AutoCAD Inventor :: Failure To Refresh Model Tree?
Jun 10, 2013
failure to refresh Model Tree after switching configurations - app restart required
We have a user who is getting this message several times per day and must restart his PC. He is the only user of the Inventor Vault product using 2013. We have redone his laptop and and given him a clean laptop with a fresh install of AutoCAD.
Using Inventor 10, I have replaced several components of my assembly with new copies of the components to be modified into new parts. For some reason the model tree still shows the old part numbers, but editing the parts reveals that they are indeed the new parts. How to correct the part listing in the model tree?
what the little symbol that looks like the recycle symbol is in the model tree is? I have several parts in this assembly and many of them seem to have this symbol that says adaptive next to them and I can't find and rhyme or reason to it. I am attaching a screen shot of it. I use Inventor 2012.
The model tree browser is freezing multiple times per day. Even if I close the browser and re-enable it in the View>User Interface menu, it is still frozen. It wont unfreeze until I close Inventor completely and re-open it.
Is there a filter ability for the model tree? What I need is I have a part that is buried within a sub assembly that I cannot find. I know the name, but what I am looking for is a tools that allows me to type in it's name and it show me in the tree where it is associated.
I've got a user who is seeing this lock symbol on some Content Center parts in his model tree. I've never seen it before and what is causing it. This results in a lot of errors when he tries to check in any files where this shows up. I can open the same assembly on my machine and the lock does not show up, and I can check the files in with no trouble.
i wanna use a existent project to make a new one, i copy all the files that I need to a new project, then I use Design Assistant to rename all files, everything works fine this way. I just saw now a little 'problem' that doesn't bother me, but can be a problem to other ppl who open this project and see the difference.
When I rename the file name from Design Assistant (opening it from the top assembly), all the parts get its PART NUMBER updated and all the files are renamed too, but...when i open the assembly, in the Model tree, no parts have the name updated, all keeps the old name, but if i open the part from the model tree, i open the correct part already updated and renamed, so, its just the model tree displays name that are incorrect. Is that known ? Is there a solution ? Or am I doing something wrong to copy or rename files ?
I realized that is happens most when i rename files from a top assembly with subassemblies. Sometimes when i use just one assemblie with just parts inside it, everything goes normal.
I am trying to create a Treeview of Model tree which displays parts assembly...etc My code is working well and i am able to get the tree view, but the problem is how can i count the quantity of parts/assemblies and display as consolidated. For instance this below snapshot shows my treeview.
This above snapshot shows my output
Here besides all parts/assemblies i get Semi-Colons and Numbers rather than consolidated view For this part in fig
I want to reset the number for the sketches, extrusions, etc. in the browser tree of my template file to start with 01 instead of sketch48 and extrusion69.
I also want to reset the model parameters to start with d0 instead of d485.
The attached image show an example of a simple cylinder that I created from my .ipt template file.
I search for a file in Vault 2014 and find it needs refreshing i.e. the double red arrows icon in "Vault Status" column. I hit the refresh button in the ribbon and the file still has the double red arrows icon and doesn't appear to refresh.
is there way to refresh sheet of drawing when an iProperty is changed trough API? When I change for example revision Number, the sheet still show old number. The value is changed, because if I open the iProperty dialog, there is new value and also when iProperty dialog is close then the sheet (title block with this property) is immediately correctly updated. I know that I can use ActiveSheet.Update method, but this update whole sheet and it take long time. There nust be something better because dialog iProperty doesnot update whole sheet and it is vvery quick.
Dim oISI As Inventor.PropertySetDim oDrw As Inventor.DrawingDocumentSet oDrw = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentSet oISI = oDrw.PropertySets.Item("Inventor Summary Information")oISI.Item("Revision Number").Value = "test"oDrw.ActiveSheet.Update ' I would like to replace this line, this take long time
Anyway, I just updated to the Factory Design Suite Advanced package for 2011 which, of course, includes Inventor. I have downloaded and installed all updates, service packs and hotfixes I could find btw. What happens is I'll be working in Inventor on a solid model of ANY size (even a single part) and with absolutely no warning, the display window will freeze up and won't refresh. What's really weird though is that Inventor itself is not locked up. I can click on any of the buttons or any of the items shown in the browser as though the program's running normally. I can check the task manager and it shows Inventor to be running normally. The memory status bar in Inventor shows lots of available memory. I can even hover over the display window in the area where the view steering wheel is located and the icon will change appearance as though it's working normally. I can even save the file. If I close the file, it responds like normal and goes back to the default screen. If I try to open ANY file after that, however, the screen will not refresh or show me the file I opened, even though everything else works fine and the program isn't frozen. The only way to restore full function is to completely close and reopen Inventor (on average I have to do this about once an hour). Btw, I'm also working in a local directory stored on my hard drive, not a network.
My first inkling is that it's a graphics issue but I have played with all the display settings to no avail. I ran a diagnostic on the video card and Inventor says that I'm running an Autodesk Certified driver. All the specs are within reason I think.
My workstation specs:
Dell Precision M4500 laptop
Intel core i7 processor, 2.67 GHz
Windows XP Professional SP3, 32-bit, running in 3 GB mode
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M, 1 GB graphics card (just updated the driver change)
I'm currently using Inventor Professional 2012, and have been experiencing problems with virtual memory usage. In past versions of Inventor, the small bar graph counter at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen (Virtual memory counter? Not sure what to call it...) would "re-fresh" after closing a model, drawing, etc. (i.e. Once closing the file, the counter would change from yellow to green, bringing the virtual memory usage back to zero). However, this isn't happening with 2012, and I'm not sure if the problem is the way Inventor was installed onto my workstation, or if it's a problem with the hardware. A temporary solution has been to shut down Inventor when the bar graph gets too far into the yellow range (or red), and then starting up Inventor again.
Specs for my workstation are as follows: Windows 7 (32-bit), processor is Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3503 @ 2.4GHz 2.39GHz, 3GB RAM.
I have some assemblies with standard components inserted from Content Center which I have published.
After some changes I do on some of them within CC, I can't refresh those that are already placed in assemblies. The window that displays the components out-of-date won't appear. Only the message precedes the appearance of this windows is shown and that's it, nothing happens.
I'm creating a VB.exe (Visual Basic 2010 Express) tool that displays iProperties for Inventor using a running session of Inventor. How do I automatically refresh the display on the form when you switch the active inventor document tab within Inventor?
i7-2720QM Dell Precision M6600, Win 7 Pro 64-bit, 8GB RAM Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013 Autodesk Vault Professional 2013
Is there some syntax that would refresh a previous rule before the next one starts? I have a file where the constraint is not turning on when it is supposed to, but all I have to do is refresh the rule and it works.
I´m working on an addin that needs the vaultAddin ( Inventor Vault / InventorVault.dll ) to update it´s vaultinfo via API.
Since the vaultaddins browserpane.control is an activeX control I can´t access it, and the addin has not implemented a hook to the browserpane.refresh() or browserpane.update() ( causes a crash )
So how do I refresh the vaultAddins information on "what´s actually going on in the vault" through API ?
It seems like I "just" need a reference to the same eventhandler the "refresh vault status" button is calling, but that might be wishfull thinking..?
difference between the "Refresh File" and "Revert to Latest" commands in the Vault browser within Inventor 2013? We just started using the Vault Collaboration 2013 flavor of Vault.
I have a general table in my engineered print. It consists of basic columns with text. How can i have Inventor refresh the data if i change the Excel without having to delete and re insert a table ?
I have a rule controlled .idw with several rules that call each other and various API macros with views and partslists that all have their own rules.
I want the drawing to close itself without saving the changes after it's done executing all of its code (the end product is written to an excel sheet). Everything works beautiful, and the drawing does close itself like it's supposed to, except for some strange reason it throws an error message when it closes. I've tried a few different methods of closing it. The code below is what I want to use. I've tried it with close set to false as well (saving changes). I've also tried calling an API macro that's pretty similar looking. They all have the same result. The rest of the code executes just fine, and no errors are thrown if I comment out the code letting the document stay open.
I've even tried making a brand new virgin part, writing a rule with just the below code and executing it. The only difference is the error window is thrown from Inventor instead of windows.
For Creating my own templates i want to use iLogic and embedded Excel-Spreadsheets. The embedded Sheet has its own data, but i want to create a rule to refresh the data from an external Excelsheet.
For now i use the following rule:
For I = 65 To 90 '65=A 90=ZBuchstabe = Chr(I) GoExcel.CellValues("3rd Party:Embedding 1", "Platte", Buchstabe & "1", Buchstabe & "999") = GoExcel.CellValues("G:KonstruktionVorlagenMaterialgrunddaten.xlsx", "Platte", Buchstabe & "1", Buchstabe & "A999")Next I
it works well, but wont insert a new single-sheet or refresh formats, i have to add the same code for each sheet. And its REALLY slow.
Is there a possibility to refresh or replace the whole embedded file via a simple iLogic-rule?
in versions of inventor prior to 2013 we were able to quickly and easily refresh a part styles, and thereby obtain the master information for materials, colours and any other style.
i find that now, with the new system of managing materials and appearances that if i need to update a part to reflect the material assests that reside in my materials and appearance library that i have to:
1. open the part, then set the part material to a material other than that i wish to update, then
2. delete the local/ document asset of the material i wish to update, then,
3. assign the material from my material library to the part (to get the library assets to come through to the part).
it seems ridiculous that we have to delete local materials or colours prior to obtaining an updated material or appearance to get the new data into the part.
(the refresh styles command actually appears to be calling in the updates however the updates seem to treat the document assets as the most important. even when managing materials and appearances, the local/document asset seems to take priority over any library asset. again this is different to pre 2013, and is frustratingly slow to work around. all that used to happen in 2012 and prior is we would get a warning that the local style would be overwritten with updated style data = very quick and easy
I have created custom pipe fitting categories in my server based content center. I copied the standard familes over to a custom library and modified them. After updating the family tables, and hitting refresh in an assembly, the updates fail.
This is the error I get:
Failed: Standard is owned by Tube&Pipe. The part must be refreshed by Tube&Pipe application.
These parts were placed via "Place from content center" as I do not have the tube & pipe addin (2011 suite, not pro)
How do I get these compnonents to update / refresh??
I am trying to add a material with a specific density to the list of materials. After looking online it looks like I need to do that with the styles editor, but when I open the styles editor the only thing that I can work with is the lighting.
This just happened to me this morning, I split a part into a multibody part and as soon as I did the split, the entire design tree got greyed out. It doesnt matter if I have only one body visible or both of them, the tree stays greyed out. I can still edit features but its annoying to not know what is on and whats off. I opened a new file mocked up a quick part with various features performed a split and same results.
The attached part has some bad work features on it, but I don't care about that (easy fix). It also contains a rule that simply changes the material from "P AND O" (pickles & oiled) to "201 S/S", for some reason the faulty work geometery causes this rule to throw an "unspecified error". If you delete the bad work geometry the rule runs fine.
see attached files. Have 40+ so far like this and can only seem to fix them by delinking derived sketches and then selecting sketch edit from design doctor and deleting geometry from unlinked old version of derived sketch presented. Have uninstalled SP1 and hope problem will not keep happening.
I would be interested to recover P15.ipt from its sick state. Have not had problem like this since I installed Inventor 2013 and lost a lot of work that could not be recovered until service pack was released.
When I try to replace a component in Inventor 2014. It replaces it but does not update the tree in the browser. I have to manually delete the part and place a new one in.