AutoCAD .NET :: How To Unload Application DLL File

Aug 7, 2013

I have made the .NET application with class library which provide us Application DLL file which will used to do our customization.

Once I have loaded my DLL and after that if I make change any thing in the Code and than I rebuilt it, I am getting the following error message:

Error    15    Unable to copy file "objReleaseSemiAuto.dll" to "binReleaseTest.dll".

The process cannot access the file 'binReleaseTest.dll' because it is being used by another process.   

Error    14    Could not copy "objReleaseTest.dll" to "binReleaseTest.dll". Exceeded retry count of 10. Failed.    SemiAuto

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3ds Max :: How Load/ Unload MAT File

Feb 28, 2011

I have loaded a material library file to material editor. Now every time open a file and I open the material editor I found those material libraries loaded, I don't want those files now, how do I can unload them?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Unload The DLL

Jan 2, 2012

How to Unload the DLL from Autocad...

the reason is after loading the dll files..

Autocad was creating fatal error..

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Unload DLL

May 23, 2012

How to unload a .net dll? It's to trouble for me to debug a little programm of

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AutoCAD Inventor :: What Could Be Causing All Add-ins To Spontaneously Unload Themselves

Oct 18, 2011

what could be causing all of my add-ins to spontaneously unload themselves?  For the second time in a week, I opened Inventor to have all of my add ins unloaded, and the "Load at Startup" and "Loaded/Unloaded" checkboxes are unchecked.  I am not doing this and I am the only user on this machine.  System stats and version below.


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AutoCad :: Load And Unload ARX Applications Dynamically

Jul 12, 2013

I have few .arx applications for AutoCAD. In these applications few are menu based and others are command line. Now what I am trying to do is,Load the .arx app, run it and then unload it once the .arx application runs through a LISP command. .arx applications run once the user clicks on the tabs that are provided. .arx applications are written in VC++. Now I have a lisp file, which gets loaded once the user starts AutoCAD. In the lisp files I have declared these functions for various .arx applications;

(defun c:XYZ_program() (command) (command) (arxload "C:/ABC/XYZ.arx") (command "XYZ_program") (arxunload "XYZ.arx") )

It works fine for Programs which need input data from Menu based forms, but says error unloading xyz.arx for programs which need command line input. I was wondering if there were any commands in LISP that will make sure arxunload "XYZ.arx" will execute only once (command "XYZ_program") is executed.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Read File Properties (IPT / IDW / DWG) Of Web Application

Apr 3, 2013

I am developing a web app ASP.NET MVC 3, which will read the properties files of Inventor (dwg, idw, ipt, iam). Read the properties of these files is by using objects Apprentice Server, which provides Autodesk Inventor View 2012. Connection objects is done through the library RxApprentice.tlb.

Code is shown below:

public ActionResult Index ()


While debugging applications on Web-server - IIS Express 7.5 development environment Visual Studio 2010 application runs without errors.
After publishing a Web application on IIS 7.0 the following error: "Unspecified error (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004005 (E_FAIL))».

A tried: change User Account Control Settings, and set permissions to configuration DCOM objects in Component Services  - no results.

Is it possible to read the file properties Inventor of Web applications, and how to do it?

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AutoCad :: Save DWG As DXF File For Uploading To PocketGIS Application

Feb 15, 2012

I have an architects drawing that was sent to me as a DWG and I am trying to save it as a R12 DXF for uploading to a pocketGIS application on a PDA.

When I try to save the file I get an pop up message that reads "This drawing contains custom objects that are not supported in previous versions. These objects cannot be saved to a previous version etc. etc." When I close this message the drawing saves anyway. However when I try to open it as a DXF in Autocad 2010 I get the following error message "Unloadable shape/text file

Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded." and needless to say I am unable to load it on the PDA.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Application Options - File Path Reversion

Jan 30, 2012

After setting the Application Options-File tab paths to our company standard and manually restarting IV the paths all revert to "%PUBLIC DOCUMENTS % default paths. Our IT guy is having the hardest time tracking down the root cause, Both users are on stand alone licenses.

1. Where does IV pick up these default file paths? Can I modify that .xml manually as a workaround?

2. How to identify the folders to look for that don't have adequate red-write permissions?

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AutoCad :: Upload Drawing File To Space Management Application

Nov 17, 2011

GOAL - Upload drawing file to space management application.

Client providS me with a furniture plan and then a base plan to xreference it in.

I am getting a message box that reads: "Unreconciled New Layers"


Client creates a layer state in the furniture plan to show only what the client needs to see once the drawing is in the space management application.



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Revit :: Manage Links - Can't Unload Or Remove Linked DWG

Feb 11, 2010

I linked in a cad.dwg survey into my Revit model and I don't like the result. I'm trying to unload or remove the linked file now and I get an error message, "A serious error has occurred. It is strongly recommended that you use Save As to save your work in a new file before continuing."

Saving to a new file does not change this problem. I've tried cleaning up the survey file, moving the file to another location, changing from relative to absolute path. Revit shouldn't even be finding this file any more. Isn't linking similar to x-refing in AutoCAD?

How to get this dwg out of my Revit file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Open Excel File (start Application And Show Worksheet From ILogic)

Nov 11, 2013

I'm trying to start Excel and show the results of some BOM items I have written to a file like item number, part number and description.The task is to find components in an assembly that have a part number longer then 39 characters, due to ERP limitations.

What I´m doing is cycling through all BOM (structured) items on first level and check if the part number is longer then 39 characters.

I write these item number, part number, description to an Excel file (temp.xlsx), so the user sees which Components he has to check for the Part Number (make it shorter). I figured it would be best to do that with an excel file, so the user can save the results to a new file or just check it.

Values will be erased from the temporary excel file afterwards.Here I can't figure out how to start the excel application and open the file in an actual application window if possible.

how to list the results with plain iLogic that would do it too or some other solution to list a snapshot from the BOM.I guess there is no way to add your custom BOMViews ?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Load Statement In Profile To Automatically Load / Unload Cuix?

Jun 4, 2013

Is it possible to use a load statement in a profile to automatically load/unload a cuix?

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Photoshop :: Corrupted CC Application When Desktop CC Shows Application As Up-to-date

Nov 24, 2013

How do I re-install a corrupted Photoshop CC app when the Desk Top CC shows the app as "up to date"?

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Photoshop Elements :: Some Of Application Components Are Missing From Application Directory

Sep 3, 2012

I bought Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 but get the following alert: "Some of the application components are missing from the Application directory, Please reinstall the application." Can it be reinstalled? It is not available under "History" and none of the available installs appear to be for Mac OS X (Version 10.7.4). S

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Photoshop Elements :: Some Of Application Components Are Missing From Application Director

Mar 19, 2014

I have PSE9 and a macbook pro 10.9.  I lost the original DVD that came with my purchase of PSE.  Some files must have gotten corrupted because I can't open the program without reintalling.  It says, "Some of the application components are missing from the application directory.  Please reinstall the application."  I have the serial number and all and I registered the product.  Is there somewhere I can download a new copy to install? 

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Photoshop Elements :: Application Components Are Missing From Application Directory

Nov 5, 2012

at photoshop cs6 extended downloaded in july, i now get the following message: "some of the application components are missing from the application directory. please reinstall the application."

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InDesign :: Locate An Application File?

Mar 5, 2014

Im trying to download the blurb plug in and at the set up stage it asks me to locate the Application File for my Adobe InDesign CS5 in my files but i cant locate it how i can locate it?

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Illustrator :: Can’t Save The Illustration - File Is In Use By Another Application?

Oct 26, 2012

Just upgraded to CS6 and get this error frequently. This is a major problem for me because linked files and document management are essential to my business.

Running on Windows 7
Can’t save the illustration. The file may be read only, or the file is in use by another application, or you do not have the required permissions. Please save the document with a different name, or in a different folder or directory. -54
How to correct this

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Photoshop :: CS5.1 On 15" Macbook Pro (File Opening / Application Frame)

Jan 24, 2012

I installed a clean, fresh version on my Mac. (No previous versions were ever installed). When I open Photoshop for the first time, everything runs fine: I can open files and edit as usual. As soon as I close it and re-open many things happen:

a) I can go to open a file, but with Window>Application Frame unchecked, I cannot see the open file.
b) All other palletes go awry. I cannot change the open palletes and or edit anything.
c) If I check Window>Application Frame, everything is back to normal. No problems here.

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VideoStudio :: Master File Application Uses To Reference Video Locations

Dec 13, 2013

I have Corel VideoStudio X6 and am experiencing a relink problem. I moved all my media (pics and vid) from c:HomeMediaFiles to d:MediaFiles. I open VS and relink to the new location.

I noticed it didn't relink properly, I have videos with the same name in different directories. In the end it linked to the incorrect video.So, here's my question:

Is there a master file the VideoStudio application uses to reference video locations? I would assume it’s the library and I was hoping I could possibly open the file (with notepad or something) 'find and replace' c:HomeMediaFiles to d:MediaFiles and avoid the relinking through the interface.

I reloaded my library so I still have everything with the old references after I tried to relink through the UI. Good thing I backup regularly.

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Lightroom :: Editing Photo In External Application - Only Original Raw File Seen

Nov 27, 2011

After editing a photo in an external application, only the original raw file can be seen. The edited photo is hidden, even when searched for by name.
I have been reduced to the following workaround, which has the drawback of deleting all the original raw (.cr2) edits: Edit the photo; edit in external application; save and close. Back in lightroom, delete the raw file (from lightroom only); then close lightroom, reopen it and then at last I can see my edited file. Then I have to re-import the raw file and of course the edits have disappeared. But at least the final result can be seen.
The photos are supposed to be in a stack, but there appears to be a bug in this function because you can only ever see the raw file.

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Photoshop :: Printing Problem -I Did Unload The Photoshop 6

May 1, 2004

Being new to this type of graphic program it made no sense to me have buy photoshop 6. The photoshop elements that came with my computer seems like the same program. I
can't do much with elements. The help pages in elements are confusing enough.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Debugging ARX Application

Jul 31, 2012

I’m unable to debug my arx. For context, I'm on Windows 7-32bit; Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and 2010 SP1 are both installed.

I modified the project file (.vcxproj) by adding

<PropertyGroup Label="Globals"> <TargetFrameworkVersion>v3.5</TargetFrameworkVersi​on> </PropertyGroup>  

inside the  <PropertyGroup Label="Globals"> node. I switched Platform Toolset from v100 to v90.

Then I launched AutoCAD 2012, loaded my arx solution in VS2010 and from the Tools menu, Attach to Process… I tried to select Attach to Managed v3.5 but it does not exist! All I see is Managed (v2.0, v1.1, v1.0) code or Managed (v4.0) code.

Am I the only one having this much fun with debugging? After sifting the internet I found no similar issues.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Determine 32 Or 64-bit Application?

Jan 7, 2013

I am using a dllimport from accore.dll, but the entry point for the method in the dll differs between 32-bit and 64-bit version of AutoCAD. How can I check whether the AutoCAD application is a 32- or 64-bit version, i.e. the dll is 32- or 64-bit?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Start WPF Application

Aug 18, 2011

I have .Net Framework 3.5 and AutoCAD2010. but my WPF applicatin do not start. I can do prog by .dll , but don't know how about WPF in AutoCAD.

What should I do ?

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AutoCAD VB :: Run VB6 Application With Different Version?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a Visual Basic 6.0 Project , to manage CAD Data I want to open a file in Autocad

1) in VB6 , I add Project / Reference / Autocad 2006 Type Library

2) I use following code (see below) , to select application , start Autocad if not already started , open File

3) I compile Mycode : MyCADProject.exe
=> start MyCADProject.exe , I select a DWG file and I can open the file in Autocad 2006 : OK

Problem , I have new PC one with Autocad 2010, one with Autocad 2009 (all other PC are with Autocad 2006) in My VB6 Project 1) I can not sellect both library "Autocad 2006 Type Library" and "Autocad 2007 Type Library" => I get a Windows error Message "Librairie déja utilisée" 2) If I select only one Library , this run well for one version of Autocad , but not fot the other version ! I want to manage only one version of MyCADProject.exe

Is is possible to run a VB6 project with different version of Autocad ?

Dim Acadapp As AcadApplication
On Error Resume Next
Set Acadapp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
Set Acadapp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")
End If
Acadapp.Documents.Open (Myfile)
Acadapp.Visible = True

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AutoCAD .NET :: 32 Bit Oracle Client In 64 Bit Application

Aug 29, 2011

Is this possible, create a .Net 3.5 Dll(A.dll), reference to Oracle 11g 32 bit client Oracle.DataAccess.dll. this dll will be used in another dll(B.dll), which load in AutoCAD 64 bit application. 32 bit version of AutoCAD is not allowed to install on Windows 7 64 bit.   Right now I set my B.dll as 'Any CPU', and A.dll as 'Any CPU' as well.   Do I have to use 64 bit oracle client in my A.dll?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Get All Running Application Instances

May 10, 2013

I need to get all Autocad applications objects, not only active one.

I'm writing a program which is checking if XREFS attached to current drawing are not opened in another Autocad instance.

Normaly I can get document collection as follow:
Dim docCol As DocumentCollection = Application.DocumentManager

Is there a way to get an Application object from another Autocad process (acad.exe)? 

I wonder if there is something like this:
Spoiler (Highlight to read)Spoiler (Highlight to read)Dim app As Application = GetApplicationFromProcess()

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AutoCAD .NET :: Application Domain And Managed ARX

Dec 20, 2009

Since acdbmng.dll and acmng.dll are not in the GAC, the fact that I can install my dll on any folder is because it will run on the same application domain as Autocad, where acdbmng.dll and acmng.dll are loaded at Autocad startup. Right?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Converting COM-based Application

Nov 5, 2012

I currently have a Windows app that uses COM to open/save/close and manipulate drawings in AutoCAD..Here's how I open a drawing
AutoCAD_CurrentDwg = AutoCAD_Instance.Documents.Open(strAutoCADFilePath)

I work with various blocks and their attributes like so
Dim AutoCAD_Block_Attributes As Object = AutoCAD_Block_Reference.GetAttributesFor Each Me.AutoCAD_Block_Attribute In AutoCAD_Block_AttributesDim strAutoCAD_Block_Attribute_TagString As String = AutoCAD_Block_Attribute.TagStringAutoCAD_Block_Attribute.TextString = strSomeDB_Value
As I mentioned, this runs external to AutoCAD but I was wondering if it would be beneficial to re-write the app to run within AutoCAD... also, I believe that COM is "obsolete"? I think that my app could be revised to run inside AutoCAD via NETLOAD, using ObjectARX? One concern I have is that my app right now works with many versions of AutoCAD, not need to re-issue because my DIM statements are generic...
Private AutoCAD_Instance As Object Private AutoCAD_CurrentDwg As ObjectPrivate AutoCAD_Document As Object

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