AutoCAD Inventor :: Referenced Files In A Drawing

Jun 26, 2012

I have a 2 part assembly on a drawing.  When I use the following code, checkFilename is giving me the full file name of one of the parts instead of the full file name of the assembly.  How can I fix this? 

Dim checkBalloon As Balloon
Dim valueSet As BalloonValueSet
Set valueSet = CheckBalloon.BalloonValueSets.Item(1)
Dim checkFilename As String
checkFilename = valueSet.ReferencedFiles.Item(1).FullFileName

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Paths Of All Referenced Parts In A Drawing?

Oct 20, 2011

I am inside a idw that has views for couple of parts. From within the IDW is there a way to know the paths of the location that the parts are from?

I know if I use a design assistant I can know, But from within IDW?

Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCad :: Check Drawing To See If Its Been Cross Referenced In Another File?

Dec 13, 2011

Is there a way to check a drawing to see if it's been cross referenced in another file?

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AutoCAD .NET :: What To Do With Referenced DLL Files

Oct 5, 2011

I am trying to debug a project and I have started to use a few different third party libraries.  This causes a huge headache since when I netload the DLL with the command method defined in it, nothing will run since I get errors stating that I am missing a reference.

For example: I create a library that is used to process text strings from a drawing (no AutoCAD .NET, just takes text in) and create a report based on this text and create a class library DLL of this.  I now create a AutoCAD .NET class library with a command method and in this command method I loop through blocks and send the attribute text to class library.  In order to do this I add a reference to my previous project DLL file and add a using directive.  By default CopyLocal is set to true so I hit build and it is successful (now my class library DLL and AutoCAD .NET library DLL are in the same debug folder).  Now I go into AutoCAD and NETLOAD the command method DLL from the debug folder and I am unable to run it since AutoCAD will complain about that referenced class library DLL that I created in the first step.

The only way that I can get my command to run is if I manually NETLOAD each dependant DLL that I have added to the project.  How can I avoid this?  I am at the point where my project is getting complex and NETLOADing 20 DLL's just to debug is getting painfull.I have read someplace that I would have to add all of my referenced DLL's to the AutoCAD folder, but this seems messy and hard to control (what if somoene else is using the same library but a different version?)

Why is it that my code has references defined, and using statements to say I am using these libraries but AutoCAD refuses to locate these references?

Is there a simple way to get around this without copying files all over the place?  The third party libraries are either in the debug folder from copying manually, or copy local is set to true.  I do not understand why when you tell AutoCAD to load a DLL from a folder that it would not try to resolve dependencies from the folder you pointed it to.

Just to clarify my question is: Is there a simple way for AutoCAD to resolve referenced third party / custom DLL's that are included with an add-in?  And this question is for development and not an installer.  I want to hammer out a test solution and test quickly without copying files all over or editing the registry.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Referenced Object Source Drawing?

Oct 6, 2013

Is there any way to determine the source drawing of a dref'ed object? I'm not seeing anything in COM or the .NET API's, hopefully I'm just not looking in the right place.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Screen Back Aerial That Is Being X-referenced Into Drawing?

Apr 8, 2012

How can I screen back an aerial that is being x-referenced into a drawing? 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Opening Drawing That Has Revit Export To DWG File Referenced

Jul 27, 2012

I have this file that won't open in AutoCAD Architecture 2012, well let me rephrase that, it won't finish opening.  It has 4 or 5 xref's attached.  I was able to open this same file using 2010.  Through process of elimination I was able to determine that a file that was exported from Revit MEP 2012 was the problem.  When that file was detached the drawing would open just fine.  To make things more interesting, I am able to open the Revit Export file just fine using 2012.  What diabolical combination of event has happened to cause this SNAFU.

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AutoCad :: Set Variable To Check New Xref Layers Before Show Up On Referenced Drawing

Aug 29, 2012

I use a building key for building reference (inserted as a xref into the individual drawings) in many of my drawings. I have layers for specific areas and rooms. I turn off the layers on the appropriate drawings (if the drawing is for room 301, I make sure all other layers are off and only 301 are on).

My problem come when I add a new layer to the key and since the key in xrefd into many drawings it shows up as always being on.

This makes to have to go back and do a little bit of layer control each time I change the xref.

VISRETAIN=1 only keeps the layers set to last save and everything added to the xrefs are basically taken from the xref (color, visibility, etc). Is there a way to set a variable so that you have to check the new xref layers before they show up on the referenced drawing?

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AutoCad :: One Or More Referenced Files Could Not Be Located Or Read

Sep 6, 2013

I am having troubles making a drawing available to an external consultant. My drawing has 12 XREF files so I created an ETRANSMIT (.zip) file and sent it to him with all the drawings. He extracted the .zip into a folder and is able to view the 12 various referenced drawings as well as the layers pertaining to drawing I sent to him but can not see the referenced in drawings in this file.

He keeps getting this error: "One or more referenced files could not be located or read. Number of missing referenced files: 12".

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AutoCad :: One Or More Referenced Files Have Not Been Located Or Read

Aug 9, 2012

I have received a drawing from a designer, as I often do, but cannot locate the drawing in the model due to unresolved x refs? I have seen this many times on previous drawings but just ignored and continued but on this occassion I cannot find the drawing once I continue!

When I open the drawing I get the message: One or more referenced files have not been located or read. What do you want to do?

Update location of ref files

Ignore and continue.

I understand that the drawing is there somewhere as the preview pane on the open dialogue box shows the model outline but when I open it after going beyond the above step there is no model and only the 0 layer.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Control The Visibility State Of An External Referenced Drawing?

Nov 10, 2012

Is it possible to contol the visibility state of an external referenced drawing? I have an architectural plan drawing that uses a titlesheet drawing as an external reference. In my civil plan i want to use a different title sheet. Instead of having a different titlesheet drawing for the civil drawing i was wondering if i could turn my titlesheet drawing into a dynamic block. In my architectural drawing i would see visibility state #1 & in my civil drawing i would see visibility state #2.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Network Parts Change To Default When Data Referenced Into Other Drawing?

Dec 21, 2010

When creating my plan set, I need to data reference pipe networks into other drawings than that in which they were designed to show crossings in profile views or to separate out profiles into managable drawings. When I do this, if I have swapped a type-13 inlet for a 10' type R inlet or something during design, the data referenced pipe network will replace the 10' type R with a default inlet. Also if I have swapped a proposed 30" pipe for an existing 30" that have different styles, the data referenced pipe network will revert back to the proposed 30" pipe. how to make a data referenced pipe network reflect what is currently in the design drawing?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Dynamic Blocks From Several Different Files Referenced In One Tool Palette

Mar 22, 2013

I've begun to create tool palettes to organize my blocks and often-used items. I have no trouble creating the tool palette, inserting regular blocks, export/import of the tool palette and groups, however my problem involves Dynamic Blocks and the fact that I keep each seperate dynamic block in a different file. I do this so that I can easily insert the block into a new drawing.

I'm able to drag the dwg file onto the palette (from explorer to autocad) just fine, that way the block's reference in the palette is the original file. Although when I take this method, I don't gain the lighting bolt to signify a dynamic block.

To get the lighting bolt I insert the block into an empty drawing, save it, then drag the block over to the palette. The problem with this is that the tool palette references the saved blank drawing, not the original block's file.

My endgame is to have a tool palette that contains my dynamic blocks and that will be eventually exported/imported to other computers everytime there is a major change. I also want to be able to change the original block's file and have that change be reflected in the tool palette.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Modify Referenced Model By ILogic?

Jul 24, 2012

I try to modify on a drawing the 3d model, using iLogic (same thing as Inventor "Replace model reference" command).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Leader To Referenced Part In Assembly IDW

Mar 22, 2007

I have placed an subassembly into another assembly that I am working on. This sub was then chagned to be a "reference". Now in the idw, I would like to pull a leader to the subassembly and I want the text in the leader to say what is in the "Title" Property of the subassembly. When I change the format of the leader text to be Type = "Properties-Model" and Property= "Title", I get the title of the part in the subassembly, not the title of the subassembly. It is like the subassembly is a phantom assembly, but it is not. The workaround is to manually type in the text, but this is a mistake waiting to happen.

Is there a way to get the leader to note the title of the subassembly correctly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: The Parts Referenced No Longer Exist

Apr 8, 2013

I have a FG assembly that shows errors. The parts referenced no longer exist, but it still tells me there are errors on the sketches. Since the parts no longer exist in the assembly, or anywhere for that matter, how can I get rid of this error? I have tried making parts and naming them the same, which it allows me to do, but no luck in resolving the error. I can include the assembly but it is 63MB compressed and am running 2011.

Inventor 2011
Intel Dual Xeon E31225 @ 3.1 GHz CPU
NVIDIA Quadro 600 GPU
Windows 7 - 64 Bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Finding Referenced Document Of Active Sheet

Oct 22, 2012

I'm trying to get the value of the Category iproperty of the model on the active drawing sheet.  This is not a problem in a single sheet drawing, but I'm not sure how to specifically retrieve the Referenced Document of the Active Sheet in s multi sheet drawing.

Here's what I have: 

Option Explicit

Public Sub PartsListFilter()

'set reference to the drawing document
'assumes that a drawing is active
Dim oDraw As DrawingDocument
Set oDraw = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Referenced Components From Parts And Assemblies?

Oct 4, 2012

How do I make referenced components from parts and assemblies? (I searched the web and it said that that you can change it in the iProperties by selecting the Reference tick box under the occurance tab - but no such thing exists in Inventor 2011!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Sketch To Part Using Face Referenced From Assembly

Jan 24, 2012

what im trying to do is select a face in an assembly and create a sketch on it in the part level

this is just one step in the program im trying to make the overall program will create a tube frame and the tubes will be driven from a base solid

Sub test1()
Dim asmDoc As AssemblyDocument
Set asmDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim asmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
Set asmDef = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Column Referenced To Assembly Item Number

Nov 23, 2012

Is it possible to make the column 'REV' automatically equal to the 'Item' column in attached BOM view? I manually added the values 1 to 5 in the REV column for example.

Maybe with some ilogic rule? I don't know if it's possible and/or where to start.

When i place a mono-part-detail on a assembly drawing i want to be able to place a leader referenced to the REV value. When this is possible there is a link between assembly item number and the mono-part leader.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Material Referenced In The Sheet Metal Rule Could Not Be Located

Oct 5, 2012

I open my assembly and get this prompt."The material referenced in the sheet metal rule could not be located....."

There are several sheet metal parts in this assembly, so I am not really sure which part it is talking about.  Would be good if it listed the part number so I could correct it. So I am off to find the one that is causing the trouble.  I close my iam and open the first sheet metal part, no dialog box, so I assume its not this one. Close it, and open the next one.  No dialog box, so I open the next one..... I continue this until I have opened all the sheet metal parts in this assembly and NONE show me the dialog again.... huh!!  That was yesterday. 

I come in this morning, start Inventor and open one of the sheet metal parts from yesterday and immediately get the dialog again.  The problem is that this dialog will only appear ONCE per Inventor session.

Once I nailed down the offending part, I then tried to find the offending material. I dont really know what this dialog is telling me cause the materials for the rules are stored locally in the part.  Why is it even trying to reference a material in the library?

Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram
Intel i7-930 @ 2.80ghz
nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42)
INV Pro R2013, Update2
Vault 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Writing Referenced Document IProperties To Test File?

Dec 4, 2013

I am writing a external ilogic riule, which will iterate through all the referenced documents of the active assembly and write certain iproperties  to a text file.

The code is below

It works in that the text file is created and it does write the iproperties. HOWEVER it only writes the iproperties from the active assembly

' go through all referenced documents in a assembly . Grab the description,title and part number iproperties

' and print out a list  

If Not ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType= kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
End if


How can i fix this code so that it writes the iproperties for each oFileRef ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Linking Sheets Between Drawing Files?

Nov 5, 2012

I have an assembly drawing made with 2 parts in it.  I have the assembly drawing as Sheet 1 and each part also in the file as Sheet 2 and Sheet 3. What I have a problem with is that when I change or update the original files for Sheets 2 and 3 it doesn't update the sheets in the assembly drawing.  Is there a way to keep these files connected.  I need to have the standard sheets for filing and part designation, but when production call for the assembly to be needed, the assembly (Sheet1) with the Attached part drawings (Sheets 2 & 3) hit the production floor. Without them linked a mistake will be made.  There are to many engineers in my department and we all make production changes to parts and if they are not linked bad things will happen.  I am just trying this out, we have a lot of assemblies that will be great for the production if I can get all the part and assembly files to work together and print at the same time from on file.

I am using Inventor 2012 if that matters. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Files View Icon?

Nov 5, 2013

I have two problems with a IDW drawing.

Most of my views have been crosed over by a red line in the Model browser window (se attachment) What does this red line meen?

Also, all the views with the red line have been set to Raster View Only. I can untick it without problems, but when I click OK and reopen the dialog the checkmark is back on.

How come inventor turns this mark on by itself?

Using Inventor 2014 64-bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing DWG Outputs Broken Files?

Feb 27, 2012

The basic save, when making an inventor drawing....

Produces a file that is a Black Panel, to Every other program than inventor... (Tried 5 so far, some just fail to open)

REALLY basic thing that is failing... is it really a proprietary file they "called" .dwg?

Or is there some setting I have on?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Out VBA Code In Drawing Files

Feb 27, 2012

We have about 1000 drawings with VBA code that copies information from the title block into the drawing file custom properties.  We have done this to get the information into a ACAD block to meet our clients requirements. It is an autosave routine so it runs whenever the file is saved in Inventor.  We would like to make a change to the VBA code so we need to replace the autosave routine in the file with another.

Manual steps are:

Open the file

Enter VBA editor

Delete the autosave routine (without exporting)

Import the new autosave routine

Exit the VBA editor

Save and close the file

I'm sure we would write a routine to do this.  However the effort from scratch may be more that just manually processing the files. 

Currently running IV 2010.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Drawing From Assembly Of IGES Files?

May 3, 2012

I've got some IGES files, which I want to place into an assembly, and then create a drawing of the assembly.  

If I open the IGES and place it in a drawing it works.  If I create an assembly, place the same part, and then try and put the assembly into the drawing it doesn't work.  

Attached is the IGES file.  I'm using Inventor 2011.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Code Not Working For Presentation Files In Drawing

Jun 2, 2013

I have found some code which extracts the part number from the iproperties of a model and adds it to the custom iproperties of a drawing but this will only work on iam or ipt files.

Here's the code, I added the lines referring to the docment type as an attempt to fix the error but it didn't work...
If (ThisDrawing.ModelDocument Is Nothing) Then ReturnIf ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.DocumentType = kPresentationDocumentObject Then modelName = IO.Path.GetFileName(ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.FullFileName)End IfIf


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Files - IDW File Showing Wrong View

Jan 2, 2013

I am having an issue with drawing files. I have set views on assembly files. But on the idw file it is showing wrong views... And this is making problems when i am trying to give dimensions.  I have attached jpg files.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pulling In Parameters Of Content Center Files Into Drawing

Aug 17, 2012

I’m looking to do a drawing of a content center file that has a table associated with it. I’m looking to do a table much like the general table option that pulls in parameters of a std. part. I understand that content center files have no intelligence to thread data but If there is no easy way of doing that I may need to pull in an excel sheet that has the data I need.

Ultimately I would like a table that has the part #, “Dim A”, “Dim B”, etc. that links to text dimensions on the content center part view in the drawing. 

The reason I want it to be a content center file is that I have a couple hundred parts that only differ by one or two dimensions and don't want to have to go through that many drawings to update and make changes to.

I am using Inventor 2012 Pro

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Parts (IPT Files) After Modifying It On Assembly Drawing?

Nov 25, 2011

I don't understand why my parts aren't updating when I put a hole through them on the assembly drawing? I would expect the part (.ipt file) to get updated with a hole through it when I save the assembly drawing, however it doesn't. Do I have to change a default setting or does inventor no do this?

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