I want to put a flexible hose into an assembly in different places.
In the real world it would be the same part, but as the hose would needs to bend at different angles for the different positions I would need different models.
I know I can group components with the same part number in the Parts List, but how do I make sure the components are seen by Vault and other users as being the same component ?
Currently using Inv 2011sp2 Pro and Vault 2011. But I don't have much experience of using Pro
The company I work for manufactures safety covers of all types. Some are pretty easy to model. The ones made from folded fabric,....not so much.
I have taken a couple of photos and uploaded them so that you could see what I'm trying to model.
As you can see from the photo, it's an accordion like cover that is "U-Shaped". You would install this over a linear rail and have one end anchored to the frame and one end anchored to the carriage. So it would collapse and expand as the carriage moves back and forth.
We call the convolutions "vees" (obviously because they look like the letter V). When you compress the cover the Vee Depth increases. And when you expand the cover it will decrease. The folded section at the ends, at the small "legs" is where I have the difficulty. It's sort of hard to explain. That's why I uploaded the photos.
I'd like to be able to make a single "Vee", and have it have adjustable constraints so that I can expand or contract the cover by adjusting one number.
I have been able to get pipe styles etc. and create some hoses but they are not exactly behaving like I thought they would. When I create a hose, some of the points are on the entry and exit of hose clamps, and any of these points seem fully constrained when I looked at the sketch color. I have also created points on the route by entering a distance along an axis or by picking a point offset on a surface or another hose and its seems these are causing the problem when the assembly moves. These points seem to stay in the original position they picked. Is there any way to keep them fixed to the point they where picked on the surface of a part, so if the assembly moves everything updates correctly.
I also wondered if there was a way to set the length of a section between 2 points to allow for the movement of an assembly.
I am trying to model a flexible metal wire conduit. I was going to use a spring, then I wanted to have it follow a spline, but can't figure out how to do this. I vaguely remember doing something like this in the past but can't remember how I did it. I want to model it as opposed to using maps. It will be a fairly close up rendering.
I have a sub-assembly that is flexible, (constrained properly, not grounded) and when I try to move it in the main assembly, I get the "universal NO" symbol attached to my cursor. There are no constraints preventing the movement in the sub, since I can move it however I want when the sub is opened.
I am wanting to create an assembly that I can manipulate and `pull about'.
To describe what I have and I want to acheive try and picture this very simplistic layout :-
A length of hose 50 meters long.
Another length of 50m long hose 2 meters directly below it.
The 2 lengths of hose rigidly tied together at 2m intervals with a small diameter solid bar and clamps around the hose.
What I need to acheive is :-
An assembly showing the above items in a long straight 50m run.
(I have no problems with creating this assembly.)
From there though I then need to be able to create an `S' shape, with the hose staying at a fixed radius where it is rolled to form that shape, both hoses must stay inline with each other at all times.
If you can imagine how a hose would react as you rolled it in reality I want to try and replicate that within my assembly if it is possible?
I realise I could create one long flat assembly then create another seperate assembly showing it in it's rolled up `S' shaped state but that is not what I am wanting.
What I am trying to do is place a hinge as a subassembly. I know in Solidworks there is an option to add it as a rigid or non rigid assembly. I have seen an option for flexible when you right click on assemblies that allow parts to be moved which is what I need but the hinge file I have from the company that sells them doesn't have that option when I right click on it and I need the hinge to be able to rotate in the model to simulate the hinge opening/ closing.
I need to model up a convoluted flexible hose as a component part for use in an assembly. What is the best approach to creating this with a realistic and natural look?
I'm trying to make this assembly flexible in that the bar will flex so the "s-clip" can hold the 2 handles together. I read some of the forums about the scissors assembly in the autodesk folders and I can see it working in that assembly btu can't figure out how to make it apply to mine. It is basically one of those camping grills that makes hot sandwiches or pies.
I'm running Inventor 2008 SP2. Each time I open the assembly 2 subassemblies always explode. You can see the red and blue subs in the attached picture. I thought this was supposed to be fixed by now. Actually I thought this was supposed to be fixed in R11 a long time ago. When I grab and drag either component, everything snaps back to where it's supposed to be.
If this isn't fixed (along with a laundry list of stuff that's been broken since R10) you will be losing customers. This and all the other bugs have cost me countless hours in lost productivity.
I'm going through some customer equipment models and setting them up in my library for referencing. For example, I'll setup a machine that belongs to a customer, then reference it through a library when I design new tooling and/or components to work with existing equipment.
One such machine is a simple positioner. It's got a linear slide for "X" movement that's got an arm on a mounting plate. The slide has some amount of travel, say 500mm or so. And the mounting plate has 5 sets of mounting holes. So the arm can have four bolts removed and be mounted in any (1) of (5) different locations. This is in addition to the slide's travel.
When I design future assemblies and components for this, I'd like to be able to insert the assembly from a library into my "new" assembly in a flexible configuration where I can set it up using any combination of mounting holes AND slide travel.
So I can setup (5) different positional reps for the mounting hole configs. That's easy. With respect to the slide, I can create a constraint that allows the arm to extend and retract, but how can I get the library assembly to "rest" in multiple locations? For example, I may work on Design A that needs the extension at 241mm and Design B at 316mm.
Would I need to setup a different Pos Rep in the library assembly for the requirements of every new design? Unfortunately, the design is proprietary to the customer, so I really can't post anything about it.
I need to make a 1/8" diameter flexible hose, but the sizes listed for the Parker Hydraulic Hose only go down to 1/4". The closest solution I could find is here:
Here is what I did:
In my assembly, click "Place From Content Center"
Find "Parker Hydraulic Hose"
When I right click on it, the only selection is "Add to Favorites"
Double click on "Parker Hydraulic Hose"
Go to "Table View" tab
Right click on a row, but there is no "Input" selection.
Usually what I do is download a 3D CAD part from McMaster Carr or some other place and start from scratch trying to recreate the part or, in this case, the assembly. I'm working on modeling a simple swing-arm type of machine I've made in the past and the I've been able to recreate all of the parts with their proper ranges of motion except one. It's an Inline Ball Joint Linkage that has a rubber boot around it to keep the dust out and possibly grease in. I want to know if it is possible to model the rubber boot so that it would mimic real life movement. Right now, the boot is basically a rigid cylinder and as the linkage swivels, the solid bodies clip through each other.
I've been able to make a flexible hose type of assembly as shown here: [URL]... However, creating a 3D drawing with a spline that attaches to work points on the other assemblies causes the Ball Joint to no longer work. It will only rotate as opposed to swiveling.
I am working on a hinged door assembly that consists of a frame sub-assembly, and 2 door panel sub-assemblies that each have 4 hinged sub-assemblies that I have made flexible. I am trying to figure out how to constrain these doors so that they "operate" correctly and not spin 360 degrees when I manipulate them in the overall assembly.
I want to put a cable tray going from a sliding door to a fixed piece of steelwork. When the door opens and closes, I want the cable tray to adjust to suit the sliding door. I'll upload the file that I have made. When i drag the sketch it all moves accordingly, but when I placed in the assembly and make it adaptive it does nothing, it will not constrain and it will only bring up the errors.
Inventor 2012 Windows 7 64-Bit SP1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5570 @ 2.93GHz NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800 (Avail. Graphics Memory 4067MB - Ded. 1024 MB) 12 GB RAM
I needed to use a Jpeg camera original image (created in May 2008) in CS4 and viewed it with Bridge then tried Crtl-R to open it in Camera Raw. The image opened, all the control were there, I brightebed it up a bit and hit OPEN and ... hey - presto the image was corruprted. Tried the same thing on the next image in the folder and got the same results.
We had backed up the folder on DVD so I've lost some time but not the two images.
My problem today is that I made a Model of a Part of a ship using surfaces rather than solids because the engineer thought it would be easier to bring into ANSYS program for analysis but he is now having a problem with it and I am looking into converting my current model to solid. I can do it but the method I thought of using is quite long winded and we are working to a tight deadline.
1.open up the surface part
2.use "Offset/Thicken"
3.any clashes between parts make a sketch and cut away.
the problem is the amount of plates I have and the time it takes to sort them out.
We received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
I am trying to create a flexiable hose, i dont want it to move or anything. I have tried to sweep a circle along the path, but my pline is not on a coplanar line so that makes it difficult. tried using extrude. tried using a helix but can't get the right angles.
I cannot figure out how to create a flexible T-shaped dynamic block. It falls apart scattering the linework all over the screen. My constrain parameters for width, height and thickness are not controlling the lines. I have an I-beam shape that works, but using that to make a Tee didn't work. Or a link as to creating semi-complex dynamic blocks.
Even if there are NO changes to the settings between individual (non-sequential) images, each import of a camera raw file must be approved by clicking okay for each file. In projects which involve hundreds (thousands?) of unique stills this is needlessly tedious.
Instead, the option of one CR dialogue would suffice that could (again, optionally) be applied to all.Adopting Photoshop’s Camera raw dialogue’s ability to process BATCH images in the window and opening them all in PS seems like a natural solution to AE import hangup.
This should also allow for the option to re-open the dialogue after import on one or more stills to modify the contents and then close.
In addition the fact that AE insists that a still need be at least one full second seems like an unnecessary restriction. Why is it not possible to import an image as just one frame?
The modification I suggest would saves tremendous time and allows for incredible flexibility.
We had an animation project where we have to manipulate1200 stills in After Effects to create an animation. Since the stills were not shot sequentially and the editing/compositing needed to happen within AE, importing as a sequence was not an option. The impediments in basic import functions added a full day's work just to import the files(!). We ended up selecting the images in LR, applying minor correction, exporting the selects as DNG files, importing them into AE (clicking the OKAY button in the CR dialogue for each of 1200 images) then selecting all the images and creating proxies so they were easier and faster to work with. (note: we ended up buying a proxy creator script because AE won’t generate proxies for multiple items in one action)
This is not an isolated case for one project. We require this function all the time. But the tedious importing of 1200 images in one project really broke our moral.
Placing a drawing in a sheet is not flexible, I’m wondering about the best practices to place a drawing in the title block/sheet.
For example, in the AuotCAD, I’m used to have a title block, say appropriate for A3, for my drawing to make sure that it will fit well inside the intended paper with the aimed scale.
Here in the Revit, I was struggling to place my drawing in the sheet as there is no snapping or tools for performing this issue the same way we have it in the AutoCAD.