AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Control Browser Folders?

Nov 22, 2013

Working on a product configurator using iLogic and have a large amount of hardware that needs to be suppress or unsuppressed based on certain parameter choices.  Instead of creating hundreds of lines of code suppressing and unsuppressing the hardware one by one, I was hoping to put hardware into folders based configurations.  In my mind this would have allowed me to have one line that would suppress the folder as needed.  Unfortunately I cannot figure how to suppress a folder in iLogic as I saw someone else mention I was hoping for a "Folder.IsActive" rule but have yet to find one. 

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using ILogic To Rename Browser Nodes?

Jul 3, 2013

how to create an iLogic rule that automatically renames the browser nodes based on part number.  I know that this is a function in Inventor itself.  The problem is that there is no built-in functionality to automatically change the default browser name to something besides part number.  I've done a lot of digging and I came across the following code from an old thread discussing Inventor 2011.  I am interested in 2013.  It is also worth noting that when I run this code, my Inventor crashes.  
End Sub


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Browser Name Using ILogic Particular Change To The Number

Jul 4, 2012

I want my browser name using iLogic particular change to the part number. I fill in my iproperties, the part number. Then the browser name has to take over the part number.

But i get an error.

doc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oCC As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oCC In doc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
OccName = oCC.Name
oCC.Name = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Browser Node Icon Using ILogic?

Dec 21, 2012

How can I change the default icon that shows up in the browser node in a part file? I found some VB code but can't seem to get it to work with ilogic.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Browser Is Not Refreshing After Replacing Elements With ILogic

Jul 10, 2012

When I replace elements with iLogic the Inventor Browser is not automatically refreshed.

E.g. I have a file A.ipt and I replace it with B.ipt then in the Brwoser will be shown: A.ipt:1, even when B is already inserted.

Is there some refresh, like "Update Browser nodes when done" ?

These both has no influence on it:

iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True

By the way. To Update the Browser manually, I have to rename the block nodes (From Filename to Filename). So it's only opening up the Renaming Function and then hitting "ok".

If there's no direct function to update the Browser, maybe there's a way to do the manually way by iLogic?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Demote Contents Of Browser Folder

Apr 17, 2013

I'm trying to create an ilogic rule that will look within the folders of an assembly and take the contents of each of those folders and demote them to separate sub-assemblies.

ie. Assembly1 contains NewFolder 1.  NewFolder 1 contains Part1:1 and Part2:1.  Upon executing the ilogic rule, I would like Assembly1 to contain NewFolder 1 and within NewFolder 1, Assembly1-01.  Assembly1-01 contains Part1:1 and Part2:1.  I would like this ilogic rule to look within each successive folder within Assembly1 and demote them according to their position in the browser such that NewFolder 1 - at the top of the browser list - contains Assembly-01, NewFolder 2 contains Assembly-02, etc.

I currently copy a master assembly with browser folders that contain parts and sub-assemblies to a secondary assembly where I manually demote the contents of the folders to sub-assemblies.  When I create a drawing for our machine assembly department, the demoted sub-assemblies to isolate only those parts - nuts, bolts and the pieces they fit to - so it is easier for the assembly department when putting a machine together.

Is it possible, using ilogic, to demote folder contents to sub-assemblies with an assembly document?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Replace From Folders

May 15, 2013

I have 30 families of seals (arf arf!)

I would like to put family A in folder A
I would like to put family B in folder B


During testing I had 10 seals in one folder & used :

Component.Replace("Part1:1", "OtherPartfilename.ipt", True)

But splitting the parts up into different folders breaks the model because (I'm guessing) the part can't be found. My thought was to have one folder (Seals) with subfolder (Seal A, Seal B,etc) - is there a way to search the sub folders & use replace?

If I stick with one folder it will end up containing 300+ parts which will look messy.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Select Specific File In Browser Tree

Oct 4, 2012

I am looking to apply a set part number iproperty to the first, then second, then third components in the assembly browser tree in my iLogic rule, regardless of their current part number. (I need to select them by their position in the browser tree as their part number will vary). How do I do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Control End Of Part

Sep 16, 2013

Is it possible to control (move) End of Part with iLogic? Let's say to move it before or after a certain feature.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To PDF Layers Control?

Jul 26, 2013

I am using ilogic rules found in this forum to publish to pdf. 

I would like to know if its possible to hide certain layers while publising to pdf.

So is it possible to do that with ilogic? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename Browser Node On Part Level With ILogic Rule?

Oct 18, 2011

is it possible to rename the browser node on part level with an iLogic rule? I know that in the assembly environment is an Inventor OOTB functionality to rename the nodes to the filename, Part number or the default value.

Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit
Dell Precision M4500
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 820 @ 1.73GHz

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Excel And ILogic To Control IParts

Jan 9, 2012

I am currently using iparts/assemblies to model a resistor bank. We have dozens of different configurations and currently each time we need a new one its is re modeled from scratch.

I have created an assembly with all my relevant parts and controlled it through parameters to auto update when key values are changed.

What I would ideally like to do is to either link my two iparts to the iassembly though the excel sheets they use. Currently I have to added each variation to the parts first and then added the parameters to the assembly.

Would it be possible to have a master sheet were all control values are inputted and then each excel sheet for the different parts are linked to this?

As the excel sheets are saved in the temp file and are deleted once you have finished editing I have found it hard to do this so far. Can I change where they are saved? I tried save copy as which created the file but inventor did not link to it.

If this is not possible can I utilize iLogic to input the key values and then write them to a new row in the table. I have created a rule already to limit the number of elements and also the length of the by's (the space between each supporting rod). I have included a zip file with all my parts in it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Control Number Of Parts

Dec 7, 2011

I need to use/write a iLogic code. I have a assy, in this assy i have parameter Height and Width. And it´s no problem to controlls this two rules/value.

But I have a problem with the rule when my height will control the number of parts

If my height is 500-1000, one part.
If my height is 1000-1500, two parts.
If my height is 1500-2000, three parts.

Is it best to use suppress or use a pattern in this case?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 ILogic Rule To Change Visibility Of Workplane Selected In Browser

Oct 4, 2013

I want to be able to have All Work Planes set as 'Invisible' but create a or Icon that allows me to change the Visibility of any individual workplane(s) physically selected in the browser.

A rule written by another member should do the trick if the following line could be altered so as not to read 'For Each' oWorkPlane but instead for 'Each Selected' oWorkplane.

'For Each oWorkPlane In docFile.ComponentDefinition.WorkPlanes' 

'get user input
oInput = InputRadioBox("Select workplane visibility:", _
 "Turn ON workplanes for all components", "Turn OFF workplanes for all components", "False", "iLogic")
'Define the open document (top level assembly)
Dim openDoc As Document
openDoc = ThisDoc.Document


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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Control Position Of Parts List

Oct 31, 2011

I am creating a drawing controlled by ilogic. The assembly can vary in size considerably so I have set the IDW to change between sheet size A3 and A2 accordingly using ilogic. However, when the sheet size is changed, the parts list stays in a static position.

Currently, the parts list is situated in the top right corner up against the title block and the border. So when changing from Size A3 to Size A2, the parts list ends up in the middle of the page. Is there anyway i can control the position of the parts list so it changes with the sheet size change?

I know I could simply move the partslist to the bottom left corner, which is a work around. However, I'd like to be able to keep the drawings in line with the company standard.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Can't Set Location For Windows Form Control

Mar 21, 2013

I am trying to create a windows form within iLogic. Everything works except the lines defining the location on the controls. I keep getting the following error: 'New' cannot be used on an interface. The error refers to lines in the code that try to set the control location on the form. (i.e. "button1.Location = New Point(10,10)") Ihave pasted the code below and have it attached as well. I am in Inventor 2013.

AddReference ("C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Drawingv4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing.dll")Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrenceTry oOccurrence = ThisDoc.Document.SelectSet.Item(1)Catch MessageBox.Show("Please select a component before running this rule.", "iLogic")

[Code] ........

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control Break Size In Drawing View Using ILogic?

Feb 24, 2011

is there any way using iLogic or other method to automatically control the size of the 'break' in a drawing view? I have built a model which uses iLogic to control virtually everything, however the large variations in the length of the product mean that there are some interesting results when it comes to the broken drawing views updating.

it would be nice to locate the break at the absolute center of the view and then size it as a percentage of the view size along one axis or perhaps according to some other length based rule.

Dell Precision M6400 - C2D 2.66 / 8gb / Quadro FX3700M / Win 7 Pro x64

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Browser Doesn't Match Model Browser

Oct 29, 2012

I opened the drawing and then from the drawing opened the model.  In the drawing it is showing the 4th instance of ROUND CRS-032175 X 33 as an assembly.  It also is not showing in the view and yet the visibility is checked.  AI2012 SP2 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Add Browser Node To Empty Browser Folder

Apr 8, 2013

I am trying to use the Browsernode.addchild method to add an occurence to an empty browser folder. The code fails at this point and I gett an error pointing to the line "Call oTargetNode.AddChild(oSourceNodeDef)". I can add the occurence with the browserpanes.Reorder method without issue if the folder is not empty. The code is pasted Below.

Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML:     165 EndHTML:   29338 StartFragment:     314 EndFragment:   29306 StartSelection:     314 EndSelection:     314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
DimPrcsTpAsStringPrcsTp=InputListBox("Process Type?", MultiValue.List("ProcessType"), Parameter("ProcessType"), Title :="Select Process Type", ListName :="Process Type")DimRtgNameAsStringRtgName=PrcsTp&"-"&Parameter("NoRtgsInc")+1MessageBox.Show(RtgName, "Title",MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)DimoAsmAsAssemblyDocument=ThisDoc.DocumentDimoMatrixAsMatrix=ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrixDimoOccAsComponentOccurrenceoOcc=oAsm.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.AddVirtual(RtgName, oMatrix)DimoCompDefVirtualAsVirtualComponentDefinition=oOcc.Definition'CREATE AND SET THE


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force To Use Browser Of Choice Or Default Browser?

Nov 7, 2011

When I press F1 Inventor opens the help on my default browser (Chrome), but when I click the bynocular it uses Internet Explorer.

Is it possible to force Inventor to use a browser of my choice or the default browser?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Close ILogic Form With VBA Or ILogic Rule

Aug 19, 2013

how can I close an iLogic Form from either an iLogic Rule, or a VBA Rule (VBA is the Preferred method)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Browser Name Not Changing?

May 29, 2013

When you place a part (let’s say structural steel part) from content center as a custom part and later change the part size, the browser still shows the old part name which makes it very confusing when scanning through the browsers when you're trying to find something. It makes it almost unusable if you can’t trust the description. How do others handle this? I know about browser rename but that won't work because it defaults back when you close and reopen.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 3D Sketch In Browser Bar

Nov 1, 2013

I am getting the i symbol in front of my 3D sketch in the browser bar.  Unlike a 2D sketch which I can open and run sketch doctor, I am unsure how to resolve issues with this sketch.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: BC Symbol In Browser?

Nov 15, 2012

I have many symbols next to the bolted connections in my browser in Inventor 2013 which I do not see changing. what these stmbols mean and why there are there ?

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Asterisk In Browser After File Name?

Oct 20, 2011

Why sometimes we have an asterisk (a star) after the file name in the browser (in "Vault mode")? see attachment

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Red Up Arrow In Model Browser

Aug 23, 2012

What does the red up arrow next to extrussion features indicate?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Object Browser Disappeared

Jun 14, 2013

I just popped off to a meeting, and when i returned the Object Browser has disappeared from my screen and i can't get it back. Where it might have gone or how i can get it back.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename A Browser Node

May 2, 2013

I am attempting to rename a browser node. Here is the code I'm using and I'm getting a "Property 'Label' is 'ReadOnly'" error. In the API I found a note about using SetLabel() but that seems to only have  ones for ClientMade browser nodes.

 oSubAssyNode.BrowserNodeDefinition.Label = "XXX"

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Grouping Features In Browser Bar?

Jan 27, 2010

Inventor 2010 / I'm finding myself scrolling up and down the browser bar quite a lot to get to the Solid Bodies folder for example, and I was wondering if it was possible to group features into folders or something to make the journey quicker, with the benefit of also being able to just organize things a bit better.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppress Browser Folder?

Oct 8, 2012

I am trying to suppress browser folders per the API with no luck is this even possible. I would also like to control its BOM Structure.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Enable Model Browser

Jul 26, 2013

How to enable model browser in Autocad Inventor Professional 2014 Student version ?

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