Attached is a screen snipe of design that has a hydraulic cylinder in it. I've created contact sets for the rod and the cylinder however they keep breaking appart especially when I insert them into an assembly and drive to drive the constraints in a positional representation.
I've got a subroutine that gets the centroid of a closed polygon (lwpoly). It appears to fail if the polygon has any zero length line segments. I've added a trap that catches the error and "highlights" the offending polygon, but it stops there and does not return to the main function that called the subroutine. Is there a way to get back to the main function from the trap?
Here's the subroutine (original function by _gile (Autodesk LISP Forum 9-18-2006):
(defun return-centroid (lwpoly space / obj Region Centroid) (setq *error* trap1) (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object lwpoly)) (setq Region (vlax-invoke space 'addRegion (list obj))) (setq Centroid (trans (vlax-get (car Region) 'Centroid) 1 0)) (vla-delete (car Region))
It's possible to create a dynamic block programatically? I want to create a command that captures different selection sets of drawing objects and assign them to different Visibility States of a new block deffinition, on run time.
Using the Copy(multiple) command button with the following sequence (working correctly): Copy command, window objects to copy, right click to close selection, pick base point,
pick new location point(s),...right click to close the command.But sometimes it decides to do this: Using the same Copy(multiple) command button with the following sequence (not working correctly):
Copy command, window objects to copy, right click to close selection, pick base point..At this point the copy comand closes out. It has assumed a single copy, 0,0,0 base point
& tossed the copied objects out in model space accordingly. But as stated it only does this periodically.
I've got a problem following playing around (Typical, isn't it?). Architecture 2011 allows editing property sets from external objects through the host drawing (i.e. change a room number of a property set attached to a space xref'ed in from another construct). This obviously has to put an editing lock onto the xref to prevent data loss in case somebody else works on the xref in the meantime. This editing lock is removed when I close my host drawing. However, the lock is immediately restored when I re-open the host drawing.
How can I release the xref file lock again after editing the property sets in my host drawing?
I'm trying to be able to have a function run another function with the secondary function being passed as an argument to the first. I'm trying to create a recursive function and the recursive part works great. I just need to be able to have the recursive function run other functions to actually do stuff.
Here is something I found that should do what I need, mainly run a function from a function name in a variable.
Sub test() Dim ftnName As String Dim argument As String Dim result As String ftnName = "myFunction" argument = "cat" result = Application.Run(ftnName, argument) MsgBox resultEnd SubFunction myFunction(inString As String) As String myFunction = inString & " has " & Len(inString) & " letters."End Function
However I get the error "object required" on the "result = Application.Run(ftnName, argument)" line. So I'm guessing the Inventor VBA doesn't like this method of doing this. I'm just hoping there is a way to do this or this function will be useless or reduced to hardcoding functions which still defeats the purpose.
I have a function that uses AcadApplication.ActiveDocument.SendCommand to allow the user to scale the inserted lines and text before the next step of the process, but AutoCAD does not display the scale prompt until after the entire program finishes. The prompt works well, but needs to be displayed before I end the sub.
How do I get the command to be sent immediately? Is there another way to allow users to scale the items I insert? The screen needs to be refreshed before the scale command is called, so that the lines and text I just added shows up. I have attached the code for the Send Command call and for the function that calls it.
how annotative objects function through xrefs and am running into some trouble.I created a brand new drawing, made an annotative symbol and 2 peices of annotative text, all three have 1"=20' and 1"=40' assigned to them. I can switch my scale back and forth and the objects act as they should.
If creat a second drawing and xref the first one, the only way I can see these xref'd objects is if I set ANNOALLVISIBLE to "1" or if I select one of their xref scales as the current scale 1"=20'_Xref or 1"=40'_Xref.
My goal is to be able to have plans that are annotative that can be xref'd into another annotative drawing and have the objects in both that are the same scale show up.
I am using AutoCAD LT 2011. I have had an unexpected loss of functions that is not restored by a system restart.
When I select objects, I can't get any of the tools to work on the preselected object ( The tools all work if I select the tool first and then select object to apply it to). And I can't change properties such as layer & color of a preselected object.
Also I can't delete a selected object with the keyboard delete key, and I can't bring up the MultiLine text editor with the usual double click of a text object.
It doesn't sound like a simple command reset as there is too many things involved. Can't find anything on options and drafting settings that is relevant. So it sounds like it might be a total reload of LT?
My master drawing includes things like network information, drops, V-lans and bandwidths,
I want to use a database to count various objects/blocks in a drawing. Ideally I want to write a macro button that enables me to export the information in the drawing straight into a database.
Is there a trick to getting hair collisions to work properly with the growth object? In live or precomputed I am getting hairs penetrating the growth object's mesh.
I have searched and it looks like its possible but I can't quite get it working here from the Max manual alone.
Also.. what the heck is the "toggle collision" button in the style rollout?
Is it supposed to toggle the collision detection for the selected guides?
Why is a part in an assembly not enabled for contact set? on right click the Contact Set option is grayed out, but that part was in contact set for another part already. i made some changes in the part, maybe that's the reason, is it?
I sometimes create parts while working in an assembly. This hasn't been an issue but something mysterious happened. Once I create my new part, to get back to the assembly ( turn off the transparency)
I typically press the Return button which is normally in the first tab (this example shows I created a sheet metal part)but for some reason the return button is now in the inspect Tab??I tried looking through the customize ribbon form and can't seem to put the button back into the first tab?
I have download building model in 3ds format, when i import the model into scene. the polygons of the model colliding each. what may be the problem. they have used very low mesh with lot of Boolean. how to recover this model or i have to create new? . i have attached the screen shot also.
i drew a cylindrical cam using the inventor tool then i also drew the actuator ( a simply plate rounded on top) but when i add the contact tangency link between the two surfaces and i move the cam , the two objects interpenetrate!
I'm working on a FEA of a climbing carabiner (oval-shaped; one side of the oval is a gate which opens and closes allowing a rope into the carabiner).
The gate of the 'biner has a hook which attaches to the "nose" of mainbody/biner. However, this hook does not engage until the biner slightly deforms.
I've attempted to use the separation/no sliding contact option, but the solver behaves as if there is no contact occuring. The nose simply passes right through the gate hook.
The initial gap of the system is about 0.040". That means the nose must deflect 0.040" before the contact surface comes into play.
I'm using Inventor 2013 and would like to create a dialog box requesting the parameters for a simple rectangle and be able to snap in an assembly to get the distance for each parameter (width and depth) of the shape. Is this possible with either VBA or iLogic? I just need how to get the value...I can handle the dialog box.
I am using Invertor Dynamic Simulation and I need to know the 2D contact position data to be displayed in the output grapher (i.e. the x,y,z coordinates). Only the forces are computed in the output grapher. I’ve tried using the “trace” feature but this will not allow me trace the 2D contact point. It would even benefit me to know the angle of the normal force relative to the absolute frame.
I am trying to constrain motion for the following design:
-Object constrained to vertical motion (a counterweight). -Object constrained to horizontal motion along a track (a slider).
A cable runs from the counterweight upward, makes a 180-degree turn around a pulley, runs back down, makes a 90-degree turn around another pulley, and connects to the slider.
When the weight moves down 10 cm, the slider needs to move laterally 10 cm.I don't care about modelling the cable, but I do need to have the slider move as the weight moves.
I will also need to model a case with a more complicated pulley, where when the weight moves down 10cm the slider moves laterally 5cm (again I don't care about the cable, just the relative motion).
Is there a way I can do this without creating a series of planes and cylinders and using rotation - translation constraints to link the motion of the weight to the slider?
I set the two v blocks were fixed and bonded contact type among three of them. The program said it was divided to three separated parts but i wouldn't expected that.
I'm trying to set up a sliding/no separation contact within and assembly for FEA purposes. I want to eliminate all moments (torque) between two pieces while still allowing one to impart force on another. When evaluating constraints, I'm seeing moments are infect being passed through. The guide mentions this contact for planer and cylindrical objects but makes no reference to spherical surfaces.
Is it possible to accomplish this type of a contact on spherical surfaces?
Can an adaptive part (non involved in the drive constraint animation) bother the contact solver?
I have an assembly, with only one adaptive part, i have activate contact set for other 3 parts (not the adaptive part), activated contact solver and drive the constraints, but in the animation contact solver doesn't work at all.
So, i have tried to move manually the assembly (suppressing angular drive constraint) and the contact solver works fine.If i suppress the adaptive part the driving constraint and contact solver work perfect.
So i wonder... adaptive part can annoying the contact solver functionality?
I'm trying to run a simulation of 2 bevel gears without using the transitional/rotation constraint, but using the contact between the surfaces to simulate the rotation of the gears - basically I have an L-shaped shaft running through both centers and want to have the upper gear grounded, make the lateral gear rotate around its own axis - the goal is simply to see the contact between the gears make the side gear rotate around the vertical part of the l-shaped shaft, due to the contact forces.
What it is, my client has asked me create 4 different size transit frames all similar in design. Now I use the skeletal modelling technique to create all my models and this one is very easy to edit, all I have to do is change a couple of sketch dimensions and the transit frame assembly will update to suit any given size.
So, I have completed the drawings set for the first one (There is about 7 drawings in total, each containing about 5 sheets), and I would like to just copy the whole assembly and drawing set for the next frame, and I would just change the dims in the main sketch to suit the new size of transit frame that is required, BUT I dont want to alter the original frame.
Usually to do this, I would create a pack n go then open up that pack n go project in design assistant and change all the names of all the files, then place all these files into another project.
Now doing this is VERY time consuming, as if I am renaming all the files, then I am going through around 1000 files to do so!!!Even after I do all this I still run into some problems with assemblies looking for part files or idw's still picking up and showing the old project assemblies.
Is there an easier, more efficient way of doing this?Also, I would like to add that each of the 4 transit frames would have their own project BUT all 4 projects will be inside 1 parent folder within the vault. This is just the way that we structure or file system as each folder is for the entire job.
some of my outlined fonts are showing up as "unpainted objects" in the cleanup function, yet when i click on them individually they show that they have a fill color. There have been other occasions where i had an outlined font which "looked" like it had a fill color, yet when i clicked on one of the letters it showed both the fill and stroke as having none.
I have created an assembly that has a parts list, and in this parts list I have up to 100 mono detail drawings. I would like to know if there is a way to print all of these drawing from that list in a massive plot.
At my previous company we had something like this in AutoCAD where a script was created to look at the drawings and print all drawings mentioned in the assembly BOM and subsequent sub-assemblies, it worked beautifully.
I find that I have to print all drawings to paper or PDF individually.