How to input mdb files thru ogr provider but can't seem to find it anywhere. I had my computer setup to do this but now it doesn't work and have to redo this again. Is the ogr provider the best way to input mdb files (ESRI) personal geodatabase file. Have 2011 civil 3d running windows xp.
My need is to create up to 50 points from the same origin in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system but I’d also like to have a labels for each point that show up in the feature tree.
Are there Inventor 2013 plugin (i.e., add-on, 3rd party, AP) to convert a list 3D Cartesian coordinate system locations (i.e., points) to Inventor to work points(x, y, z)?
I found that I cannot create 3D points in the assembly. Is this correct? I did find that an Inventor part may be used to create a 3D sketch that creates points in 3D space. In the past few days, I found two ways to create 3D points within a iPRT; the batch way uses an Excel file but it then does not allow me to name the points in the feature tree. The second way is to create them one at a time but that take way too much time.
I saw another thread on this, but it went unanswered, so I am going to ask it with some better information.I installed inventor pro 2012, and it was working fine for a few days, but it now is missing the input boxes for the Precise Input window. URL....
I am UNABLE to follow a tutorial on how to make a repeatable pattern using 'texture transfer' on some fire I want to make into a pattern!!! every time I select the area I want to use and the 'input map' and paste as new image and I tell Resynthesizer to use that image it ALWAYS errors out as "The Input Map Should Be The Same Size As The Input Texture Image" according to the tutorial another person gave me on this forum he said NOTHING about being the same size!!! in fact, his selection was SMALLER than the actual image that he was using Resynthesizer on!!!
No matter whether Dynamic Input is on or off, input needs to be @X,Y in order to draw with relative coordinates.
Many students have installed recently AutoCAD LT 2012 Educational version and this problem appears only with one of them. Dyn Input Settings seems to be equal on all computers.
I am writing a API in .NET. I can send commands to the AutoCAd command line using the sendCommand feature but can i access the result returned too? I am not able to find the right class/function the redirect the command result back to my API
I used to be able to open up 'Windows Explorer'-style boxes to select files and type in file names to save. Now, I must have toggled some option to only do this through the keyboard and mouse.
I'm writing because I need to disable the dynamic input in AutoCAD.
It's irritating to me, because I'm more used to a much older version of AutoCAD.
Upon searching through the internet I found a thread here that says that I have to set DYNMODE to "0" to turn off the dynamic input. Alas, I have no clue as to at which subfolder of the registry this variable should be.
A while ago my dynamic input method went from aligned to some sort of midpoint angled method. Not even really sure. What this is / how to change the input method?
I'm using AutoCAD 2012LT and have somehow lost the text command input box, that shows what commands I am typing in, at the bottom of the screen.
I am using the program in Classic View rather than Ribbon view. I've been unable to log into the subscription help center due to the organisation I work for not being on subscription.
I need to change the radial acceleration value in Civil3d when designing for super elevated bends to shorten the transition of a track. I can calculate the transition manually but is there a way i can input this data in the design criteria while carrying out the alignment geometry design in Civil 3d.
The program crashes when I try to enter numbers.For example when I want to move a line 12" and select move then go to type in 12 the AutoCAD program disappears. I am using Windows 7.
I develop addins for Inventor primarily, so the AutoCAD api is very new to me. I'm working in AutoCAD 2010 and visual studio 2012.
I've looked at many posts for getting block attributes, but they either seem to assume I already have the Blockreference, or they give a prompt to the user. I'm hoping to avoid both of those.
I know the info I need is inside of a blockTable by the name of "DET".
Database acCurDb = openDoc.Database;using (Transaction acTrans = CurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { //How can I access the blockreference in here which corresponds to the blockTable "DET"? }
When I create a line using dynamic input, I key in the length, TAB, and the angle. Is there a toggle setting somewhere that will allow me to enter angles greater than 180°? Drawing Units are set to Base angle north (270°) angles in D-M-S measured clockwise, yet dynamic input angles are measured from east (0°) both clockwise and counterclockwise. I.E. an input of 90° gives me either north or south, depending on where the cursor is located.
Ideally, I would like to be able to enter either 225° or -135° and have the line head off to the southwest. So far, I'm stymied and have to resort to command line entry. How to make dynamic input do what I want it to?
I've been working on a project for a bit and so far everything had been working correctly. But recently I must have mistakenly changed a setting I don't know about because now I am experiencing an issue.
When I am trying to enter a unit at the pointer, for example, the length of a line I am creating, if I use a space, AutoCAD seems to be treating it as ENTER and thus I can not specify my unit correctly.
In other words, if I want my line to be 3'-9 5/8" in length, I can type in 3'-9, but as soon as I hit the space bar in order to type in the 5/8" AutoCAD automatically finishes my line at a length of 3'-9".
What or where is the setting to change the dimension value input to automatic rather than accepting the default every time I put a dimension in? I don't want to be prompted for input.
I can't seem to turn on the dynamic input. I followed the advice to go through Tools-Application Options - Sketch Tab, but then it references a 'Settings' box that doesn't seem to exist (see the attached screen shot). Is there some other option that needs to be turned on?
How do I get the last input to come up when pressing the up arrow key? Say I'm drawing a line & input @10,10. When I press the up arrow, the coordinates come up. How do I get @10,10 to come up? I've changed it before, but I can't remember how & I can't think of what to search for.
I have a Form with a UserControl that has a Textbox on it.I want to be able to enter negative numbers in the Textbox.However, it will only allow me to input the chars [0-9 and a period '.'
I have added KeyDown, KeyPress, PreviewKeyDown events for the form, UserControl and the Textbox.
None of these receive events for characters other than the chars above.
I am displaying the form with the Application.ShowModalDialog( myForm) call.
I am guessing that the Application object is eating the keypress event.
Any way to trap when the user hits the escape key without a user input function. The idea is to loop infinitely and perform some analysis until the user hits the escape key.
I suppose I could do the same thing with a form but I would not.
I am used to entering my fillet radius dimensions in the command line with [F]illet, [R]adius, then entering a value.
However with 2014 an extra prompt has been added (or enabled) which would mean the path was [F]illet, [D]imension, [Radius], value. I was getting frustrated with this and tried fiddling with the settings ([F]illet, [S]ettings) but could not sort it, and now when I do go to enter a dimension the only option I am left with is to "Select fillet arc", meaning I have lost the ability to enter a value in the command line.
How do I regain the ability to enter a numerical value for a radius?
I want to use the "Profile Sample" program supplied with C3D to create an alignment and profile. I am creating the stations and elevations in LISP and want to send them to the "Profile" program. I have seen in a C# program the use of an Array to send the data. I would like to do the same. eg.
Often we have to re-type the same number (value) in the command line. Not the point coordinate triplet, but a single number as input, for example in Move Copy command.
I always wonder if there is a trick in AutoCAD to recall the previously typed-in number quickly and easily (apart from Ctrl+C Ctrl+V method).
Microstation does it very conveniently by pressing up and down arrows in Accu-draw dialog, and even places a graphical mark on the screen when cusor moves over the previously entered value.
I cannot get Dynamic Input to work correctly on my AutoCAD 2013 installation. Polar Format is always the default no matter what the variable DYNPIFORMAT is set to. Neither using 0 or 1 as the setting will enable Cartesian Format to be the default for the second or next point. Changing the settings in the Pointer Input Settings dialogue box to Cartesian Format also has no effect. 2nd point always is entered as Polar Format. The over-ride for cartesian (,) does work though. I simply want the default to always be cartesian .