AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Browser Node Icon Using ILogic?

Dec 21, 2012

How can I change the default icon that shows up in the browser node in a part file? I found some VB code but can't seem to get it to work with ilogic.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename Browser Node On Part Level With ILogic Rule?

Oct 18, 2011

is it possible to rename the browser node on part level with an iLogic rule? I know that in the assembly environment is an Inventor OOTB functionality to rename the nodes to the filename, Part number or the default value.

Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit
Dell Precision M4500
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 820 @ 1.73GHz

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Browser Node Name In Drawing?

May 18, 2013

line of Inventor 2013 iLogic that can change the browser node name of an IDW?

Specifically, I'm only interested in changing this:

I know how it's set by default, but someone has managed to fix their template so it only ever shows "A3 template" in this field.  consequently, this problem now persists throughout hundreds of drawings. If I can fix it with a line of  iLogic, then the wickedly awesome CodeInjector can be used for fixing all the drawings.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Browser Node Name In Drawing

Jul 1, 2013

Is it possible to make iLogic rule to do this:In dwg Place part and in Browser to see part name without extra typing. Not Sheet 1 sheet 2 etc.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Browser Folder Icon

Nov 13, 2012

is it possible to change browser folder icon?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Add Browser Node To Empty Browser Folder

Apr 8, 2013

I am trying to use the Browsernode.addchild method to add an occurence to an empty browser folder. The code fails at this point and I gett an error pointing to the line "Call oTargetNode.AddChild(oSourceNodeDef)". I can add the occurence with the browserpanes.Reorder method without issue if the folder is not empty. The code is pasted Below.

Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML:     165 EndHTML:   29338 StartFragment:     314 EndFragment:   29306 StartSelection:     314 EndSelection:     314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
DimPrcsTpAsStringPrcsTp=InputListBox("Process Type?", MultiValue.List("ProcessType"), Parameter("ProcessType"), Title :="Select Process Type", ListName :="Process Type")DimRtgNameAsStringRtgName=PrcsTp&"-"&Parameter("NoRtgsInc")+1MessageBox.Show(RtgName, "Title",MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)DimoAsmAsAssemblyDocument=ThisDoc.DocumentDimoMatrixAsMatrix=ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrixDimoOccAsComponentOccurrenceoOcc=oAsm.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.AddVirtual(RtgName, oMatrix)DimoCompDefVirtualAsVirtualComponentDefinition=oOcc.Definition'CREATE AND SET THE


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Browser Name Using ILogic Particular Change To The Number

Jul 4, 2012

I want my browser name using iLogic particular change to the part number. I fill in my iproperties, the part number. Then the browser name has to take over the part number.

But i get an error.

doc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oCC As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oCC In doc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
OccName = oCC.Name
oCC.Name = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 ILogic Rule To Change Visibility Of Workplane Selected In Browser

Oct 4, 2013

I want to be able to have All Work Planes set as 'Invisible' but create a or Icon that allows me to change the Visibility of any individual workplane(s) physically selected in the browser.

A rule written by another member should do the trick if the following line could be altered so as not to read 'For Each' oWorkPlane but instead for 'Each Selected' oWorkplane.

'For Each oWorkPlane In docFile.ComponentDefinition.WorkPlanes' 

'get user input
oInput = InputRadioBox("Select workplane visibility:", _
 "Turn ON workplanes for all components", "Turn OFF workplanes for all components", "False", "iLogic")
'Define the open document (top level assembly)
Dim openDoc As Document
openDoc = ThisDoc.Document


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename A Browser Node

May 2, 2013

I am attempting to rename a browser node. Here is the code I'm using and I'm getting a "Property 'Label' is 'ReadOnly'" error. In the API I found a note about using SetLabel() but that seems to only have  ones for ClientMade browser nodes.

 oSubAssyNode.BrowserNodeDefinition.Label = "XXX"

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename Browser Node Command

Apr 19, 2012

WHAT WERE they thinking when they created the Rename Browser Command. We had someone find out about it and really screw up a bunch of top level assy's. I'm having to WASTE WAY TOO much time fixing them, bringing them back to showing the modified descriptions in the Browser.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Control Browser Folders?

Nov 22, 2013

Working on a product configurator using iLogic and have a large amount of hardware that needs to be suppress or unsuppressed based on certain parameter choices.  Instead of creating hundreds of lines of code suppressing and unsuppressing the hardware one by one, I was hoping to put hardware into folders based configurations.  In my mind this would have allowed me to have one line that would suppress the folder as needed.  Unfortunately I cannot figure how to suppress a folder in iLogic as I saw someone else mention I was hoping for a "Folder.IsActive" rule but have yet to find one. 

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using ILogic To Rename Browser Nodes?

Jul 3, 2013

how to create an iLogic rule that automatically renames the browser nodes based on part number.  I know that this is a function in Inventor itself.  The problem is that there is no built-in functionality to automatically change the default browser name to something besides part number.  I've done a lot of digging and I came across the following code from an old thread discussing Inventor 2011.  I am interested in 2013.  It is also worth noting that when I run this code, my Inventor crashes.  
End Sub


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Browser Is Not Refreshing After Replacing Elements With ILogic

Jul 10, 2012

When I replace elements with iLogic the Inventor Browser is not automatically refreshed.

E.g. I have a file A.ipt and I replace it with B.ipt then in the Brwoser will be shown: A.ipt:1, even when B is already inserted.

Is there some refresh, like "Update Browser nodes when done" ?

These both has no influence on it:

iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True

By the way. To Update the Browser manually, I have to rename the block nodes (From Filename to Filename). So it's only opening up the Renaming Function and then hitting "ok".

If there's no direct function to update the Browser, maybe there's a way to do the manually way by iLogic?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Demote Contents Of Browser Folder

Apr 17, 2013

I'm trying to create an ilogic rule that will look within the folders of an assembly and take the contents of each of those folders and demote them to separate sub-assemblies.

ie. Assembly1 contains NewFolder 1.  NewFolder 1 contains Part1:1 and Part2:1.  Upon executing the ilogic rule, I would like Assembly1 to contain NewFolder 1 and within NewFolder 1, Assembly1-01.  Assembly1-01 contains Part1:1 and Part2:1.  I would like this ilogic rule to look within each successive folder within Assembly1 and demote them according to their position in the browser such that NewFolder 1 - at the top of the browser list - contains Assembly-01, NewFolder 2 contains Assembly-02, etc.

I currently copy a master assembly with browser folders that contain parts and sub-assemblies to a secondary assembly where I manually demote the contents of the folders to sub-assemblies.  When I create a drawing for our machine assembly department, the demoted sub-assemblies to isolate only those parts - nuts, bolts and the pieces they fit to - so it is easier for the assembly department when putting a machine together.

Is it possible, using ilogic, to demote folder contents to sub-assemblies with an assembly document?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Select Specific File In Browser Tree

Oct 4, 2012

I am looking to apply a set part number iproperty to the first, then second, then third components in the assembly browser tree in my iLogic rule, regardless of their current part number. (I need to select them by their position in the browser tree as their part number will vary). How do I do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Browser Name To Part Number

Jun 13, 2011

I need to make installation plans on climate ceilings, which are steel cassettes with Meandro tube element located where cold or hot water is flowing through.


Now it may occur that a cassette is given a code 700 which represents the type of cassette. If inside the cassette is placed a Meandro element its  become a follow number eg 700-01.

It may also be that the same cassette No. 700 gets  another Meandro element  and because the cassette has not changed shape the number 700 remains the same but the follow number change e.g. 700-02.

At the moment I change the number in the browser,(inv2012) I therefore want  automatically the  iproperties ,partnumber and stock number, to fit. When I go to the BOM, the part- and stock numbers automatically will be placed.

The browser codes are not displayed in the BOM. So if I specify for change I only have to do so in the browser. I wanted to do so by iLogic but then ran into problems. I found a tutorial from Rob Cohee with ilogic so you won’t forget to fill in your iproperties.


I also wanted to do so with the iproprtie Stock number but get an error stating that I must declare the name. How must i declare a name.

Also i was told for entering the browse name in ilogic i had to use  displayName, but I get a error stating that the name is Read Only.

So how can i, after i change the browse name, automatically  fill in the iproperties ‘part number and/or stock number? Is there an ilogic code for?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Drawing Scale With ILogic Upon Parameter Change

Jul 8, 2013

I have a spreadsheet and iLogic driven mater assy to generate different iterations.

I would like to change the scale of a base view on a drawing based on a parameter in my assembly. The idea is to get iLogic to change the view using a simple If / Else statement.

This is what I tried:

If Parameter("0 Generic Assembly v2.2.iam.BP") < 1570 Then
ActiveSheet.View("VIEW1").Scale = 1/8
ActiveSheet.View("VIEW1").Scale = 1/10

So basically the value of "BP" parameter (excel parameter in my assy) would drive the scale of the views. But its not working. Is it actually a sensible method? Can I use in the drawing environment the excel parameters in my assembly?

This is the error message I get when the rule is run:

"Error in rule: View Scale, in document: 0 Generic Assembly v2.2.idw

Unspecified error (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004005 (E_FAIL))" 

Also using the same thinking I use iLogic to populate the drg number field on the drawing based on an excel parameter. The rule works but does not always updates the drawing no upon the parameter change or update/rebuild commands.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Project Browser Icon Missing?

Sep 9, 2011

I'm using Acad Architecture 2010, and my quick access toolbar does not have the Project Browser Icon, and my application panel has no Save or Open Project Browser either. I can only get to it by "Configure" in Project Standards panel. It is not in CUI.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Project Browser Icon Missing (2013)

Sep 18, 2013

In ACA 2011 I have the project browser icon. This is easy to find and use in the 2011 quick access toolbar.

When I open the "Customize user interface" I find and select "Project Browser", then I see under the properties of the command I only see "Display" and "Advanced" nothing else is listed. This command is quite odd compared to other commands.

However, in ACA 2013 this icon is completely missing, I cannot find it in the quick access toolbar, when I search in the "Customize user interface" command list, I cannot find "Project Browser" in the search field of the command list.

How do I find the command for project browser so that I can drag it / steal it from another .cuix file?

Bonus Question: How do I stop the sheet set manager from always showing up? I use the sheets tab of the project navigator all the time.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Professional 2011 - How To Change Icon Display

May 2, 2012

This morning I somehow changed the way the command icons are displayed, so how can I restore the command icons back to the default display. I've tried to figure out where the setting is for the way the icons are displayed, but I haven't been able to reset it back to the default setting.   

Here's what the display got changed to, that I want to change back to the default setting.

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Edge Animate CC :: Change The Browser For Preview In Browser?

Jan 19, 2013

I can't find the preferences for changing the default browser than opens when previewing an animation.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Browser Doesn't Match Model Browser

Oct 29, 2012

I opened the drawing and then from the drawing opened the model.  In the drawing it is showing the 4th instance of ROUND CRS-032175 X 33 as an assembly.  It also is not showing in the view and yet the visibility is checked.  AI2012 SP2 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force To Use Browser Of Choice Or Default Browser?

Nov 7, 2011

When I press F1 Inventor opens the help on my default browser (Chrome), but when I click the bynocular it uses Internet Explorer.

Is it possible to force Inventor to use a browser of my choice or the default browser?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using ILogic To Change Parameter

Mar 26, 2013

When I import a part from content center, a tube in this case, I get a length parameter called <PL>.

I am using this parameter in the parts lists, so it shows "=Outer diameter x thickness x <PL>"

However I don't want trailing zeros, leading zeros or units string to be shown.

I know I can open the parameters window, right click the parameter, then click custom property format and then uncheck these boxes and its fine.

But I want to know if there is a smarter way to do this, like creating a rule to execute on all the parts?

I have around 500 pipes with the parameter <PL> that needs to be changed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Change Sheet Name

Oct 31, 2013

I've seen snipppets of code to get the Sheet name but is there a way to set it via code? I'm thinking it might be useful to set the sheet names to the chosen sheet format (as opposed to just 'Sheet').

I'm sprucing up my drawing template...

Rule #1 is for selecting sheet format (which title block/sheet size / orientation)
Rule #2 is for setting iproperty values to populate the titleblock with info. (if required)
Rule #1 was based on code from S.Bixler & inventortrenches
Rule#2 was based on more code taken from here.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Row Of IAssembly Using ILogic

Nov 11, 2013

Issue between an i-assembly and i-Logic. So, I have an assembly that includes some extra components that are not always needed and therefore an i-Logic rule takes the decision whether these will be suppressed or not.

Of course this is not a problem however it turns out that I miss some info from BOM according to the suppressed parts   ...and all these makes sense following the LOD etc.

A potential solution to keep up to date the BOM while you are excluding the needless components is to create 
an i-Assembly.

To keep that simple I turned my current Assembly to an i-Assembly and very successfully I excluded various components and of course I included some others by adding extra ROWS. 

So far So good

Now I want to apply some dimensional boundaries by using i-Logic rules. According to them I want to allow this i-assembly to jump among these different ROWS that meet the right criteria.

Very rough thoughts led me to the following code...

For example...

If Width > 600 Then
iPart.ChangeROW ("..." , "...") 'Row-1'
iPart.ChangeROW ("..." , "...") 'Row-2'
End if

The Problem is that the above code works fine, for a example, in case that I will place an i-part in my assembly... However I am looking to change the row of the actual assembly that as I mentioned before I turned it to an i-assembly

To make this even more clear I want to be able to manipulate my i-assembly with i-Logic rules while this is open in Inv. I don't want to change rows while this is placed as a component or sub-assembly in an another assembly...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change BOM Structure With ILogic?

Jan 8, 2014

I'm using rules to control a part that I made. This part is available in steel and wood. 

But steel = normal and wood is something we have to buy.

I would like to adjust my rule so that my material choice will effect the "Default BOM Structure"

I just can't find the right "code" to start with.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Color Change With ILogic?

Jun 27, 2012

I am using Inventor 2012:  I have a table with different part numbers. I want to create an iLogic rule to change the color of second solid body in my part for a specific part number.

This is what I did.

If iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") = "F22111796" Then
 Feature.Color("plastic")= "Gray"
ElseIf iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") = "F22111796V" Then
 Feature.Color("plastic")= "Gray (Dark)"
ElseIf iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") = "F22111796N" Then
 Feature.Color("plastic")= "Gray (Light)"
End If

However it does not change the color of the second solid body when I make the part number active.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using ILogic To Change An IPart Row?

Oct 25, 2012

I have a sheet metal part that I converted into an iPart and I set up different rows with different sheet metal styles. What I want to do is run an iLogic code to change to a specific row which in turn would change the actual material of that sheet metal part....I've tried the snippet iPart.ChangeRow but cannot get it to run the code. I'm not sure if I'm not doing something right or what...

Inventor 2014, Windows 7, 64 bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Hole Type With ILogic

May 21, 2013

I would like to know if it is possible to use iLogic to change the Hole Type from Through to Tapped as conditions dictate.  Is this even possible?  I already have a backup plan but wanted to check out all possibilites before I proceed.  Using Inventor 2012 SP2.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Part By ILogic In Assembly?

Jul 25, 2012

Before using iLogic, I created lot of iAssembly and iPart. I could change iPart factory member when I need in iAssembly.Now, I want to move everything to iLogic.

how could I change the part by iLogic code?

For example:

I generated "Part1.ipt" and "Part2.ipt",...... (I have hundred of member)

In my assembly, sometimes, I need use Part1.ipt, sometimes I need use Part2.ipt.

Which is the iLogic Code I should to use?

Inventor 2009, WIN XP.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 (64 Bit) SP2
Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645
12.0 GB Memory

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