AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Control Number Of Parts

Dec 7, 2011

I need to use/write a iLogic code. I have a assy, in this assy i have parameter Height and Width. And it´s no problem to controlls this two rules/value.

But I have a problem with the rule when my height will control the number of parts

If my height is 500-1000, one part.
If my height is 1000-1500, two parts.
If my height is 1500-2000, three parts.

Is it best to use suppress or use a pattern in this case?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Control Position Of Parts List

Oct 31, 2011

I am creating a drawing controlled by ilogic. The assembly can vary in size considerably so I have set the IDW to change between sheet size A3 and A2 accordingly using ilogic. However, when the sheet size is changed, the parts list stays in a static position.

Currently, the parts list is situated in the top right corner up against the title block and the border. So when changing from Size A3 to Size A2, the parts list ends up in the middle of the page. Is there anyway i can control the position of the parts list so it changes with the sheet size change?

I know I could simply move the partslist to the bottom left corner, which is a work around. However, I'd like to be able to keep the drawings in line with the company standard.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ITEM Number - Can Control It Through A Part

Apr 30, 2012

I just wondered if can I assign a particular ITEM number to a particular part, instead of relying on order in the assembly.

I unsterstand I can overrite it in BOM but can I have it controlled from the part, so any time I instert it into an assembly, this particular number in ITEM coulmn pops up?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Control End Of Part

Sep 16, 2013

Is it possible to control (move) End of Part with iLogic? Let's say to move it before or after a certain feature.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To PDF Layers Control?

Jul 26, 2013

I am using ilogic rules found in this forum to publish to pdf. 

I would like to know if its possible to hide certain layers while publising to pdf.

So is it possible to do that with ilogic? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Control Browser Folders?

Nov 22, 2013

Working on a product configurator using iLogic and have a large amount of hardware that needs to be suppress or unsuppressed based on certain parameter choices.  Instead of creating hundreds of lines of code suppressing and unsuppressing the hardware one by one, I was hoping to put hardware into folders based configurations.  In my mind this would have allowed me to have one line that would suppress the folder as needed.  Unfortunately I cannot figure how to suppress a folder in iLogic as I saw someone else mention I was hoping for a "Folder.IsActive" rule but have yet to find one. 

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Excel And ILogic To Control IParts

Jan 9, 2012

I am currently using iparts/assemblies to model a resistor bank. We have dozens of different configurations and currently each time we need a new one its is re modeled from scratch.

I have created an assembly with all my relevant parts and controlled it through parameters to auto update when key values are changed.

What I would ideally like to do is to either link my two iparts to the iassembly though the excel sheets they use. Currently I have to added each variation to the parts first and then added the parameters to the assembly.

Would it be possible to have a master sheet were all control values are inputted and then each excel sheet for the different parts are linked to this?

As the excel sheets are saved in the temp file and are deleted once you have finished editing I have found it hard to do this so far. Can I change where they are saved? I tried save copy as which created the file but inventor did not link to it.

If this is not possible can I utilize iLogic to input the key values and then write them to a new row in the table. I have created a rule already to limit the number of elements and also the length of the by's (the space between each supporting rod). I have included a zip file with all my parts in it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Finding Sin Of A Number In ILogic

Nov 5, 2013

How do I need to write the code in Ilogic to find the sin of a number. It works fine in a parameter as sin (43) but does not give the same value in ilogic.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Can't Set Location For Windows Form Control

Mar 21, 2013

I am trying to create a windows form within iLogic. Everything works except the lines defining the location on the controls. I keep getting the following error: 'New' cannot be used on an interface. The error refers to lines in the code that try to set the control location on the form. (i.e. "button1.Location = New Point(10,10)") Ihave pasted the code below and have it attached as well. I am in Inventor 2013.

AddReference ("C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Drawingv4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing.dll")Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrenceTry oOccurrence = ThisDoc.Document.SelectSet.Item(1)Catch MessageBox.Show("Please select a component before running this rule.", "iLogic")

[Code] ........

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control Visibility Of Parts In Drawing View

Sep 16, 2011

I'm creating a small product configurator using ilogic. It all works fine, but i've i challenge:controlling the visibility of the components in a drawing view

In simple words, every occurrence of my assembly has an custom Ipropertie calles "Positie". there where 4 values (Bodem, Zij, Kop, Deksel and Overig)In a drawing view i only want to see the parts that has a specific value of the ipropertie "Positie".I found a sample code for VBA, but I cann't get it worked in ilogic.:

Sub HideSecond()
'Assumes you have an open drawing
'Assumes that view 1 of the active sheet is an assembly
'Turns off visibility of assembly's second component in open drawing's first view

hind to turn this into ilogic and add the option to check the ipropertie to turn on the visibility

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Save PDF Using ILogic And Name After Revision Number?

Jul 7, 2011

My question: We want to use iLogic to save a PDF-file of the DWG-drawing every time we hit "save". We now use the following iLogic

Spoiler (Highlight to read)oPath = ThisDoc.Path PN = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")
PDFAddIn = ThisApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{0AC6FD96-2F4D-42CE-8BE0-8AEA580399E4}")
oDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
oContext = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateTranslationContext

[Code] .....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Display Text And Number In A Value

Oct 1, 2013

Im linking a prompted entry in a sketch symbol to a selection from the user in an array. The code works perfectly.

The array displays the number of sheets there are in the document, the user selects the correct one & the sheet number is displayed in the prompted entry. I need to add "SHT" before the number though in the code but I cant get it to work.

I dont want to add a text line into the symbol saying "sht"

Dim oApp As Application: oApp = ThisApplication
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument: oDoc = oApp.ActiveDocument
Dim oSheet As Sheet: oSheet = oDoc.ActiveSheet

'This uses a sketch symbol with the name "'View On' View Label"
Dim oSymDef As SketchedSymbolDefinition: oSymDef = oDoc.SketchedSymbolDefinitions.Item("'View On' View Label")

'This is the selected view
Dim oView As DrawingView: oView = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kDrawingViewFilter,"Select View To Place Symbol:")

'This takes the label items of the selected view
'And adds it To an array that will link To the prompted entry
Dim sPromptStrings(2) As String
sPromptStrings(0) = oView.Name
sPromptStrings(1) = oView.ScaleString

oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

Dim sSheet As Sheet

'create sheet number list
Dim oSheetList As New ArrayList
i = 0
s = "-"
For Each sSheet In oDoc.Sheets
i = i +1

'get user input
mySheet = (InputListBox("View taken form sheet number.", oSheetList, oSheetList(0), "Sheet Number Ref.", "Sheet Numbers"))

sPromptStrings(2) = mySheet

'This is the position for the sketched symbol under the selected view'
Dim oPosition As Point2d: oPosition = oView.Center
oPosition.y = oPosition.y - (oView.Height / 2 + 2.5)

'This inserts the sketched symbol and fills in the prompted entry.
Dim oSymbol As SketchedSymbol: oSymbol = oSheet.SketchedSymbols.Add(oSymDef, oPosition, , ,sPromptStrings)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Convert Letter To Number In ILogic

Jun 27, 2012

I am making a iPart with iLogic. I need a function to convert letter to number or convert number to letter as we did in VB for Excel.

For example: Char(65)="A"; CODE("A")=65, and so on.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get New Part Number From Excel With ILogic?

Jan 28, 2013

I have made a configurator, that defines my part. Now i would like to add some intelligence for the Save process...

When i activate my rule it should.:

1. Go to a Excel spreadsheet and find next Empty cell in a specific collum

2. Place Title from inventor in that empty cell

3. Return the value from the cell next to this cell

3. Use this value as the new filename for my part.

Example: here i would like to get the parts tile put into B3 and A3 (103) returned to Inventor as filename to my part


A        B       C

1  101  Title1

2  102  Title2

3  103

If possible, i would like to be able to adjust this alittle as i go forward in my work,

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Browser Name Using ILogic Particular Change To The Number

Jul 4, 2012

I want my browser name using iLogic particular change to the part number. I fill in my iproperties, the part number. Then the browser name has to take over the part number.

But i get an error.

doc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oCC As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oCC In doc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
OccName = oCC.Name
oCC.Name = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rule To Make All Number In Odd?

Nov 29, 2012

I dont no in english if odd number is the right word but i want to make all my number to 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc,....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Control Number Of Side Actions When Designing Multi Impression Tools

Dec 3, 2013

I have a question for all the mold designers out there! How do you control the number of side actions when designing multi impression tools?

I recently completed a job for a customer where the requirement was to have a 2 impression tool with one side action to control both of the impressions. I found that if you pattern a part within the mold design environment and then apply a side action, the side actions would be copied to each of the patterned parts. I have created a test part to try and illustrate this (which is way out of size and proportion!):- Even if I combine the inserts, I still get the same effect.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control Break Size In Drawing View Using ILogic?

Feb 24, 2011

is there any way using iLogic or other method to automatically control the size of the 'break' in a drawing view? I have built a model which uses iLogic to control virtually everything, however the large variations in the length of the product mean that there are some interesting results when it comes to the broken drawing views updating.

it would be nice to locate the break at the absolute center of the view and then size it as a percentage of the view size along one axis or perhaps according to some other length based rule.

Dell Precision M6400 - C2D 2.66 / 8gb / Quadro FX3700M / Win 7 Pro x64

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Revision Number In Parts List

Sep 4, 2012

The revision Number in the assembly drawing is populated by the Model Iproperties revision field.  How can I get it to show the Drawing properties revision number?  I need my vendors to see the drawing number and associated revision levels of the drawings which make up the assembly not the Models which they may never see.  There are many times we update drawings with notes that do not effect the underlying model but still reflect a revision change in the drawing so I need people building assemblies to make sure they are building the assembly components to the correct revisions.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference Drawing Sheet Number With ILogic?

Dec 11, 2012

How to reference the drawign sheet number using iLogic?  I see on the snippets on the side a way to reference the sheet name, but I only want the number.  To get the name it is ActiveSheet.Name, but ActiveSheet.Number does not work.  Getting the name give something like ASSM:1, so if there was a way to take that and subtract the colon and everything before it that would work also.  I am not a programmer, I've just taked some programs I found online and modified them a little to do what I want to do, but this is holding me back a bit.

Overall, I'm trying to modify the drawing view label to have a project number, referenced from the drawign iProperties, a view label, and sheet number, and then save that info in an iproperty of the part, and then reference that in the BOM so it automatically labels all of the views and fills out a column of the BOM to reference which page and view to find the parts of the assembly.  I have everything working except for the sheet number.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part Number Automatically Be Entered With ILogic?

Sep 21, 2011

I would like to have the part number automatically be entered with ilogic.

Normally I know how to do this but this time I'm trying to have a couple constant letters with numbers to be filled in.



MGR is constant and the 72 will change with the width

What I thought would work but doesn't is   

iProperties.Value('Project", "Part Number")="MGR" Width

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Sequential Part Number Generator

Nov 15, 2011

I'd like to create a part number generator using iLogic.  The rule would run as follows:
If the iProperty "Part Number" was not blank or the same as the file name (as Inventor default), then a question box would pop up asking if you would like to overwrite the part number.  If one were to select yes, then the following would happen.
iLogic would open an xls that is on the network.  The xls would have two columns.  Column A would be the part number, B would be the filename associated with that part number. 
Column A (the part number) is a sequential count in the form of 6 or seven digits.  The format would be something like =TEXT(ROW(A1),"JFRC-000000")
Everytime the part number generator rule is triggered, it would create a new part number on the next blank row, copy this part number to the Part Number iProperty and assign the file in which the iLogic rule was executed to column B in the xls, save and close.
If, when the rule is triggered, the Part Number property is blank or the same as the file name, the user would not be asked if they would like to overwrite the part number. This rule would be triggered manually from a form.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reduce Number Of Open Parts In Session?

Apr 12, 2013

In an assembly file, how can I reduce number of open docs in session.

Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Using Same Parts In Different Assemblies?

Jan 11, 2012

i placed an ilogic component (wich i use as a template to  later change dimentions) into an assembly file after changing dimentions i placed the same "template" ilogic component into the assembly but when i want to change something on the second component it also changes the first one and that only happens with only one feature of the component the other features work fine.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Moving Parts Using ILogic

Apr 4, 2013

I have numerous step files which I have imported into an assembly. I now need to move all the imported files to a predefined UCS (not 0,0,0). I can do this manually by using the assemble command and selecting the centre point then selecting the centre point of the pre-defined UCS.

I have potentially thousands of parts to move in various assemblies, is there a way to do this using iLogic and if so, how?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rule To Retrieve Part Number From Excel

Aug 15, 2012

iLogic rule that will retrieve a part number(s) from an excel sheet. I work for a company that built vacuum trucks and I'm trying to make an . I am template where the user can select different lengths of shells to achieve the desire overall length. I have been able to achieve this using iLogic rules and forms and making the shell length parameter multi value.

But now I need to show predetermined SAP part numbers for the shells in BOM or part list. I all ready have an excel sheet with shell sizes with corresponding part numbers on file. I also thought about incorporating our custom CC parts/shells that already have the SAP part numbers set up as a custom iProperty but might be to complicated for a newbie iLogic user.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Part Number To Be A Custom Property ILogic?

Oct 31, 2013

I have a part number that i want to defined in custom properties.

Then would it be possible to call it out in Ilogic? that way in any drawing doesn't matter where the part number will always be the same for that part when i balloon and the same in the BOM.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Changes Custom IProperties Type From Number To Text

Nov 2, 2011

I am using ilogic in Inventor 2011 to update my iproperties when I save a .dwg file. I am having problems with some custom iProperties I have created that are of the type 'number' and are initially set to 0 (zero). After the iLogic rule has run and the user has entered a numeric value the type of the custom iproperty has changed to 'text'.

The ilogic code I am using is:

 If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Nominal ID") = 0 Then 
    iProperties.Value("Custom", "Nominal ID") = InputBox("Enter The Nominal ID (Enter 0 if no value is available)", "Nominal ID", 0)
    Custom_iProp_Nom_ID = iProperties.Value("Custom", "Nominal ID")
 End If

I am using Vault 2011 and would like to map this property to a numeric property so I can perform <= and >= searches.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppress Parts Within Subassemblies ILogic

Aug 29, 2013

I am trying to suppress part that are labeled as "Reference" on the BOM Strutcture and I can't get the program to cycle through the subassemblies.  The following code runs through all the components on the top-level assembly but I can't get it to cycle through the subassemblies. 

oCompDef = ThisDoc.Document.ComponentDefinitionoAssemblyComponents = oCompDef.OccurrencesDim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrenceDim oSubOccurrence1 As ComponentOccurrenceFor Each oOccurrence In oAssemblyComponents If (oOccurrence.BOMStructure = BOMStructureEnum.kReferenceBOMStructure) Then Component.IsActive(oOccurrence.Name) = False Else Component.IsActive(oOccurrence.Name) = True End IfNext

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ilogic Generate Parts List?

Oct 4, 2012

I curently have a rule that generates a part list automatically in a drawing. the problem is that I want the rule to be continuisly running but it keeps generating 2,3,5... parts lists. I need an if statment to check if a parts list already exists.
iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True On Error Resume Next ' Set a reference to the drawing document. ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'Set a reference to the


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can ILogic Apply To Other Parts In Drawing

May 4, 2012

If I draw a flat square, and then a flat circle next to it, can I do things using iLogic that will make the two seperate parts interact? such as say 'if the circle contacts the square, then make the square become a circle too' or something like that?

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