AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Crashes When Using Multiple Functions
Mar 25, 2013
I have been using this software for a few months now, and I continue to have crashing issues. The issues, however related, are not consistent. I tend to have issues when using more complex applications of the software such as crashes when performing a breakout view, freezing and then many times crashing when manipulating a part within an assembly drawing, and several other similar issues. I have received an update SP1.1 (176) and installed it. This update states it contains a fix for issues of crashing due to excessive memory consumption.
I have 6GB of RAM, nVidia Quadro FX 3800 1GB graphics card, Intel Core i7 920 2.66GHz processor, and updated drivers...
I have an iLogic rule in which I'm trying to set three user parameters for the gage of each leg of a steel angle. I want Inventor to set the gage based on the length of each leg. Here's the table I referenced for gages: [URL].
In my code, I have a sub called DetermineGage which takes the leg length, whether it's the short leg or the long leg, and determines the gages that should belong to that leg. Inside of that sub it calls on a sub called ApplyGage which then applies the determined gage to the rule's gage variables. The main sub then grabs those variables and applies those values to the actual user parameters.... In theory.
The rule executes ok with no errors, but doesn't change the value of the user parameters; they're always "0". As best I can tell, the "oGage" variables I used in the rule don't even get assigned the correct value, which makes me think the DetermineGage and ApplyGage subs can't even access the oLegLength or oGage parameters to read or set them. I don't want to use global parameters because I've heard that can make programs very unstable over time and is just bad practice. How can I make these variables accessible to all subs IN THIS RULE, no more no less?
Sub Main()Dim oLegShort As Double = Min(G_W,G_H)Dim oLegLong As Double = Max(G_W,G_H)Dim oLegLength As DoubleDim oGage As DoubleDim oGage1 As DoubleDim oGage2 As Double'Short Leg:oLegLength = oLegShort'Call DetermineGages sub to set oGage variables:DetermineGages()On Error Resume Next'If gage parameter does not equal true gage, set it equal:If Parameter("ShortLegGage") <> oGage ThenParameter("ShortLegGage") = oGageEnd If'Assume error means gage parameter does not exits. Create and set equal to true gage:If Err.Number <> 0
how the internals of Inventor / iLogic are working.
We have multiple instances of Inventor running on a 12 core workstation so we can push configurations through concurrently - each Inventor instance is assigned its own processor affinity and each instance has its own project which points to seperate directories of Inventor models.
Everything seems to work OK when there are up to 5/6 working concurrently, but as soon as there are more than 6 the iLogic functions seem to grind to a halt - note that the rules are external rules.
For example, this function took 11 seconds to complete when there were 10 concurrent orders processing. :
Parameter("BLANK", "EDGE_FRT_ACTIVE") = "YES" Similarly these functions took 11 seconds in total to complete :
When I run these with less that 6 concurrent Inventor processes, they're are almost instant.
I just don't know where the bottleneck is. I've ruled out :
- Processor (each core never reaches above around 60%)
- RAM (we've got 48GB of RAM, with about 15GB free at worst)
- Disk (disk IO is busy, but it doesn't look like it's the bottleneck)
- Graphics (Inventor is in silent mode, with no UI, so graphics activity is minimal)
From the tests I've done it seems to be the iLogic functions that are the bottleneck. My next port of call is to change the iLogic functions to actual API calls, but I suspect I'll get the same results.
So, my questions :
Is Inventor queing these iLogic API calls somehow (note we're creating a unique instance of the Inventor.Application COM object for each processing thread) ?
Is there an issue with using external rules with nultiple instances?
I have a single user of AutoCAD LT 2013 SP2 on a Windows 8 machine. It worked flawlessly for a few months and then suddenly started crashing a lot, especially when accessing the FILE menu.
We get a lot of these:The program acadlt.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
The only changes since these started was a new wireless mouse (Microsoft) and loading Adobe Acrobat Standard (latest version) on the machine. We did both of those a few weeks ago and the problems have started after that.
Working in assemblies with multi-solid parts or parts with derived geometry generates unstable environments with multiple crashes per day. Some crashes don't even prompt a crash report. This has been going on through multiple versions of Inventor up til 2012 which I am currently using now. Has or will this ever be addressed?
in autocad there is a search bar in the upper right. is there anyway that i can make that search for dwg files? I open up about 70 dwg's a day for work.
Every so often when I open 2013 inventor it freezes at the startup window. the "progress bar" at the bottom gets about 75% across, then freezes. If I click on the window it, a dialog box appears that will let me close the program or check online for a solution. It has happened on all 7 machines here.
Dell t1500 i7 8 gb ram Windows 7 64 bit ati firepro v4800
I just installed Inventor 2013 (First Mistake) and when I attempt to creat a breakout view, Inventor crashes. The folks at Autodesk are blaming this on my machine running multiple threads. Aren't all modern computers supposed to be running multiple threads?
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
I am having a problem with Inventor 2013. Every time I run/edit then run an iLogic rule my Inventor crashes. I have sent the report in to autodesk, but I need a fix for now.
I have tried a soft reboot, hard reboot, only opening inventor while no other programs are running, disconnection from the internet, etc.
About three days ago Inventor 2013 started crashing whenever I tried to drag a subassembly into position. I got a message telling me to install SP1. I did this; but the crashing continues to occur. I can use assembly constraints to move my subassembly around but this is cumbersome.
I have CAD2014 installed intalled everything has been great until last week when I got an error that I had low autocad memory. I still have 127GB available on my PC. Since I received this errow I have noticed that when moving large amounts of items on a drawing, there is a big delay in the move.
I opened Inventor 2013 this morning to find this issue. Everything starts fine, I am able to open/create a part file and enter sketch mode, but as soon as I click a draw operation (spline, line, rectangle, etc.) it freezes on me. I have been using 2013 for a couple months now without issue, and cannot associate this with a change of anything on my computer.I have tried:
1) Restarting computer
2) Reducing graphics display quality to Rough
3) Checking "Software Graphics"
4) Calibrate my 3Dconnexion mouse
5) The diagnostic check for graphics card (approved)
I made a simple dialog to access some of the iproperties. This is quite handy when working on a drawing of a part, but there is one flaw with this script. If the part's description has a function referencing the parts dimensions for instance, when my script gets the description it gets the plain text and not the formula. Meaning if the part's description is "=<d0> X <d1> X <d2>" and appears as "1 X 2 X 3" the script will get "1 X 2 X 3" and when it resaves the description it will over write the formula with plain text.
Is it possible to get the formula so my script could display that for editing instead of the plain text?
Below is a part of the code I'm using and it's the standard code I've seen for retreiving ipropterties.
Dim invDoc As Document Set invDoc = ThisApplication.Documents.ItemByName(GetToken(PartList.Value, 3, Chr(1))) Dim invDesignInfo As PropertySet Set invDesignInfo = invDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties") Dim invProperty(1 To 4) As Property Set invProperty(1) = invDesignInfo.Item("Part Number") partnumber.Value = invProperty(1).Value Set invProperty(2) = invDesignInfo.Item("Description") description.Value = invProperty(2).Value
I am working on creating a new part file Template. Any useful and productive iLogic functions those are already available.
A while ago, I had seen one that would simply triger when part was checked in or saved. It would check if the material feild was utilzed or forgotten at Default.
share if there are any good iLogic functions that we might benefit from.
C1 Inventor Professional 2013 Vault Collaboration 2013
I used to have an A1 printed sheet of all of the ilogic commands, functions, syntax or whatever you call them. It was all nicely grouped and colour coded etc
Unfortunately I have since moved jobs and lost this and neither me or google can find this again, any copy or link? it may have been a pdf or excel format.
If I have several drawings open at the same time and have done work to some of them, at the end of the day I just pick the AutoCAD application "close" button (the "X" in the top-right corner of the window) and I'm prompted "Save changes to <drawing>?" for each of the drawings.
Unfortunately, most of the times I do this in AC2011, AutoCAD crashes. The next time I open AutoCAD, it initiates the recover but all the changes have been saved in the *.dwg file.
I know this is not the best way to save and close drawings but it has never been a problem.
My autocad crashes when I'm working with many similar objects. As the roof shingles. Even when creating a block with all objects, when passing the cursor over the block cause the system to crash (its even worst this way). It seems that the program attempts to process each tile individually (further these tiles are rounded).I've been working with large roofs, such as 9mx4m.
I recently added 2 monitors to my set up to bring my total to 3. I am trying to figure out the best way to work on one drawing, with 2 differant veiws on each of the 2 main screens.
I would like my main screen to have the plan view and the second monitor to have an isometric veiw (or whatever I need at the time) of the same drawing. Is there a way to have the same drawing opened up in another window, in one session of Autocad 2013. One on the main screen and one on the secondary.
Im trying to deploy AutoCAD 2013 multi language. English + German.
I have included the Service Pack 1.1 and the plain english deployment is working find via the admin image.
Then downloaded the german language pack here: [URL].......
Plus the recommended hotfix on the page:
We are also providing a "hotfix" for Autodesk Content Explorer at the bottom of this download page, required after installing an AutoCAD 2013 language pack.
Uninstalling old Content Explorer + installing Language pack works(as depoyment package). But then Im stucking at this hotfix
How do I create an admin image or install it silent. Nothing seems to work.
I'm facing an issue when I start up the AUTOCAD 2013 on Windows.
I clicked on Autocad icon, and a message is prompted saying "Unknown Property" with a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside it, and the software do not start up.
The highlights: Yesterday the software was working normaly when happened a black out. I started the computer again and keep working without any issue. Today when I would keep working on the project I couldn't start up the Autocad.
AutoCAD LT 2013 - Crashes at startup and haven't been able to use at all!
Autocad opens and them it closes itself very quick. It doesn´t give me any error. The program was running ok, until last week. Haven´t make any system changes
I´ve tried to uninstall and them install de program, reinstall :NET framework and still nothing