AutoCAD LT :: PDF Prints In Grayscale

Jan 23, 2013

When I try to print a PDF I get a grayscale drawing; I've been trying to go to the plot styles table in the plot window, my plot style doesn't appear, only appear plot styles with stb extension not ctb as mine is (as in my regular drawings). I made this drawing using a new template, (one of ones that comes by default with the program) and then I imported my layers; maybe thats the problem, but, what can I do?

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GIMP :: Grayscale Image Displays In Gray - Prints In Color

Jan 11, 2014

I have an image that has elements pasted in from PNG files, and those elements have some shades of green. I want printed output in gray scale only, so I did Image -> Mode->Grayscale. The image on screen went gray as I wanted. When I print it, however, I get an image in which *some* of the colored parts still are colored!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: JPG Output Always In Grayscale

Feb 14, 2013

my result ploting always grayscale

pic no.1 ---> in cad model

pic no.2 ---> in plot preview

pic no.3 ---> print paper result 

this is always in cad 2011/2012

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AutoCAD LT :: Grayscale And Color Plotting

Feb 4, 2009

Here is my problem;

•Need to plot entire drawing in Greyscale, with that in mind I need to select X number of objects in the drawing to plot in Color. So in the end I will have a complete drawing in greyscale and a selection of objects in color so they stand out.
•Now, I know I can do this through the .ctb file but I have many colors / layers and many objects so this will take a long time to do.
•Is there an app or override option I can use to do this?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Grayscale Height Map

Jun 14, 2012

We are trying to find a way to produce a Greyscale BMP/PNG/ tiff file Height map, is this possible to do in C3D?  Like the one attached.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Letters Are Printed In Grayscale

Mar 21, 2012

I'm having a problem with printing. When i print a page all line and letters are printed in gray scale BUT the hatches will print out in color.  I was able to view the same drawing under a different login and found it was the drawing is in Gray Scale when printing (but not viewing). How do I change the settings on the drawing to print out full color

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AutoCAD LT :: Attached PDF Prints Faded

Mar 12, 2012

I have some building department forms in pdf format that I have inserted into paperspace in a layout. They appear fine in layout view and in print preview.

But when I print the layout to pdf, the attached pdfs all print faded. The pdf (as an underlay) is set to fade = 0, contrast = 100. No transparency setting I can find. The layer transparency is 0 and the plot style is at 100% screening.

If I set the layout to *NOT* print transparencies, then the pdfs print dark as they should. But I sometimes use transparency for shading or poche, and would like to be able to use that and also have an inserted pdf print properly.

Is there a way to set pdf underlays to print at full density? I seem to remember finding a global setting for this once, but can't find it now.

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AutoCad :: Site Layout Prints Without Changes

Jan 26, 2011

I have changed the model to show new areas and coloured them in. They show up on the Model, but not on the set up Site Layout that you print. I can highlight part for the drawing and it will print with the changes. However, if I require the whole drawing the Site Layout prints without the changes. What do I need to do?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Grayscale Printing As Zig-zag Lines

Apr 15, 2013

I have PDF files created in AutoCad Arch 2010. When I print them some of the grayscale comes out as random zig-zag line pattern. When I veiw the PDF it looks fine. Images that do this are usually backgrounds of logos or shaded driveways / sidewalks. Some sheets out of a given set will print fine while others do this zig-zag thing?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: 2012 Grayscale Off Not Working?

Jun 21, 2011

Just installed 2012 from 2000.  Plot style table (file copied from old installation) has all colors set to grayscale=off but is printing with grayscale. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Can't Publish Multiple Layouts In Grayscale / BW

Dec 9, 2013

I use 2012 at home and 2013 at office, I would like to PUBLISH more than one layout in grayscale, now I`m having it in color. 

how can I define the plot style/ page setup within the PUBLISH command?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2013 Crashing After Multiple Prints

Feb 18, 2013

When plotting from AutoCAD Map 3D 2013, after 7-8 plots, the programme crashes (with a warning to report the crash to Autodesk).  This happens whether we plot to pdf or to the printer (HP 5500dn).  This is happening to every user in my office.  We print across a University wide network for the printer (which I think is using the HP Universal Print Driver), but the pdf creator is on each individual machine (no network needed).  It's irritating when you are trying to plot 15-20 figures and have to keep re-starting AutoCAD.

The machines are Viglen, 64bit, Windows 7, 8GB RAM, 3.3GHz.

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AutoCad :: Prints Fuzzy Lines When Enlarged

Sep 5, 2012

Auto-Cad prints fuzzy lines. Its worse when they are enlarged. Drawings are printing as PDF files.

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AutoCad :: Batch Printing Prints Getting Out Of Order

Sep 16, 2011

I use a company batch that allows you to batch run scrips and lisp.

The only problem is that my i send my prints to the printer they all get out of order becasue they are sent as indivisal jobs and people look through them to find where there prints have snuck in.

It has just become to annoying and i was thinking there must be a better way.

I was thinking like a vertual printer that the batcher can send the prints to and then transfer them to the printer you want when they are all there.

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AutoCad 2D :: Text Displays And Prints With Outline Only?

Jan 17, 2013

I have a .shx font from our state DOT that I need to include on my sheets. The problem is on some drawings it is filled (like I want) and on others it is open (which is bad). The text is located in the layout tab. I've tried all of the following regular fixes with no luck:

Set the FILL command to on.
Set the FILLMODE system variable to 1.
Set the TEXTFILL system variable to 1.
In the Plot dialog box, clear Hide Objects.
Turn off the Hideplot property of the viewport.

I am guessing the problem is drawing specific bacuause I can copy the text back and forth between good and bad drawings and the fill comes and goes.

The same text object in 2 different drawings.

I also exported my system variables from the good and bad drawings and compared the two and none of the variables that matter were different.

I would just copy the drawings over into my good template and be done with it, but I have a large number of files that were created around the office that now have outlined text and don't have the time to monkey around copying all the drawings over to the good template. I know the long term solution is to get people to do things right in the first place, but in the mean time I'm hoping to be able to just change a variable and have the text be filled.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: PDF Underlay Prints Grey

Oct 26, 2011

I have recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2012.  I am using some drawings that I created in 2011.  In those drawings, I have attached some PDF's.  With 2011, the PDF's printed as expected.  Now, in 2012, the PDF's print greyed back.  I assume it is simply a setting in Autocad and I don't know what that setting is.  The fade for the PDF's is zero and the layer is not set to print transparent.

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AutoCad :: Line Prints Faint When Plotted

Jan 14, 2013

I have a drawing that ive set all the lineweights and types to by layer and continuous and then made sure layer is default. The problem is now ONE line in the drawing appears thicker and when i print it out it appears very faint.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Update Some Prints

Jul 28, 2012

I am new to the ilogic. I am wanting to use ilogic to update some prints as needed.

 I need to create and external rule to:

1) migrate the drawing to the lastest inventor version (2012),

2) copy all drawing resources (borders, title blocks, and sketched symbols) from a template file (.idw),

3) replace the title block and border with specified block and border. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export To PDF Command Makes Dimensions Grayscale

Aug 6, 2013

I am running into an interesting problem with the Inventor Export command.  When I use the Export command to create a PDF print from an .idw, most of the dimensions are shown with a degree of grayscale.  However, when I use the print command and the "Cute" PDF plotter, the dimensions are not grayscale. 

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Publishing To PDF Creating Grayscale Images?

Jul 13, 2011

I am using AutoCAD LT 2012 and when I plot to PDF using a monochrome ctb mydrawinghs look as intended, black and white with different lieweights, but when I publish the same drawings to PDF they turn into grayscale PDF images

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AutoCAD LT :: Batch Prints Intermittently Failing - Color Only

Mar 30, 2012

Our CAD operator is attempting to print batches of DWG files from within AutoCAD 2010 LT, but every time that he does a batch of jobs, only half or less of the jobs actually print, while the rest leave his queue and then display in the printer status as 'Canceled.' This only occurs for color prints. The same batches of jobs in black and white print fine. Also, if we take the same data and convert it to a single PDF and send only that one PDF as a color print job, it prints. On the printer side, the DWG jobs are marked as 'Deleted' with an explanation of "Insufficient accounting allocation," which refers to the printing limits that we have assigned our users for the printer. However, the user is not over his limit, and any non-CAD job prints without any problems. I checked with our printer company but they think it's an issue with the software. Is there a known issue with AutoCAD 2010 LT failing to print batches of color drawings?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change All Dimensions On All Prints To Fractions?

May 4, 2012

I have been working 4-weeks for a new customer. I Run Inventor 2011 mechanical... I have multiple iwd files that have all been done in decimals. The floor workers here want fractions to the 1/32. Is there a easy way to up-date my entire list of drawings with out creating new? Is there a easy way to create a style that I can easily switch to when I draw/design for this customer. I hate fractions!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Prints And View Representations Not Working

Feb 15, 2013

There is some association between prints and view representations i am missing.My typical process is:

-Build a model
-Create a representation
-Lock the representation
-Create a print from that representation
-Create a new representation and continue to work on the model

When i go back to the original print there is parts flying everywhere (see attached picture - hope you get a kick out of it)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Section 3d Drawing Into Multiple 3d Prints

Jul 4, 2013

I'm trying to 3d print an ABS mold of an 80" long by 6 inch high object.  I can't figure out how to section my model into the multiple 6" sections, though I know I'll need 14 roughly the same size sections.  

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AutoCad :: DWG Hidden (dashed) Line Prints Only As Solid

Mar 27, 2013

In the attached drawing you'll see I am trying to print a wireframe view of a 3D object with hidden lines displayed as paperspace with an MVIEW viewport. To achieve this, I created a custom visual style called "3D Wireframe with hidden lines" because AutoCAD Mechanical doesn't come with a view preset that will do that for some reason. Even though the viewport looks perfect in paperspace, and is set to print "as displayed", the drawing prints (and previews) with the dashed line as solid instead.

I know I could use VIEWBASE to create a drawing view with hidden lines set to "visible and hidden", but that doesn't mean I don't want to know why AutoCAD is doing this strange behavior with standard viewports.

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AutoCad :: Wipeout Prints Black Form PDFs?

Nov 29, 2007

When i use the wipeout command rather than background mask in the Mtext window and plot my layout as a pdf, for some reason the wipeout prints as a black block.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2013 - Solid Fill Partially Prints?

Nov 7, 2012

This drawing only consists of Data Connected .shp files. The polygon styles all have a different color solid fill. Transparencies are set differently for each. I thought that may have been an issue because the two layers that plot good every time are set to zero, but another layer that plots bad is also set to zero.

To give you a visual, my drawing indicates the entire state of Michigan (UP & LP) with the Great Lakes. Layout tab 1 shows the entire drawing in landscape orientation. Layout tab 2 is rotated counter-clockwise and zoomed in on the LP. Layout tab 2 is where my problem occurs. The plot indicates a chunky diagonal area through the state showing the color & line content, but the remaining area within the state is blank. Comparing two bad prints, I realized that even though the diagonal area prints on both, they have slightly different "coverage". They also plot different lines in different locations. Why would rotating the viewport cause a problem like this!?

The plot preview displays correctly though.

Plotting from the model space works fine. Why won't it work in paperspace?

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AutoCad :: When Go To Print Copy It Automatically Prints In Color

Nov 2, 2012

When I go to print a copy it automatically prints in color. If I want to go just black, which I like to copy everything in just black and white, I have to manually do it. Is there a way to make black and white the default.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Lines Printing On Prints And PDF Exports Of 3D Models

Nov 14, 2013

So I've drawn a 3d model in Autocad 2011 and when I come to print it in either layout or model view I get lines that appear. These lines do not show up in the print preview no do they look like they relate to the model itself, so I can't understand where they are coming from. I have the grid lines turned off and have exhausted everything else I can think of.

See the attached pdf for what I'm talking about.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: 3D Solids - Prints Fine On One Computer Not On Another

Dec 2, 2011

I'm having this major issue where on one drawing, 100% of the solids plot as expected.  On another computer, with the exact same (as far as I can tell) settings in AutoCAD - both are 2012, both are pulling same plot style from network, both are pulling from same plot configuration from network - yet in the other one, half the solids don't print correctly.

the problem started on 2010, but then I tried a fresh install of 2012 and the problem persisted.  I have 2012 on my PC so I assumed the problem on the user's PC may just be easily fixed with a new CAD installation.

Also, when I click in the viewport and click "Hide", it looks fine.  And, so you know, I am attempting DWG to PDF.  On my PC it works, not on their PC.  This is also true in Plot Preview.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2011 - TTFF Appears And Prints Dark

May 3, 2011

Multiline text appears dark with a true type font.  I have searched the boards and changed the Z coordinate to "0" manually, as well as the flatten command....still no luck.  The text was generated from the QLEADER command, but the problem also applies to text created with MTEXT.  I have attached the .dwg.

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