I'm using the ribbon in 2012. I've got a drawing index sheet I want to update, and what I need to do to get to the Edit Data Link command is switch to the Classic interface and select the table in order to display the Table toolbar with Edit Data Link button.
I cannot find this anywhere on the ribbon, and the same button icon as Edit Data Link on the Table toolbar runs Data Link Manager from the Annotate tab, Tables panel on the ribbon, which is not what I want.
Where is this on the ribbon? And how come identical tool buttons run different commands in different workspaces?
I am new to the ribbon and am having trouble putting more than one button on the same ribbon. I have two addins that both have buttons that need to go on the drawing>Place View tab but I can only see one button. If I put them on different tabs they both appear, what is my problem?
I have created a ribbon bar in autocad 2012 using API and c#. On ribbon button i am executing a Command method which display a wizard for copying some files.
Now i want to run a macro before executing the ribbon button command method. Which display a message box with yes and no . if user click yes command method will executes itself and display wizard for copy files.
If user click no command method will not execute and return. This will allow user to use macro for customizing the file copy process.
How to create a ribbon with a button. I am creating an add-in for Inventor. I am trying to put this code in the Activate Sub but it's not adding the ribbon once I open a drawing. Just trying to use this example to get me started.
public void AddParallelEnvironment(){ Application oApp = ThisApplication; // Get the Environments collection Environments oEnvironments = oApp.UserInterfaceManager.Environments; // Create a new environment Inventor.Environment oNewEnv = oEnvironments.Add("Some Analysis", "SomeAnalysis", null, null, null); // Get the ribbon associated with the assembly environment [Code] ..........
I'm using a disto laser with my tablet running "AutoCad Architecture". The laser can be set to fire using a combination of Alt, Shift or Control keys plus a number or letter. I arbitrarily set it up as "Alt 1". My old tablet had a mechanical button that I easily assigned this function. For my new setup, I need this button on the ribbon but I can't figure out what Macro text format is the same as pressing "Alt 1".
I am using Civil 3D 2014. When click any of the buttons in the Trimble Link Ribbon, I get the following message:
TRMBIMPORTDATA Unknown command "TRMBIMPORTDATA (Or whatever command that had been issued)". Press F1 for help.
Another user in our office has everything in the Trimble Link work fine. We have tried upping my status to administrator for my computer, and that didn't work. When I installed CIvil 3D, I checked every button to be installed in the infrastructure design suite package....
I am new to creating ribbons.Is there any way to put two vertical ribbon button just in the middle of the panel? Is it possible to align Ribbon Buttons? Or changing properties of ribbon buttons like font size?
This is part of my code that creating two vertical buttons in a panel,but unfortunately they aren't align.
Dim ribbonbutton5 As New RibbonButton() ribbonbutton5.Text = "Detail" ribbonbutton5.ShowText = True ribbonbutton5.ShowImage = True ribbonbutton5.LargeImage = getBitmap(My.Resources.Rib_32) ribbonbutton5.Image = getBitmap(My.Resources.Rib_16)
I want a to create a tool button on the annotate tab of the ribbon. The button will toggle between having the 'display line weights' box (on the drawing tab of the application options dialog box) ticked or not ticked.
I have the settings set to display true line weights. (so i can visualize how the actual print will look, but need it off to be able to draft properly).
How to add buttons and create my own ribbon in AutoCAD, but now I would like to be able to have buttons for two different schedules that I have created. While I can have a button start the schedule command it won't automatically pick the schedule that I want it to create.
I'm trying to find a way to add a custom button to my ribbon that will launch a global rule or form using VB. I know of a way using VBA but I want to get away from VBA. I'd much rather create an add with VB and use that.
I know I can make a button on the ribbon for running a specific macro. But, is this possible for iLogic rules? I would love to be able to run rules and launch forms from the ribbon!?
Well, i made some buttons for a forum, but how do I attach a link to it to make it go to where I need? For example, if I make a button that says Forum, and make it go to to the forum part of the website?
Maybe I am going blind, but I can't find the Behance share button or link (from File menu) in my Photoshop CC.
i can use it in Illustrator CC, which I download, installed and updated at the same time as my Photoshop CC. I have checked the CC updater and it tells me my software is up to date.
Did I accidently turn it off (is that even possible)? Is the button in the same place as in Illustrator (on the bottom left of the screen)?
I am updating my CUI ribbon for some of my customized buttons. I have changed some of the bitmap images that I have saved in my network folder for the network AutoCAD customization. However, I cannot get the Ribbon to update to show the new button images.
I have opened the CUI, browsed down to the partial CUI for our corporate configuration, then to the "Ribbon", then to the "Tabs", then to the individual section of the tab and clicked on it. Then I click on the specific button in the "Panel Preview" pane to get the properties for that button to show. Then at the bottom of the "Properties" panel, I click on the "Small Image" line to see the three dots that allow you to browse to where the .bmp is stored. I have not renamed the bitmaps, but just modified their color and the way they look. So I have to change the .bmp file to a different location in the small image properties, then change it back to the correct image name. It will update the appearance in the "Panel Preview", but will not update the actual ribbon. I click on "Apply" and "OK", and it still doesn't update the actual ribbon. I have tried closing and restarting AutoCAD after that. As a last resort, I rebooted to see if that would complete the change, but in vain.
I made sure that the network location for the bitmap files is listed in my Options > Support File Search Path (very near the top of the support file list), but that still isn't solving the problem.
How to get AutoCAD to completely forget the old image that is showing on the ribbon and repopulate it with the updated bitmap image?
I have a .psd file that was created by someone else for my friends web page. The psd file is the background, logo, and navigational bar for her home page. Each button is a "slice" I think because there are lines around each button on the left side navigational bar (not a true navigational bar just created by buttons) and around the head and body etc. (The lines are blue if that tells you anything - each section is numbered with a little tiny icon that looks a little like the back of an envelope.)
My question - we wanted to change the word on one of the buttons - I did that saved the psd file - no problem. Then I cropped out the button that we had changed. When I saved it to the web (as a jpg) the button looks like a button (a box around it - not a line a raised area that looks like a button.) The other buttons do NOT look like a button (even though the layers are named buttons.)
How can I change it so it looks flat (not button like) like all of the rest of the items on the navigational bar.
We have a couple parts that are linked to a jpg file, through Inventor studio. They were set as a reflection image, from what I can tell. However they are now perminantly linked to the part and anything we copy from it. I eliminated the reflection from Inventor studio, but Vault still thinks the link is there. If we delete the jpg files it causes unresolved references and as we all know Inventor will then refuse to work until they are resolved.
Any way to get rid of this link? We can make a new jpg, and resolve it, but not delete it.
I am trying to customize Autocad 2012 ribbon tab. I can't seem to find how to mimic the small arrow that appears in several of the standard menus. For example, in the 3D Solids - Home Tab, the second panel from the left is "3D Solids Home - Mesh" It has a small arrow in the corner that opens up a preferences dialogue box.
How can I add that arrow to a custom panel with that little arrow so that I can add my command to it?
I saw some source that hinted you could use panel1Panel.AddSlideout() but in the search I do not see any Ribbon API that allows for any slideout functionality?Do you *have* to use the CUI API for this?
if open autocad program first, every thing is fine , ribboon is working good. but if derictly open a .dwg file when autocad is not running, the ribbon panel is gone, i tried every method i can find -- reinstall, repair install, type "ribbon" command, reset cui, swich to other worksapce then swich back--- but the ribbon just don't come back.
Say we needed a similar assembly under the same file with a few modifications, like a guardrail for instance. All I have ever had to do was copy the folder with the assembly and parts in it and rename the folder and assembly to change the link to another folder. Opening the assembly quickly prompts me for a part or two in the new folder then I am good to go. A coworker of mine who runs the same computer and version of Inventor never gets that request. When the assembly is opened in the new folder it automatically links it back to the previous file regardless of changing the folder etc.
Inventor 2011 OS Windows 7 8GB Inventor 2011 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93GHz 8GB RAM Windows 7 Pro
I saw this feature in a drawing but can not figure out how:
Within a text box is linked to the file name, if I close and rename, when I open the file name is his name changed into the drawing with DWG extension including. How do I do this?
I'm messing around with tables and data links, practicing. I copied a range of cells in Excel, and did paste special to create a linked table.
Now I can delete the table object, but I cannot delete the link, cannot detach it.
When in Data Manager if I right click on the data link and click delete I get the error message "The data link is being used and cannot be deleted".
I have tried detaching, and the detach does not seem to take.
Now also, the table will not update from the source xls.
Win XP, AcadLT 2011, Office 2010. Using compatible setting for saving spreadsheet, for Office 2007 (not xlsx).
If I create a linked table by starting with the Table icon, choose "from a data link", choose the excel spreadsheet, etc., then I am able to later update the table from the spreadsheet, detach, delete the link, etc. But I can only delete the link if the table is not selected when I open the Data Link Manager.
But the one that was created following the directions from the Autocad video, with the copy, paste special, that link will not detach nor delete.
If I place a link to a dwg as a hyperlink in an Excel file, AutoCAD freezes. It opens the drawing, then AutoCAD is completely locked. I have to close it through task manager.
This has been tested wih multiple drawings and excel file and it happens in all of them. I'm using Excel 2010 and AutoCAD 2010.
I am looking into using the Survey Database for the first time and noticed it linked back to the imported file from which the points came. However, my question is when the points are adjusted within the AutoCAD file is there a way for this adjustment to link back into the imported point file. I am trying not to have a situation where the data is different between the imported file and the autocad file.
I think this should be an easy thing to do, but I am having problems figuring it out. I need to repath the location of a point file being used in a surface. My surface will not rebuild because it can't find the point file originally used. Drawing was used on a different computer system, so the point file directory is now pointed to the wrong path.