AutoCAD LT :: Get Pallets Set Up In 09 Into 2013?
Dec 10, 2012How can I get the pallets I set up in AC lt 09 into 2013?
View 1 RepliesHow can I get the pallets I set up in AC lt 09 into 2013?
View 1 Repliesi downloaded this version of cad and before i had only worked with the 2007 version at school and its very different. But what i need is a cool ribbon so i can work but for some bizarre reason all of my pallets in my ribbon is completely weird and funky and the cad came like this
I wanted to know about Blocks which are predefined in tool pallets.If I want to change height of door in section drawing (aluminium door) as 2.1 m how can I change it.
I used block editor but it changes by scale factor not exactly 2.1.How can I change it to 2.1 m?
Also I wanted to now how to make tiles in hatch for drawing in section as it is not predefined in hatch.How can I make it?
I am trying to change an objects (a line) color in either quick properties or full properties and the color field is grayed out so I can't change the color.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI created my own tools of own content on my own pallets and then found . you can drag a whole tab into the browser to quickly archive your tools. Having reinstalled I have 'dropped the collections back to ACA12 and all my tools restored.
However I can no longer edit or add to these tool pallets. I cannot edit any properties within tools either. There is no lock symbol on the pallet that I can see, only a refresh symbol.
The .atc file they reference (found from the Content Browser location they came from) is not set to read only. Permissions seem to be set to allow read, modify, write etc. I first used the 'My Tool Catalog' provided but also copied it all back to a new catalog but it's still locked.
We are working together whit another firm and we would like to share our tool pallets and lisp routines. The pallets and lisp files we would like to share are quite large so we would like to simply send them a USB stick whit all the files and a title "executable" program that automatically puts them on the right place and changes the appropriate information.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn CS4 the image covers pallets I wish to use. I need to either move the image or make it smaller to get to the pallets that are open. Is there any way to have the pallets on top of the image? I am thinking that this is a change from CS3, as I do not remember this annoying behavior.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've always layout my floor plans three dimensional with the tools pallets commands such as walls, rails, door, windows & ect. I always have my walls pre-hatched with the solid pattern which is really effective to the floor plan. Normally when I put windows in the wall the window is clearly shown without the hatch in the wall but for some reason my wall's hatch started covering the windows and I can't seem to solve this problem.
View 0 Replies View Relatedi like my layout to look like this.
in particular i'm referring to the pallets on the right hand side. but whenever i put them like that, and close psp next time i open it it looks like this
so every time i launch psp, literally every time i have to move the pallets around. then sometimes, if i drag in a large image it does this:
When I open a Threshold layer (or any other Adjustment layer), CS4 opens an Adjustment Layers pallet (or Tab Group or whatever it's called) and leaves it there, even if I delete the Threshold layer. To get rid of the Tab Group, I have to manually close it. That's annoying.
CS3 let me add a Threshold layer (or any other Adjustment layer) without opening the Adjustment Layers pallet.
Is there a place I can click in CS4 to tell it to not open the Adjustment Layers pallet whenever I add an Adjustment layer?
Ok i am not exactly new to Ai but i can only do certain things. So i took a cource and i am just having a helluva time finding a simple section on that tut.
Panels like color swatches and graphic styles have 3 appearances. 1 is fully open, 2 is colapsed with icons and then there is collapsed with label names.
How do i get the layer names collapse?
I just loaded CS6 and the tools pallets are all in black? Whats the deal?
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing LR5 on my MacBook Pro I have recently lost the "basic" and "colour" pallets from thr right hand side in the Develop Module. How can I get them back?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have lost the CMYK and RGB color pallets on Corel, we have tried re-installing, but still nothing!
We need these color palletes for printing purposes.
I have this heavy issue, i can't send to back a line, an object or a hatch under other lines. In 2012 i used this feature a lot but in 2013 it's not working very much, maybe 1 time out of 10 and i absolutely can't say why.
HPDRAWORDER = 1 seems to work with a new hatch.. but i can't redraw everything.
Let's say i put an entire floor plan into block then draw over it. (I don't want to start a Xref discussion please) i can't send the entire bloc to the back.I used to do that with 2012, 2008, 2007.. but it's 2013 it's not working, is there a way to correct that?
The Autocad 2013 x86 or x64 is not installed on Windows 8 Consumer Preview because programs can not read .NET Framework versions 2 and 4 which are integral parts of the OS.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have 2013 inventor/mechinical a cad did not have enought memory on c: drive added another hard drive E: need to move my files to the e drive. single seat all on this computer.
View 4 Replies View RelatedTrying to change the color of a layer in a viewport (different than the default layer color (i.e. model layer color)). Objects are set to bylayer. Changing the VP color in the layer dialog brings up the color dialog, select a different color, click OK and the VP Color DOESN"T change in the layer dialog. It stays at its previous color. Occurs on several machines.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI recently added 2 monitors to my set up to bring my total to 3. I am trying to figure out the best way to work on one drawing, with 2 differant veiws on each of the 2 main screens.
I would like my main screen to have the plan view and the second monitor to have an isometric veiw (or whatever I need at the time) of the same drawing. Is there a way to have the same drawing opened up in another window, in one session of Autocad 2013. One on the main screen and one on the secondary.
I have a Windows 7 machine running AutoCAD 2013. When trying to open any drawings from our AutoDesk Vault 2013 server, AutoCAD will hard lock/freeze and can only be closed by using Windows Task Manager. When accessing the same files through the Vault first, without opening AutoCAD, they open with no issues.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI’ve just worked on a series of clients drawing using AutoCad 2009. They are using AutoCad 2013. out of 20 or so drawings several drawings when opening with 2013 open up with Errors requesting recovery is required due to any number of errors ranging from 3 to 7 on average. The error message asks [yes] to recover and it aborts or [no] to continue and the drawing opens ok without further error. If I recover the drawings, and save-as 2013 or other, the same errors appear regardless. However if I open the same drawings using my version of 2009, I didn’t get any errors. The original drawings were compatible with 2009 without conversion.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been migrating dozens and dozens of .pat files from one version of AutoCAD to the next for many, many versions. Most recently in AutoCAD 2013 the .pat files were stored in the C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2013SupportPatterns - worked fine. During the migration to 2014 I received an install error report stating that this subdirectory did not exist and could not be created. Alternately it stated that the new default path C:UsersUsernameAppDataRoamiongAutodesk|AutoCAD 2014R19.1enuSupport will be used instead.
At first I created the Patterns subdirectory where it could not be done automatically. No luck. Then I placed the Patterns subdirectory in C:UsersUsernameAppDataRoamiongAutodesk|AutoCAD 2014R19.1enuSupportPatterns and no luck.
I have an assembly that was created on 64 bit version of Inventor 2013, the total file size of everything is around 150MB. Even if I use 'Pack and Go' to move the file to another computer running the 32 bit version I get an error when I try to open it which says something like:
'unable to allocate 3GB memory for FBAttributeSegment'
The actually figure is over 3GB but of course on a 32 bit version of windows it is physically impossible to allocate that amount of memory (even with the /3GB in boot.ini hack)
I've performed various dynamic simulations as well as animations within the assembly so I'm thinking that perhaps its trying to allocate that huge amount of memory for a saved state of one of those.
What FBAtributeSegment might be and whether there is any special way to save an assembly to avoid this problem? The name FBAttributeSegment doesn't correspond to any part or assembly names.
I should also add that I have no problem opening it in a 32 bit version of Fusion which again suggests to me that it is something like simulation or animation that is causing this
We recently updated all of our software at my company from 2010 architectural desktop to 2013 autocad. We do a lot of architectural work where we use the "wall" functions to draw our floorplans. I have noticed that the walls are disappearing on some files and not on others. Or we will only be able to see the outside line of the wall, but not the interior, which results in an undesirable appearance to the floorplans.
I have also run across these error messages when opening the files, I dont know if they are related or not:
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address E43AA180h"
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address D41218AEh"
why when i want to import file sketchup by type "IMPORTSKP" in commadline box, i can't import file sketchup into autocad because AutoCad Error Aborting and fatal error, and after that my autocad suddenly closed by it self, so i can't use my auto cad.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've made some customisation in the ribbon of a 2013LT version.
Now some customisation functions are only available on the Full, so I download and install it but I can't find a way to import all those custom settings grom LT to Full...
Seems it works only from LT to LT or Full to Full..
Just upgraded a user to Autodesk Building Design Suite Premium 2013 but AutoCad 2013 and AutoCad MEP 2013 are not saving settings.
On first use the crosshair is large and angled, not standard. If I run "Rest values to default" then the settings are standard until I either restart AutoCAD or open a drawing then have the same strange cross hair.
Have tried creating a new profile, setting it as default startup profile by altering the shortcut but no matter what settings are not saved and revert to strange cross hair once AutoCAD is re-opened or a drawing is opening.If logon to computer as a user without a roaming profile all works fine.
We have loaded copies of AutoCAD Architecture 2013 on several workstations. We had tried brining over older profiles (from 2008)- which did not work, so made up new ones. ANYTIME we go into the profile settings to load a different profile beyond the default, AutoCAD Architecture (US Imperial), eventually while working the program will crash. We've wiped out installations of the program, registry and all, and re-installed without brining over any prior data. Same issue.
Even when using a seperate "default" profile us as (Global) or (Metric)- same issues. The problem with staying/modifying the workspace for the US Imperial is it will not load the complete menus with the MENULOAD command (only loads EXPRESS). If we work within the (US Imperial), no crashing, but again, the menus are not available within that profile for some reason, so that is not an acceptable solution.
Happens every year. Upgrade and spend half a day or more trying to get everything back to the way I had it. All I have is a couple small toolbars for commands that are several clicks deep in the ribbons and I want them "right there" all the time.
I thought Autodesk 360 might be a good tool for this. All it did was DOWNLOAD some old settings and destroy one of the toolbars I'd created. They really need an override in there to specify upload, download, overwrite or don't.
I'm trying to migrate (I guess that's the technical term) my settings from 2013 Mechanical to 2014 Mechanical. It's probably too late already, after 360 did its deal, but I really want to get this down so we don't go through it every year anymore.
I maintain that PTC had this part of it down Pro/ENGINEER. You had a config file that was editable plain text.
Infrastructure DSP '14 / Product DSP '14 / Vault Professional 2014
Dell Precision T1650
Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit
Intel E3-1270 V2 3.5GHz / 32G RAM
Nvidia Quadro 2000, Driver 331.82
Space Navigator, Driver Version 6.17.7
As many of us seam to do the option to save by default to an older version of AutoCAD or universal DXF format is selected, my problem is however when you save an existing drawing a prompt appears asking if 'Drawing*.dxf last saved in AutoCAD 2004 format. Save in AutoCAD 2013 Drawing format?' this has annoyed me for years!
I have set it as default DXF 2014 for a good reason I don’t want a prompt asking me if I want to then save it as 2013 or I would have set it like that on my default setting, gets on your nerves when you are doing 100's of files.
Win7 64 Pro - Asus P8P67 PRO - i5-2500k CPU O/C@4.5Ghz- OCZ Vertex 2 SSD - 8GB Ram - GTX550 Ti - SpaceExplorer.
Autocad MEP 2013 was working fine until I installed SP1 yesterday.
Now when type in open the dialog comes up (not a filedia issue). When I click the "look in" pull-down in the open dialog it goes blank and I am unable to browse any folders. I've tried rebooting.. Should I reinstall?