AutoCAD Inventor :: IDW Not Showing Correct Color Styles?
Sep 5, 2012
I have not seen this issue happen in quite a while. I saw it on earlier releases pre-2013. But now after the Update2 build it seems my IDW's are not behaving properly.
1. Create model of a raw material (steel) stamped bracket. It receives its own part number
2. Create iam using the unpainted bracket and then assign a color (red) to represent a painted finish. This receives a new part number due to our MFG process.
3. Create iam model using other "painted" sub assembly models (step 2 for instance). New part number.
4. Create IDW but it shows the raw material (step 1) rather than the painted model. It should show the painted
when putting a bmp image on the ipt and creating the decal works fine. When I bring the ipt in to the drawing it fades out from the center to the upper right hand side. How to fix it in 2012. In 2009 it was simple to fix this by changing to open gl setting in application options, hardware.
Recently I have Installed Autodesk Inventor Proffessional 2013 SP 1.1 Update 2 on few new systems, it is not showing correct Material Appearance (Customised Material). I observed that it is not browsing images from correct folder location.
Following image showing error.
Older systms showing correct appearnace and it takes picture from following location shown in image.
I checked Application Options>File>Design Data (Styles, etc.) for new systems showing correct folder location i.e. From User>Public Documents.
Having problems with parts lists not showing the correct part numbers of the parts included in the assembly. In some cases I've made a new part by renaming an existing part but when I create a parts list it shows the part no of the original existing part used to create the new part, even though the new part is the one in the assembly. Also I have just had a number of similar assemblies and needed to produce parts lists for them. I created the first one and then used 'save as' to rename the drawing including the parts list. Then when I re-opened the newly renamed drawing I assigned it to it's new assembly. However the parts list did not update to show the new part numbers included in it's new assembly.
Is all this a glitch in the system or is there something in the set-up which is causing this problem?
I'm trying to create a swatch in Illustrator with our company's colors. I already succeedid in creating a palet with the RGB and CMYK colors, but I also want to do this with the PMS colors.However, I can't seem to find the correct color book in which to locate the correct PMS color.
I only have the number of the PMS color, I don't know which color book to choose?
It is possible to change a document style color with a VBA macro or why not with iLogic ?.
I regularly imports STEP and the parts have defined colors. Unfortunately for change must clear all colors of surfaces. By cons, if you edit the styles we see that for each color there is a style with the color name.
So basically if I change a color style, all parts using this style will change.
I've downloaded the RAL number colour scheme and imported into the styles editor. How to access from within Inventor to actually use a RAL number to colour a part ?
How do update the styles library to keep from getting the Styles Conflict error box. I have used the Standard.dwg file that loaded with Inventor 2012 but everytime I change styles and save the changes in a new template in reverts back to the library definitions.
I used to be able to select 'NO' in the LIbrary option of the Projects Folder but that optiion no longer exists.
We've created a new parts list style for a border.When the border tempalt file is on the c: drive...everything works hunky list, revision tables, etc.But as soon as we copy and paste that border into the template library folder for new drgs...the parts list style is missing from the local styles?
So to make it appear on the new document...the style manager has to be set at all styles and the new parts list style has to be saved to the document?What aren't we doing to make it appear on the template?
Also note that because the drawing border template is in a template folder as part of the design is NOT it has to be edited outside the template folder.
using illustrator cc, on a series of illustrations, i am placing an ai file with my color pallette into all of my files (if i update the pallate, all files will have the corrected version). when i place the pallette file, the cmyk values are slightly off. all files are cmyk. seems like a bug, reminds me of placing illustrator into photoshop, and colors values would be ever so slightly off.
I am working on setting up exagerated (10X) section views. I would like to show the horizontal and vertical scale below each section. I have used the code below in the Axis Title Text. The horizontal scale displays correctly (taken from the overall drawing scale)
How would i edit the vertical code below to show the vertical scale 10 times smaller?
Certain font styles in Illustrator are not showing up, Arial bold italic, for instance. Arial bold and Arial italic work, but I cannot select both. Photoshop and other apps display it without problem. I have re-installed the font, cleared my system font cache (Windows), and even tried putting the fonts into the "fonts" folder. Still no luck.
I'm not sure if this is related but when Times New Roman is selected I get a strange rounded font that is definitely not Times New. only Illustrator is affected.
I have a photo of a painting that was taken with Kodak color checker patches on one corner. It looks like I need to adjust the colors in Photoshop.
I want to use the color checker as a reference to correct the overall image color and contrast. However, I don't know how to use it as I have never worked with color checker patches before.
how to color correct the image on photoshop?
I am attaching a cropped sample image. The original image is in RGB. The colors on the Kodak patch as follows: Blue, Cyan, Gree, Yellow, Red, Magenta, White, 3/Color, Black.
I have something like 1,850 photos, taken in RAW and later converted to DNG, to create a stop motion. All the photos were taken with the same camera (Canon 5D Mk II) and most of them with a 24-70L. All were taken in the same lighting conditions (in an interior, with the house lighting from flourescent lights) and the same day, in a period of maybe 2 or 3 hours. Each "take" was with the exact same camera and exposure parameters.
When processing the photos in Lightroom (using the LR4 beta) I can see some minor but very noticeable differences between color an exposure in the photos of the same "take". The exposure can be more or less automatically corrected by the Matching total exposures (although I think this doesn't work when the exposures are really similar, but there are some subtle differences like in this case, say, something along ~1/5 stop or so), but I haven't found how to try to match the white balance. All of the photos have already been set to a specific WB (I took a ColorChecker Passport at the beginning of the session), but there are still some differences between some of the shots. Some of them look a tad more greener. I blame the flourescent bulbs, but I'm not sure of the real cause.
So, the question is: is there a way to match the color balance of a series of photos to a target one? I really don't want to go photo by photo setting the white balance manually. Is there a tool like the Match total exposures, but for color balance? I have already tried with the automatic white balance, but the problem is that the decided WB for the photos is not the one I need, and I need to have the same WB for all the session, and this could change from different takes. The difference between shots is usually around 4 or 5 "points" in the Tint scale, some are with Tint +11, some with +15.
Or any other tool that could process this after? At the end I'll use JPGs to create the stop motion, so if there is a tool that could process the exported jpgs it could work too.
To create 2-color artwork from any colored vector clipart I used to be able to:
import colored clipart convert to CMYK if needed select entire graphic and create new styles with 2 parents change (edit) the colored parent to a named Pantone spot color (the child colors automatically become percentages of the Pantone spot color) "find and change" the remaining CMYK to Grayscale, and then back to CMYK (this ignors the spot color and converts the annoying rich blacks to percentages of K) export to a PDF file--which when imported into, say, InDesign, will separate on the K and Spot Color Plates only, in all its glorious shades of gray and tints of Pantone spot color.
I'm completely at a loss on how to do this in X6, and I'm on a short deadline.
if you look at the image attached the colours on the right are what the color picker is displaying and if I use that hex code thats the colour the web page displays, but if i fill in any element the colours circled on the left are shown in photoshop.
Why is the color picker window showing a different color to the whats displayed?
Any resource(s) for correctly setting the color on my monitor so that it's synched with Lightroom? I have an 11x17 inch Dell monitor; don't see a model name.
I'm not sure if Adobe publishes anything or if I should check Dell's site.
I have Photoshop cs5 . When I am trying to select white color from foreground / background color giving color code "ffffff" ,255,255,255 but showing creme color.
I am new to Photoshop. I have version cs5. I have several photos that were taken through a Blue tinted plexiglass window. Some or all of the photo has acquired the tint. Also parts may have a reflection minor of people standing around. How do I remove the tint?
I photograph a bright red car in raw mode on a digital slr (Canon 20D) set to Adobe rgb 1998 and view it in Breeze Browser and it looks just as I remember it. I open it into Pshop CS5 extended (which is set to Adobe rgb1998, Europe ISO Coated Fogra27, (as I am UK and this is what a calibration company set our works proofer to) gray gamma 2.2 dot gain 20% and its become a little desaturated.
Sampling it and comparing screens and colours with Breeze Browser its definitely less red, a bit more orange red instead. I need to up saturation to return the red, both in RAW converter and also after image opened if not done so beforehand in RAW converter. Colors just look muted.
What tests can I carry out to find out what is going on ?
Perhaps create a rgb 255 0 0 image in a way not influenced by photoshop and photo the monitor, then open this in photoshop and sample it. However that would be influenced by the exposure of the camera. Maybe I need to create a Kodak grey card type image and establish correct exposure for the monitor brightness first. so what would that be as rgb ?
I know though that Pshop is displaying duller. Once upon a time we had Adobe gamma and one would go through the calibration wizard to set up Photoshop having already set up the monitor.
What do we have to do after installing CS5 extended or CS4 to ensure Pshops display is correct ?
I have Adobe gamma in the control panel, Is this something we still have to do in CS5, I wonder if its there because I still have Pshop 7 installed which used that wizard.
as some of you who work in TV know, video uses color bars to set up your source material in order to insure that levels in video will be output properly.
please see the above PDF. i created the BG in photoshop, then imported it into indesign for a half-page magazine ad.
this PDF is a high-quality output of PDF. i printed it on my $99 ink jet printer just to see how it looks on paper and it doesn't look too bad.
but is there some way i can test the print output without having to get a printed proof from the print company, that will insure that the ad's colors and levels are set properly?
i guess what i mean is, is there some way that a color bar system similar to TV can be used to compare with the PDF?
I would like to export some GUI elements as PNGs for an iPhone application and encountered the following problem:
What I did:
1. The developer gave me an hex code with that I should produce the GUI elements
2. I set the color in illustrator and exported the GUI elements as PNGs
3. The developer imported them and we noted a difference in color between my GUI PNGs and the color of a background element set in the ios app via the same hex code.
I work on:
- MacBook Retina - Illustrator document color mode is and was always RGB - I experimented with color profile settings in Illustrator and Mac System Preferences but don't really know what the settings mean and dont have good feeling playing arround with them
I have LR4.3 for at least one year. He has worked correctly until 2 weeks ago. But now it is impossible to have correct color in the "development " part.
When i choose the pictures in the computer to load them, their colors are "normal" but after to have loaded them, The pictures are red, blue, green, yellowl etc without gradient (like solarization) Even if the picture loaded is in B&W.
And the "histogram" has the same colors.
When i decide to send these pictures to the computer, their colors are again "normal" (with the changes I have done) but without be able to control them during their passage in LR4.3.
I'm trying to color correct some strands of fabric that are underneath a semi transparent fabric. I've been trying to paint the strands and use opacity properly color correct them, but are there any good tricks to keep the illusion of the transparency of the overlaying fabric?
I have both Corel 12 and X5. A few years ago a friend of mine installed a custom color palette in my C12 that was matched to the Federal Standard 595 color system.
When I move the cursor over each color in the palette, it displays the FS number assigned to each color (ie. FS35237, FS37038, etc.)
I recently installed the same color palette into X5. However, when I move the cursor over each color, it displays the RGB color ratios for each color. If I open the palette and click on the 'display names' option, it shows the FS number for each color but reverts back to the RGB ratio when the palette is minimized to the right of my screen (I hope that makes sense).
How can I get the FS numbers to display when I move the cursor over the colors?
With Inventor 2013 , user can view iProperties > Physical > Volume. After UPDATE is clicked, the application seems to recalucate and display mass information. How do I accomplish this task with API? I tried looping through all Occurrence objects, then access MassProperties.Volume, but the numbers do not match what I got from the Inventor application. The API seems to give me the Volume before the model construction (add parts, extrusions etc.) I need volumes after the final assembly.
I was checking my prints and noticed that the mass for the assembly was not shown correctly. The mass for each component is correct, but the mass for the assembly is less than the total mass of the parts..... how can that be?
Watch this video. The mass for my assembly is reported from iProperties as 10 lbs, but the mass for one of the parts is 60lbs. I would expect the mass for the assembly to be at least 60 lbs, but it is not. I tried a "Rebuild All" and an "Update Mass" on my assembly, but that did not fix it (30 sec mark in the video).
This assembly is part of a much larger assembly (around 35,000 parts). There are several more assemblies doing this and I need to get the mass correct.