AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Volume Calculations And Curve Tolerance Values
Jan 17, 2013
I have learned the hard way that Civil 3D has a Curve Tolerance value that is to be used when applying sample lines and computing average end cross section volume calculations along an alignment with a curve. How I discovered this was by double checking my self and using a straight alignment verses an alignment with a curve. When using the alignment with a curve the average end cross section volumes differ. I did some reading in Autocad help and it mentions that sometimes a curve tolerance value is needed when using curves and this value is changed in the compute or edit materials window. What is a curve tolerance?" The edit materials window prompts a user to enter a Degree value. How do I calculate this curve tolerance value? I assume it is related to one of the values of a curve.
I have my original surface I created with my point file and break lines. I created a new surface and was able to determine how to create my grading at a 3:1 slope that stopped at the surface I created from the point files. From there I went back to my Grading Groups and selected the Automatic Surface Creation.
From there I don’t know if I have to selected the Volume Base Surface and selected the surface I am grating from or if I can simply create a volume tin surface selecting the new surface and the original point surface for comparison. How do I make sure the Volume I am getting include the volume from the grading slope?
I have been asked to do volume calculations using Civil 3D for some concrete piles for a oil/survey company. I have done volume calculations for site and land development projects but nothing to do with concrete piles before. It also appears I am the only person with any Civil 3D back ground in the office. I did mention my experience with Civil 3D was limited but I was trying to expand it by looking for Civil 3D jobs and working through the 2012 Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D book.
I am assuming doing volume calculations for concrete piles is quite different from doing volume calculations for grading plans. The company has been primary using AutoCAD Maps and doesn't have much set up for AutoCAD Civil 3D yet.
I must monthly calculate quantities. So i have 3 surfaces, one is representing the original ground level and the other two the measurements on the end of the months. Between the measurements I calculated volume. But I want calculate the quantities what is inside of the original ground level, what is outside that I want to exclude from the calculations. There is a way how to crop that surfaces to match with the original ground level?
Any way for Vol. calcualtions to be shown in Acre Feet? I am doing Volums of lakes and the client needs a report of the number of Acre Feet in the lake. To get the data, he uses a depth finder hooked up to a GPS. I can do this by hand calculator but using Civil 3D 2013 would be much easier.
What I would like to do is create volume calculations from spot heights. All i have is 4 rectangles with a 10m interval, nine elevations, no points or anything else.
What steps do i have to go through to make this possible?
I am working on a project, I was given a file with the contour already mapped out. I am tasked with finding volume of a fill I had to create. I made a 3-D polyline at the elevation I want my fill to start from and going down to my final grade. How can I make surfaces with my map. I do not have any files to make the surface off of. What is the easiest way I can make a layer, TIN has already been done but no surfaces are in the file.
Attached are two files: 1 file has 0 values on the volume table, and the other file has Sample line group Properties.
Surface 3 is the surface that has the existing actual survey points . Do I have to pick another surface : the other two are the surfaces I created in the Corridor as surface boundaries , Top and Datum
I've read a few threads on this way back but cannot locate them. I have two surfaces and create a volume surface and it reported the volume as 493 cy. I then ran some sample lines at 25 foot interval and the total volume is reported as 964 cy.
I want to use it as my primary hydrologic and hydraulic modeler. It only makes sense. Well, I got the program to work and had things linked in and was able to route a storm through the network. But when I routed the storms, I had to model double the storage that i expected.
So I went back to the program I'm familiar with - Pondpack by Benltey - and designed the same system I routed in SSA in that program - and got the storage volume that I would expect for a site of this size - about 2 acres.
Is there possibly a setting that I'm missing that makes my outlet structures route slower or less than they should? Or is there some other reason that a system would give this kind of inflated need for storage?
I have an issue with using Bounded Volume or Adding a Boundary to Volume Surface things so bad... = incorrect volumes.. sometimes extremely incorrect.. I understand that the surface rectangle when a boundary is added but this could be horrible if not checked.
Is there a way to have no layer value set for the description keys. I set all the layers, and now I realize I'd rather set this to no layers (boxes are all unchecked). I'd rather see no value under the layer column, but there doesn't seem like a way to set this.
I can't seem to confirm the discharge table that hydraflow produces in hydraflow hydragraphs. I think I understand the equation itself (it's been a while since I took hydraulics), but can't understand where I'm making my error (if I am). Normally I trust the stage/discharge curve that hydraflow produces, but the City Engineer is asking me to confirm the values by hand and show them on the plans. Is there a link to an detention pond example that shows how a curve (the outflow values) was generated (confirms the discharge table at various elevations)? The equation is on page 85 of the users manual.
I built a containment dike using the grading functions in Autocad Civil 3D. I set up the feature lines at the top toes of the embankment and graded nicely down to the original dtm. I want to use user defined contour to get the interior storage from the original dtm up to a selected elevation within the containment dike. The containment dike forms an enclosed area. I know I could use infill and add a false bottom to the embankment surface (triangulation from bottom toe of embankment across to opposite embankment) but I want to check storage from original ground dtm.
Is there a workaround method to do this without creating infill? I know I need to get down to two surfaces to get a calculation.
I have ran an analysis and SSA gave me Error 607 on the report. It says "Inlet A9 gutter capture curve is not a valid curve."
A couple things I did different from the video lectures...
I selected user define for the Tc to figure out Q. i computed those manually.
For the Inlets I have selected Maximum Capture Cutoff.
There are some inlets in this model I created that do not capture 100% of the flow so i created conveyance links to account for the bypass flow.Not sure why is not recognizing the Curve?
i'm jumping into 3d late in life...playing with volumes. i've created surfaces from aerial surveys and have saved the surfaces as separate files. i would now like to run volumes of the two as they represent the same quarry site from different years. it appears (?) i need to have both surfaces listed in prospector to run volumes. each separate file has its own surface listed. do i get (import?) the second surface drawing into one of the files so i have both listed and can run volumes? i see where i can create a surface from importing a .tin file...but i don't see how to export the surface as a .tin file.
I have an existing survey surface, and I want to know how much cubic yard of materials to fill up from the bottom to elevation 876. See attached image for detail. Here is what i am going to do....
- i will create a surface of the fill area (from bottom cotours up to el 876) then do a volume surface bwt existing ground surface and the new fill area surface to get the volume of it? Is this a right way to do?
I'd like to do a grading in order to get a volume of earth work needed. It's a very easy proposed surface, but I've never done a grading before. I have a surface that is basically a football field that is graded from one end zone to the other with a slight uphill grade. At the end of the uphill grade is a berm the length of the endzone. That berm needs to be higher, and the uphill grade from endzone to the other endzone needs to be flatter. The dirt that comes out of the flattening will be pushed up on top of the berm on the opposite endzone to make the berm taller.
The new surface should start at existing grade on the low endzone, go on .10% up to the other goaline, then on a 2:1 up to 24 ft above the low endzone elevation. Think of a firing range where you shoot from the low endzone into a berm on the far endzone. The berm isn't tall enough, so they need to find dirt from the surface to put on top of the berm.
I am using C3D 2012 and i know how to create a table showing volumes for different elevation ranges with different colours, but how to show the total cut or fill for the volume surface in the same table so that you dont have to manually add up all of the cuts or fills? or have to display only two ranges?
I have a couple of questions regarding surface volumes/analysis in Civil 3D 2014. First, there used to be a way to determine the volume between two surfaces without creating a volume surface. The command is _AeccReportSurfaceVolume, but I can't find it on the ribbons in 2014 to save my life. Do I need to create a new button myself?
Second, and more important, dealing with the elevation analysis in 2014, and noticed that the colors reset anytime that the volume surface is rebuilt? It has always been annoying not to save a color scheme, but at least once you had set it up, the colors stayed as the surface changed. Is there a new setting that I am missing, or is this just a glitch with 2014?
Within my road corridor, I have one section where the excavated material cannot be used as fill elsewhere. I see a place where I can specify a factor for reusable volume when I compute earthwork materials. But it looks like I can only use 1 factor for the whole corridor. Is there a way to say from Sta XX+XX to Sta XX+XX the reusable fill factor is 0, but the rest of the project it is something else?
All I can think to do is copy the quantity report to Excel and manually change the reusable volume in that station range to 0. But, since the report comes in as just numbers (no formulas), I then have to enter all the formulas to recalculate the volumes.
I have a large 200+ acre site that I have created a volume surface and analyzed it using the elevation banding with color to show different levels of cut and fill. The owner has broken this area into 10 different irregular zones. Is there a way to do the elevation banding of a volume surface and have it color the individual parcels. They don't all have to be at once. I can do each one at a time and PDF the drawing.
I have run a volume between two surfaces, I need to further to break that new volume surface up to get volumes for each section. I know in microstation you can fence a volume surface and it will tell you the volume for that area. Is there a function in civil 3d that works like this. I know I can break it up manually and create new surfaces, I am looking for a time saving appoarch and trying to minimize file size.
I can see the area of a TIN surface no worries (under Surface Properties/Statistics/Extended), but want I want to get is surface area of a TIN volume surface where no "extended" option seems to be available to view the area information with this type of surface.
I would like to re-format the way volume reports are displayed, for example I don't need the cut area or reusable volume columns or I'd like to change the Cu.m. dimensional to something like m3.