I'm having an issue creating a DXF from a IDW. After selecting the DXF option I get a message "Problems encountered while saving the document". Why the error occurs and how to remedy it?
is there a simpler way of creating these patterns or a way of doing less work to create these patterns?can this be accomplished with a formula/ function?
I'm recently using inventor a lot. But now IM try to make a .IDW template with my own line styles and thickness and stuff. This is what I do:
I open an exciting IDW file. I go to manage and click style editor. Then I create a new style. Called test style. I make sure I activate my new style and I go to layers, where I change the line weight from 0.51mm to 0.25 mm (example)
I save my change and close style editor... After that I save my copy as template (called test 6-1) and close the drawing. I open inventor and create a new file. Select the template I created. I get this style conflict.... I don't fully understand this error... How can I fix this problem?
When my new template opens, I check the line weight by the style editor but the weight detente change... Its still 0.51 mm.
I have searched this forum for a way to create 3D pdf files directly from Inventor or other "free" software but have not found anything that works very well. Today I found an answer, it is by using the Bentley Viewer. I had to "Save Copy As" my Inventor .iam file to "AutoCAD DWG Files.dwg". Then open it up inside the Bentley Viewer, go to the "Print pdf" button and select the "Print to 3D" button. It will even show some colors.
i am modeling a trailer's suspension and im to the point where i need to add the Air Bags... I made an assembly that consist of 3 parts. Top plate, Rubber Bag, and Bottom Plate... The quesion is: How do i make the Bag (With the bottom plate attached and top plate attached) act like actualy rubber that flexes, compresses and extends?
Is there anything wrong with creating a new template this way:
1. Create a new model for a new client. 2. Create new drawing based on the standard template. 3. Bring in model views and create new title block, notes, symbols, etc. specific to new client. 4. Save drawing as a client specific template in my template directory. 5. Open new client template and erase all drawing views but leave notes, symbols, title block, etc. 6. Save.
The question is, doing it this way, will it cause problems? Will the drawing views somehow still be linked to the template? Should I erase the drawing views BEFORE saving as a template? Is there a better way ti create a template?
I'm having the constant problem, with IV crashing when trying to export an UK/EU A0 sheet. If I drop down one sheet size to A1 the export to PDF works with out a problem.
I've got the latest SP and fixes installed, so I don't know if it is IV or Adobe XI Pro at fault. Plenty of memory, paging file set to min of 8192 Max of 32768 so there plenty of space, 8MB Ram. Windows 7
What I've tried is save the file as a different name, file is NOT compressed on the HD, the HD is not faulty I've ran several test & checks, the folder & file are not corrupted, no viruses reported after deep scan, so now I'm stuck here wondering why IV will not export an A0 sheet to PDF.
How can I create a rib that touches a plane and the end of a cylinder? Inventor will not do it since the thickness of the rib does not touch the cylinder (see attachment).
I have to design a new part based on joining two of an already made ones. I thought it would be as easy as a "union" command in AutoCAD... but couldn't find anything that resembles that, and I really need them to be a joint part, since I will be printing them in a 3D printing machine. how I can do that in Autodesk inventor?
I'm having problems creating a boundary patch on the attached model, Its a Y-Pipe joint in 3 planes that I'm attempting to split in half. I've used a silhouette curve to create a centre line in a 3d sketch then joined the ends together, however when I try to select the lines to create the boundary patch it only allows me to select some not all of the lines.
I want to make some icopy tools to suit my needs, i did the tutorial i've found on AUGI "an icopy how to" and then i did a glass panel using the technique i learn there. Everything works fine until i place the icopy on a different plane than the x, y plane.
when i place it in other plane it the icopy behave in strange way. I had this problem since the first icopy test i made and i can't find why it doesn't work.
Lets say, I have an Extrude feature built on a Rectangle as Sketch Profile. Is it possible to programmatically edit that Sketch, add one line in the middle dividing the Rectangle and replay the Extrude, so that I get Rectangular solid and a Partition surface in between?
This was not possible as a user, but programmatically if its allowed to turn ON some Non-Manifold flag and allow this. If allowed, this probably may not be a single Extrude feature doing both Solid and Surface, but could split into 2 Extrudes.
Is there away to use an IFeature creating a new body?
I mean, modeling a part as multibody, i would like to insert a feature with an iFeature, but i would like too that that new feature will be a new body.
I have tried in many ways.. including inserting in the ifeature a Split Feature..but with no sucess.
I drew the first sketch. i want to insert an offset plane. i use the plane tool, mark 2 sketch entities and a plane is formed. i move it, but it moves only on the plane of the sketch, the dialog box for the distance doesn't appear.
I was trying to make new .idw (inventor) templates based on .dwg (autocad) templates. For some reason the type face Simplex is not showing correctly on screen and on print outs. I have checked on various machines and result was same.
Simple question: How do you add a WorkPoint in an Assembly? I was hoping to find something like:
dim pt as new point ( 0, 0, 1) oPartDef1.workpoints.add(pt) ~OR~ dim pt as point pt.setlocation(0,0,1) oPartDef1.workpoints.add(pt) [code]....
It seems like I need to make a geometry (i.e. thisApplicaiton.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint(0,0,0) ) but I cannot find this feature for a component Occurence. I don't want to make a "Global" point, I want to make a point "Local" to a particualar part.
I have some parts that I need to make a nest for. I get the part from a customer and it's not in the most usable shape. It's just a bunch of surfaces. I can't change anything from it. I create a square block and place both the block and the part into an assembly. In the assembly I place the part in the block how I would like it to go. From there I create my whole mechanism around these nested parts. What I need to do is cut the shape of the part into the block so that I can bring the block into a CNC program and mill it.
I am using Inventor 2012 and I am trying to create a circle from a solid drawing I have done, I am creating a 3D drawings of a pressure seal, but I don't know how to go about making this block into a circle with a Diameter of:-
OD 899.8 ID 873.6 (mm)
I have attached what I have done so far. I think I need to keep it in sketch to do this though?
How do you mate two surfaces so that the item will not move any further once it makes contact with that surface? i.e a rotating cam which is designed to stop once it comes into contact with an object / surface.
One of our senior designers seems to think there is a setting when creating a sketch that will automatically dimension.
So if a straight line is draw and 5 mm length is entered a 5 mm line will immedialtey be created, he seems to think that you can then immedialtey Dimension said line??
I am wanting to create an assembly that I can manipulate and `pull about'.
To describe what I have and I want to acheive try and picture this very simplistic layout :-
A length of hose 50 meters long.
Another length of 50m long hose 2 meters directly below it.
The 2 lengths of hose rigidly tied together at 2m intervals with a small diameter solid bar and clamps around the hose.
What I need to acheive is :-
An assembly showing the above items in a long straight 50m run.
(I have no problems with creating this assembly.)
From there though I then need to be able to create an `S' shape, with the hose staying at a fixed radius where it is rolled to form that shape, both hoses must stay inline with each other at all times.
If you can imagine how a hose would react as you rolled it in reality I want to try and replicate that within my assembly if it is possible?
I realise I could create one long flat assembly then create another seperate assembly showing it in it's rolled up `S' shaped state but that is not what I am wanting.
For my first project we had to create a portable wind turbine, so i've designed a turbine (sketch included as an attachment).
I've worked a little bit with inventor in the past but my experience is unfortunately not so great and i stumbled on creating the ' blades' for this turbine. I also included my ipt ant iam files.
- additional info-
one blade makes a total curve of 120 degrees one blade has a width of about 80 mm the length of the tube is 700mm the diameter of the turbine is 300 mm
Basically, our company produces 2D schematics of plumbing/electrical layouts as the result of the engineering department's calculations. We are now starting to produce 3D drawings of the assemblies for the benefit of space planning and eventual fitting.
As time goes by, we are realising it may be beneficial and time-saving to create the 2D schematics 'on the fly' from the 3D drawings as we find that often a change to the 2D schematic is required to accomodate some physical constraint only discovered when working in 3D.
Is there a good workflow which enables the production of 2D schematics (using all the standard symbols) from 3D Inventor drawings?
I had created som drawing before I had to make som adjustments to my model which made it a deal larger. Then i went back to my drawings. Everything was perfect exept my arrangement drawing where I have used the master wiew from my model to make a drawing. When i returnd, this was locked. I'v deleted the wiews in the dwg file and I'v tried to make som new ones but the master wiew becomes invisible in the dwg sheet. Ewery other wiew works just fine exept this. I guess it's because it is a large file, but how can I fix it?
I am trying to fold a sheet into an "L" shape (using the the Fold command) but i would like to have the inside of the bend to be sharp and not a radius like on the outside. Is there any way that i can achieve this?
How best to go about creating a "wire mesh". What i have tried is to create a solid flat (2mm thick) piece of material. I then draw a diamond shape on the surface & extrude it so as to give me a void.
Then i use the rectangular pattern option. The problem is that when i try putting in the amounts of the "holes" i need to brings up message to use optimized compute. I do that and then when i click to crate all the "holes" it comes up with a pattern failure error.