. I added stretch and rotation actions in order to rotate and stretch the lines. I also gave the block visibility states so that either one or two lines would appear (the block is a utility pole,by the way, with the lines representing guy wires). When I insert the dynamic block into a drawing, I cannot get the text to match the orientation of the viewport. I've tried changing different combinations of settings but the text won't appear horizontal.
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Jul 11, 2011
I am working on creating a dynamic block library and am having several problems with text within my blocks. For example... I am working on a North Arrow block and would like the text to rotate with my block, but I want the text to remain right-side up. When I rotate the arrow past 180 degrees the text is upsidedown.
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Apr 21, 2011
I have a dynamic block (attached) for our single line schematics. It works great, but there's a piece missing. The text in the file (In / Out) I would like to have insert with the block, but it needs to be editable, so it can't really be PART of the block... if that makes sense.
If at all possible, I'd like to have the text array down when you stretch the block...
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Aug 6, 2013
I want to make a dynamic block of just text. I want to be able to insert a block with a drop down pick list of preset texts and select the text I want it to display.
The attached file containing the various options of text I want to be able to pick from the list. I want to maintain the insertion point common to each text variation shown with a crosshair and the justification of the text as right and the height as 10. I would like to know how to add/remove variations to the block too.
I am not familiar at all with the controls in the block editor.
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Mar 20, 2008
When I put a flip option on a text in Dynamic Blocks, during the flipping the text is mirrored. is there any way to preventing this?
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Aug 30, 2011
I have attached a basic PTZ block and what I want it to do is when I rotate the block past a certain point +/-90 degrees the text rotate within the rectangle so it's never upside down.
Can I get any direction on what route I need to take to get this done?
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Jun 3, 2012
I want to change the text "A" in my dynamic block to "B,C,D,E,..." When i click on a blue arrow. and the text "16 A" to "20 A , 25 A, ..." When i click on another blue arrow. Text Dynamic Block.jpg
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Jan 17, 2012
I have a dynamic block with attributed text that I want to remain horizontal right reading even when the block is rotated. I have set up the parameters and the actions how I was taught and even revisited one of AU's downloadable lessons to try to get it correct. my settings are the same as in the lesson. I have the rotate parameter / action set to only the geometry and did not select the attributed text. I also have the attribute locked. Nothing I do gets the text to rotate with the block and stay horizontal and right reading. It will either rotate the text along with the block or just leave the text stationary. I have tried adding a point parameter to the text but that doesn't seem to work either. I am using Base ACAD 2010 I have also attached the block for troubleshooting.
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Mar 13, 2013
I have encountered a problem with some of my 'Dynamic Blocks', which seem to have become corrupted & have incorporated differing attributes. The text has moved out of the field it was originally intended to be in & I can not get it to return to its correct location, using 'Block Editor'. After testing one particular block, I have discovered it has picked-up contrasting attributes:
(i) If one 'double-clicks' on the dynamic block the 'Attributes dialog box' offers one set of 'Text Options.' However,
(ii) If the Block Attribute Manager command 'Battman' is used for the same block, different 'Text Options' are shown?
These are un-editable, without losing all of the data in the drawing. Moreover, I cannot get into the depths of the drawing to synchronize it without losing all of the data? Plus, it will not allow me to redefine the block, via the design center, Blocks (Right-Hand Click & redefine). Plus, I cannot drop a fully functioning block in from another drawing & redefine?
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Mar 4, 2011
I've created a dynamic block that simply flips a connector input from a connector output. Like This:
Attachment 26540
But if you put more than three numbers after the L- prefix, the alignment gets screwed up. Is there a way to change text alignment in a dynamic block? Or, conversely, what do the Align and Fit justifications do? Could I make those work for this purpose?
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Sep 12, 2012
I am using AutoCAD 2011, there are new options of "no columns" "dynamic columns" and "static columns" for multiple text. I am used to "No columns" but it seems to be set to "Dynamic columns" by default, wonder if there is any setting to change default to "No columns". Or any Lisp can be used.
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Oct 19, 2013
How can one add numbers in text strings that are in seperate blocks or dynamic blocks with pull down menus? I can get a sum of numbers in a text string to add up, but once it is in a block or dynamic block with pull down menus they don't all add up.
How can one bcount dynamic blocks with pull downs?
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May 4, 2011
So I just recently upgraded from LT2005 to LT2009 and am having trouble creating a Dynamic Block.
I am trying to create a 6-sided polygon with a text attribute of either 1 or 2 digit numbers to be used as a hex note. The problem I am having is getting the text to be centered within the polygon and the correct text height.
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Nov 27, 2012
Attached is a dynamic block of a smoke/c.o. detector. I have a few of these on a floor plan and at times the entire floor plan needs to be mirrored. I would like the text itself to mirror as well so I don't have to select each dynamic block and mirror it again to read correctly.
I have mirrtext set to 0. I have read that creating attributes will solve this problem however I have created attributes in the dynamic block and I still cannot get it to read correctly when mirrored.
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