AutoCAD Inventor :: Self-draining Routes - Why Certain Styles Are Not Available

Sep 10, 2013

I've created a self-draining tube and pipe style for the first time. I find that in some routes only the self-draining style is available and in other routes it isn't available (i.e. in the drop down list or to activate in the styles dialog). What the rules are that allow non- or self-draining style selection?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Grounding & Constraining Tube / Pipe Routes

Nov 21, 2009

How do you fully ground & constrain Tube & Pipe Routes?

The problem I have is after I complete My runs & routes & I have to make a dimension change in my Route, my route does not stay vertical & horizontal, then I have to start all over, which is very time consuming

I'm sure there is a way to do this , just like in a regular sketch, you want all of your lines to turn purple so it is fully constrained , well with the routes they are not, only the very first line then the rest of the lines in the route are blue. I have tried to use regular constraints but I get the error message saying constraint already applied.

I have also tried to ground a work point from where the route starts from, & that didn't work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Stop Dragging Of Tube / Pipe Runs / Routes

Oct 21, 2011

We've been using Tube and pipe for a few months now, and still working through the quirks and tricks for producing a stable route.  One problem however as more users are starting to use T&P is when in the top level T&P assembly they are dragging on a route and not always aware they have done so - this can result in the route being rotated fractions of a degree or moved fraction of mm and causing no end of confusion and frustration later on trying to diagnose and fix. Is there a way to 'lock' a route in place so it cannot be dragged in the top level?

Have tried switching off adaptivity in the i Properties of 'Tube & Pipe Runs' assembly, but this usually switches back on automatically. One user had a problem where the included geometry (taken from the x,y,z axes) had also moved and had to be deleted and redone - Wouldn't have thought anything based on the x,y,z axes should move?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Tube And Pipe Routes Not Running In Straight Lines

Jul 16, 2013

I'm seeing a very strange behaviour with the routing though. In the first picture you can see both connection points are lined up in the y plane (measuring 0mm). However in the second picture you can see the route inventor choose for me which is strange. It shows the path moving in the "y" direction before returning in the same direction at the next connection point. I've plenty of room for all bends and piping (I'm using ANSI Schd40 1.5NB - Welded ends). I've tried doing the route manually then connecting the top horizontal section but it again wants to throw an offset or two in there when there is no need.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Update Styles Library To Keep From Getting Styles Conflict Error Box

Jul 6, 2011

How do update the styles library to keep from getting the Styles Conflict error box.  I have used the Standard.dwg file that loaded with Inventor 2012 but everytime I change styles and save the changes in a new template in reverts back to the library definitions.

I used to be able to select 'NO' in the LIbrary option of the Projects Folder but that optiion no longer exists.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New Style Missing From Local Styles / Yet Appears In All Styles?

Aug 8, 2012

We've created a new parts list style for a border.When the border tempalt file is on the c: drive...everything works hunky list, revision tables, etc.But as soon as we copy and paste that border into the template library folder for new drgs...the parts list style is missing from the local styles?

So to make it appear on the new document...the style manager has to be set at all styles and the new parts list style has to be saved to the document?What aren't we doing to make it appear on the template?

Also note that because the drawing border template is in a template folder as part of the design is NOT it has to be edited outside the template folder.

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AutoCad :: Best Way To Draw Emergency Routes

Aug 25, 2011

i work with emergency plan for a company, many tools which used in to fight fire cases these tools which i can control the size by at annotative blocks in different these drawing i must have emergency routes (with green lines and arrows as shown in the pic) my question is: which way is the best to draw these emergency routes so i can control on the scale and that make logic zise with annotative blocks.

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GIMP :: Plot Routes On Road Map - Line Node Saturation

Dec 9, 2012

I'm trying to plot routes on a road map. A monochrome map is on the background layer and the routes are to go on a transparent routes layer.

I draw the routes with the pencil tool, holding down shift to go from node to node. The pencil opacity is set to 60% so that the road names on the background layer remain visible through the route colour.

All works except that the nodes are higher in saturation than the links between. What seems to be happening is that the adjacent segments overlap at the nodes and the saturations add together.

How to colour in the routes with a consistent saturation?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Applying Default Contour Labels Styles To Surface Styles?

Aug 21, 2012

How do you apply certain contour label styles to certain surface styles (i.e. When I have an existing surface i want the default contour labels to be an "existing contour" style).  Right now the default is a "finished contour" label style for all surfaces.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimension Styles

Jan 9, 2013

I created special dimension styles in Inventor 2013 in a drawing and trying to get them into another Inventor drawing. Can this be done like in Autocad by coping to the clip board and pasting into the new drawing?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimension Styles To Different Sheets In IDW

Apr 3, 2013

Is there a way to assign different dimension styles to different sheets in an idw.  I have idw drawings with several sheets and use a couple of different dimension styles depending on what is on each sheet.  I've created the dimension styles I want to use but I don't know how to assign a dimension style to a specific sheet.  For now what I am doing is dimensioning, then as needed for the dimensions that need a different style,  right click on the dimension and select new dimension style to changes its dimension style.  I would like to assign dimension styles to specific sheets, is there a way to do this?  Even though borders, title blocks, etc. are the same throughout the sheets, do I need to create different sheet formats to do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Keep Styles In (sync) Between Drawings?

Aug 5, 2013

What's the best way to ensure that all the drawings for my project are updated if I make changes to the Style settings on one of them? I've been putting every sheet into a single drawing file, but now I'm up to about 50 sheets and it takes about 40 seconds for each save, even if I only made a single minor change since the last save. I don't have any iLogic that could be causing this.

So I'd like to split the sheets up into multiple.dwgs, but I want changes I make my Styles to be reflected in all drawings. Can I create an "external" stye file that all drawings pull their style from? Or will I have to export/import to each drawing every time I make a change?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use VBA To Modify Color Styles

Oct 25, 2012

It is possible to change a document style color with a VBA macro or why not with iLogic ?.

I regularly imports STEP and the parts have defined colors. Unfortunately for change must clear all colors of surfaces. By cons, if you edit the styles we see that for each color there is a style with the color name.

So basically if I change a color style, all parts using this style will change.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Created Dimensioning Styles

Feb 27, 2012

I needed to create new dimensioning styles - that I can do.  However, there doesn't seem to be a way to apply them to a current drawing.  In the Annotation section under Format there are no "styles" listed  - not even the default.

So, how is one able to populate the list so one may choose a specific style or another?  Or, is there somewhere else I should be looking?

BTW...AutoCAD Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Delete Unwanted Styles?

May 31, 2013

In creating our drawing template, I collected alot of unwanted styles and want to delete/clean this up. I only want to keep what's highlighted..By the way, I found style editor and template creation quite tedious & convoluted.

Dell T3500
Intel Xenon CPU
64-bit operating system
NVIDIA Quadro 5000

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Extra Dimension Styles

Oct 12, 2011

Inside of the Style& Standard  Editor (Manage-> Style editor)  we use ANSI and a Company standard created off of ANSI.

But when I choose the filter to ALL STYLES, I can see JIS, DIN, All other unwanted styles. How can I get rid of them?

Do you all have them too? How do you get rid of them if you dint use them?
Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Styles Conflict

Jul 31, 2012

So I have migrated my template.  Now when I start a new assembly, I get the "Styles Conflict" message. I could suppress it, but I'd rather not.I had rather that the file use the style definition in the style library. So I have to update the template with the new style definintion.  Question is how to do that now in 2013?

I opened the template, then went to the Material Browser.  In the righ hand pane, I picked the "Generic" material and then the up arrow (add material to document).  I get a message that it already exists and the local copy will be used.

How do I get it to overwrite the local copy and use the styles definition in my library?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Different Parts List Styles?

Sep 4, 2013

Styles in Inventor have always been confusing to me. I have ONE project file, ONE teplates folder, but TWO different drawing templates (one for single part drawings, one for assembly drawings). For simplicity sake, lets say the ONLY difference I want between the two drawing templates is the parts list. The assembly template parts list should have lets say one more column than the other.

I did what I thought should do it but it isn't working properly. What's the best way to accomplish this? Right now within the same style library I have two parts lists set up, and I have two "standards". The only difference between the two standards is which parts list box is checked on "available styles". When I change "object defaults" to onw parts list or the other, it changes that default for all drawing templates, not just the one I'm using.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Migrate Styles To 2013?

Jan 29, 2013

When I try and migrate an old Inventor 2011 material library to Inventor 2013 using the migrate tool from the material browser I keep getting this error:

Migrate Legacy Color/Material Library: problems encountered while executing this command.

One or more color/material names were changed during the migration process.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Combined Styles Library Use

Oct 7, 2011

I am in the middle of an upgrade from 2009 to 2012 and have a styles use question. I am running three flavors of Inventor: Inventor, Inventor Professional, Inventor Factory (based on Pro). The styles library that I am starting with was migrated from 2009 to 2012 and was running both IV series and Pro Seats. Although no real Pro functionality was ever used so any associated styles were still as delivered for the most part. My working environment is a single Vault project setup where all the styles and libraries are local copies on each workstations drive. All the standard content (styles and libraries) stay checked out to myself on my machine for protection.

So here is what I did to make an all inclusive styles library that all flavors of products will use. pick this apart if you see something wrong with the method.

1) I started with the migrated styles library from 2009

2) As I installed the different flavors I copied the new styles libraries over the existing migrated one without allowing it to "overwrite" any existing styles files. This only populated the styles libraries with any thing I was missing from any of the flavors.

3) I use this combined library on all station regardless of the flavor installed. So some stations have styles on them that are not in use by the installed software.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Update Styles On DWG

Dec 21, 2011

I am after a way of accessing the update styles on dwg so that I can run with rule below as most of our drawing stds have changed and old dwgs need updating the work flow is as follows.

 I need to access manage tab then update styles,then yes to all,OKUpdate all sheetsfind all parts list within all sheet and then annotate , style on format tab and then select Parts list - this will change all my old parts list to current style definition.Either run at begining of code below or run as seperate code

On Error Resume NextDim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim Sheet As Inventor.SheetDim Cursheet As String Cursheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.Name For Each oSheet In oDrawDoc.Sheets oSheet.ActivateDim oPartsList As PartsList oPartsList = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.PartsLists.Item(1)If Not oPartsList Is Nothing Then Resume Next'Call oPartsList.Sort("ITEM")Call oPartsList.Sort("PART NUMBER", 1, "DESCRIPTION", 1, "QTY", 1)iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = TrueActiveSheet = ThisDrawing.Sheet("Sheet:1")ThisApplication.ActiveView.FitEnd If Next

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Styles Edits Not Saving

Sep 18, 2013

When I make changes through styles editor and try to save them, I get a window that pops up saying "Style library (C:Vault_WorkDesign Data) cannot be saved because it is damaged".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replace Styles In Drawing?

Aug 24, 2012

I have some styles I will like to replace in some drawings but how? I cant find any function to do this.

Dim oIDWStyles As Inventor.DrawingStylesManager
 Set oIDWStyles = oDrawDoc.StylesManager
 Dim oldstyle As style
 Dim Newstyle As style
   For Each oldstyle In oIDWStyles.Styles
     If oldstyle.Name = "Old style" Then


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set New Text Styles To New Layers?

Jun 13, 2012

I have created some new layer and Text styles.

I would like to set the new Text styles to the new layers, but cannot find a way to do so.

Inventor 2010

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IDW Not Showing Correct Color Styles?

Sep 5, 2012

I have not seen this issue happen in quite a while. I saw it on earlier releases pre-2013. But now after the Update2 build it seems my IDW's are not behaving properly.


1. Create model of a raw material (steel) stamped bracket. It receives its own part number

2. Create iam using the unpainted bracket and then assign a color (red) to represent a painted finish. This receives a  new part number due to our MFG process.

3. Create iam model using other "painted" sub assembly models (step 2 for instance). New part number.

4. Create IDW but it shows the raw material (step 1) rather than the painted model. It should show the painted

Boxx Technologies 4920 Xtreme - Win7 64bit
Intel Core i7 3960X @ 4.5 GHz - 64GB RAM
NVidia Quadro 4000 - Quadro 600 - Tesla C2075 (driver 307.45)
Product Design Suite 2014 (SP1) - Vault 2014 Pro SubRel1 - CFD Sim 2014 - Bunkspeed Pro 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Style Library Overrides Styles

Jul 18, 2013

I make an idw template at home and at work i get this message that says style library will override the listed styles, and enables me to choose if i want to impose the style library or the styles in the template.

I want to impose the styles in the template and the message says that in order to achieve that i have to delete the styles.

Which styles to delete and how?

When i use the purge styles command it's empty.

I understand that duplicate names of styles make the problem, but at home i checked 2 of the styles and found them the same as at work, but maybe i don't remember all the changes.

Is the solution simply to make new styles with new names?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Migrate Materials And Colors Styles

Sep 18, 2012

We have just migrated from Inventor 2009 to Inventor 2013 - I was thinking to migrate the old IV 2009 materials and colors to a new library. The migration dialog box in IV 2013 requires XML files while the export from IV 2009 generates STYXML files.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Standards In Styles Library

Jun 13, 2012

We have three divisions in my company.  Each division uses a different set of drawing templates.

With all of that said, in my division we are trying to setup a certain said standard that was copied from the out of the box standard ANSI one as a starting point.  We were hoping to have this standard reside only in our drawing templates, but the way the styles is handling it, it would appear that this standard has to be updated/added to the global styles library.

Is this a true statement that this has to be a global styles update or is there a way to have a said standard be the default setting within just certain drawing templates without being seen or affecting other drawing templates?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Why Lighting Only Tree Available In Styles Editor

Feb 28, 2013

I am trying to add a material with a specific density to the list of materials.  After looking online it looks like I need to do that with the styles editor, but when I open the styles editor the only thing that I can work with is the lighting.  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Default Object In The Styles Editor?

Apr 11, 2010

Can you have more "Object Defaults" then there is standards?

I ask because everytime I create an additional one and don't have a standard for it to link to and I save the styles it disappears.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Styles / Materials

Aug 12, 2013

I have set up sheet metal thicknesses in my templates, Now with the Material globe I call it at the top I see the materials and change them to whichever gauge but it does not take update the sheet metal part thickness, how do I get it where I can change it there and it updates the part. I have to go into sheetmetal defaults and change it there for it to update the part to the correct thickness.

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