AutoCAD LT :: Command Line Based Text Editor For Scripts

Jan 20, 2012

I need a command line based text editor for scripts.  Textedit wants to use an in place editor.  Switching DTEXTED does not make a difference. 

LT, C3D 2005 - 2014
XP, Vista, 7

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AutoCAD .NET :: Write A Text On Command Line At Same Line And Overwrite Existing

Jun 10, 2011

Basically I got a process which is quite long , let's say 30 seconds.

I want put a counter at command line showing to

user how many objects has been processed so far. But I don't want to use  New Line Feed to change the line and keep each new  number at same line and same location of command line. 

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Revit :: How To Lock Text In Line Based Family

Mar 4, 2014

I've created a line based family with a imported text label, but if I move the line to 45°, the text also moves 45°. Any way of keeping that text locked?

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AutoCad 2D :: Multi Line Text Editor

Jun 6, 2012

when I go to edit a text in my drawing using dd edit. The text I want to edit is Italic T, but when I start typing it automatically changes to Txt. font. So every time when I'm done typing I have to highlight everything I typed and change the font manually. On an older computer I had I never had to do this.

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AutoCad 2D :: ED Command To Add Text To Dim Line

Jun 20, 2012

I recently started using v2012 after some time using 2006 2008. I frequently would use the ED command to add text to a dim line but it appears 2012 uses a different command for this.

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AutoCAD LT :: Command Coming Up In Gray Text Line

Jun 6, 2013

Whenever I type a command all of a sudden I now get the commands coming up in a grey text line (like a ghost image) and I am wondering if I accidentally touch a keystroke that enabled  this because it did not appear before.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Cannot COPY / PASTE Text Into Command Line

Jul 9, 2013

I am using AutoCad 2014

I want to paste text (numbers) into the command line as I am drawing a line.

In AutoCad 2011/2012 if I paste (CTRL+V), then the numbers in the clipboard will be pasted into the command line and all I have to do is push enter.

In AutoCad 2014 if I paste (CTRL+V), AutoCad will paste the clipboard contents as an mtext object into the drawing.

How do I change the behavior of AutoCad so that I can use "CTRL+V" in the command line?

For clarification these are the exact steps I am trying to do:

1. {type L}

2. {click a point in the drawing}
3. {type CTRL+V} // paste a number as a distance into command line
4. {type ENTER}  

I know I  can right click the command line and select paste. This option is unnacceptable for my use. I want to be able to CTRL+V text into the command line.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Add Text To Command Line

Nov 18, 2013

I have a custom command that I can initiate (c:TxtE).  The function starts running but I need to begin adding several inputs at the command line following this.  (ex:  "4" "all" "" "oldtext" "newtext").  How do i do that within lisp once the custom command has already begun?  If I need to modify the function how would i pass all these as optional type variables?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Text Would Show In The Command Line As It Was Typed?

Feb 26, 2013

Is there a setting controlling typed text visibility in the command line when using a leader?  In 2004, text would show in the command line as it was typed.  Now, to see what I am typing, I have to enter the leader dialogue box.

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AutoCad :: How To Use Command Line To Change Text And Arrow Size And Style

Aug 18, 2012

My current company have funny setting. It is time consuming task to manually open dialog box to change the setting for old drawings. May I know any command that I can use, so that I can copy and paste those command in the command window to change the properties.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: No Word Wrap For Text Screen When Command Line Is Docked

Apr 30, 2012

if the command line is docked and you hit F2 to bring up the text screen,

there is no word wrap.


type (entget (car (entsel))) pick an object, and then F2 for text screen.

The result is all on one line and you can only view it by scrolling sideways.

The same happens when you list a few lines of Mtext.

If the command line is not docked there is no problem.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Put Default Text On Command Line For Getstring

Jun 6, 2012

I am trying to get a default value (from global variable) put as the default for getstring command. Problem is I want it as if I had typed it into the getstring command so I can modify it if required. It is for entering filenames which only change slightly ie 1129E09LS1 ...LS2 ...XS1 etc.

(setq BlkName (getstring "
Enter Civil Cad File to Import: "))
For defaults that I don't want to change I usually use this format:
(or BlkName (setq BlkName (getstring "
Enter Civil Cad File to Import: ")))

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Command Line Appears Again After Plot Command?

May 15, 2012

I press CTRL+9 to make the Command Line disappear while drawing. When I plot (or when doing a plot preview) , the Command Line appears again by itself. So I always have to turn the Command Line off manually after each plot

The bug still happens;

- if Dynamic Input is turned off or on
- if I plot to a real device or in PDF
- if the Cammand Line Palette i docked or floating.

This is not an issue in AutoCAD 2012 so I guess it has to do with the new way they programmed the revamped Command Line palette in 2013.

Using Windows7

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Command Not Showing Up In Command Line

Nov 27, 2012

without reiterating a lot of what is said in this thread: [URL] ......

This happen outside the potential malware infection?

if you care to not click-through, the problem is that certain commands (not all of them) simply do not disply in the command line.  so the MOVE command for example looks like this:


Command: _move
Select objects:

Select objects:

same with QSAVE and who knows how many others.

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AutoCad :: Execute Line Command Like A Single Command?

Oct 27, 2013

line command is a multiple command. there is a way to execute it like a single command?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Text Resizing Based On Length Of Text

Feb 19, 2012

I'm trying to finally utilize iLogic and all of its functionality (after using the basic features of inventor for the past 3 or so years) and I was wondering if there was a way to use iLogic (or some other feature for inventor) to resize text in a title block field of an IDW based on the length of the text entered (i.e. if the part's name was "Cam Retainer" the text height would be .12, but if its part name was "Spacer Cam Retainer Bushing" the text height would shrink down to .085 or something) so that it would still fit nicely into the text block?  

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Select Line Then Enter Command - Line Unselects

Jun 28, 2012

if I select a line, then enter the move command, the line unselects also when I select a line, then hit delete, the line is still there both of these used to work

2013 Civil 3D

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressing Extrusions With Ilogic Based On Construction Line?

Aug 7, 2012

I am trying to suppress features or Extrusions if the extrusions are outside of the Raduis of a contruction circle Called the OTL. I have added a model to look at. So lets say I have holes enougth for a 40" dia but I want only hole today for a 20" dia  how do i suppress the holes on that radius. Sketch 10 is where the OTL contruction line is and its a radius so its always moving as I go from center out.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Assigning Elevations To Line Of Points Based On Surface?

Sep 11, 2013

I have a surface made by a wide array of points and a line of points that i need to use that surface to assign elevations to ..

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Input Labels And Line Length Based On Two Inputs

May 29, 2013

I'm trying to create a pline in a dynamic block where the length is determined by two values I would input into properties or as attributes. 

The first value 'A' will be a ground surface elevation

The second value 'B' will be a ground water elevation

I would like to the pline to have a length of A minus B. 

I would then also like to have mtext (or any other method of display text) to display the values of A and B.

For example, if I have a ground surface of 102 and a ground water of 91, my line length will be 11, and I can display a label of '102' at the top of the line and '91' at the bottom of the line. 

I've created dynamic blocks before, but none that have used an expression of two values or having to display inputted values. I'm not really sure where to start with this, or if it's even possible.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Express Tools Command Alias Editor

Apr 11, 2012

I keep changing the Command Alias Editor in ACAD 2010 so I can use the hot keys I have grown accustomed to. They work fine but when I close ACAD then reopen it goes back to defaults and I have to change them again. I know it's probably loading the wrong menu file or something simple but figured I would ask the experts before I start moving files around.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Make Line Boundary Around Multi-line Text Region Corresponding To Text Mask?

Apr 27, 2010

I need to do it quickly with many text regions. How to make line boundary around multi-line text region corresponding to text mask?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Select All Text-based Items

May 17, 2011

I'm trying to select all Text-based items (Text,Mtext and Attribute References) in a drawing to check to see if they match a pattern in a regular expression.  Although i have a block with an attribute in the drawing and the selection filter consisting of 

DxfCode.Operator, "<OR"
DxfCode.Start "ATTRIB"
DxfCode.Start "TEXT"
DxfCode.Start "MTEXT"
DxfCode.Operator, "OR>"

It isn't picking up the attribute Reference in the block.  

Is there a workaround using the Editor.SelectAll method and not having to programmatically check each block's attributes? I'm using AutoCAD 2009.

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AutoCad :: Text Based On Parameters / Dimensions

Nov 14, 2011

Is there anyway to generate text based on other dimensions or parameters stored in the parameters manager?

For instance, if I have a line that is 3" long, I'd like to have a note that says 'This line is 3"'. Or, if a circle is X feet in diameter, I'd like to have a note that says 'This circle is X feet'. These are just examples, but I hope you get what I'm saying.

I'm using the new parametric modeling and doing some amazing stuff, but I'd like to parametrize my notes, too, if at all possible.

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AutoCAD LT :: Convert Single Line Text To Multi Line Text

Oct 7, 2011

I need to convert single-line text into multi-line text (AutoCAD LT 2009). Will this version allow you to do so?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Single Line Text To Multi Line Text?

Dec 14, 2011

I know that there was a command that would convert single line text to multi-line text but I can not find it. It use to be tt2mt or something like that.

I can not find this command in the help either. Did they get rid of this command like zoom center?

how to take multiple single line text and add them together into one multi-line text?

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Revit :: Line Based Family Automatically Joining

May 23, 2011

I have a line based generic model family I use for wall framing and for some reason separate instances of the family will automatically join together when the ends are within a few inches of eachother. How the heck do I turn that option off? Why would it automatically join in the first place? I have tried to unjoin geometry and it wont select the families.

It is acting like the way walls will autojoin but there are no options to disable this. It makes something that should be simple very tedious and annoying.
Windows 7

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Revit :: Simple Line Based Family Can't Be Placed In Project

Jan 15, 2014

I have a very simple 'Metric Generic Model line based' family that contains 1 rectangular extrusion.
My Problem: Revit wont allow me to place a FamilyInstance of this family inside a (Architectural) project. When I click Architecture Tab->Component->Place a Component and select my Family I get a circle with a cross in it and are not able to place my family instance anywhere. Note this occurs in all levels/views from Site to Level 1, 2 etc.

why I can place it in a project?

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AutoCad 2D :: Blocks That Stretch Based On Text Length

May 2, 2011

My firm worked on a project recently with a sheet numbering system that created long sheet numbers, ie, MH-101-R1. Since the sheet numbers were so long, they no longer fit in our normal sheet/detail/drawing label blocks. (See attached DWG for an example.)

We are looking to create either a dynamic block or some kind of block that will automatically stretch with the text length.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Tab Under Text Style Or In Text Component Editor Under Format Tab?

Apr 3, 2013

For labels, is the font decided in the general tab under text style or in the text component editor under the format tab? Are there overrides? There seems to be multiple locations for fonts choices when creating a label and I can't find a nice black and white answer.
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post

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AutoCad :: Insert Text With TEXT Or MTEXT Command The Text Is Displayed Mirrored

Apr 9, 2012

When I insert text with either the TEXT command or MTEXT command, the text is displayed mirrored. This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the MIRRTEXT variable because that is used when I'm actually mirroring the text. In my case, the text is mirrored as soon as I insert it. How can I get it back to normal? Is there a variable I'm missing?

I'm using AutoCAD LT 2012 .

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