AutoCAD Inventor :: Way To Create A Rubber Band Effect
Dec 29, 2013
Is there a way to create a rubber band effect (similar to drawing lines in Autocad) in drawings in Inventor. Possibly using ClientGraphics but not just inside of a DrawingView.
I am trying to create a rubber stamp effect over a jpg by using the following steps: URL....
When I Live Trace the below image "A" it doesn't look like the original and changes into image "B".Also, I cannot seem to extract the white from the picture after I have Live Traced it?
One drawing we have has a weird quirk. The rubber band line for the Distance command is black. The background of our AutoCAD is also black, which makes it very hard to see. This only seems to affect the Distance command as the rubber band for the Line command is grey (though the current layer is yellow).
I have confirmed this is limited to just one drawing, no matter what machine you open it on. The AutoCAD version we are using is Civil 3D 2011.
I have checked the following: DRAGMODE (auto), HIGHLIGHT (1), restored colors to default, made sure 3D views were not on, rendering off, UCS set to world.
Next step? Repairing the AutoCAD installation is not likely to fix the problem.
When I use the distance command and pick the first point the rubber band line doesn't appear and then when I pick the second point I get a distance, but I have no way of knowing exactly where the points I picked landed.
I saw another post about the rubber band being black against the black background, but that is not the problem.
When I turn Otrack on I get the rubber band, but I don't like Otrack on because it causes other problems. How to get the rubber band to work the way it did before?
I am trying to create a distressed, rubber stamp effect in Photoshop and am having some difficulty with the orientation of some of the text inside a text wrap. The text on top appears just how I want it, but when I try to place text on the bottom, it appears upside-down. I've tried using text-warp as well, but it obviously distorts the text and I don't want that. Is there an easy way to have the text on the bottom of text-wrapped circle orient rightside-up?
I have another paint app where it will do a brush mode that is a rubber-band mode. So if there is a brush that's 25 pixels wide and you go and click once somewhere and then move the cursor... a straight line rubberband appears connected to your cursor. When you click again, the brush is painted in a straight line to where you clicked. It's great when you are trying to quickly paint a straight line to match something in the image.�Does PS have a brush mode like this?�(I know that drawing paths can be stroked in straight lines, etc. but I need a brush mode that is quickly switchable to as I am speed painting thousands of images and brushing is fastest for this work).�
I wanted too add a rubber sleeve onto a device I made. The sleeve would be adjustable to the size of the pole. How do I make this flexable rubber sleeve knowing the distance it can stretch?
I am trying to distort/shape a photo to fit into another shape, in the shape of a shield. Its something that would be reused on other pictures.
2 things i would like to do, first is of course as above
the other, is there any way to create like a rubber stamp or a cutting tool, that once I have the shape I want created, I can use that to copy/cut/paste that image shape from other images also ?
Usually what I do is download a 3D CAD part from McMaster Carr or some other place and start from scratch trying to recreate the part or, in this case, the assembly. I'm working on modeling a simple swing-arm type of machine I've made in the past and the I've been able to recreate all of the parts with their proper ranges of motion except one. It's an Inline Ball Joint Linkage that has a rubber boot around it to keep the dust out and possibly grease in. I want to know if it is possible to model the rubber boot so that it would mimic real life movement. Right now, the boot is basically a rigid cylinder and as the linkage swivels, the solid bodies clip through each other.
I've been able to make a flexible hose type of assembly as shown here: [URL]... However, creating a 3D drawing with a spline that attaches to work points on the other assemblies causes the Ball Joint to no longer work. It will only rotate as opposed to swiveling.
I am trying to optimize a sprocket drive but need simulating the rubber belts holding the drive section together.Have access to Several autodesk products. I was able to get a short simulation in Inventor but i need a more accurate one.
Rubber sheeting a pdf with 2014? It now asks you yo select an image. Since a pdf is not an image not sure how to accomplish this. WHY DID THEY CHANGE THIS?
anyone know a good place to go for a rubber stamp tutorial or have any experience creating one themselves? im looking for something in the vein of 'conspiracy' or 'confidential' like the red rubber stamp you see on paper work that gets 'denied' or a paper that 'failed' in the movies. something you might see on a manila folder that says 'confidential' or 'conpsiracy'.
What is the best way to create an "inked rubber stamp" look?
I realized that you turn it into a bitmapped tif and colorize it in a layout program. I am mainly interested in ways to "weather" or "stress" bitmapped logos, etc. Is there a filter or is it done by manually?
I want to make a big NO boxed in with a line through it. I have it all layed out, but I simply cannot make it look like a rubber stamp. I made two layers, used an Underpainting Filter and a Spatter Brush Stroke filter and took out the white, but it still didn't look right.
I'm new to Photoshop and have been trying a few things to get better acquainted with it, one of those things is drawing and using a rubber stamp. With this aim in mind, I followed this tutorial: at the start when I click on New I chose 800 x 600 then chose a 'transparent' background, everything goes as it should through the tutorial right upto the end at the point I apply the 'spatter' effect it unfortunately doesn't have the same effect as it did with the non-transparent background. Also how do I actually 'use' or 'apply' the image to another image or letter?
I have been using Photoshop ver 5.0 for a couple of years, off and on, and never had a problem with the Rubber stamp tool until recently. It always worked. I just selected it, then the pen size, then held the alt key down to select some color pixels, then clicked where I wanted to paint.
It doesn't work anymore. As soon as I hold the alt key down and try to select a pixel, up pops a dialogue box saying, "Must define a pattern" ??? I have searched through the help index, tried various things, but cannot find the solution.
Running 5.5 I double clicked on the rubber stamp tool & cleared the aligned box in the rubber stamp options palette. Then I alt clicked in the image. Then I clicked & dragged in another part of the image. The cross cursor at the source point moved as if the aligned box was still checked. How do I get the rubber stamp to work in the non-aligned mode?
Is there an easy way to get the geometric extents of a profile view and bands? It appears that in Civil 3D 2013 .NET the Geometric Extents returns the extents of the profile excluding the bands. I don't like the prospects of either doing the math for all of the bands assigned to the profile view or exploding the profile view to get it and the bands as a block and getting the extents that way. [URL]....
I have a band label set up for my cross sections that will show existing grade and finish grade elevations at the 0' offset mark of each section.
However, the band does not show when I create my sections. The only way I can seem to get it to show is by right clicking a section, section view properties, bands tab, click 'import band set' at bottom of window, and select they style i want to use. But I have to do this for each section individually. That is a problem as I have over 200 sections for one piece of this project.
I've got a problem using the rubber stamp tool. I want to use it to clone some dust spots out on several photos which are part of a time-lapse scene. Therefore I thought it would be easy to record using the rubber stamp tool, then applying the action to all photos via a batch process.
However, it doesn't seem to work. All my other steps in the action occur, but not the rubber stamp tool. Same is true for the healing brush.
I have an EG and FG data band for sections that works correctly. When i plot sections and it asks me specify surfaces 1 and 2, I choose my EG and FG surfaces appropriately. Then when the section displays the Section 1 and Section 2 are both set to the EG section of that specific sample line. If i change the section view properties manually it works but I'll have to do it individually for each section.
Also, is it necessary to create a FG surface from the corridor or can i get the data band to read from the corridor section itself?