AutoCAD Map 3D :: Imagery Frames With Object Data Attached
May 10, 2013
I have a local drive that multiple people have access to and has hundreds of georeferenced images on it. I have an AutoCAD drawing with a shapefile of all the imagery frames with object data attached to the frames. There is way too many images to have them all in the drawing and causes the drawing to be slow and sometimes crash. What I want to do is be able to select the frame or frames of the images I want to import based on the object data frame name and import them. Where do I start?
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Jan 24, 2011
Question, Is it possible to update values stored in an xrecord. If not what is the best aproche my goal?
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Jul 8, 2012
Inserting a picture with exif gps data attached
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Mar 23, 2012
Is it possible to create user defined data fields that can be attached to a polygon. then be able to export the polygon and data fields to ArcMap
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Mar 19, 2014
How do I reduce my catalogue without losing the data attached to images?
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Jan 20, 2011
how to import point data that has Map Object Data also attached to it? "import it by attaching to a data source".
Example: I have a bunch of manholes. Each MH has X,Y,Z, but also Type, Invert Elevs., Pipe Sizes, Pipe Materials, Pipe Directions, Structure Type/Material, etc. etc. etc. I may have point data representing MH's, airport runway ends, trees, anything you can imagine, with all kinds of data imaginable.
I want to import this data directly into Autocad/Civil 3D as either Autocad points, lines, or closed polylines (I also have utility lines, parking lots, etc.- all with data associated with it), all with the data attached as object data. I know that anything more complex than points might be hard to explain here, so I am hoping at least for a solution on how to import points - I have 99,999 MH's and obviously I don't want to have to type all that data in one by one.
I basically suck at using sql server. I can get around using the Map workspace and the different tabs. I have never used FDO, and I am not even sure what it is.
I fooled it today by creating 99,999 Autocad points at the correct XYZ, attaching the correct object data to them, then exporting as a shp file. I went into the shp_name.dbf file and edited it to add the data I wanted by cutting & pasting from Excel. then I re-imported the shp file. but, this is a workaround at best.
Surely Map can import objects and their associated data fields, all populated with valid data! all I need is to know how to do it. I mean, if this is not something I can do directly using Map commands should I take the money I earned by surveying 99,999 MH's with my GIS data collector that allows me to assign 101data fields to each object I survey, and buy something better?
C3D 2012 on 64bit Win 7 all up to date
Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M
LDT/C3D user since release 12
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Mar 28, 2013
I have a drawing with Objects that have both Object Data and Linked data in an Access database. I need to get information from the linked table to a new linked table for each object.
I have thought that if I get the necessary information from the Linked table record to the object data for each object, I could then convert the Object data to a new link and am looking for a way to copy the data from a field in the Linked Table to the object data. There is at least one field common to both the OD and Linked Table record.
Is there any automated way to transfer this data?
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Jun 25, 2013
In my company, they have just upgraded the old version of Autocad LT 2004 to the new 2013 and we have created menu to make our job easy. I have try to transfer the menu file .mnc to 2013 but it's not working or I don't do it the right way.
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Oct 15, 2010
I'm working in AutoCAD Map 3D 2008 and Autocad Civil 3D 2009.
The General Task:I want to convert the object data to attribute data so that I can export it to an Excel file, add another column of data, and then import that new data as attribute data.
The Specific Task:I have thousands of campus water meter locations (a block with a small icon, attribute data, and object data) that belong to two different systems, domestic water and lake water. Each of these blocks has object data item (a barcode tag) that I want to show as a label next to the block.
However, before I do that, I want to export that barcode data to an excel file so I add a column (eventually a new piece of attribute data) that says whether or not that specific water meter is radio read or manually read. I want to then import that radio read/manual read excel file back into autocad and have an X appear on the block icon if it is radio read. I also want the barcode information to show up as a label.
My problem:I can't get the barcode object data to export with the locations in one easy excel sheet that I can simply import after I have made my changes.
Find some person on here who knows how to convert object data to attribute data.
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Jul 29, 2012
I am modelling a Domestic Pump with tubes hanging out of them (I've made the model of the pump itself already), the tubes themselves is what I want to animate.
how to make the tubes using the Line Tool and increasing the thickness which would result a nice long tube However my problem is, is that how do I get to have the Line (or Spline?) directly attached to a certain point on my Domestic Pump model to make it look like it's part of it and moves along with it (and not having to keyframe it's movement precisely and all the time)? in addition, to animate it afterwards as well without it being detached from it.
If any of you are having difficulty imagining what I'm talking about, think of it as a Hoover (Vacuum Cleaner) with a Hose Pipe that needs to move freely through the use of a
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May 1, 2011
I would like to make an object appear (one animation) and then have it move around (another animation) but can't seem to find a way to apply more than one animation to a single object.
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Jul 25, 2011
With other GIS software, ESRI and Manifold, I can get images for an area using online sources.I understand someone wrote the tools to make that happen, but can this be done for Map too?
So I don;t want to download images first, then pull into acad, I want them to download straight from GE. URL....
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Jun 17, 2013
I am trying to rig a HumanIK character so that both of his hands will stay attached to an object (gun, sword, bat, golf club, etc.). I can get the object parented to one of the hands and it follows along as expected, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the other hand to automatically stay attached to the object or follow it.
I've tried parent, point, orientation, etc., constraints using locators, the IK effector itself (wrist) and a few other things. It seems the HumanIK programming keeps a firm hold on the effectors and won't let anything other than the software drive them.
My HumanIK rig is properly setup and its definition locked. Using Maya 2013.
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Oct 29, 2013
When i type in the Geomap command, i get the option for Aerial, Hybrid, Road, off. No matter which selection i make, the imagery will not load. I go to someone elses machine and open the same drawing, the imagery loads.Am i missing a setting somewhere?
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Nov 7, 2013
We have a map created for our city with all our utilites, zoning, etc. plotted out and we have some very old aerial imagery attached to it.
Just a few months ago, Pictometry flew some new hi-res imagery for me. I have individual ortho tiles and one large ortho-mosaic. When I try to install the imagery, it doesn't line up anywhere close to where it should be on the map. How can I go about getting my imagery and my map lined up?
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Apr 3, 2013
There is problem with my CorelDRAW X6.
After I import different files in my working file, it's getting hard to work- RAM(16GB) is getting completely full and its almost unworkable!
I checked out Object Manager and found stack with "SVG data" and "Locked SVG data" object there under some basic shapes.
Stack is about from 10000 to 100000... Some times even more, but its not possible to select all them because Corel just stops. What is that- "SVG data" and "Locked SVG data" object and why they are so many there?
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Aug 9, 2008
I am starting a class this semester which is essential photoshop basics, my instructor has given us some tutorials to "play" with and get comfortable and told us to us use "stock" images from the net.
My question is this , where can I get free stock images of female models posing in various styles (nothing of an offensive nature) ? I am going to attempt a very basic fantasy art work using "light and darkness" or "good and evil" that sort of thing as the theme.
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Oct 17, 2011
I have taken a short video of a man sitting at a table. There is no movement but the man is talking. A little bit of the microphone can be seen. I tried to take the video into Paintshop Pro X3 to remove this object with smart carver. Is there a way to edit this video so that unwanted objects can be removed from the frames. I have Paintshop Pro X3 on this computer, and PhotoImpact on another computer. Can either of these programs be used to remove objects from frames.?
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Feb 22, 2013
making a GIF with PP. I'm working on a really simple one, I have a background, and I have an object that I want to move into the frame, then back out of the frame. Then loop.
Do I really have to combine the moving object with the back ground EVERY single frame?
Is there a way to say take this object over this many frames and move it from here to there?
Is there a way to save the position of the object in each frame without combining it to the background each time? I'd like to set it, go to the next frame, move it, go to the next frame, move it, repeat.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
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Apr 8, 2014
I have an InDesign document, where I have defined some Object styles for my text frames - such as the size (width x hight) of the text frames, and this works fine.
I would like to do the same thing for my graphic frames, but I can't find this option. I figure it must be possible somehow?
An object style which makes the picture frame ex. 50 x 50 mm. with the picture centered in the frame.
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Nov 6, 2013
How can I place a Google imagery file in my model. Suppose I have a model in revit [2013] can I create something beneath the model and place Google imagery on it.
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Aug 28, 2002
I have object data attached to some linework and I want to copy that data to some new entities.Is it possible to copy object data from one entity to another with out having to fill in the table again.
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Jun 9, 2011
We need to take polylines from AutoCAD Map 3D to 3ds Max and rename each polyline to have a name of something like "Building Number-Room Number", both of which are defined in our properties for each polyline. Because none of this data is kept on import to Max, we need to do this all in Map 3D, which we are not experienced with. Is there a way to do this, and if so what? We are importing the .dwg files in Max with polylines as splines.
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Jan 27, 2013
How can I Get table name of the object data of a selected layer, with C#.
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Feb 1, 2011
I have an object with an Object Data Table attached filled in with information. Is it possible to copy the table and information from that object to another object? Tried the obvious, Match Properties, and it did nothing.
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May 28, 2013
how to extract geometrical data (lenght, width, height) from 3d object to a tab or an external file?
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May 27, 2011
is there any way to use data extraction and get the dimensions of the solid. Using dynamic blocks on 3d solid is not an option as far as i know. I tried using block with attributes and field which refer to a dimension line but it's too complicated and takes far more time than just check them by hand.
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Feb 28, 2011
i have imported a shp file into dwg with their attribute.
how i can display any fields(BLGDID) in autocad dwg. and can i edit this by simply double click editing. can it update in object data's same field.
i dont want to use ADEEDITDATA but task is same .
any simple way
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Jun 13, 2013
Is there a way to extract information (for an excel spreadsheet) for multiple 3D objects, without turning them into individual blocks?
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Jun 12, 2013
A large combined file in our GIS format corrupted. I dug out all the old files that were originally used to create it but they are too old and will not combine in the GIS.
I exported each one to SHP, and then imported all of them into civil 3d as shp files, creating object data. This meant that I could correct the corrupted sections, which I have done, but now I need to get it back into the GIS program with the object data intact.
The problem is that the object data, coming from several combined files, is in several tables. Each table contains the same identical fields. (eg every table has a field called drawing)
I need to combine those tables so that I can re-export the shape files. I need one table with all of the object data in it.
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Dec 14, 2001
I have a AutoCAD MAP drawing with the pipe size assigned as object data to various lines in the drawing.
Is it possible to display the pipe sizes as a text entity parallel to the line? How would I go about doing this. First prize would be if the value of the text changed whenever the object data is changed.
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