Is there a way to put constraints on text and a rectangle? I'm trying to make a block so if i change the text the rectangle around it grows automatically. I know it's simple enough to just manually extend it but one of my engineers asked me to try and create this for him and i can figure it out.
When i click rectangle i need a text( vertex order ) but some distance form rectangle. Text must be inside the rectangle. but i don't want exact corner co-ordinates.
I made a red rectangle and then positioned white text over it. I'd like to repeat that a dozen or so times in the image, just changing the text.
I assume I need to 'group' the text and rectangle so that I can move them together (I don't want to have to repeat the tricky positioning every time). And then just edit the text - but so far it's eluded me!
I'm using PSP8 but hopefully the approach is similar in later versions.
Even better, any script I could download that would make this sort of 'boxed label' simpler?
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I'm on the right layer, selected some text with the rectangle, clicked the move tool & tried to drag the selection (have the little hand showing so I'm in the right corner) but the box just expands the contents. (I tried both move tools, although I've no idea what the difference between them is.
I have used the move tool a little in the past, and it worked.
I need to create a text with a rectangle background and a coloured border around this rectangle. Here is what I do:
- I create a text - I select the text and add a fill and a stroke that I then transform into a rectangle - I now have my "label" as I want it to be but now I need to rotate it.
Problem is I can rotate the text but fill and stroke don't follow, they remain horizontal and just adapt so that it still fits the text. As a result I have a rotated font with a big rectangle box. Can I rotate fill+stroke with the text?
I just noticed a new nifty function in CorelDRAW: When you try to add text to an existing Rectangle object, the new Paragraph Text automatically becomes a child of that Rectangle object. Cool!
However, I've now decided to remove that Paragraph Text object and replace it with an Excel object for the better table functions it provides.
Now here comes the problem: How can I separate the Paragraph Text from the Rectangle object again?
I have added a couple of other objects to my page so far, and I don't want to undo all of this or re-reate a new Rectangle object.
Here's a screenshot demonstrating the situation:
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
I am brand new to web design and I have Web Designer 6.0. I've looked at video instructions and can not figure this out. I am trying to group a simple rectangle filled with color to some text that will make the rectangle in the background, the text in front, and be one object. It says choose both objects and then group them, but I can choose the rectangle or the text, but not both. I know this is a simple thing to do, but I'm brand new and can't figure it out.
How can I convert the shape of textbox to rectanglebox and fill any desired color into it? Can any API do so?
Here are steps that I follow in illustrator to convert the shape.
1. Create a textframe. 2. Select, choose "effect->convert to shape" menu-item. 3. Create a new fill from Appearence palette(Window->Appearance). 4. Fill the desired color from color palette(Window->Color).
I have 4 layers (background, layer1, layer2, layer3-text). They fill all 300 x 600 pixels that comprise the .psd/future image. What I want to do is use a rounded rectangle to encompass all of the other layers, so that the surrounding pixels (around the rounded rectangle) are transparent.
I want all of my current layers to be the content of a rounded rectangle.
I am trying to make a peice of text glow by going to Filters>Alpha to Logo>Neon, but after I do that The rest of it goes away (including the black backround) and on the right, the layers are no longer the normal rectangle, they are very short and long rectangles.
I want to achieve exactly the same thing as shown in this video
I did as instructed and confirmed that I want to transform it to a mesh. But as I proceed and push the Smooth Object button, I receive the following message:
‘A smooth mesh cannot be created from at least one of the selected objects.
Smooth meshes can be created only from 3D solids, 3D surfaces, 3D faces, polygon meshes, polyface meshes, regions, and closed polylines.’
how to draw a rectangle around the an object such as a spline or is there a way to find the edge of an object on the top bottom and sides, i know snapping to the object works but on complex objects you have to zoom in alot to find the farthest edge on an object, is there a command to find this
LSP routine or some easy way to take any given rectangle and divide it into "x" number of rectangles?
I can run a Macro to accomplish this, but ONLY if the rectangle is of the same dimensions as set up in the Macro.
What I am looking for is a LSP or something else that can take a rectangle of any dimension, "array" it into 64 rectangles, all having same dimensions, and said 64 rectangles making up the original, larger rectangle. The end product will resemble a grid of sorts, but I need each interior rectangle to be a closed polyline, rather than just splitting the large rectangle with gridlines.
I can do this manually using the array command for each one, but there are several hundred that need broken up, and no time to do it in.
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro K3000M Dual Monitor 32.0 GB RAM Intel Core i7-3820QM @ 2.70 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2
I have to draw a rectangle using ObjectARX but the problem is that i cannot find a method for the task, I found all kind of other methods like Line, Circle, ..... I managed to do it like that:
Point3d pointA = new Point3d(20,20,0); Point3d pointB = new Point3d(40,20,0); Point3d pointC = new Point3d(20,10,0); Point3d pointD = new Point3d(40,10,0); Line line1 = new Line(pointA, pointB); Line line2 = new Line(pointA, pointC); Line line3 = new Line(pointB, pointD); Line line4 = new Line(pointC, pointD);
But I thnk there must be a way to do it more easily.
I want to fit a sketch that is to be laser cutted. i wanna fit 30 pcs on a rectangle, is there a tool who figures out the most optimal way to fit them in a rectangle?
Using autocad 2008. I cant draw a rectangle using 2 points. I don't need a specific size just want to put a box around text. I used to pick a point and then pick point 2 to draw rectangle. On this computer when I use rectangle it ask for length and then width. Is there a system variable that won't let me put in p1 and drag to p2 to make a rectangle?
Here goes= If i have a rectangle that is 27.125 X 27.5 and i want to chamfer a corner, but i also have a set distance(or the hypotenuse) Which is 22. How can i get it to put that angle in there with out trial & error of drawing a 22" long line on a 45 degree angle and moving it till it fits properly, then trimming off the corners... I have tried all the different commands in chamfer, the best i can do is guess at the distance,which is a crap shoot to me.
I am trying to revolve a rectangle around its height in order to get a 3d object but I get a message : "The object should be on one side of the axis." .
What I am trying to do is drawing a rectangle. But apparently autoCAD is acting up and wouldn't let me draw it. After clicking the rectangle button located at the top, I tried to draw a rectangle in the sketch area and this is what I got.
Just downloaded autoCAD2012 and am going through some of the new features.
I drew an arc polyline and then drew a rectangle, I then moved the rectangle to sit on the line. Once I move it here it seems to stick to the arc line, so if i move the rectangle, where the line is hitting the shape drags along with it.
I would prefer it not to stick for the time being.
I am using Autocad 2007 and when I want to select something by outlining it, the area that I outline turns a green color. Is there a way to toggle this feature off so that it does not change color, as in v 2000? Incidentally, what is this feature called?