AutoCAD Inventor :: Some Way In IDW Drawing To Hide A Page
Mar 12, 2013
Is there some way in an Inventor idw drawing to 'hide' a page. I have created an extra page with information for future changes but do not want it to printed or be counted in the total number of sheets.
In the drawing the panel is detailed to show hole locations and sizes on one sheet and in another view @ 1:1 the silkscreen is shown.
The silkscreen is a feature on the panel, text either embossed or extruded .005" outward. The feature is colored (filled).
On my drawing all the silk screens show up like un-filled fonts. This really bothers some people and my task is to fill the fonts.
Also i need to get the silkscreen by itself and (suppress/invisible) remove the other features from the view.
Suppress will not work as the feature i am trying to show will also be suppressed. Visibility of features is not an option.
Q. HOW CAN I GET THE FEATURE SEGREGATED AND SOLID IN MY DRAWING? but still a feature of the part. i.e. i don't want to create an assembly with a panel and a silkscreen.
How do i suppress features in a view on the drawing?
I have created a cable/harness in my assembly. I have to edit the cable to change visability to centerline display in order to turn off visibility in a drawing view. The issue is that on one sheet of my drawing I need to show the cable, but not on the others. As soon as I turn the rendered display on, the cable shows up on all sheets and the visiblity command has no affect. Is there a hotfix for this? I don't remember a problem like this in 2011.
I am not sure why, but i can't hide few parts in my drawing. I have hidden few parts and saved the view rep. I have called that particular view rep and still I am seeing it the drawing. I am unable to hide it. This is a multi body solid part file. I use INV2012. Win 7
I was giving a hand drawn wiring diagram (original.jpg) and it is a rats nest!!
I was asked to re-draw this and put it on our drawing template.
I have the plugs and terminal blocks drawn up and now I am about to attempt to add in the wires, but the sketch is so filled with dimension lines and values, it is going to be a task to try and make sure every line I draw is correct. This would be much easier to do if the dimensions could be turned off as the wires I am drawing will not be constrained.
I don't think there is layers options inside a sketch mode, or a if i start a new sketch I don't think I can project that sketch to the new one?
The only other options I can think of was to delete all dimensions and apply FIX constraint to everything! or
I guess I could have modeled the plugs and blocks in position and added them to the drawing, projected the geometry to a new sketch and added in my wires??
I use inventor to draw cars for competitions. They are made from 2x2x12 balsa wood blocks.
Is there a way to center the drawing directly in the middle of the page?
What type of file would i need to model the car in in order to have it cut out using a cnc router/five axis mill? Would it be the same for wheels (made out of 2mm plastic)?
In CS5, is there a way to hide the cursor/ crosshairs while drawing? Since I'm working on a Cintiq I don't need visual reference of where my cursor is - it's where my pen is - and it actually annoys me to have this crosshair cursor in the way of what I'm doing. Ofcourse it's no problem to have a cursor for selecting tools or menus - it's only while drawing that it would be preferable to have a clean working area under the pentip.
In InDesign I can press W to show or hide everything around the page I am working on. In Illustrator I can't find a similar option. I am working on something and a lot of things are outside of the actual drawing area. The problem is that I see everything all the time and so I never get a good impression of how the illustration will look when finished/printed! I now have to export a jpg in order to get a good impression! Or I have to add a layer on top of everything and place white blocks around the actual drawing area in order to get a good impression of the actual artwork.
I am trying to import a page setup into the active drawing; the code works fine but I get an error when trying to save the file: Error writing/closing file. I've attached the code. I need to run the code in batch mode. I've tried different ways of saving but I get the same error.
I have been using until saturday Windows Vista and Autocad 2008, with out any problem, at least that windows vista was slowly.
So I decide to upgrade my notebook and I add windows 7 - 64 bit and change my autocad to a 2010 version for this windows 7 as well.
The acrobat is the 8 version.
The problem is the following:
I was able to work normally with this soft, but when I need to plot in PDF a drawing bigger than A0 page, it does not plot. If I add an A0 it works fine. Then I went to properties, change the page to a PostScript, and change paper size to 2100 mm in height and width, but anyway It still dont work.
Is there anything I must set before ploting a bigger size page, with the new Autocad 2010 or with windows 7??
I want to setup two different page setup for one file. For example, when I type publish command, I want to have option of either selecting pdf or selecting actual printer.
I like to export IPT images (Wireframes with Visible Edges Only) to documents and manuals, but I would like to hide lines where radii meet flat planar features in order to keep the image clean.
I have made a series of drawings from a Inventor file to send to a customer, but I am not willing to have the Bill of Materials print on them. Is there anyway to hide or set the BOM not to print?
I've got a very long narrow site where more of it would be better shown and printed on a vertical page. However all the default and custom viewports are designed specifically for horizontal pages. How can a page be rotated to be plotted vertically?
I have using Inventor api to open an assembly file.But while open the .iam file it will show all the suppressed can we hide this suppressed elements from showing?
here is my code
Dim asdoc As AssemblyDocumentasdoc = inventorApp.Documents.Open("F:ArunMasterMaster_RF-VH-ZZ-0800-0500-0600.iam")
Im running inventor 2013 and I want to hide a part in one view of an assembly, and for some reason when I go into the browser and try to deselect the visibily it is greyed out. I don't know why it happened.
I'm working with a series of 3D sketches. Some sketches must remain visible as reference. While creating the sketches, the dimension call-outs grow too distracting from the linear sketches. Is it possible to hide, or toggle off/on the dimensions while leaving the sketch geometry visible?
Started producing a new catalogue some time ago very happy working away on the first 3 – 4 pages
Before long I was up to 100 pages, looking fantastic. But then the thought come to me, I have set may page colour to BLACK and all my drawing and text are WHITE as I said looks fantastic until you go to print a page. How much black Ink would you use printing 100 pages black.
I have tried publishing to PDF then in acrobat replacing document colours and on screen that works fine but when you print it still prints
With the black background and white text for some reason.
When I try to plot my drawing, my drawing only takes up 2/3 of the page on print preview. The top half of the page is blank. How can I make my drawing take up the whole available page?
I recently created some iLogic based components. I wonder how difficult it is to protect the iLogic code, similar as VBA code which can be password protected.
The reason being:
1. Of course, to hide & protect the creator's modeling logic;
2. To avoid the relation between parameters being messed up by the end user unintensionally.
I did have the opportunity to raise the question during the Portathon event and the answer was that the protection not directly available, though the workaround could be mixing with some Inventor API coding in .NET.
However, this might defeat one of the benefits of iLogic, simple and ease to use, gentlr learning curve, especially for users with VBA experience. .NET might not be so easy for a lot of engineers from mechanical or other disciplines.
1 Disable the "Edit" button for iLogic components, including rules, forms, etc.;
2. Put all code that are to be protected in an external file, and then make that file unreadable (password protected, or other protection) to un-intended user, however, readable to those who have proper access privelege.