AutoCAD Inventor :: XML Defaults In IDW Files?

Apr 16, 2013

I am currently using Autodesk Inventor 2013, but I noticed this same issue back when I used 2011 as well.

I created custom borders and title blocks for work, and have gotten those to a default template that I can open as a new IDW file on command, but the XML files used for that IDW are still linked to the default files located in the design data folder.

I have saved my company's custom settings such as line weights, dimensioning defaults, tables, etc. as a STYXML file, and have resorted to simply importing my company's defaults whenever I create a new IDW file, but I was wondering if and how to "re-link" the IDW file that I open to use my company's default settings instead of Inventor's default settings and then needing to import the STYXML every time.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change The Defaults In Hole Table

Jul 16, 2013

The hole table has a column named description, but in that column i want to change the defaults for the thread, i don't need the thread class, for example.

I can add or remove thread properties to the table, but i don't want to, i want to use the general Description column, which describes not only threads.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Defaults For Label Text

Jul 16, 2013

How can i remove the scale that is automatically added to the label text of a projected or auxiliary view? The label text style governs only the font etc.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Defaults Dialog Box

Oct 13, 2011

After installing the 2012 Ultimate upgrade I haven't encountered any serious issues until yesterday when I found that my

sheet metal dialog box opens so far in the upper left corner that I can't grab it.  In effect, I can only see the right corner of the box including part of the close button.  All other buttons, including the location where I can drag the box, are out of view and unusable. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing View - Display Option Defaults?

Apr 30, 2010

I cannot find any information anywhere on whether there exists an option to save different defaults to the Place Views>Base Drawing View>Display Options tab? The parts I model always need "tangent edges" shown to look correctly on my drawings, and for 5 years I've had to manually select it every time I do a drawing. It just seems that there has GOT to be a way to get rid of this tedious step? And if there is not, can you plainly include this in the documentation so I can stop looking for such a feature?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make Copies Of Default Ones And Set In Object Defaults

Mar 11, 2012

I have created a new drawing template, setup all border/title blocks and dimensioning styles as I would like. Save as a template and load it up from the 'new' menu, gives me this error and I am not clear on why since I set the details in it...

Not sure what the deal is but it resets my styles to default. Do I need to make copies of those default ones and set those as in my object defaults?

Inventor 2014 PDS

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Object Defaults Based On Active Standard?

Jan 20, 2012

On a daily basis I work with two different types of drawings; machining and fabrication.  The machine shop prefers dimensions in decimal inches, and the fab shop only understands fractional inches.  Is there any way to set up the styles/standards/templates to allow me to pick out which type of drawing I am creating and have Inventor use the correct object defaults for the dimensions?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Defaults (Use Thickness From Rule) - ILogic

Sep 9, 2013

know a rule to check if this dialog box sheet metal defaults "Use Thickness from Rule" is checked, and checked a rule to automatically clear since using a rule amending the plate thickness but if the box is checked catastrophic error occurs, and unchecking the rule works as expected.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List - BOM View Grays Out And Defaults To Structured

Jul 8, 2011

I want to place a "Parts Only" BOM view of my Parts List. In the Parts List dialoge box, when view or document is selected, BOM View grays out and defaults to "Structured". This issue is new to my work station and is not an issue to the other stations. Why? How can I fix?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Default Dimension Styles Different Than Object Defaults In Style Library

Apr 5, 2012

We have, as our standard library default dimension style, a 1/32 fractional style, called "1/32-FRACTION". Various Object Types, like Linear Dimension are set to this Object Style. When I create a drawing, then these Object Defaults are in effect.

This means that, doing nothing while executing a dimension command, I get fractional dimensions by default. This works good.

However, sometimes I want to create a drawing where the default dimension style is "X.XXX-DECIMAL" without changing the Object Defaults found in the style library. I've tried to make the changes from within the style library and then save this as a template. However, when I try to make a drawing based on this template, Inventor states that the styles in the template differ from the styles in the library" and then busily goes about undoing what I careful did.

So I'm hoping there is something in the API I can call on to do this with a macro. Is it possible to write a macro that after you start a drawing, flips all the various Object Styles from "1/32-FRACTION" to "X.XXX-DECIMAL"?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Creation Defaults

May 25, 2012

C3D 2012..In some drawings I can set the Default Styles in the point creation box.Some drawings it's greyd out and won't let me change the default.

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AutoCad :: QLeader Defaults To Dimstyle Leader

Nov 14, 2011

using qleader and it defaults to subdimstyle "leader" how do change it?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Set Defaults For Edit Surface Operations?

Mar 15, 2013

I am trying to change settings in my template so that some of the Edit operations are turned OFF by default in newly created surfaces.  Right now all of these options are turned on for each new surface.  The command settings for CreateSurface allows me to control the build options for new surfaces, but I cannot find anything for edits.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 Style Defaults Not Recognized

Nov 12, 2013

I'm tweaking out dwt file and I am noticing that the default lable and pipe style I have set in the network defaults is not being honored.

Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
64 Bit Win7 OS

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Way To Get Program To Reset To All Factory Defaults

Aug 21, 2012

One of our users has managed to get the workspace kind of messed up. They have some toolbars, but only a fraction of the total, and the ribbon menus are just blanks. The odd thing is that if someone else logs on to that machine and starts AutoCAD everything is fine. We've uninstalled AutoCAD and re-installed it and it has no effect at all. The user's workspace is still all screwed up. Is there some SIMPLE way to get the program to reset to all the factory defaults or something?

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AutoCad 2D :: XREF Palette Not Showing Up Defaults To CLASSICXREF

Dec 18, 2012

Currently the xref manager defaults to CLASSICXREF. I thought this was a CUI thing and changed the XREF Manager "Show" from "No" to "Yes". Still defaults to CLASSICXREF. Is there a system variable for this? Something?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Defaults To Paperspace While Drawing In Model Space?

Mar 25, 2013

We have just loaded AutoCAD 2013 from previously using Version 2012, and I am experiencing a very distubing phenomenon.  While manipulating the commands in any vieport window in Model Space, the program automatically 'jumps' into Paper Space causing an interruption in work-flow, and losing any command which was in progress during the time. For example, if a number of objects were copied with the intention of placing them elsewhere within the same or another paper space window in 'model space' , the program would jump to paper space and the items would be lost, with the necessity of selecting them all over again.  This can happen several times in a row.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Reporting Of Points On Alignment Spreadsheet Defaults

Sep 9, 2013

When I create a report from 'Staion offsets to points' to excel, the Station, (what I would call chainage) is coming up as 3+10.00 in the spreadsheet. I need this to be 310.000 so I can apply formulas in excel. How do I change this.

I've changed the alignment label style to show it as this format, and it works fine. I've also gone into 'Edit report settings' and changed alignment station display to ####, decimals to 3 places, yet it keeps giving me the same format with 2 decimals.

Also, in this report, how do I remove the metre symbol 'm' (i.e 1400m) from the offset and elevation display?

I need to create an excel spreadsheet with quite a lot of data, apply formulas, and I really don't want to remove every 'm' and rewrite every chainage.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: New Layer Defaults Back To Original Color

May 15, 2012

Every time I create a new layer, name it, asign a color, linetype, defaults back to the original color, making me set it twice.  Am I missing a setting somewhere? 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Set Alignment Creation Defaults (layer And Options)

Nov 22, 2013

I have quite a few alignments to create and would rather not have to set the layer and conversion options for each. I'd like all to be on the same layer (that is already defined in the drawing) and to change the conversion options both off. I've been looking through the settings table in TS, but haven't found anywhere to change the default layer and conversion option states. Currently, the create alignment from objects defaults are to have alignments on independent layers (Model-Alignment*, where * adds the alignment name as a suffix to the layer name) and both conversion options are on.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Cogo Points - Object Naming Defaults

Jun 19, 2013

I'm not finding where to change the default Description for Creating Cogo points by the Create Points-Alignments>At Alignment Geometry method

The last characters PC, PT RP etc. seem to be controlled by the Drawing Settings>Abbreviations but the Alignment name and stationing is what I'd like to eliminate from the description if possible.

Almost seems hard coded but hopefully I've been looking in the wrong places.

The descriptions are coming in like the caption whether I select Raw or Full description option.

In command settings for Point>Create Points>Points Creation>Prompt for descriptions>Automatic - Object is what I'm using.

What I'm hoping to accomplish is just PC, PT RP etc for description without the find / replace edits I'm currently doing in the exported ascii files.

C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional 64 Bit

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Save Parameters To Defaults?

Apr 27, 2011

how do i save my parameters to defaults?

each time i create a sectioonplane i have to change hatch type , scale , and other things .

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Network Layers - Setting Defaults

May 9, 2012

I can't find the setting for setting the default pipe network layers - dialog that opens when I create a network.

I have different utilities, obviously want them on the right layers. 

E_WM --> exst. WM layers plan/profile
E_SAN--> exst. sanitary layers plan/profile.

I have a template drawing I am getting my styles from. where in the template are these things set?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: While Loop And User Defaults

Apr 25, 2012

I have a little LISP I have been working on that creates a text object as a "label" for 2D ductwork our company does. It makes a field for the mlinescale as the duct width, combines with user input for duct depth, and prompts user for location to place the text. The routine is functional...however, I would like to tweak two things that I cannot figure out.

First, I would like the command to continue until the user escapes, similar to the "multiple" command in AutoCAD. I have tried adding a while loop to the majority of the routine..which works until the user escapes...then my error handler undoes everything.

Second, when asking for user input, is it possible to ask for user input without a default the first time, but thereafter remember the input as a default?

Below is the code in question...not including error handler, etc. :

(if (= ducttemp nil)(setq ducttemp 12))
(initget 6)
(setq ductdepth (getint (strcat "
Enter duct depth in inches <" (itoa ducttemp) ">, or Esc to end: ")))
(if (= ductdepth nil) (setq ductdepth ducttemp) (setq ducttemp ductdepth))

[Code] .........

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Points Tool Window Doesn't Obey Defaults

Aug 14, 2013

The create points tool window doesn't use the Points Creation options I set for Default Elevation and Description, when go to create a bunch of points I have to key these in for each one. I know if I go and set these in the settings tab they will stick, but I would like for the tool window to work like it implies.

(running C3D 2012 sp4, Win7 64bit, 8GB)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Defaults For Add Contour Data And Colon / Minimize Flat Areas By?

Feb 5, 2013

When I add contour data to my surface, I uncheck all the boxes in "Minimize flat areas by:"  except "Swapping edges", and I check the "Swapping edges" box.  The next time I add contours, I have to uncheck the same boxes, and check the "Swapping edges" box.  I can set the default Mid-ordinate distance, etc. but I can't find anywhere in the settings that I can preset the check boxes for minimizing flat areas. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Project Files Vs Assembly Files?

Mar 8, 2013

I am deep into my first Inventor project. I am approaching the point where I would like to make a comprehensive set of drawings with bills of material etc. I have discovered that all this time I have actually been working in one big assembly file. My main project file is NOT a project file (so I have discovered). It is a *.iam file. 

So, my question is, should I create a project file, and then add my main assembly to it? Should one normally create a new Project file for each new job? What does one gain by doing this versus simply using the *.iam file?

Inventor 2013

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Photoshop :: How To Set PS Defaults?

Jul 13, 2004

how to set Photoshop preferences as i am have photoshop 7 installed n my color settings and index mode settings is changed by me but now i want those settings to be set to its default values so tell me the exact procedure?

(eg. In illustrator if i have such kind of problem that default settings has been changed then what i do is search for aipref file and delete it so the illustrator will again start with its factory settings ) that is what i want with adobe photoshop ?

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Photoshop :: How To Set Up Defaults?

Jul 13, 2004

how to set Photoshop preferences as i am have photoshop 7 installed n my color settings and index mode settings is changed by me but now i want those settings to be set to its default values so tell me the exact procedure?

(eg. In illustrator if i have such kind of problem that default settings has been changed then what i do is search for aipref file and delete it so the illustrator will again start with its factory settings ) that is what i want with adobe photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Tool Defaults

Oct 21, 2006

I've been messing about with the Magnetic Lasso tool and want to set it to its default settings. way to reset all tools to their defaults? PSCS2s help file only mentions resetting preferences (hold down ctrl/alt/shift when cs2 starts up and you will be given the option to reset ) but that did not work.

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Photoshop :: Restore Defaults

May 18, 2008

My curser is just cross hairs for the eraser,paint brush,paint bucket,etc. How do I restore the default settings in cs3.

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