AutoCAD Inventor :: Pipe With Ports On One Side - True /False Parameters
Aug 29, 2012
I am working on a pipe with a ports on one side. I created a True/False parameter to determine whether the ports are on one side or two and created a rule that does that, but now I am stuck with the CC:
Is there a way to publish a part to the content center with a true/false parameter? I made a rule to designate what true and false means but when I publish it to the content center I want to be able to choose whether it's true or false and it doesn't seem to be working. I also tried to publish without the T/F parameter and then after placing it just change the T/F parameter but I cannot change any parameter of a part that I placed from the content center.reciated.
I have a VB.NET routine that exports a pdf using the TranslatorAddIn interface. I copied the example from the api help.
The pdf is created, but only the first sheet of the drawing is exported. I uncommented the following line in the example code, and still no change:
oOptions.Value("Sheet_Range") = kPrintAllSheets
I added a message box, to make sure I was reaching that line, and I found that I was not in fact reaching that line. Why is this? In some posts here related to dwf exporting also using the TranslatorAddIn, the first argument of HasSaveCopyAsOptions was oDataMedium instead of oDocument, so I tried that, too, but still no change.
Here is the code of the export to PDF routine from the api example:
Public Sub PublishPDF() ' Get the PDF translator Add-In. Dim PDFAddIn As TranslatorAddIn Set PDFAddIn = ThisApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{0AC6FD96-2F4D-42CE-8BE0-8AEA580399E4}") 'Set a reference to the active document (the document to be published). Dim oDocument As Document [Code] .......
I have come across a problem where I import a step file. And it brings in a false surface that is not supposed to be in the file. When I highlight the base of the solid it only highlights what it should (not the false surface). The surface cannot be extrude cut or removed.
I'm trying to create pipe route using the tube & pipe run. And its not constrained when I try to drag away. I tried grounding the components which is not working either. since the routing opens in 3dsketch its kinda tricky to make it fully constrained.
When I start Inventor2011 with classic UI only first start set in my addin FirstTime on true, every oder run of inventor FirstTime is false - everythink is OK.
But when I change UI on Ribbon FirstTIme is always True, and every time UI is reloaded -there is bed.
I'm having a try with the inventor simulation and i realized that it doens't use the real stress-strain curve of materials. By this being so, all the stress results pass largely beyond the ultimate strenght of materials. Is there a way of introduzing this curves in autodesk? There is softwares that have this ability, like Solidworks, so there must be a way in Inventor.
Last week I installed a new True Type Font in Windows, so that our drawing title blocks comply to our company standards. I noticed that when checked in into the Vault, the title block containing the new font doesn't display correctly. It shows the new font, but it's distorted; it's bigger, and the letters are too close to eachother. When printing from the Vault, this doesn't change, it's exactly what Vault shows. (See attachments). Also when publishing from within Inventor (File --> Export --> Export to DWF) the font gets distorted.
Posted this message in the Vault-forum, but according to Autodesk it's an Inventor related issue.
Our non-Cad-people are complaining about this, because it's non-compliant to our standards... How can I correct this matter?
Product Design Suite 2014 Inventor 2014, Vault 2014 HP Workstation Z220 Intel Xeon 3.4GHz 16GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 4000 Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
In most cases threaded parts are designed without true surface (just cylinder with texture) thus part surface area is calculated wrong (less than it is i real world)).
any automatic way to get true value of threaded surface which is modeled in traditional (simplified) way?
Below is my test procedure for "Create Curve Mesh Element" by Inventor simulation 2012.
1. I made a box 100(W)X100(D)X20(H) with 2xR20 (mm) fillets at the opposite edges.
2. I copied a box I made for making 2 type mesh.
3. I made mesh on the box without "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.
Node number: 2374 Element number: 1365
4. I made mesh another model with "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.
Node number: 2374 (same number, not increase) Element number: 1365
Mesh shape is different(please refere attachiment jpeg file).
I think that "Create Curved Mesh Element option" is not for making second tetrahedron elements.But I cnanot the true porpose of "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.For only P method, not H method?
I have created a drawing with hatch that I would like to print in color not in grayscale. I have used dwg to PDF for many other plots and have not had an issue, but they were all in grayscale. With this dwg when I plot to PDF, the PDF writes lines into the drawing that do not exist in autoCAD. If I plot from AutoCAD the lines do not appear and I did not draw the lines in the dwg file. However, when I plot from the PDF it plots with additional lines all over the drawing. Is this because I am plotting in color and some of my layers have the transparency set for around 45?
R2013 is stating on start up that the Geotechnics module has been loaded and displays the Tab for it.But I haven't installed the Geotechnics module for 2013 yet and it doen't work.
I downloaded AutoCAD on my windows 7 home premium,but when I click on the application it says "the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail." I tried repairing it but that doesn't work.
I've got to plot several "half-size" sets of drawings (originally 24x36 drawings) and I am trying to minimize paper waste. I thought there was a way to set the drawings to fit multiple copies side by side but I am at a loss right now.
Civil 3D 2011 Version 2.1 Win 7 x64 SP1 Intel Core i5 3.33 GHz 4 GB RAM
I downloaded AutoCAD architecture 2014 on my windows 7 home premium, but when I click on the application it says "the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail." I tried repairing it but that doesn't work.
I have just updated to Windows 8.1,(32 bit) and when I try running Autocad 2013 I get this message:
C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2013acad.exe
The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
what the "application event log" is or the "command-line sxstrace.exe".
I have AutoCAD map 3D 2011.My layout background is white, and sometimes the viewport(s) appear blacked out. I can plot fine, no problems there. It makes it hard to see what I have in my view port. I have removed the viewport and created a new one that will fix the problem approx. 50% of the time.What causes this?
I am trying to invoke AutoCAD 2012 and am gettting the following error: CUsersatillgrenDesktopAutoCAD.exe "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
I'd like to know what the point of the false northing and easting is as it's defined in some coordinate systems. My understanding was this was an issue many years ago so that any coordinate values that were extracted for use in a db would be positive values. However, I'm not sure that is an issue any longer for most applications so is there any point to using a coordinate system with those values?
For over ten years I have been placing view ports on the defpoints layer and have never had a problem.
Apparently one of my co-workers say that the drawing crashes when this is done. When I ask the reason, they could not explain it.
The only thing I can think of is what happened to me once and that is I had a corrupted block and some of the objects were on the def points layer. If the drawing crashes because the view port is on the def points layer.
I am running some background automation on AutoCAD (2012 if it matters) and I am running into an annoying issue where even when AutoCAD's visibility is set to false and it's window state is minimized it still grabs focus when a drawing opens.
File 1: with a Profile View => Units set to Meters and Scale set to 1:100 File 2: Units set to Milimeters, Model Space Scale set to 1:100 (same as File 1), Viewport Scale set to 1:100 , Plot style scale set to 1:1
Now I want to X-Ref the "File 1" into "File 2" but when I do that, Civ3D scales all the Profile Labels to huge size. I understand, it has to do with different units (meters and millimeters) set in both file... but thats the way I want this to be...
Please note, in File 2: Model Space scale 1:100 is different than Viewport Scale 1:100, because Model Space scale 1:100 is coming from "File 1" which is set to Meters.
I even tried to keep both Model Space Scale and Viewport Scale same in "File 2" but that didn' work either.
When I save layer states overrides for a certain view port and mane it e.g. "K", in layer state manager current layer state is shown as "K", but when I change layout and come back to this one, in layer state manager current layer state is shown as *UNSAVED* again!!!
This results in a great problem. If I update layer state "K" it does not update all view ports that should have layer state "K" automatically so I have to go trough all of them again and apply "K" again and again after any change to "K" is made.
Link to other thread: Apply Layer State Overrides to view ports using filter which, if answered could bypass the problem.
We have a proxy server on the network which only allows certain websites to be accessed. Recently I have found with CAD 2013 that a lot of the content inside the application actually depends on the user having internet access. Is there a list of addresses you can send me which I can unblock on our firewall?
- different layer state visible in each view port OR different saved view visible in each view port.
I cannot for the life of me figure it out. At the moment, every time i change the layer state (or saved view) in one view port, it changes in all 3 view ports so that they all show the exact same thing.