AutoCAD .NET :: Change Polyline3D

Jul 19, 2013

i have a program to change the polyline3d. Something like
using (tr) {
Polyline3d poly3d = (Polyline3d)tr.GetObject(oid, OpenMode.ForWrite); ObjectId[] verts = poly3d.Cast<ObjectId>().ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i <


After that, the polyline3d changes perfectly. On the screen i can see the change. But when i run the command 3dorbit, then i see the polyline3d before the change.

You can see it on the Pictures

When i save the drawing and open it again, everthing is all right. Where the error is?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Clone Polyline3D And Set All Vertices Z To 0.0

Jul 18, 2013

I want to clone a polyline3d and set all vertices Z to 0.0 and use that one in my program. I don't want to add it to the database, just use it in memory and then dispose it. I know how to access all vertices in a polyline3d that exists in the database using a transaction, but this will not work with my cloned polyline3d in memory.

Here's part of my
Dim acDoc As Document = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Dim idArray As ObjectId() = sSet.GetObjectIds() For Each id In idArray Dim entity As Entity =

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Iterate Through Polyline3D Vertices With For Loop

Feb 5, 2013

I know I can use the following...

...Polyline3d pl3d = acEnt as Polyline3d;foreach (ObjectId id in pl3d){ PolylineVertex3d plv3d = tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead) as PolylineVertex3d; Point3d p3d = plv3d.Position; ...}
But I need to work with "for" loop.It seems "pl3d[i]" does not work.Is there other ways to iterate through Polyline3d vertices?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Unhandled Access Violation Reading When Using InsertVertexAt Of Polyline3d

Apr 8, 2013

I am getting a wierd error.

I am getting "Unhandled Access Violation Reading" error when I use InsertVertexAt (of Polyline3d) and close AutoCAD.

This error happens when I CLOSE AutoCAD.

Here is my code snippet.
double param = pline3d.GetParameterAtPoint(points[0]); PolylineVertex3d prePv3d = null; foreach (PolylineVertex3d pv3d in pline3d) { double param2 = pline3d.GetParameterAtPoint(pv3d.Position); if (param2 > param) { if (prePv3d != null) { pline3d.InsertVertexAt(prePv3d, new PolylineVertex3d(points[0])); prePv3d.Dispose(); break; } } else { prePv3d = pv3d; } }

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Drawing Scale With ILogic Upon Parameter Change

Jul 8, 2013

I have a spreadsheet and iLogic driven mater assy to generate different iterations.

I would like to change the scale of a base view on a drawing based on a parameter in my assembly. The idea is to get iLogic to change the view using a simple If / Else statement.

This is what I tried:

If Parameter("0 Generic Assembly v2.2.iam.BP") < 1570 Then
ActiveSheet.View("VIEW1").Scale = 1/8
ActiveSheet.View("VIEW1").Scale = 1/10

So basically the value of "BP" parameter (excel parameter in my assy) would drive the scale of the views. But its not working. Is it actually a sensible method? Can I use in the drawing environment the excel parameters in my assembly?

This is the error message I get when the rule is run:

"Error in rule: View Scale, in document: 0 Generic Assembly v2.2.idw

Unspecified error (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004005 (E_FAIL))" 

Also using the same thinking I use iLogic to populate the drg number field on the drawing based on an excel parameter. The rule works but does not always updates the drawing no upon the parameter change or update/rebuild commands.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Block Attribute And Apply That Change To Multiples?

Aug 14, 2012

i have tons of column tags but wants to change the distance between column size and the circle and make the font smaller. I can do this individually but can't do one by one..... is there any way i can adjust all by one command or one magic touch?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Parts With Costs That Change With Dimension Change For BOM

Nov 16, 2011

How do I create an Inventor part with a cost that will update according to the part dimensions changing. For example, we design products using aluminum extrusions and our cost is determined by foot length. How can I create the extrusion part to have a per foot cost that will dynamically update when I change the parts length for an assembly? It seems to me to be a fundamental need for many industries.

I will happily take any links to information that will explain this process. I cannot find anything online that clearly explains the process of creating parts with costs and variables.

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AutoCad 2D :: When Change Scale On Object Property Mleader Arrow Head Didn't Change Size

Oct 17, 2013

Mleader arrow head didn't change size when change the scale on Object property?

The Arrow head size didn't change corresponding to the scale, i included the pic below, the top picture, the arrow head was set at .18" but was really small when i plot out, so i wanted to make it bigger, when i changed to .50" or .75" or even 1" the arrow head became even smaller than .18". Only when .18" than the arrow side is legible


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Color Change / Didn't Change Any Settings

Aug 22, 2012

I didn't notice when and why it happened, but now when i draw white line, it appears brown. I didnt change any settings, just did my usual work, when it appears. Other colors are normal. What could it be?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole Tolerance Does Not Change When Change It

Mar 1, 2013

Trying to get the tolerance on a hole to be what I want.  I changed the tolerance on the hole, but my idw did not change.  When I went back and looked at the tolerance on the hole, it was back to the original value.  No matter what I do, it will not change to what I want it to be in the part.  Here is a short video.

The dimension I am changing is .9688 and it keeps jumping back to .9686 when I go back into the hole tolerance.

Tried other values too and they would not take either...

Entered Value     Inventor Value

.9688                      .9686

.9690                      .9686

.9693                      .9696

.9695                      .9696

Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram
Intel i7-930 @ 3.60ghz
nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42)
INV Pro R2013, SP1.1 (update1)
Vault Basic 2013

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Lightroom :: Tethering Import (Auto) Forces Change To DNG - Can't Find Setting To Change

Mar 12, 2013

I am trying to set up auto importing by tethered shooting with a Canon 1Ds (but don't think brand and camera matter.)
I never use DNG, and am not aware of, and after a lot of searching, cannot find anywhere in the LR4.3 preferences at which I specified DNG conversion. In the Auto0Import dialog there is a File-handling tab that offers one choice: how to spell the dng suffix. The files I want to import will come in as CR2., and testing this with other folder destinations and with Canon's EOS Utility prove that the camera is "sending" CR2 files.

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Photoshop :: Quick Brush Size / Hardness Change - Anyway To Change Shortcut?

Apr 27, 2012

The feature where you can quickly change a brush size/ diameter by pressing Alt + hold right click (for Windows) (In Mac, control + alt + left click) is neat but is there any way to change that shortcut to a different combination? I can't find it in the shortcuts list.

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AutoCad :: Change Origin X / Y But Doesn't Change Origin Of Hatch

Jan 20, 2014

As in the title, expected result in attached drawing. I'm trying to change Origin X /Y, but that doesn't change the origin of the hatch. It there a setting that controls it?

P.S. Is that drawing supposed to be 0.8Mb??

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Illustrator :: Change JPG File To Vector And Change Black Linework To Red Using CS5?

Jun 28, 2012

Below is a .jpg copy of the Vitruvian Man that I bought on I would like to get rid of the gold background and keep the black line work. I would like what was the gold background to be transparent. I would like to convert this .jpg to a vector file using Adobe Illustrator CS5. To do this I assume I somehow use the Live Trace feature but I'm not exactly sure how.
I would then like to be able to select the black linework and change it to red. Does this mean I need to somehow convert the drawing into a collection of indivdual paths and anchor points? When I've used Live Trace before, I had the tolerance set to about 45 and Simple Trace. This indeed got rid of the gold background but gave me no individual paths or points I could select and change the color of. The only thing I could select was the image as a whole, not individual points or paths. It was the entire image within a box. This occurred whether I used the black arrow tool (Selection tool ) or the white arrow tool (Direct selection tool). If no, then how could I change the black linework to red?

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Photoshop Elements :: Can't Change Paper Type / When Try In Change Settings

Jan 6, 2013

When I try to print a photo and use "Change Settings" to change from "plain paper" to glossy photo paper nothing happens.

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Illustrator :: Can't Change Brush Diameter To Change With Pressure

Oct 30, 2011

So, I haven't been using Illustrator (CS5) for a two weeks and I always create calligraphy brushes on the go, so I don't save them. However, out of the blue, I can't change the brush diameter to change with pressure nor the other options because they're greyed out.
Im using a Genius G-Pen M712X and mac osx 10.6.8..

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Photoshop :: Select Some Words / Change Color And Other Words Elsewhere Change Too?

May 1, 2013

I'm having in CS6..I have a text block with a couple of styles in it (headings have one look, body copy has another). Here and there, some words are on bold. When I select some bold words and change the color of them, some other bold words in some other paragraph also change color. Not all bold words... just some. The behavior is unpredictable, so the exact words that get changed will vary, but once it starts to happen it won't stop. When I try to manually fix the other words (hopefully I noticed them before my client!) and change them back to black, sometimes that change reverses the color on the original words too. Sometimes not; it's like the effect is sometimes two-way and sometimes one-way. It becomes a real logic puzzle sometimes, a maddening game where every change affects something else and you can't find the combination of actions that will do the simple thing you want.
I haven't noticed it happening with non-bold text, but that could just be coincidence.
When this happens, the only fix seems to be to rebuild the text from scratch in a new text box. (Copying it all and re-pasting it does not seem to work—unless possibly I paste into a different document entirely.)

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AutoCAD :: Change DWG Scale With VBA

Oct 26, 2000

I got the VBA code to access the dwg scale. I would now like to know how to change the dwg scale with VBA. How do I do that?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Change Layer To Be On Or Off

Mar 8, 2012

I hope that i can implement the function not using dll file in autocad. just carry out it  in  out of autocad  .

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimensions Did Not Change?

Apr 18, 2013

I was given a drawing and asked to scale it down. Once I did everything scaled as it should except for the dimensions. The dimensions did not change. What gives?

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AutoCad 3D :: How To Change 2D Blocks To 3D

Jan 6, 2012

just wanna do you change 2d blocks to 3d blocks..

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AutoCad :: Change Scale From 1:1 To 1:100

Dec 1, 2012

I've completed my drawing in modelspace, scale 1:1. I'm about to set up for plotting in 1:00 scale. I go to layout, pan the image, set scale to 1:100 and lock the viewport. Everything is peachy so far. I also need to have some dims on my drawing, so I go back to paperspace, change the scale from 1:1 to 1:100 and all hell breaks loose and my drawing is left as a mess.

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AutoCad 3D :: Sun Color Won't Change

Mar 25, 2010

I was practicing rendering with the materials from tool palettes today, my problem is i cant change the sun's color. It seems to be locked in 0,0,0 color. What tweaking should i do?

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AutoCad 2D :: Change Dimension Value?

Jan 11, 2012

I mean to change the value with text or other value but not real

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AutoCad :: How To Change The Paper

Feb 6, 2012

This is an aweful a dull gray. How do I change the "paper" I am drawing on?

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AutoCad :: How To Change Units

Jun 11, 2011

is there a way to change units, lets say i am making a wall with a unit of meters and suddenly i want to make a sofa with a unit of inches or a bed with a unit of feet.. is there a way to do this?

even if i change the units of the FORMAT tab, it stays the same...

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AutoCad 2D :: Change Units From Mm To M

Sep 27, 2012

In my autocad i draw in mm, how can i draw in m?

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AutoCad :: Bulk Change Of CTB?

May 29, 2012

I have several thousand drawings that have been provided from various sources. It has become obvious that there have been gaps in the QA process in the past and not all suppliers have used the supplied ctb files. This is causing an issue when creating some PDFs (automatically through a document management system) as, unless we go into every drawing and manually update the ctb file, the colours are not what we are needing. We have also found that some of the CTB files defined in drawings have either not been provided to us, or have been deleted over the years so we do not know what has been used.

Is there any way to: programmatically change the ctb on all drawings? list the ctb files in use so we can report on it and see how big an issue it is? force the drawing to use the supplied ctb file regardless of the one that has been defined within the drawing? I've not been involved with drawings for long and am more a "process" type of person.

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AutoCad :: Change Ortho On / Off Key From F8 To Other Key?

Feb 4, 2013

how to change ortho on /off key from F8 to other key i want to set it by digit " 5 "

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AutoCAD LT :: Change Frame Around Multileader?

Jun 27, 2007

In the samples of the multileader in the help box, the frames around the text are circular. When I insert a multileader, it has a square frame and I cannot find where to change that.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change 3D Drawing To 2D

Oct 24, 2013

We would like to change a 3D drawing into a 2D drawing, so that the z co-ordinates list as elevation 0.000

As a 3D drawing, we cannot snap to the line intersections.

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