AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2012 Enterprise - File Database With SQLLite

Nov 17, 2011

I am using Autodesk 3D Map 2012 Enterprise. I used Infrastructure Administrator 2012 to create a File based schema with the required tables and domains. This has created a DWT file and my understanding is if i create a DWG file using this DWT as the template then i should be able to create the features with the attribute details stored in SQLLite. I am also not very clear whether this SQLLite would be embedded within the DWG.

I have an Utility network asset map of a city with OSMM background and Address Layer 2 in UK which i want to transfer to a DWG file created in this template. The source data is a ESRI filegeodatabase format with data held in 30+ featureclasses. I can convert the featureclasses into SHP files.

a)My problem is how can i import the contents of the shapefile into a DWG file created using the template defined using Infrastructure Administrator 2012 above and indicate that the attribute should go to SQLLite or is it something implicitly handled ?

b) It leaves me wondering as why Autodesk is not stressing on the adoption of SDF which is projected as a DWG with relational datatables? What is the intended use of SDF?

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3ds Max :: Backburner 2013 On Windows Server Enterprise 2012

Nov 21, 2012

we have a dilema regarding Backburner 2013:

I work at a studio and we want to buy new servers and we want to purchase Windows Server 2012 wich, from what we read is based on Windows 8 architecture. We read BackBurner 2013's specification and Windows 8 didn't appear as supported.

Our question is: If we buy Windows Server 2012 Enterprise for the render farm will it work with Backburner 2013 without any problem?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom Enterprise File Or Partially Loaded CUI Files In Main CUI

Feb 26, 2013

We have a Custom CUI Enterprise file that we load in the profile settings (AutoCAD 2008). I transferred it though the CUI Editor and saved it for AutoCAD 2012. When I load it into AutoCAD 2012, the pull down custom pull down menu does not show, with or without the menu bar turned on.  I have some partial CUI files that I did the same way. When I load them, and list them in the Main CUI file as such, they show up as expected. I even tried to list the Custom CUI Enterprise file in the same manor, but I get a "read only" type message and it still doesn't show the pull down.

I also thought about transferring it to another CUI file to partial load and not have a Custom CUI Enterprise file.

AutoCAD 2012 / Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2012 - Refresh Access Database ODBC Connection?

Feb 17, 2012

Here is the Scenario, Win 7, 64 bit, Office 2010, and yes I have installed 64 bit drivers, with Map 2012.

I have an Access Database with Water and Sewer information.  I connect thru FDO and every thing is great.  I make a change or add something to the Access Data Base and I don't see the change until I disconnect and then re-connect?  I was under the assumption that this was a live connection? Is there a way to refresh the connection without having to dis-connect and then re connect?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy Self Made Material Database From 2009 To 2012?

Oct 31, 2011

Ones every three years we have an upgrade of Inventor. In a few months we have an upgrade from Inventor Proffessionel 2009 to Inventor Prof. 2012. Since we often use special materials in our design process we also create/add the new material in the material database. So here's the question; is it possible to copy the material database (special mades) from Inv Pro 2009 to Inv Pro 2012? It would save us a lot of work!

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Texts Aren't Rotated After Map Export DWG To SQLLite

Jun 12, 2012

I wan't to export a DWG-file with texts to a sqllite database to be used i MapGuide. The export is successfull but I can't get the rotation of texts to work properly - all the texts are horizontally aligned and not rotated. For example, the ROTATION field of a text in the sqllite database has the value 4.8376865658545531 - in the DWG the rotation property is 192.0233g - but when using the ROTATION field as the value for Rotation in the style label it isn't being rotated.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Difference While Doing Customization With Database / Without Database Services

Aug 6, 2013

I am working on the AutoCAD customization and doing the same by VB.Net & C#.Net. But I just want to know the difference as mentioned below:

1. Insert Block In AutoCAD

Using VB.Net without using DataBase services..Only 1 statement is required to Insert the Block objAcadDocument.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(Required Arguments are here) Using C#.Net with DataBase services

There are many statments are there to insert only 1 block..Like Start Transaction, Lock the document, Get the Object Id Block etc...So my quetion is that when I have to use DataBase services and when not 

what is the advantage of doing customization using DataBase services rather than go for wihout DataBase services.?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Getting Database Object Of Drawing File?

Aug 8, 2012

How i can get Database object of Drawing file with out opening.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: LT - Path Does Not Pull In File From Database?

Feb 21, 2013

Using Inventor LT - path does not pull in the file from database when using Inventor LT. Inventor LT does launch but file does not open.  

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Unset Survey Database From A File

Oct 16, 2012

How do I "unset" a Survey Database from a file. I created a new file and set a working folder to import survey data. Now when I go to File>New to create an unrelated file, the Survey Database and related info is shown in the Toolspace>Survey tab. I don't want this in the file, how do I get rid of it without deleting any info for the previous drawing?

C3D 2012
C3D 2012 sp1
W7Pro 64bit
HP Z400 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU W3565@3.20GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Short Macro For Enterprise MNL

Aug 27, 2013

In a previous life, i used to have a short, one-line macro in my MNL file that would read the location of the currently active drawing, find the parent directory of that drawing (truncated to 3 levels) and open a Word document in that directory that is named after the project.

For example, if the active drawing path is

"Q:/Projects/12345 Cold Storage/Elevations/Phase 1/North Storage.dwg"

this macro would open the Word document named

"12345 Cold Storage.doc"

that was in the directory

"Q:/Projects/12345 Cold Storage"

If the file did not exist, it would be created named the same as the 3rd level directory. After i wrote this, it sure sounds like a lot, but as i remember, it was a short, one-liner.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Survey Database Link With Imported File?

Apr 13, 2012

I am looking into using the Survey Database for the first time and noticed it linked back to the imported file from which the points came.  However, my question is when the points are adjusted within the AutoCAD file is there a way for this adjustment to link back into the imported point file. I am trying not to have a situation where the data is different between the imported file and the autocad file.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Enterprise CUI Ribbon

Jan 7, 2011

I have created a seperate CUI for use as an enterprise menu. My issue is when I set my main CUI as ACAD.cuix and my new CUI as enterprise, the custom ribbons created in the enterprise file does not show in the panel.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Error / The Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Open The File

Aug 28, 2012

We are using AutoCAD Civil 3D Land Desktop Companion 2009 on all machines and one of our machines is getting the message "Error opening Point Database" and then gives the project file pathcogopoints.mdb.

It also gives the message "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file.  It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data."  It is not opened by another user and permissions have been given for all machines to access these files.

Background information:  We move older projects to an external hard drive for archiving and occasionally need to access them as the need arises.  We have done this successfully for some time without issue, but now one of our machines is giving the above error.  The other machine, which the external hard drive is connected, does not have this problem.  We tried moving one project file back to the original location and it seemed to work okay, but another file did not.  Some files were created using an older vrsion of AutoCAD, but that has not been a problem with opening them in the past.  All sharing permissions to the external hard drive have been checked and seem to be working properly.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Survey Database Settings Change On Import Of FBK File

Nov 20, 2013

Recently we have discovered a problem (bug?) with the survey database. We usually import our field data from our Trimble controllers into the survey database (SDB) through Trimble Link. We have been very careful to get all the survey database settings right, so that the data comes through correctly and have been successful up until the last few weeks. We find this a good workflow, where we are able to make edits to our field data (change target heights etc) easily in the SDB and comparisons with Trimble Business Center and direct output on-screen in the controller confirm that our data is reliable. We often have both GPS (long Network RTK vectors from the nearest network base station) and total station observations in the same file.

The issue is that, as the fbk file is imported, the survey database settings change to reflect the content of the fbk file. The "Atmospheric conditions" and "Curvature and Refraction" settings, which I have purposely left unticked (the controller applies these corrections), become ticked. This throws out our heights, especially on the long GPS lines.

We do have the option for a workaround, which involves going back into the Edit Survey Database Settings after import and updating the data in the sdb, but this is clumsy.

This seems to be similar to the issue that was discussed here.  However, we have only just encountered this issue in the past month or two, which coincides with when we rolled out C3D 2012 Service Pack 4 across the office. We are planning on implementing 2014 soon, so I have tried it out on 2014 as well, with the same result.

Is this something that others are dealing with too? Perhaps there's some sneaky setting somewhere that I haven't found which locks down the SDB settings preventing them from being changed on import? Otherwise, I think this is a bug.

I am also bracing myself for some comments regarding the dangers of using GPS in the SDB!

Civil 3D 2012 SP4

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2011 Will Not Load Enterprise Ribbon In Workspace

Aug 14, 2012

I have a cuix setup as an enterprise menu. The drop-down menu loads up fine in my workspace. However, when i go to customize the workspace, and add the ribbon portion of the cuix, it fails to load it. The same enterprise menu loads fine in AutoCAD 2011.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Using Live Maps Within Proxies Enterprise Environment

May 7, 2013

I have an issue trying to connect to Live Maps.  How to implement this through a proxied enterprise environemnt.  I've read the posts to use :

Authenticated Proxies:

To use the above mentioned AutoCAD Online components through proxy servers with Authentication enabled, you should enable http (port 80) and https (port 443) access to the following domains in the proxy without Proxy Authentication (i.e. Access for “All users” or Anonymous access through the proxy):


We don’t proxy ports 80 and 443 directly (we use 8989-9093 for proxy ports), so I don’t see any way of meeting these requirements at the present time, at least in the wired Enterprise network.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add-in Stops Getting Events In Windows 8 (Enterprise) When Running As Admin

Nov 27, 2013

My add-in is working fine in Windows 7 with or without Run As Admin.

I have created my add-in using VS 2010 SP1.0.

Now, if I try to launch Inventor(w/o Run As Admin i.e just double click) 2014 SP1.0, in Windows 8, my add-in works fine.

If I launch Inventor with Run As Admin, My add-in stops receiving call backs from Inventor.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Script File To Open Multiple DWG File Not Working In 2012

Dec 22, 2011

I am trying to make a script file to open a drawing and run a lisp routine. They both work independently just fine, the script file will open the all of the files fine... and the lisp is in the startup suite and works in all the files. But when I tell the script file to open the first drawing then run the lisp it hangs trying to open the next file after running the lisp. I have Filedia set to 0, but the message I get when it goes to open the next is "No canvas exists. click New Canvas." (And on top of that... Filedia even set back to 1 still does not display the Dialog box anymore, I have to shut down AutoCAD 2012 and start again then it works.) I Have tried several ways, Opening one at a time then run lisp, and open all files first and then try to run lisp (that closes the file after running) and try and run it again in the next... It will only run the lisp one time and then locks up from there.

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Photoshop :: How Can I Match A File To, Info In A Database

Oct 21, 2006

I'm renaming my image files from the original DSCF_1234 to say 11_1234 the 11 would be for player no 11 if i was covering a football match, what i want to know is, how i match the file to info in a database, & add that info to the image description.

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Photoshop :: Some Features Of 8.0 On Win 7 Enterprise Does Not Work?

Feb 28, 2013

Installed PS 8.0 on a Win 7 Enterprise machine.  Some features work and some do not.  How do I resolve?

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Photoshop Elements :: Fileserver Usage - Share Same Database File

Nov 30, 2012

Is it possible to have two machines, both running Photoshop Elements 11, share the same database file?The scenario I'm imagining is one where the images will be stored on a $fileserver and thereby accessible by either of my image-editing machines:
1. Dell Desktop PC (Win 7 Pro)
2. Apple MacBook Pro Laptop (OS X 10.7.5)
I want to be able to edit images from either machine, but I don't want to create two databases related to the images. I need both machines to use the same database of tags, etc. (Not simultaneously, obviously.)The file server will be one of the following (I haven't determined which one yet):
1. a second drive on the desktop PC
2. a third machine (FreeBSD, FreeNAS, Mac Mini, or a Linux box)
3. a NAS device (perhaps from Synology)
So, is this possible with Photoshop Elements? Does this bump me into some sort of server license scenario with Adobe? Is there a better way to do this at the home/consumer level, even if it means abandoning Elements for another product (or two products, working in conjunction) from Adobe? (I should mention that although it's a home scenario, we're talking about half a terabyte of images and growing.)

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Illustrator Scripting :: Get Names Of Placed Images Into Text File For Database?

Jan 7, 2011

I know nothing about scripting in Illustrator, but am willing and interested to give it a try if this sounds doable.  All we want are the names--just a simple list of the names, such as

7009 LL.eps
Rsb shadow design.psd
of placed images (in our Illustrator CS5 art) into text that we can either import (from a tab- or comma-delimited text file) or paste into our Filemaker database.
Right now everyone is RETYPING the names of all placed images into the database, with consequent mistakes, missed images, etc.  Then when we search our database to find which art uses a certain image...results are not to be trusted.
(If we could cut/paste from either the Links palette or Document Info, that'd be fine... but nope.  Not in Illustrator, although we were thrilled to see InDesign CS5 has "Copy Info For Selected Links", which is VERY useful.)  In Illustrator, we can export Document Info to a text file, but artists seem to find that long document too unwieldy, and they revert to typing the names, especially if they only have a couple of placed images... and then we're back to error-laden data no matter how careful they try to be.
Is such a script even possible?  If so, where/how might I start?  We're on iMacs with the Adobe CS5 suite (and Filemaker 11, if that matters).

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Illustrator :: No Printer Resolution Options For HP LaserJet Enterprise 600 M601

May 22, 2012

Running under Mac OS 10.6.8, we've run into a problem printing separations to our new hp LaserJet Enterprise 600 m601 printer from Illustrator CS4, CS5 and CS6.
In the printer dialog box, once under the "Output" section, with the mode set to either "Separations" or "In-RIP Separations", there are no options listed in the "Printer Resolution" drop-down.
I've tried re-installing the driver, changing the resolution settings in the printer itself, using a generic PS driver, and contacting hp directly (their solution was to contact Adobe). I have yet to contact Adobe itself, but none of my other attempts netted a different result.
In the document ink listing, the Frequency and Angle listings are still editable, but needs to be done manually for every colour, and the dot shape options are non-existant.
We had previously been using a hp LaserJet 2300n, but we were running into insufficient memory issues on an increasingly frequently basis. The driver for the 2300n had several different sets of Printer Resolution settings, so once the new printer was set up, I *assumed* that it would have the same kind of options.
I have discovered that if I change my PPD from the proper driver (HP LaserJet 600 M601 M602 M603) to the old one (Hp LaserJet 2300) I am then able to select the resolution I want from the drop-down list, switch the PPD back to the proper one for the M601, and it seems to work (leaving the 2300 as the PPD file results in a warning and a failed print attempt).
I also tried printing something from a non-Adobe program using the M601, and there were two options available for printer quality (resolution?) settings.

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AutoCad :: 2012 - How To Open BXF File

Sep 30, 2011

How can I open or export or inport BXF File in autocad 2012???

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - How To Open IDW File Only

Feb 28, 2013

Everytime I want to open idw file only in one folder, it comes with dwg and idwfiles. I have to identify the idw files from many dwg files, sometime I just opened dwg file due to the same name with the idw file. (For project purpose, I need to save idw and dwg file in the same folder).

I hope I can open idw files only as I choose to open iam and ipt only, and remove *.dwg from File of types (*.dwg; *.idw).

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 Drawing File Not Valid

Apr 9, 2012

I have a mixed environment where I have some users are opening .dwg files with DWG TrueView 2011 and others with AutoCad LT 2012. I am able to open the file immediately with DWG TrueView 2011, but with AutoCad LT 2012 they display an error message of "Drawing File Not Valid". In order to view the file I need to go into File>Open> Choose the file located on a mapped drive and select "Open Read-Only". Is there a way this can be changed where I can automatically open files as read only? I have changed the permissions to the share to allow full control to a particular user for testing purposes and it appears that the files are not in read only when examining the properties of it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving IPT As STL File In 2012

May 24, 2012

I am wanting to create a .ipt (part) file in Inventor 2012, save it as a .stl file, and open it up in Project Falcon to test it in the wind tunnel.How do you save an .ipt file as a .stl file in Inventor 2012?  I hav tried going to "Save as..." and changing the extention to .stl, but not luck there.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Adding Imagery To 2012 File

Nov 7, 2013

We have a map created for our city with all our utilites, zoning, etc. plotted out and we have some very old aerial imagery attached to it. 

Just a few months ago, Pictometry flew some new hi-res imagery for me.  I have individual ortho tiles and one large ortho-mosaic.  When I try to install the imagery, it doesn't line up anywhere close to where it should be on the map.  How can I go about getting my imagery and my map lined up?

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AutoCad :: Locking DWG File That Has Been Turned Into PDF On 2012 LT

Mar 3, 2012

1. How can I lock a file in dwg so that when it is saved, it is password protected?

2. If I want to SEND that file in PDF form to a customer, how can I password protect or lock it so the customer can not edit it?

AC LT 2012

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: File In Network Deployment For 2012

Jun 11, 2013

I'm having trouble installing a  Hotfix for C3D 2012. The error I'm getting is that it can't find the file Autodesk Support says this is because the path to my deployment is broken and I need to reinstall C3D. However it looks to me that the path is OK. I've checked the registry and did a Repair with no problem.

Civil 3D 2012 network deployment find that file there?

Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1
Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600

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