AutoCAD .NET :: Autocomplete List Disappears In Dropdown
Nov 28, 2012
I have created a Textbox with autocomplete (suggest) in my UserControl that is put in an Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows.PaletteSet. When I move my mouse over the dropdown list with the suggestions from autocomplete the list disappears. This makes it impossible to select a value from the list with the mouse. If I move the mouse cursor anywhere else in the usercontrol except over the dropdown list it stays open. How can this be fixed???
PS! I have added an event handler on textbox.focuslost and it is activated when I move the mouse over the dropdown list, so the textbox loses focus when this happens.
When entering a command with autocomplete on and the List option on, the list dropdown only displays two or three of the possible choices, because the list box opens below the command line, which is at the bottom of the screen. Unless I minimize acad and adjust the window to only fill part of the screen, I can't see the list. This is a shame, because it is a cool feature. Having a dialog box display off the screen? how to get this to either display on the screen? Here is a screen shot of how it looks at window max and window minimumized.
Background: We use the same block (symbol) to represent several different part numbers, but would like to select from a drop down list the actual part number. For example, a beacon symbol is the same no matter what color the beacon, but i would like to be able to select a grip and choose red, green, blue, yellow, ect. I don't want it to do anything to the block, but rather just store the property that is set by the user.
Any examples on how to list all the layers of a current drawing and populate a ComboBox on a form with that list. It seems pretty simple, i'm just gonig through the .NET Developer guide now but was hoping there was a quicker solution.
Is there a way I can write some code, so that in idw, I can choose from two different text for "Description" in BOM table? My work place requires to show material information when it's a fabrication drawing, to show part description in assembly drawing in "Description" column.
At the moment, we just override material information (for example, 40x40x3 RHS) to part description (RHS Spreader). It's not very safe to do that. Most of the times, we just forget to change it.
Autodesk Inventor 2013 SP1.1 64-Bit Vista Business 64-Bit E8400, 8GB, ATI FireGL V5600
Just downloaded Photoshop CC with Photoshop CS6 still installed on my computer. Why working in Bridge I noticed that when right clicking on an image and then the "Open With" link, the only thing showing up is Photoshop CC. It would be nice if CS6 was an option as well. Is there any way to set it so that both are available?
Also, how do I install my Neat Image plug-in in Photoshop CC?
Since installing CS4, there is a new item in the dropdown list when I right-click on my desktop
The new item is "Adobe Drive CS4". It has two items showing under it. They are "Connect to", and "New Project". The "New Project" is greyed out, even when Photoshop CS4 is running.
In the properties drop down list for wall type selection, most of the different wall type are not showing. Also my elevation carmera is not showing when i click on a new drawing. In a previous drawing all walls selection type is there and the elevation camera. Only when i start a new drawing when wall type and elevation camera is missing. I check the interface to make sure the boxes are check.
Is there a way in .net to add the layer description field (viewable in the Layer Properties Manager menu) to the layer dropdown list? Our designers want to see this information without opening the Layer Properties menu.
I have CS installed on my laptop. running WinXPPro, and unfortunately a few weeks ago CS started to behave badly. The program appears to load fine but 1 or 2 seconds after finally loading the program disappears from both the Application list and the window. The Task manager continues to show the Photoshop.exe process but its doing nothing. I have deleted preferences, I have re-installed, I have removed FlashPlayer (a CS3 problem sounded similar) all to no avail. Oddly enough ImageReady CS performs fine - it just doesn't give me the features I need access to do my work.
I just upgraded from XP to Win7 64-bit. I’m using Corel Photo-Paint 12, but I had the same issue with the trial version of X5 that I downloaded a few days back.
Basically autocomplete works with my other programs but it won't work in Corel. Below is a pic of what it's doing (top) and what it should do (bottom).
I have some blocks (different exit signs) in a drawing. I want to make a table or excel sheet that sums up the number of equal blocks in the drawing. How can i make this?
A sample code for creating a dropdown menu for a AutoCAD ribbon toolbar? I can attach buttons and so on to the toolbar, but I cannot make a drop down menu.
I am currently working on making a template for the whole company that would allow all the divisions to use dropdown text in the title block to pick the division, and then the drafter and the person it was checked by. How to get a dropdown text into mtext. Currently I have it so that one office, the one I am in, can scroll through the divisions and the people who work here, using a combination of macros and fields.
i have autocad lt and I am unable to print. When I try to print my printer doesn't appear in the drop down box where the available printers are listed. the printer isn't hidden I already went to that box and it wasn't checked.
We just updated to 2013 this morning, and my macro isn't in the drop down (All Application Projects and Active Documents) menu like they were in 2012.
I haven't been able to find it when searching either. I created a test macro, and it showed up: C:Userscad1AppDataLocalTempUserProject1.ivb
But still is not in the dropdown in the macro menu. I'm using the same project that I had in 2012.Did installing 2013 remove/write over my maco? I imported my preferences this morning, they seem to be fine.
My layer Control dropdown isn't working. It's showing only the current layer. If I select an object on another layer, it'll display that layer and the current layer only in the dropdown.I've tried using the PICKFIRST setting, but this makes no difference.
I used to have an add-on called Xtabs that would make my drop-down menus (layers, linetypes, etc.) go all the way to the bottom of the screen. In 2013, I changed to interface to classic, so that it looks more like it used to, but the add-on does not appear to be available anymore. Is there a built-in way now to do this?
I'm new to AutoCad Map 2011. If I recall correctly from the last time I used a map product (3D 2006) there were map tools available from the drop down menu. I have set my workspace to map classic but cannot locate any map tools. I've tried entering the command "CUI" but cannot locate any map tools there either. I was most interested in coordinate systems, I read about the coordinate tracker in 2011 but I cannot locate that either.
I've got a Dell Vostro running windows 7. (new system) I've installed Civil 3D 2013. if I use a command that opens a dialog box with drop down boxes when opening the drop down box it will not populate until I move the cursor into the drop down area. Also radio boxes and check boxes do not show changes in selection until I move the location of the dialog box on screen causing it to refresh. I've contacted Autodesk, Dell, and NDIVIA (video card) no one seems to have any Ideas. It works fine in diagnostic mode.
ACAD 2007. I recently had to reload the stock ACAD 2007 interface.... I would like to customize my right click menu (when selecting any drawing space object) to display only clipboard and properties..... right now, when I right click it displays EVERYTHING!
I have been having problems using my layer toolbar dropdown menu. My drop down bar will show the current layer or the current layer and the layer of a selected object. I need to open the Layer Properties Manager in order to turn on/off or freeze/thaw other layers. It seems to happen the most when I have external references loaded into the drawing.
Also, the Layer Properties Manager has a few quirks. If I create a new layer, it will not record changes to the layer color, linetype, etc on the first try. I can make these changes, but when I close the Layer Properties box, all of the changes are lost. I need to reopen the Layer Properties Manager and make the changes again.
The Layer Properties Manager also seems to have a glitch where it will deselect from the manager back to the drawing without a mouse click. Also, when I click once on an external reference layer to select, it tells me I cannot modify this layer. I would assume this would pop up if it were a double click action for modification, but it does this after a single click.
It seems that there are some major glitches with the Layer Properties Manager.
I just upgraded to 2013 and have noticed that when using the dropdown layer control in the classic layer toolbar the mouse cursor changes from an arrow to the blue spinning circle to indicate its busy.
Why? and is there any way to fix this. You can still turn layers on and off and it reacts normally otherwise but it does make it harder to select the little lightbulb and freeze icons on the left.
I use a plug-in that prompt me for a keyword. In the 2012 version of AutoCAD I could press key down to get a drop down list on the mouse pointer with all the keywords, see attached image. In the 2014 version I don't get this choice, I only get the possibility to choose keyword from the command line at the bottom. Is the functionality with key down gone in the never versions or can I set a variable so it shows?
Would like to know if it is possible to access properties of Hole features through iLogic and create my own selection dropdown for holes on a form, similar to the dropdown I was able to create by accessing materials iProperties?
Or, even better, is there a way to cause the hole feature dialogue to run during the execution of the rule for a specific hole feature? See attached for more explanation.
I have made a 2012 LT custom ribbon and a custom panel. I have transferred buttons from my autocad 2006 to my 2012 LT. They work just fine. The probem is that in 2006 I had drop down buttons to save toolbar space. I want to be able to add the drop down button feature to my new panel. I do not see how to create that type of button, so I can add the regular buttons to it and have one drop down button with those commands in it.
Why does the layer control toolbar always state the Xref layers by default. Is there a workaround, or a setting so the layers of the current drawing are displayed by default?