AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Add Welds After Adding Machining Features
Sep 30, 2011
If certain modelling / sketch features should be avoided under the machining feature group.
I have an assembly file containing three part files, plus a weldment feature and machining features. In the real world this sub-assembly represents two metal components welded together, of which the third (plastic) component is then inserted, and this is followed by the final machining process - adding the staggered slot (see jpeg 1).
My problem is I get an error message as soon as I try to activate editing the weldment feature group (see jpeg 2). Clicking ‘Accept’ I can then edit the current weld, but I can not add any new welds. Inventor will let me choose to place a new fillet or groove weld, and even show a preview (see jpeg 3). But on clicking ‘Ok’ or ‘Apply’ I get another error message from which it won’t let me proceed (see jpeg 4 (in my second post)).
The error messages relate to the constraints placed on the work planes used to achieve the model features (extrusions, revolutions, chamfers, etc) under the machining features group.
A couple of points; the weld(s) have to proceed the machining features so each manufacturing stage can be clearly illustrated on the drawing of the sub-assembly. And yes in this case I could remodel the assembly, but it is time consuming and regularly our customers will want the design tweaked, so having to remodel every time would be unacceptable. Thirdly, I believe the work planes are needed to constrain the sketches (see jpeg 5 (in my second post) - the work plane is constrained to the ‘red highlighted dot’ and tangent to the cylindrical face).
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Jan 14, 2013
Using Inventor Professional 2013
In the attached assembly, I would like to fill the four corners (see Figure 1) with weld to make one smooth bead around the perimeter of the end cap rather than using fillet weld to lay down four linear beads along the edges. I accomplished this with a groove weld (see Figure 2). However, problems occurred (pasted below) when I attempt to weld this piece to a surface.
Error message:
" Create Weld Feature: problems encountered while executing this command.
example.iam: Errors occurred during update
Fillet Weld 3: Could not build this Fillet Weld feature
The attempted operation had problems trimming and discarding faces. Try with different inputs."
When I had the four original fillet weld beads, I could fillet weld this part to a surface no problem (see Figure 3). When I switched it to a groove weld to get the desired corner appearance, I get errors. I tried to mess around with the tick boxes in the groove weld dialog box to try to fix the problem but nothing worked.
Ultimately, my problem can be solved if I could simply fill the corner gaps without using the groove weld command. This would eliminate the errors associated with fillet welding over groove welds.
Let me know if the attached files do not work. This is my first time uploading an assembly and its associated part files.
Figure 1: Corner with fillet welds (need to fill that gap)
Figure 2: Corner with groove weld (gap filled)
Figure 3: Fillet welded (concave) to plate. Still need those corners filled.
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Mar 13, 2013
I'd like to add a dimension from a feature in a detail view to a feature outside the view, exactly like the dimension circled in red below. I cannot find any information on how to do this, but I suspect it is pretty easy!
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Jul 17, 2013
I have a wire trough that we typically use on all our units. Instead of modelling each trough as it's own separate part to length, I would like to add this part to frame generator for tracking there cut lengths etc...
A few items, there is two sizes that we use, but for now I will work with just one.
I have modeled the part and renamed the important parameters.
-WIDTH - stays the same
-HEIGHT - stays the same
-LENGTH - adjusted by frame generator
-RIBS - the part has 6 currently, but there is a rib added for every 1/2 inch. it is a rectangular pattern
-SLOTS - will be added to the trough every 2 inches of length, it is a rectangular pattern
-SLOT_DISTANCE - is 2 inches and never changes, if the trough is cut on a slot, which ever is easiest, to show half a slot or none, doesn't matter, this is just for a visual and BOM reference
I found a video that shows me how to publish parts to FG, but I am stuck for the iLogic part. Part attached.
Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014
Win7-x64 | ASUS P8Z77-V | i7 3770 -3.4 GHz | 32GB RAM |
240GB SSD | nVidia GTX 670 4GB - 320.49
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Dec 19, 2012
I trying to use the content center feature in a part on Inventor 2013 but it doesn't work.
It does work on Inventor 2012.
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Oct 9, 2013
I have a weldment file containg a 12" i beam with a small plate welded to the top of the beam. I have to machine that plate down to its finished thickness and punch a hole thru others. I use the machining button and remove my material with no issues. The problem comes when I launch the part the machining is not reflected at the part level. Do I need do have 2 versions (2 files) of the part machined/unmachined? I am sure this is a common practice within Inventor. See attached .jpg for clarity.
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Jun 28, 2013
I started my project, the design is basically a bulkhead chassis design with multiple access panels on all 3 sides. I wanted all of the hole patterns on this assembly to be based on one sketch. So I created a base part inside the assembly, this part compiled of sketches and the sketches compiled of construct lines and points (for panel and chassis fastener hole patterns). This was going great, after learning a couple tricks.
Manufactuing had determined that I need to machine the holes on the chassis after welding. Which means I need to move the adaptive features, from the part files, to the assembly file.
So here is my problem, assembly sketchs are not adaptable? Either projecting to (from that base part file), or projecting from (from the assembly sketch to the part file). I tried both. How I should model this? How do I make weldment machining adaptive?
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Sep 3, 2012
Is there any way to set features to be invisible when create sketch after those 3D features so as to make the sketch more easy to see?
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Mar 6, 2007
Any way to change the color of welds? Lets say I have a green painted structure and therefore want to have green-looking welds in my weld-assembly?
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Aug 16, 2012
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Aug 8, 2013
Not welds from a model, but if I go through 4 .idw sheets of details...and annotate all of my welds is there a way to assign numbers to them without manually entering them?
Our welds are track by number through QA, and depending on the amount of sheets and welds in a set of drawings for a given assembly, sometimes it's a real chore when you realize you forgot to add a weld to something on page 2 when you've already edited weld tails through page 5.
Inventor 2014
Windows 7 Pro SP1
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro
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Sep 4, 2013
I have a weldment with about 200 welds in ti. In my industry being able to track and give each weld a specfic number and log it into the "books" is a big plus. I am starting to detail the assembly i have created and i am running into a problem. I know i can turn all the welds off in views in an IDW file. I can even make levels of deatil and surpress certain welds and such. This is extremely time consumming and not the easiest way of doing this. Is there another way of say turning off two out of five welds in a detail view? If not i think we will be looking for other software options. Considering our larger models will have 750-1500 welds this would be a nightmare.
Inventor Pro 2014
nivida k6000
24 G RAM
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Aug 19, 2009
What would be best work flow for showing a part and having drawing for the different stages of machining, I would like to have a print with different sheets at say a lathe stage, than a broached part stage, then a milled stage. Should I do a part for each stage, just save to a different name or Start with a part from the first op, than derive it to another part, and make that part complete on second op, than derive it and make a third part, and so on.
Would like to do this, because we make special shaped part from round stock, so need print's to tell floor people rough blank form. Than mills machine it into final form from that lathe blank.
Similar to casted and machined drawing
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Mar 21, 2013
I'd like to make a rectangluar pattern of a part that is groove welded into a plate. Inside the pattern command I can select the part but not the weld. How to avoid having to do each weld individually?
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Apr 22, 2013
Is it possible to export a weldment and include the weld volumes? I'm attempting to export to an .stl file and the welds are missing in the resultant file. (Or am I doing something wrong?) The weldment was converted from a standard assembly file, but the BoM structure was set to Normal, not Inseparable.
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Mar 23, 2012
I need to show fillet welds between the bar and the curved surface. There is a small gap there (3/8" bar against 2 3/4" O.D. tube) and IV and neither groove or fillet weld works. How to show the weld?
I am using IV2009.
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Apr 19, 2013
Inventor 2013..I am trying to show a part in a drawing of three different configurations of a casting:
1) Rough as received from the foundry
2) Partially machined or rough machined
3) Final machined
What is the most basic bullet-proof way to show this? Three different models?What is the procedure to change the representation to show changes in the model?Why does suppressing a machining feature in one representation change all representations?The rough part is brought into an assembly and the machining or removal of material happens in the assembly.
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Dec 11, 2013
Is there any way to create a single line stick type font in inventor. Everything comes in as a box type which is not ideal for selecting geomety once imported into cam software for machining/engraving. The model text will be extruded/embossed, but it it possible to get single line text in a dwg or idw that will import into cam software. It would be nice to be able to import the text from a inventor dwg,idw to a different level in mastercam to save time from having to redraw all the text in the cam software.
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Nov 17, 2013
how can i make a thread feature in machining environment after welding operation?
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Oct 6, 2011
We are looking for a workflow example of developing casting models into machining models.
Typically our castings are made from different materials (Fig-1) and then machining (Fig-2) are created from these castings.
Is creating the casting as an iPart (with different materials) and then deriving the machining from the casting the proper method?
Doing it this way seems to force us into making a machining for each casting material instead of just one machining that is an iPart. How should this be set-up for BOM purposes and for use with Vault (Base Version)?
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ubuntu 12.04...
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Jul 9, 2013
I have an assembly designed in Inventor and need to deliver .dxf files to the machinist to program the CNC machine. The machinist needs a top down view with the different cut depths represented by different layers. I managed to import the ipt file to the drawing model space with AutoCAD LT but there's a lot of overlapping geometry and surfaces from the 3d information. Is there a way to process this to be more friendly from a CNC perspective?
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Oct 19, 2012
I want different features on and off with iLogic.
I have a text parameter with a choice menu of 1,2, and 3
This I want some features on and off.
If I pass the parameter I get a message: No feature found with the name. Mvg Jos
Your drawings are only as good as the symbols that complete them...
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Dec 14, 2012
My flat pattern of a sheet metal part fails when I added strenthening Press ribs to the middle of the part using an iFeature.
I know Inventor is not capable of flattening embossed sheetmetal but is there a way to still get the flat pattern & ignore the formed areas?
Seems to me I was able to add some model features in the past like bosses, extruded holes KO's etc & I could still make a flat pattern.
I know I can use derived part to do it but that adds complications.
IV 2012 SP2
Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate
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Sep 29, 2011
when in simulation, if you suppress a feature is it totally taken out of the simulations workings?
I.e. if I was working on a project like some weighing scales and I had a load of objects on the scales and I then suppressed some of the objects, will the scales rise up a little to counteract the reduced weight?
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Aug 2, 2012
I am working on a standard part that has different configurations depending on user inputs into a GUI. Once the user enters all the required parameters, the part is in its final form with all unnecessary features suppressed. I am looking for a way to automate the delete of the suppressed features using a rule and i Logic before the user saves the file.
The main reason for doing this is to reduce the file size of the part once it is saved because this same template will be used for hundreds of parts and I don't want to waste unnecessary storage space on suppressed features.
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Nov 29, 2012
I am making a multiview drawing with isometric of a certain sheet metal part. Due to manufacturing reasons, they have to make the part longer than necessary to get a bend in it then I will have them shear off the extra. Is there a way I can show the multiview and flat pattern WITH the extra material and show the isometric WITHOUT that extra? In the model I remove the excess with a cut but I don't know how to suppress a feature for one view and not another.
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Jul 17, 2013
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Jan 27, 2010
Inventor 2010 / I'm finding myself scrolling up and down the browser bar quite a lot to get to the Solid Bodies folder for example, and I was wondering if it was possible to group features into folders or something to make the journey quicker, with the benefit of also being able to just organize things a bit better.
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Nov 15, 2012
I am trying to make a way that suppress the flange features of all the panels that will be insert in the assembly so i can suppress all the features at ones in a assembly and don't have to do that for each panel separately.
I have a assembly with parameters and i have a part with no geometry but have linked the parameters from the assembly. In my panel part i link the parameters to the part with no geometry.
When i use the parameter in the assembly to suppress the flanges that works the way i want it. But when i insert the panel part into that assembly it doesnot work.
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Mar 22, 2013
I am trying to create an assembly. I want to copy the small threaded holes and position of the holes from the face of the large part and copy them to the circular part.
I want to establish a relationship so if the hole positions change on the larger part they will also change on the attached circular part.
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