AutoCAD Inventor :: Very Slow ILogic Functions With Multiple Processes?

Mar 22, 2013

how the internals of Inventor / iLogic are working.

We have multiple instances of Inventor running on a 12 core workstation so we can push configurations through concurrently  - each Inventor instance is assigned its own processor affinity and each instance has its own project which points to seperate directories of Inventor models.

Everything seems to work OK when there are up to 5/6 working concurrently, but as soon as there are more than 6 the iLogic functions seem to grind to a halt - note that the rules are external rules.
For example, this function took 11 seconds to complete when there were 10 concurrent orders processing. :
Parameter("BLANK", "EDGE_FRT_ACTIVE") = "YES"
 Similarly these functions took 11 seconds in total to complete :
iProperties.Value("Custom", "M1110900_P1PO") = iProperties.Value("Custom", "BLANK_GDIM") - iProperties.Value("Custom", "PANEL_GDIM")iProperties.Value("Custom", "M1110900_P2PO") = iProperties.Value("Custom", "BLANK_XGDIM") - iProperties.Value("Custom", "PANEL_XGDIM")iProperties.Value("Custom", "M1110900_P1OR") = 1iProperties.Value("Custom", "M1110900_P2OR") = 0
When I run these with less that 6 concurrent Inventor processes, they're are almost instant.

I just don't know where the bottleneck is. I've ruled out :

- Processor (each core never reaches above around 60%)

- RAM (we've got 48GB of RAM, with about 15GB free at worst)

- Disk (disk IO is busy, but it doesn't look like it's the bottleneck)

- Graphics (Inventor is in silent mode, with no UI, so graphics activity is minimal)

From the tests I've done it seems to be the iLogic functions that are the bottleneck. My next port of call is to change the iLogic functions to actual API calls, but I suspect I'll get the same results.

So, my questions :

Is Inventor queing these iLogic API calls somehow (note we're creating a unique instance of the Inventor.Application COM object for each processing thread) ?

Is there an issue with using external rules with nultiple instances?

Dell Precision R5500, Intel Xeon X5690 3.47GHz (x2)
Inventor 2013 (PDS Premium)
64bit Windows 7 SP1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic / Use Same Variable In Multiple Subs / Functions?

Apr 10, 2013

I have an iLogic rule in which I'm trying to set three user parameters for the gage of each leg of a steel angle. I want Inventor to set the gage based on the length of each leg. Here's the table I referenced for gages: [URL].

In my code, I have a sub called DetermineGage which takes the leg length, whether it's the short leg or the long leg, and determines the gages that should belong to that leg. Inside of that sub it calls on a sub called ApplyGage which then applies the determined gage to the rule's gage variables. The main sub then grabs those variables and applies those values to the actual user parameters.... In theory.

The rule executes ok with no errors, but doesn't change the value of the user parameters; they're always "0". As best I can tell, the "oGage" variables I used in the rule don't even get assigned the correct value, which makes me think the DetermineGage and ApplyGage subs can't even access the oLegLength or oGage parameters to read or set them. I don't want to use global parameters because I've heard that can make programs very unstable over time and is just bad practice. How can I make these variables accessible to all subs IN THIS RULE, no more no less?
Sub Main()Dim oLegShort As Double = Min(G_W,G_H)Dim oLegLong As Double = Max(G_W,G_H)Dim oLegLength As DoubleDim oGage As DoubleDim oGage1 As DoubleDim oGage2 As Double'Short Leg:oLegLength = oLegShort'Call DetermineGages sub to set oGage variables:DetermineGages()On Error Resume Next'If gage parameter does not equal true gage, set it equal:If Parameter("ShortLegGage") <> oGage ThenParameter("ShortLegGage") = oGageEnd If'Assume error means gage parameter does not exits. Create and set equal to true gage:If Err.Number <> 0


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Prebuild Functions For Calculus In ILogic?

Jul 3, 2012

 Are there any prebuild functions for Calculus in ilogic.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Calculating Math Functions (Tan / Sin / Cos) Incorrectly

Sep 2, 2013

ilogic is calculating tan/sin/cos/aTan/aCos/aSin incorrectly. E.g.
Answer = 0.4738... when it should be 0.7002....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suitable ILogic Functions For Part Template?

Oct 4, 2011

I am working on creating a new part file Template. Any useful and productive iLogic functions those are already available.

A while ago, I had seen one that would simply triger when part was checked in or saved. It would check if the material feild was utilzed or forgotten at Default.

share if there are any good iLogic functions that we might benefit from.
Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: List Of ILogic Commands / Syntax Functions

Sep 6, 2013

I used to have an A1 printed sheet of all of the ilogic commands, functions, syntax or whatever you call them.  It was all nicely grouped and colour coded etc

Unfortunately I have since moved jobs and lost this and neither me or google can find this again, any copy or link?  it may have been a pdf or excel format.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Property File Subtype In ILogic Functions Not Recognized

Aug 28, 2013

I need to use the property " File Subtype" for programming a function in logic, but inventor not recognise this property.

I use this function "If iProperties.Value("Project","File Subtype")=Sheet metal"

How i can do for use this property for a ilogic function?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Crashes When Using Multiple Functions

Mar 25, 2013

I have been using this software for a few months now, and I continue to have crashing issues. The issues, however related, are not consistent. I tend to have issues when using more complex applications of the software such as crashes when performing a breakout view, freezing and then many times crashing when manipulating a part within an assembly drawing, and several other similar issues. I have received an update SP1.1 (176) and installed it. This update states it contains a fix for issues of crashing due to excessive memory consumption.

I have 6GB of RAM, nVidia Quadro FX 3800 1GB graphics card, Intel Core i7 920 2.66GHz processor, and updated drivers... 

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AutoCAD LT :: PDF Underlay Will Slow Down Its Functions

Nov 27, 2012

I understand that a pdf underlay will slow down AutoCad and its functions.  My company just switched from AutoCad 2010 to AutoCad LT 2010, while maintaining the same computer and it has become astronomically slower.  Is this an issue I have to deal with or is there a way to improve its efficiency?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assembly With ILogic Rules Running Slow?

Dec 5, 2012

I'm a contractor, I've created a really impressive form-driven assembly containing various iLogic rules. However, as i add more rules it is beginning to slow down (increase rule processing time). Should I suggest upgrading to 64-bit and increasing RAM?..could be costly with no increase in performance.

Processor: i7-2600
OS: 32-bit
RAM: 4.00GB
Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Save Multiple Formats

Mar 1, 2013

I have the following

strFile = ThisDoc.FileName(False) & "-Rev " & iProperties.Value("Project", "Revision Number")ThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(strFile & (".dwg"), True)ThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(strFile & (".pdf"), True)

And it works like a charm for pdf, but it does not export to .dwg?

And also, is it possible to decide where in the name the "-Rev " &iPro....should appear?

Ex. if the filename should be : "12345 - Rev 02 - Section cut"

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Form With Multiple Forms?

Oct 25, 2012

I would like to know if it is possible to make a form with multiple forms, depending on the selection a could build a rectangle, or a cilynder or a cone.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Multiple Identical ILogic Sub-assemblies With Different Parameters

Jul 17, 2013

iLogic code question concerning how Place iLogic Component and retain the ability to push parameters from the subassemblies to the parts after being renamed.

I have ASSEMBLY.iam containing:

and sometimes SUBASSEMBLY-02:2.iam

each SUBASSEMBLY.iam contains PART1.ipt and PART2.ipt which have variable LENGTH and WIDTH. LENGTH and WIDTH are entered manually at the SUBASSEMBLY.iam and are infinitely variable.

To transfer the parameters I'm using iLogic code in the SUBASSEMBLY:

 Parameter("PART1.ipt", "LENGTH")=LENGTHParameter("PART1.ipt", "WIDTH")=WIDTHParameter("PART2.ipt", "LENGTH")=LENGTHParameter("PART2.ipt", "WIDTH")=WIDTH
Issue 1: When I place the SUBASSEMBLY as an iLogic Component, the parts are renamed to PART1-01.ipt which renders my Parameter transfer useless. What am I missing on writing this code so it can find the new part name?

 Issue 2: I like the automatic renaming that happens with Place iLogic Component. Is there a better way to handle this automatically through Place Component -> Save & Replace?

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Listbox In ILogic That Allows For Multiple Selections?

Oct 3, 2013

How do I create a listbox in iLogic that allows for multiple selections?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy ILogic Rule To Multiple DWG Files

Feb 14, 2012

I have the need filter inside Vault the Inventor Drawings (.dwg/.idw) by its papersize.

In my testing enviroment, I created a iLogic rule inside a .idw with the following

iProperties.Value("Custom", "Formato") = ActiveSheet.Size

I used the Ruler Trigger "After Save Document" to refresh this rule.

In Vault, I've mapped this custom property:

But, how to Copy (and update) this iLogic Rule to the other existing .dwg files in Vault?

I thought the iLogic Design Copy would be able to do so, but it doesn't works in that way.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Replace Component With Multiple Different Components

Jan 5, 2014

So I have been going round and round in circles on this one iam trying to use replace component within ilogic which is fine with switching one part for another but I want a drop down of parts so it replaces which ever one is active the problem I am having is establishing which one is active. So below is what I have so far but the problem is you cant seem to reference a part that is not in the assembly so I keep getting the error

The component named "Flange 1" was not found for example. I just need a way of establishing which one is currently in the assembly but with out referencing components that are not there.

If Component.IsActive("Flange 1")=True Then current = 1
If Component.IsActive("Flange 2")=True Then current = 2
If Component.IsActive("Flange 3")=True Then current = 3
If part = 1 And current = 2 Then Component.Replace("flange 2", "Flange 1.ipt", True) End If
If part = 1 And current = 3 Then Component.Replace("flange 3", "Flange 1.ipt", True) End If
If part = 2 And current = 1 Then Component.Replace("flange 1", "Flange 2.ipt", True) End If
If part = 2 And current = 3 Then Component.Replace("flange 3", "Flange 2.ipt", True) End If
If part = 3 And current = 1 Then Component.Replace("flange 1", "Flange 3.ipt", True) End If
If part = 3 And current = 2 Then Component.Replace("flange 2", "Flange 3.ipt", True) End If

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Assembly Rule To Multiple BOMQuantity In Parts

Oct 9, 2013

I have used Inventor for quite a while but never for much more than the odd 3D model.

I have recently created templates that allow me to use Inventor to create detailed fabrication drawings rather than relying on AutoCAD. But I have run across a question with regards to the BOM. Let me try and explain my issue.

I currently create assemblies for fabricated items. However, in the complete (or top level assembly) there may be multiple fabricated items (assemblies required). At the moment I create the BOM and manually edit the quantities required to reflect the number of assemblies (and resulting parts) that are required.

In my assembly file I created a parameter called "AssemNo" which is meant to reflect the number of assemblies required. In my part files I created a parameter called "AssemQty". I would insert the following iLogic code for each part in the assembly:

quantity - This.BOM.CalculateQuantity("Model Data", "PartNumber")*AssemNo
Parameter("Part Name:1", "AssemQty") = quantity

This works but it requires me to create that line of code for every part in my assembly. I know an iLogic code can be created to search an assembly and change parameters of all parts (see below as an example to copy Occurence name to iProperties >

' set a reference to the assembly component definintion.
' This assumes an assembly document is open.
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition

'Iterate through all of the occurrences
Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences
    Dim oName As String
    oName = oOccurrence.Name
    iProperties.Value(oOccurrence.Name, "Project", "Part Number") = oName
    MessageBox.Show(oOccurrence.Name, "iLogic")

Can the two be combined?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: How To Make A Button Do Multiple Functions

Jun 6, 2013

How do you make a button do multiple functions....?


1. Clicking button multiple times to do something different. Example: for practice.

* Click Once for one action

* Twice for another

Again... Then back to original..And or, add a Hold shift option to do function? Is this complicated?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Close ILogic Form With VBA Or ILogic Rule

Aug 19, 2013

how can I close an iLogic Form from either an iLogic Rule, or a VBA Rule (VBA is the Preferred method)?

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AutoCad :: File With Multiple Layers Big And Slow

Jul 31, 2012

My file has over 100 layers and 20,000 containers that are in 3D. It worked fine when I drew them. After I closed the file, it always takes 5 to 10 min to open. I can't delete a layer (layer2) or rotate angle of view or any normal command such as purge and audit.., it always crashes.

I was wondering that if I did anything wrong casued this, and that whether my approach of drawing these is correct, performace wise.. and what would be the better way of doing this..because my drawing is now uesless I can't even rotate it in vp or do anything..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Trigonometric Functions Not Working In Parameters

May 6, 2013

In my Parameter equation dialog box: "cos(.5)" is red"(.5)" is black.

Does Excel need to be installed for Trigonometric functions (I don't have Excel)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use User Selectable Browser For All Related Functions?

Jun 17, 2011

Is it possible to use a user selectable browser for all related functions?

I'd like to see the possibilty to select with which webbrowser Inventor interacts.

Currently the wikihelp opens in my default browser (Google Chrome), but the help function and subscription links open in Internet Explorer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Preserve Functions In IProperties When Accessing With VBA Script

Dec 3, 2012

I made a simple dialog to access some of the iproperties. This is quite handy when working on a drawing of a part, but there is one flaw with this script. If the part's description has a function referencing the parts dimensions for instance, when my script gets the description it gets the plain text and not the formula. Meaning if the part's description is "=<d0> X <d1> X <d2>" and appears as "1 X 2 X 3" the script will get "1 X 2 X 3" and when it resaves the description it will over write the formula with plain text.

Is it possible to get the formula so my script could display that for editing instead of the plain text?

Below is a part of the code I'm using and it's the standard code I've seen for retreiving ipropterties.

Dim invDoc As Document Set invDoc = ThisApplication.Documents.ItemByName(GetToken(PartList.Value, 3, Chr(1))) Dim invDesignInfo As PropertySet Set invDesignInfo = invDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties") Dim invProperty(1 To 4) As Property Set invProperty(1) = invDesignInfo.Item("Part Number") partnumber.Value = invProperty(1).Value Set invProperty(2) = invDesignInfo.Item("Description") description.Value = invProperty(2).Value

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Photoshop :: CS6 Processes Only RAW Files Only One-by-one?

Sep 6, 2012

I have CS5 64-bit version installed and for trial I have now installed CS6, also 64-bit.I noticed one thing, when converting RAW files to JPG from Camera Raw in CS5, then 3-4 files are processed in parallel and therefore the entire process is rather speedy.In CS6 for some reason files are processed only one-by-one.

From system wise, I have a laptop, 64-bit system, 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium, and two graphics processors, integrated Intel GPU and NVIDIA GeForce 310M.Screenshot from CS5, just to show what I mean:how to get CS6 to process files in parallel also?

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Photoshop :: CS4 Batch Processing Only Processes...

Jul 9, 2009

I scan 6x6 negs on an Epson scanner and when they are done they need to be rotated 90 degrees and flipped horizontaly. I set up an action to do this (Rotate, Flip, Save and Close) and everything was going swimmingly - then recently I've started having problems. For example - I've scanned 60 images which I select in Bridge and then open them in PS CS4. I select Automate>Batch and then select my saved action and away it goes. PS chugs its way through the 60 photo's and closes them all (so it looks like they have all been processed), but when I go back to Bridge and it starts refreshing the thumbnails only 30 of them have been rotated and flipped. So then I select the remaining 30 images and batch process them - this time it only processes 15 and so on.

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Photoshop :: What Processes Are Included In 'save...

Jun 8, 2008

When I save a photo using the Photoshop CS3 'save for the web' command, I resize the photo to, for example, 800 pixels on the long side. It comes back the correct size but sometimes the colors look different (a little red usually). Is this because I was editing the original photo in RGB? Should I convert to profile, sRGB before I save for the Web? Or does Photoshop do this automatically? OR, should I convert to sRGB and then do color adjustments for the web?

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Photoshop :: PS CS4 - Slow When Printing Multiple...

Mar 17, 2009

I work in a theatre and print a lot of programs and posters. If I send a print run of, say, 18 posters to the printer, Photoshop 7 generated once, then printed all the copies fairly quickly.

With CS4, it's like it's generating the image each time, so it's taking several minutes between each print. I tried saving as a pdf and going to Adobe Acrobat Reader to print and it does the same thing. Appears to work fine in Word and Excel, but of course, those are much smaller files.

I have to print 400 copies of an event program, how to speed things up!

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After Effects :: Background Processes Initialization Much Longer In CS6

May 13, 2012

When launching a render, the message "background processes initializing / this may take a while" gets stuck more than 70s in CS6, whatever the project, whereas it was never on more than 10s in CS5. We're back to the CS4 delays here.
On a side note, the multiprocessing is a bit weird:
Before it was pretty straightforward : When 10 cores were used for the render, the frames were rendered by batches of 10. With CS6 it's different : A first batch of 3 frames get rendered, then another one of 14 (!!), then I lost track of the process. Is multiprocessing so different in CS6 ?
Mac Pro 12-Core / 32GB RAM
Mac Os 10.6.8
AE MP settings :
2,5GB per core / RAM reserved for other applications : 4GB
CPU reserved for other applications : 4

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Photoshop :: All Color Picker-related Processes Malfunctioning?

Jan 29, 2013

The following processes: Fill, Stroke, Text Coloring (highlighted selections from chromatic palette), Mask Layer coloring, etc. are all failing unaccountably. When Menu-selecting Fill or Stroke, or when clicking the color wells to access the Color Picker (for text, mask-layer color, etc.) I do NOT get the usual Color Picker window. Instead, the icon instantly changes to the eyedropper (and sometimes the color sampler) icon, all menu options are greyed out, and all attempts to select another tool or do anything at all result in that awful 'doonk! doonk!' sound. I learned, (after a horrible 24hrs of even reformatting my computer to cure PShop) that at least the freeze can be broken by hitting 'Enter', and sometimes only after hitting it many, many times. The command in question then executes without new editing, and is usually useless. I have realized that all of these: Fill, Stroke, Mask/Text color, ALL involve the Color Picker, to which I seem to have been denied access. That last time 2 years ago it involved the Hue/Sat sliderwindow, but at least that seems to be working fine.
To compound and complicate the problem: Duplicate and Print Preview are also failing to offer any kind of editing window before I must inevitably just hit 'Enter' many, many times before the process is executed to whatever settings were last recorded before this problem, and of course, it is useless to me. I can't even resize images on the page before printing them anymore and they end up just zoomed and cropped.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Stopping Processes When Mac Enters Sleep Mode?

Mar 26, 2013

I have been finding that when i have a process running that requires some time to complete in LR 4.3 (e.g creating timelapses, or exporting large sets of images, or creating many 1:1 previews), that if my mac goes to sleep these processes stop. When I wake my Mac again these processes start up again though.
After a little reading I seem to have found that the latest mountain lion upgrade has removed a macs ability to check hard drive activity before going totaly to sleep. So previously the screen will be sleeping but processes can run in the background. If what I have read is accurate this is also true for downloads and other processes. Furthermore they go on to say that applications now have to create "power assertions" to keep processes running.
I assume Lightroom does not yet have these? Are they looking into it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodrop Multiple Nuts After Autodropping Multiple Washers

Jan 26, 2012

(Inv Pro 2012, XP64, Vaulted Project and Content Center)When I'm placing hardware, the Autodrop function is really convenient.  Even better when the "multiple" pickbox is active, which from what I understand is when Inventor finds similar features on the same plane that the selected autodrop component could potentially mate to.

This is a huge time-saver, since I often have lots of bolted joints that all terminate on the same plane.  Sometimes however, even when the parts lie in the same "plane", the plane isn't contiguous in that a feature breaks it across.  No biggie, it just means I have to do two or three "multi-autodrops".

Once I put washers at the back side of the connections (which multiple works like a charm on), all of a sudden when I go to place nuts, each washer surface is now it's own plane, and multi-drop no longer recognizes all the other parts.  This can be a real pain manually placing 30 or 40 nuts at a time.

I think the "Bolted Connection" option might work, but I really don't have a need to store all those subassemblies, name them, keep them vaulted properly, etc.   That would be almost as much of a headache.

Also, most of the features that I'm connecting through are created as Hole features and as "nominal" oversized bolt holes as Inventor suggests when the "clearance hole" option is used for hole creation (not randomly extruded islands), but they aren't patterned as they don't follow a prescribed circular or rectangular pattern.

Am I missing something that I can do (like something stupid simple such as holding down the "alt" key or some crazy thing like that) that will allow inventor not just to suggest CONTIGUOUS planar features, but also CO-planar features so I can place all these nuts at once?

Short of creating a custom Content center part that consists of a nut / washer assembly I can't think of anything.  And creating and publishing the nut washer assemblies will eat up some time too, since I have about 50 different combinations (some SAE washers with normal hex nuts, some SAE washers with ESNA hex, some USS washers with jam nuts, some USS Type B washers with all-steel locknuts, etc...)

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