AutoCAD LT :: Constructing Floorplans - Area Calculations In M2
May 6, 2004
I am relatively new to AutoCAD LT and I am constructing floorplans and measuring the area in m2. My problem is that my areas are not adding up correctly. We are investigating possible future redesigning of units, and although the outer boundary of the building is the same, when I add up the individual units this total area does not add up correctly. While trying to figure out what was going on I traced one unit exactly on another layer and compared areas between the two identical polygons....and they have different areas!?!?!?
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Dec 17, 2012
I am trying to calculate the area of the attached file. Just the Blue section. Is there a faster way to calculate the area than using the "area" command, then going through and selecting each line, then each arc, over and over again? I also tried making a poliline that follows the entire pattern at the width I wanted, then using the "area" command for the "object" that is the poliline. This is faster, but does not give me the correct area. It says that the calculated area does not take into consideration the width of the poliline. The width of the poliline is very important in my application, and will sometimes be changed. Than a new area will be needed with the new width.
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Mar 13, 2012
I am using autocad to find areas of a stream cross section such that when we take a water height measurement of the stream in the field, we can easily get the area from a spreadsheet since the cross section of the stream at any height will be known (once I get done in AutoCAD).
To further illustrate my needs, I have attached a picture. I need all the seperate areas between the red lines (the red lines are equally spaced vertically and have lengths that go end to end to the edges of the stream).
I have been hatching between the red lines and taking the areas of each hatched object. However, this is a slow and tedious process.
Hatching is not the issue because I can hatch multiple objects at once using the create seperate hatch option.
What I need is a way to list all the hatched object's areas into a text file so that I can easily copy and paste them into an excel file. Even if it is not a nice and neat list, I can atleast use a find for "area" to get them into a nice list a little faster.
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Aug 11, 2013
Any routine or tool that simplifies calculating and labeling floor areas?
Currently, I draw a polyline around the desired area, list it to get the square footage and then create a text line and type in the square footage. This method takes multiple steps and is easy to mistype the area.
I would love a simple tool that would let you draw a polyline and automatically label it for you.
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Apr 4, 2013
I must monthly calculate quantities. So i have 3 surfaces, one is representing the original ground level and the other two the measurements on the end of the months. Between the measurements I calculated volume. But I want calculate the quantities what is inside of the original ground level, what is outside that I want to exclude from the calculations. There is a way how to crop that surfaces to match with the original ground level?
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Aug 15, 2012
I have been dealing with a tolerance issue when trying to create room area calculations in Revit. There seems to be a tolerance that is set to somewhere under 9" if two walls are to close together it will ignore the area.
Although if you are using the area calculation this tolerance is set much finer. and it seems to work just fine. I have already tried to create a multicategory schedule but cant combine rooms and areas. I have attached an image .
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Sep 18, 2008
Is it possible to draw a shape in Corel Draw and get the area from it? IE: Square Inches.
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Sep 15, 2011
how to calculate the gross area of a portion of a building - it is about one-third of one floor of the entire building but is comprised of several rooms. I need this for both tenant area and for figuring the area of insulated floors for purposed of energy-code analysis.
Is there a way of just going about it the old AutoCAD way via a P-Line? I know there are no P-Lines in Revit, but is there an easy way of doing this?
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Mar 14, 2013
Part of my position requires me to upload a PDF of the layout for our floorplans. My question is- How do I make sure the layout stays the same every time? I plot to PDF several times a day and it seems like the second time I plot, the layout goes the opposite direction that I previously setup- under Page Setup Manager...
So, I have to start over several times, setting up the layouts when I wish I could just hit plot and go. Is there a save function I am missing here?
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Mar 12, 2011
I want to start modeling homes. I work at a small company and my employer wants me to model and render some of his designs. I have access to all working drawings floor plans, elevations and roof plan so I was wondering what the best way is to make use of that for a 3D model?
I was thinking of trying revit but ACA seems easier to deal with. I don't need to build the interior and most projects are residential homes. I tried searching around and finding tutorials but couldnt find as much on autocad architecture.
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Nov 25, 2011
Trying to get evenly spaced line segments that lie on the circumference of a circle - every time I do the pattern repetition it gives me line segments the same length instead of constraining them to the circumference of the circle ?
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Nov 25, 2011
Trying to get ribs / fins constructed along the surface of this dome - like them to be evenly spaced and follow the angled plane above. Any thoughts on best way to build this ? Repeating patern doen't work because width of fin changes for each iteration across the dome.
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Mar 4, 2013
Constructing a grid (centers) with letters and numbers,I follow to set a grid for a plan (All what I need here is a lisp file that provides serial numbers and letters for the grid):
-Grid (centers) are provided to the existing columns
-Circles are plot at the end of these centers to accommodate labels
-Numbers & letters labels are provided
-Numbers and letters are edited to put them in serial order. Here is the issue, as serial number and letter is done manually, then this is a source for errors!
The attached lisp file does do this sort of work but doesn’t allow choosing the direction of numbering lettering! In the same plan, if I need to have the numbers to start from right (instead of starting from left) then this is impossible using that lisp. This is the only part of the code that needs to be enhanced. Also, the “auto number” command does the same thing but work with numbers bit not for letters.
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May 4, 2013
Well I made some really ghetto floorplans using MS Paint and now I tried to upgrade. URLs....So yeah, goes to show you cant really do this with MS Paint.
see all the tools like blend, sharpen etc, I know what all that does but most of this stuff is for like editing photos. Im just trying to create some floorplans and stuff. Can't even find a way to make a rectangle-box like how I could do on MS Paint.
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Apr 3, 2009
how to trace over floor plans such that the line quality is sketchy similar to architectural traces where the lines cross over each other, etc. Is there a way to edit a brush stroke where the path end extends beyond the box corner.
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Aug 12, 2013
Is there way that by selecting objects (Lines,Pl) it construct infinite lines ?
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Sep 20, 2013
I need to swap my level 1 and level 2 of my building's floorplans. What is the most efficient way to take the walls etc. from level two and place them on level 1, and take whats on level 1 and place them on level 2? I am swapping the floorplans.
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May 13, 2012
I need to construct an arch in revit but Ive only been able to make a curved beam in the wrong plane. Whats the best way to make an arch so that it would look like a straight beam in plan view?
It needs to connect to ground level in two places and have a specific height if thats relevant.
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Oct 22, 2012
I am trying to construct text on a curve by writing it on a circle's circumference, but the cirlce fills and so overlays any predrawn items beneath it.
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Apr 22, 2012
I have Lightroom catalogue of approximately 3000 images, all of which are keyworded. Up until recently, it was possible to have a hierarchy of keywords and now I want to contstruct one from the flat list.
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Dec 30, 2013
I have my original surface I created with my point file and break lines. I created a new surface and was able to determine how to create my grading at a 3:1 slope that stopped at the surface I created from the point files. From there I went back to my Grading Groups and selected the Automatic Surface Creation.
From there I don’t know if I have to selected the Volume Base Surface and selected the surface I am grating from or if I can simply create a volume tin surface selecting the new surface and the original point surface for comparison. How do I make sure the Volume I am getting include the volume from the grading slope?
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Dec 13, 2012
I can't seem to confirm the discharge table that hydraflow produces in hydraflow hydragraphs. I think I understand the equation itself (it's been a while since I took hydraulics), but can't understand where I'm making my error (if I am). Normally I trust the stage/discharge curve that hydraflow produces, but the City Engineer is asking me to confirm the values by hand and show them on the plans. Is there a link to an detention pond example that shows how a curve (the outflow values) was generated (confirms the discharge table at various elevations)? The equation is on page 85 of the users manual.
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Dec 9, 2013
I have been asked to do volume calculations using Civil 3D for some concrete piles for a oil/survey company. I have done volume calculations for site and land development projects but nothing to do with concrete piles before. It also appears I am the only person with any Civil 3D back ground in the office. I did mention my experience with Civil 3D was limited but I was trying to expand it by looking for Civil 3D jobs and working through the 2012 Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D book.
I am assuming doing volume calculations for concrete piles is quite different from doing volume calculations for grading plans. The company has been primary using AutoCAD Maps and doesn't have much set up for AutoCAD Civil 3D yet.
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Jun 5, 2013
I built a containment dike using the grading functions in Autocad Civil 3D. I set up the feature lines at the top toes of the embankment and graded nicely down to the original dtm. I want to use user defined contour to get the interior storage from the original dtm up to a selected elevation within the containment dike. The containment dike forms an enclosed area. I know I could use infill and add a false bottom to the embankment surface (triangulation from bottom toe of embankment across to opposite embankment) but I want to check storage from original ground dtm.
Is there a workaround method to do this without creating infill? I know I need to get down to two surfaces to get a calculation.
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May 17, 2012
I am using the calculation tab in the bolted connection generator. Is the maximal tangent force (Ft) the total force of plates in shear or per fastener? It appears to be the total force because changing the number of bolts changes the results.
I have been running different configurations due to a failure in a test cell and the numbers don’t seem correct. The calculation indicates that the fastener would fail at a much lower force than it actually is.
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May 23, 2012
After starting my previous thread "What formula will work to achieve this result" I decided to post this new thread because I have changed my mind and will now be using the external Excel file that the "Extract Data" creates to do my calculations.
Here's what I would like to do: create a Macro [button] in Excel with the following conditions:
Sample of excel spreadsheet:
A123494456TYPE A, XXXX XXX * * * * EA** * * * 45
A423520374YA1AM, XXXXXXXXXX * **EA** * * * 55
A148231375TYPE B, XXXXXXXXX * * * EA** * * * 33
A146151725A1AAM, XXXXXXXXXX * * EA** * * * 67
A135621873TYPE A, XXXXXXXXX * * * EA** * * * 24
1. * * * CONDITION #1:
2. * * * CONDITION #2:
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Aug 24, 2012
Any way for Vol. calcualtions to be shown in Acre Feet? I am doing Volums of lakes and the client needs a report of the number of Acre Feet in the lake. To get the data, he uses a depth finder hooked up to a GPS. I can do this by hand calculator but using Civil 3D 2013 would be much easier.
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Aug 15, 2012
Using inventor to calculate specific distances or counts of features on a part. Say for instance, the lineal feet of a radial edge, or the number of cutouts a part may have. If so, how are you approching this? Can be programs written with the API/iLogic or just general setup I am pretty versitle and open to any discussion.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have learned the hard way that Civil 3D has a Curve Tolerance value that is to be used when applying sample lines and computing average end cross section volume calculations along an alignment with a curve. How I discovered this was by double checking my self and using a straight alignment verses an alignment with a curve. When using the alignment with a curve the average end cross section volumes differ. I did some reading in Autocad help and it mentions that sometimes a curve tolerance value is needed when using curves and this value is changed in the compute or edit materials window. What is a curve tolerance?" The edit materials window prompts a user to enter a Degree value. How do I calculate this curve tolerance value? I assume it is related to one of the values of a curve.
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Nov 17, 2011
If inventor Simulation can do stress calculations based on standards / rules ?
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 (Product Design Suite - Ultimate)
Lenovo W520
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Aug 27, 2009
I am looking at the Content Center data. In this specific case, ANSI AISC Rectangular flat bar steel.
The calculations for Section Modulus seem to be the same for both parameters Wx and Wy.
The calculation for Wx shows in the column properties as: (({G_W} * {G_H} * {G_W}) / 6)
The calculation for Wy shows in the column properties as: (({G_W} * {G_W} * {G_H}) / 6)
These calculations show in the Expression Column as red text. I can modify them but I have no option to OK the dialog box.
The Moment of inertia calculations that are later in the family table use these sections as part of their calculations.
Am I wrong here in my belief that the Section Modulus calculations are wrong and therefore the Moment of Inertia are wrong also?
As an extension of this question, does the Stress Analysis in 2010 use these calculations? Are these numbers used anywhere?
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