Revit :: Line Based Family Automatically Joining

May 23, 2011

I have a line based generic model family I use for wall framing and for some reason separate instances of the family will automatically join together when the ends are within a few inches of eachother. How the heck do I turn that option off? Why would it automatically join in the first place? I have tried to unjoin geometry and it wont select the families.

It is acting like the way walls will autojoin but there are no options to disable this. It makes something that should be simple very tedious and annoying.
Windows 7

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Revit :: How To Lock Text In Line Based Family

Mar 4, 2014

I've created a line based family with a imported text label, but if I move the line to 45°, the text also moves 45°. Any way of keeping that text locked?

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Revit :: Simple Line Based Family Can't Be Placed In Project

Jan 15, 2014

I have a very simple 'Metric Generic Model line based' family that contains 1 rectangular extrusion.
My Problem: Revit wont allow me to place a FamilyInstance of this family inside a (Architectural) project. When I click Architecture Tab->Component->Place a Component and select my Family I get a circle with a cross in it and are not able to place my family instance anywhere. Note this occurs in all levels/views from Site to Level 1, 2 etc.

why I can place it in a project?

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Revit :: Create Parametric Seating Row With Generic Line Based Family

Nov 12, 2013

I am trying to create a parametric seating row with a Generic Line Based family.
If you check the file for the Length (default) parameter, I am multiplying it by the Arm Distance (600mm) so that the pattern repeats while I stretch out the line.
=Chairs * 600 mm
I want to add a parameter for the Arm Distance linked with the actual seat so that if I make the chair wider the pattern would adjust accordingly.
=Chairs * Arm Distance3
This way I could adjust the chair width and Line Based family all at once. However, I am finding that when I add "Arm Distance3" to the equation the Line Based feature stops working.

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Revit :: How To Align Nested Family To Reference Line In Host Family To Rotates Around A Certain Point

Jan 29, 2014

I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...

Using Building Design Suite Ultimate 2014

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Revit :: Creating Wall Based Family

Oct 30, 2012

I want to Create a Wall Nitch that will be in a tiled shower we are doing. Best way to create a family that cuts into a wall? I don't want to Create an opening, because I don't want it going all the way through the wall.  

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Revit :: Face Based Family Has Different Directions

Jun 19, 2013

For face based family, if I insert it on the Floor, the Front of family will face South.

If I insert it on the ceiling, the Front of family will face North For ceiling based family

If I insert it on the ceiling, the Front of family will face south. Why face based family faces differently? 

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Revit :: Set Up Steel RHS Family / Types Based On Sweep?

Aug 5, 2012

Im working in Revit 2010. Im trying to set up a Steel RHS family/types based on a sweep, see attached. Loaded into the family and used in creating the sweep is a profile family with different RHS size types. Is it possible to change the sweeps profile type using a parameter from within RHS family types? 
I assume its not possible (unlike driving a nested component using a family type parameter from within the project.)

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Revit :: Family Line Color Not Showing Up

Jan 18, 2013

The line color of my family is not showing up. It is just a symbol and it should be red, but it shows up black. I went to the overides in the project and nothing was overridden, so I went ahead and changed the imported families override to red just to see if it would change and it still didn't change. How do I fix this? When I open the family, the lines are red, just not in the project.

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Revit :: Symbol Line Detailing In Family

Dec 31, 2013

how other people approach Revit (the joys of working as the solo Revit pioneer in the practice)I am in the middle of putting together various families - and have been experimenting with symbol lines for the detailing at reveals / heads etc.
For the moment I had simply used masked regions to create the joinery of frames, beads, architraves etc. which works fine, apart from not being able to use any fills at family level - leaving it to call-out drafting to add the detail in the project.
I tried the alternate of using Detail Components within the family (a simple rectangular joinery section) with shared parameters so that it can be driven by the host family - which allows drafting fills to be used.
It looks better and will save time placing fills later on to call-out details.
But - is there any impact on performance in doing this (every section now shows the fill when set at 'Fine') - is this a standard approach, or am I better leaving the symbol linework as hatch-free in the family itself - and leaving it all for addition in individual call-outs ?

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Revit :: Cannot Select Line Styles In Family Editor

Nov 13, 2013

Why am I not able to select Line Styles in the family editor? This is the case for both creating new families and editing existing ones. See attached image for clarification

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Revit :: Minimum Line Length In Family Editor?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm in an RFA file and can't seem to draw lines shorter than 1/32" without getting the "Element is Too Small on Screen" error.  Even when I zoom in so that 1/32" is equal to the width of my monitor, I still get this error.  I'm trying to draw very shallow grooves in a mullion.  The attached shortline.jpg file show a line that is long on my screen, but to short for Revit, being drawn. how I can draw very short lines in the Family editor?

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Revit :: Family Instance Won't Extend To Full Length Of Line

Jan 22, 2014

I have made a Family that is based off the Metric Structural Framing - Beams and Braces template. When I import my Family into a project and create a instance of the Family (which is a channel) the channel doesn't extend the whole distance of the geometric line. Its always 1500mm long (thats the default length in the .rfa file). See below image for my problem:

I made my extrusion inside the Left Elevation view and not inside a Floor Plan view; simply because it is easier to create the complex geometry of it. Maybe this has affected its inability to stretch to the length of the line? How can I edit my family so that the extrusion will stretch the whole length of the line/beam?

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Revit :: Show Level Of Cut On Profile As Reference Line Automatically?

Oct 2, 2012

How to show the level of cut on the profile as reference line automatically?
I’m wondering if there is a way to show the level of cut automatically on the elevation view.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Set Lineweight To Be Color-based Automatically?

Mar 15, 2012

Is there a way to set the “lineweight” to be Color-based automatically?

I’m wondering if there is a way to set the lineweight to be color-based such that all the objects have the same color will take the same lineweight automatically.

Sure, we can control such behavior through the “bylayer” feature but I’m not sure if this very particular behavior might exist in the AutoCAD; color-based lineweigth!

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCad :: Automatically Generate Layers Based On Color?

Oct 10, 2007

Is there a way to automatically generate layers based on color? I just downloaded a CAD object that's only got 1 layer but several different colored lines. It would be extremely painstaking if I had to take each and every line and place it on a different layer. It would be much easier if I could tell AutoCAD 2006 to simply split the object up by color and place each one on a different layer.

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Lightroom :: Automatically Moving Folders Based On Date?

Jan 10, 2012

I have Lightroom place images in folders on import according to date taken, e.g. 2011 -> 12 -> 31 -> 2011 12 31_001.jpg.
Since importing a lot of images, I have changed their metadata dates due timezone issues or camera dates set wrong.  So a photo imported in 2011->12->31 actually now belongs in 2012->01->01.  How do I get Lightroom to automatically go through my whole catalogue and move them?  I don't mind if all my files get renamed.  I though of removing them all from my catalogue and the re-imprting, but won't that lose all my edits?

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Revit :: Joining Walls To Roof

Apr 11, 2013

I am currently doing an MEP project and I am tidying up the model at present. I am having problems attaching the walls to the roofs. There could be a simple solution but I haven't found it yet !

I have tried attaching top base etc. but its not working. I only seem to be able to select one side of the roof when selecting where to attach the walls. I have attached 3d pics showing the walls that are extruding & also one of the walls that I am trying to attach.

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Revit :: Preventing Walls From Joining?

Dec 30, 2011

Is there a way to prevent walls from joining?  

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Revit :: Joining Flights Of Stairs

Nov 6, 2013

I have the following flights of stairs running down one side of my building:

Landing, 6R with 170mm height, Landing, 3R with 190 height, Landing, 7R with 182 height.
I've modeled this as 3 separate flights of stairs because of the 3 different riser heights.  The top landing is a floor slab, as is the bottom landing.  I've modeled intermediate landings as either the top or bottom tread of a flight.  How do I deal with the junctions of these stairs? The monolithic concrete will not join.  The materials of both components are set to <By Category>. 

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Revit :: Joining Walls To Roofs

Dec 20, 2012

How do you join a square wall to a slanted roof so that the walls are not sticking out of the roof.

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Illustrator :: CS4 - Joining Zigzag And Straight Line?

Jun 16, 2012

I'm using CS4 on a mac.
Here's what I want: a filled rectangle in which the top and bottom line segments are straight, and the two side line segments are zigzag. I can't seem to find a good way to do that.
First thing I tried: Make a rectangle, then Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag. That turns all segments of the rectangle zig zag, and I want the top and bottom to be straight.
Next: Draw four separate lines and join them to make a shape that I can fill. I can do that, right? Anyway, the problem: I draw a zigzag line, and a straight line and right angles. I select the endpoints with the pen tool (right?) to join them. When they join, either they both become straight or they both become zigzag. Which is not what I want either. Here's a picture of what I'm trying to do.
The other thing I noticed is that the Zig Zag effect doesn't give me additional anchor points (at least from what I can see), and doesn't give me anchor points where I want them. See in the above picture, where I have the left-hand line segment selected, the path is still straight so the anchor points don't line up with the zigzag line that is visible to me. Which means when I try to join the segments, they make funny shapes at the corner. Which is also annoying. This thread seemed to indicate that Zig Zag should give me additional anchor points at each corner: [URL]. Why don't I get that? Is it a CS4/CS5 issue?

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Revit :: Joining Dormer To Main Roof?

Jan 30, 2013

joining my main roof to the roof of a dormer. The issue is the top of the dormer sits higher than the main roof. I am having trouble getting the main roof line to run  up to the ridge of my dormer (just the small triangular piece doesn't want to connect). I'm not able to attach the file because it is too big. 
I built the roof using the footprint tool, maybe that wasn't the way to go.

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AutoCad 2D :: Joining Line And Arc With PEdit Not Working Because Of Gap - Snap Together?

Apr 18, 2012

I want to join a couple of lines with arcs. Unfortunately I have got a dxf created with CATIA. When I try to join them with pedit it does not work.

If I move the end point of the circle away and snap it back to the line, I can join them. Blending the Curves together is working (this shouldn't if the endpoints match, right?)

You can see it in this screenshot:

(On the left the circle and line are joined after I snapped them together, on the right they are connected using "Blend Curves" as you notice the tiny white connection)

So here it leads to my question:

Those lines seem not to be lying end to end together so I can join them. Is there a function to snap them together or to automatically ignore/fill such a little gap?

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Illustrator :: Diamond Shape - Joining Line Segments In CS6

Nov 1, 2012

I am drawing a simple diamond shape made with one rectanlge shape and multiple line segments.  As I drew the design, I made sure to connect all the segments at the anchors.  When I select all of the segments and try to join the paths, the end points or corners are not smooth.  In other words, some of the line segment ends hang over the edges...
The image below shows the left side of the diamond, where the top portion meets the bottom...

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Illustrator :: Drawing Line From End Point Of Existing One Without Joining

Jan 4, 2013

How can I draw a line from the endpoint of an existing line (snap to grid is on), without the lines being joined?  Joining causes two problems for me:
1. The arrowhead at the end of the existing line moves to the end of the joined line, whereas I want the arrowhead in the middle of the combined line.
2. Even without entering isolation mode the new line gets joined to a line which belong to a group, thus becoming part of that group as well. This defies the use of grouping to create logically connected units.

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Revit :: Joining Roofs - Higher To Lower Roof

Jan 26, 2014

Joining roofs.
I'm trying to join two roofs together by extending onto the other - Unfortunately the one to be extended is higher than the other roof (see attached image).
Both roofs are created by footprint.
Revit LT 2014

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Revit :: Monolithic Stairs - Joining To Walls And Slabs

Mar 17, 2009

What is a good way to finish up the monolithic stairs?

- How can I join the top tread to the upper floor slab? (red circle in attached sketch)
- And is there a way to join the CIP monolithic stairs to the CIP walls? (blue circles)

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Revit :: Angled Measure Annotation Of Region Edge And Joining

Jul 26, 2013

I'm an Archicad User and I'm evaluating Revit at the moment as I'm interested in a better integration with other Autodesk products.I have two questions though that Google and the Docs couldn't answer me.
1- I have an Annotated Region (a polygon), how can I annotate an angled measure of an edge? I've tried the aligned dimension tool and this link: URL....
2- What's the proper way to join a point of an edge to another edge without changing the length? (somehow to 'rotate' an edge around one point and 'snap' the other point to another edge). I'm using a circle tool and snapping to intersection at the moment.
Also, I know this isn't the best place to ask, but is Revit worth the change? I mean, i'm completely satisfied with Archicad and so far Revit isn't very intuitive at all and the workflow seems it's never going to be on-par with Archicad, I'm considering the change solely for the fact that Revit may have a much better integration with AutoCAD, AutoCAD MEP, and other Autodesk softwares.

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Revit :: Load Family Dialog Box Does Not Appear?

Jul 18, 2013

In Revit 2013 I attempt to load an item from the Family but I find that the “Load Family” dialog box does not appear. how to get it to cooperate?  Even starting a new project the load family dialog box does not appear.  I have done: 1) system restore, 2 )  repaired install, 3 ) re-installed, 4) uninstalled and reinstalled from scratch but still the problems persists on this machine. all other office PC’s with Revit 2013 behave.

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Revit :: Can't Rotate Simple Family

Jul 5, 2013

I've attached a simple RVT file with a family inserted and the front view active.  I need to rotate the family 90 degrees but Revit reports the following error:
"Can't draw because Work Plane is at a very sharp angle in this view. Go to another view or redefine the Work Plane."

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