AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Get Dimensions To Default Close To The View
Mar 8, 2012
I have dimensioned hundreds of drawings with the Ordinate Dimension command in Inventor 5.1. I'm now using Inventor 2011 and I'm having lots of issues using this command. When I first set up the dimensions, I can't get the dimensions to default close to the view. They almost always want to be on the very edge of the title block. I don't think this is a sttings problem, because occasionally they will lock to where I want them. What am I doing wrong?
The first attachment is how they go on their own. In the second attachment, I have manually moved them, but at 1 dimension per move, it's slow, and also hard to keep the all aligned.
I'd like to add a dimension from a feature in a detail view to a feature outside the view, exactly like the dimension circled in red below. I cannot find any information on how to do this, but I suspect it is pretty easy!
Recently when I have placed a view of an assembly into an idw drawing, then try to dimension distances between parts it gives me strange looking dimensions, or no dimensions at all. It looks as though the dimensions are going from the edges of each part at different angles, when I want them to be parallel to the view. I just want the dimension from a line to a line in that view as though it is 2d, but it is acting like it is still in 3d. I do not know if their is a setting that will change this or not.
I attached a screen shot of what the dimensions look like.
I found that I can right click a dimension in a drawing and select "Move Dimension" which then prompts me to select an alternative view in which I want the dimension placed. Is it possible to control-click multiple dimensions once to do this all in one fell swoop (e.g. I decided my view is too busy and want to move dimensions to a newly created detail view of that area)?
Where can I change the default gap value in the initial display of the Broken View dialog box. I use a french version and the default value is set somewhere to .250 po instead of .250 in. I want to set this value correctly in my template.
How can i change my default setting from picture 1 to a new setting like picture 2 when i open up a new part file and assembly file.Is there a setting i can change so whenever i open a new part file & assembly i have this setting as my default.
Is there a way (IV2012) to have the drawing view default to 1:1 when inserting a detail into the sheet? Now it tries to select a scale based on who knows what.
Whenever I do a model update through an ilogic form my View representation changes from default to master and then i have to go and manually change them back to default also in my idw files in order to update the drawing files I have to go in and change the view representation from default to master click ok and close it then open view edit set it to default and close. Is this normal? Is there a setting so that my model views will stay on default?
Is it just me, or did the Drawing View Thread Feature option get switch to default OFF, where it used to be on? Did I do something on accident to make this happen? how I can get it back by default?
Inventor Professional 2014 Windows 7, x64 Dual-core i7, 8GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 880M HP Elitebook 8540w
When creating views in Inventor 2013 the text displayed for example VIEW001 (1:1)VIEW 001 is placed under the view by default. I would like this to be above the view by default.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
For some reason regardless of what I save or the fact that I've saved the template files, everytime I open a new file it automatically adds shadows and applies perspective view. This is extremely annoying. How do I alter the default settings to be ortho with no shadows?
When you have a part with a thread feature, the default setting should show the thread feature in the drawing view...rather than making the user right click the view and select "Display Thread Feature". I don't understand why this doesn't show up in the drawing is, after all, a feature on the part.
Any way to change the "View" of parts on file open? When I open an .ipt or .iam the Visual style view is always "Shaded". I want this to be "Shaded with Edges".
Why my 3D view gets cliped when zooming close to an object? I have tried the clipping planes and it says they are off. I have also tried them turned on with the same result.
I hide some tools and rearrange them to different places within the toolbox.
I also drag some dockable dialogs together under the toolbox.
When I quit the Gimp and reopen it, the toolbox and dialogs are set to default and the tools that I've hidden are back in the toolbox. Gimp is ignoring my preferences.
The problem: I add a dimension in Model Space, but it is not visible in Layout. No problem with drawing items, only dimensions. After some "floundering" (not an official AutoDesk term), I see the dimension in Layout. Don't know what I'm doing wrong, or how I manage to get the dimensions to show again.
i have a problem of net being able to view dimensions in the model space in the current view. i was not paying attention to what view i started the 2d drawing in, but right now it is in the front view. the dimensions lines gets put on a plane that the program has decided and wheather i try to dimension above or below it, it goes to that line. i have also noticed that for some unknown reason the 2d drawing gave itself depth. it is a very large drawing and i have tried to clip parts of it to put on a new drawing it defalts to the front view and i still cannot dimension on it.
I am using arch 2009, and the program did get corrupt during my work and had to reinstall. i have reinstalled several time with the same result. i have tried arch 2011 also with the same result. i think there is a setting that somehow changed and i can't figure out what it is, or should i chalk this up to a program malfunction and start from scratch in a top view (which works fine).
How do i draw dimensions in a certain 3d view so that it shows up according to that view? For example, I'm in isometric view but when i draw a dimension it shows up in 2d at wrong angle.
When I add dimensions to an 3d object in an isometric (or similar) view, the dimension lines get placed way off screen, and the leader lines are projected onto the x-y plane.
Additionally, when I try to add lines to an object that is far from the x-y plane, the mouse position responds to the line's location as if it were drawing on the x-y plane.
Do I have to continually make custom UCS coordinates just to draw in 3d without hassle? There are other times when this does not happen (perhaps only when my 3d object is very near the x-y plane...
Using CS6. When I open a new file I get a small white canvas upon which to draw. This is 16.02cm x 11.99cm. These seem odd values to pick for a default. Is there a reason for it?
I wish to change this default size as I find it inconveniently small for my drawing work with the pen tool. Before I do this I'd feel better if I understood the thinking behind the original default dimensions.
At times when I am dimensioning a dwg in paperspace one of the dimensions will assume the viewport scale when the dwg does a regen. Its as if the DIMLFAC will be set to something other than 1but its only for one or two dimensions. I check the DIMLFAC var for thje dwg and its set properly to (1). Since I am dimensioning in paperspace i have the DIMASSOC set to (2).
As you can imagine this is a huge problem when I send the dwg out for fabrication. What is the problem and how can I stop this from happening on random dwgs to random dimensions?