AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Set Work Plane Visibility In Assembly File To False
Jul 19, 2013How to set the visibility of workplanes in an assembly file to false.?
View 3 RepliesHow to set the visibility of workplanes in an assembly file to false.?
View 3 RepliesI have an assembly that was generated by Pro/E. It opens fine, but there are roughly 1000+ planes that are all visible. Is there a way to easily shut these all off whithout having to do it in each part?
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhen in assembly mode when i right click on a part workplane there is sometimes the Visibilty option and other times there is no Visibility option ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to turn off visibility on work planes using ilogic? Also, is there a way to change an extrusion type from an assymetrical extrusion to a one direction extrusion using ilogic?
Inventor 2013 Certified Professional
I have a part file with work plane on it (visibility option is checked). When I put it on assembly file, the work plane is disappeared.The part file is on attachment.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to make a new work plane rotated at an angle to another plane and passing through the axis of a cylinder, or one of the main axes.On the plane commands, in V2013, i don't find an option for plane at an angle
View 1 Replies View RelatedI added another extrusion profile to my structural shapes library, using the same method as the others a few years ago. It works, but the new extrusion now shows up with its profile sketch, start and end planes, and driven dimension visible. The old stuff doesn't (like I would expect). I have all planes in the published part turned off, not marked for export, etc., just like in the old ones. How do I turn this off? Inventor 2012 SP2.
When I open the extrusion separately, the work features to not display. But, the it's also shown as the "default" color not as material. Why does it default to "default" not "as material" like everything else?
I keep running into a situation where I would like to be able to create an edge or a work axis at the intersection of a work plane and the surface of the part. I figured out a work around if the surface is flat, but I haven't figured out a work around for a curved surface.
How do I create work axis where work plane intersects curved surface?
Or put another way: How do I project intersection of work plane and curved surface onto the work plane in a 2D sketch?
I need to be able to draw a 2D sketch on the work plane, but get a perfectly matching projected line onto the work plane, from the curved surface, at the intersection of the curved surface and the work plane.
The attached jpg shows the intersection in question. I circled it.
I have come across a problem where I import a step file. And it brings in a false surface that is not supposed to be in the file. When I highlight the base of the solid it only highlights what it should (not the false surface). The surface cannot be extrude cut or removed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have one large assembly for hose routing it consists of around 1000 hoses all hoses are coming in main assembly but delivery date is very short. My plan is work on same assembly 5 people how it works?
One idea is like working in sub assemblies but in my case only one assembly consist of all hoses.
How to work multiple users in single assembly file at same time. like in solid works enable collabarative mode.
Can you extend axis or planes in assembleys? I have a laser and I want to extend the axis of it to show the path it takes. I can extend it by clicking and dragging the end in the part, but not the assembly... is there a workaround?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm a playground designer and we're currently in the process of updating our systems to Inventor. Over the next few years I'm going to be working on many different assemblies all using the same parts and sub assemblies, many of which need to share the same ground plane.
I'm wondering if there is any easy/quick way to make certain parts (not all) automatically constrain/flush to the ground/XZ plane when I place them?
On one part, I have a bore hole drilled on a curved surface so the hole is actually an ellipse.
Now the other part I am trying to constrain together is the pipe that will be welded into the bore hole; so that is a simple circular pipe.
The issue is that the pipe has to be inserted 0.25" above the interior of the bore hole to allow for room for the weld. In order to do this I have tried to create a plane attached to the 3D ellipse and then constrain the pipe to be 0.25" above that plane. The problem is I cannot seem to create a plane attached to the 3D geometry; I cant even find a way to attach points, or pick the center point of the bore hole.
How to create a plane on 3D geometry and link it to said geometry. I'm using 2012, if that is necessary information.
how to turn off the visibility of a specific sketch (ex. base_Sketch) of a certain part in assembly using vba?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am patterning a sub-assembly which has a reference part that is not visible in the sub-assembly. I'm driving this sub-assembly with a quantity parameter and when addition instances are created, the hidden part turns visible. I can bring the sub-assembly in multiple times and the parts remains non-visible, however, once I pattern it, the part shows up in all instances except for the original.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway that i can disable visibilty for ALL of the sketches under an assembly in a Assembly Layout? I have multiple assemblies (sub -assemblies) that im putting together into one finale assembly and everytime i unhide a sub-assembly, ALL of the sketches in it apear visible so then i have to painstakenly go throught every sketch and hide it. It takes for ever!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use AddByNormalToCurve method to create a work plane in a sketch 3D. Is it possible to make new workplane object to be consumed by the parent Sketch3D (Workplane.Consumed = True) as it is possible in UI in Edit mode ?
My sample code in IV 2008:
Public Sub WorkPlane_Test()
'reference to the transient geometry
Dim oTG As TransientGeometry
Set oTG = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry
'reference to the component definition
I having a stroke or something. I could swear I have used a work plane for a termination plane before in a Bolted Connection. Tried it just now and can't pick the work plane.
Inventor Pro 2013 (PDS Ultimate)
Vault Pro 2013
Windows 7 64
Xeon 2.4 Ghz 12GB
Error message 'Resize Work plane Failed'
it makes a copy of the Work Plane
that is not realy there and wont go away.
how to rotate a work plane around a circular axis ? I have a work plane on the end of a tube, I need the work plane set at an angle.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to be able to hide a part of an assembly in one projected view of the 2d drawing but not all, however when I do so the hidden lines stay hidden lines. They do not change. I know you can change the hidden line properties to make them continuous lines but is there a setting that will allow these lines to change automatically?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have created Engineering Notes in Part and same visible in all top level assemblies (see attached image).
I searched on web for option and it is available underAplication Option>Note Tab, but I could not able to locate option in Inventor.
Inventor: Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
there is a command or simple procedure to actively view a section plane in an assembly or part. I know there are the static methods of using slice graphics and section view however I'm looking to create a live section where I am able to constantly move the plane through the model thus altering the live section as it appears on screen, similar to the way a model can be viewed in Tekla with the cut section command.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
How to create a work plane that is perpendicular to a surface? I'm trying to do this so that I can "split" the object into two separate entities where the plane is.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI created an Assembly-Constraint between two Work planes by creating a Geometry Proxy
CreateGeometryProxy(OriginWorkplane, TargetWorkPlanProxy)
Now, I want to look into the assembly Constraints and want to get the origin Work plane of the component. So, I now, it's the entity One of a specific Constraint I also now.
What I get is a Face Proxy (the EntityOne gives back a FaceProxy). But how can I get the Workplane, the Proxy Element once was created?
I can get the Surface Body the Work plane was created on, but I don't get the name of the Workplane. My target is, to get the name of the work plane.
Is there a method to add a work plane to a curved surface ? I need a construction plane adding to a curved surface to allow a sketch to to added to this plane, not sure if this is possible but the problem I have is adding a series of sketches to a curved surface to then extrude-cut for window openings.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
If you edit a section view sketch you can project model edges in the sketch and use them to constrain the section view line. However I cannot seem to project an included workplane to the sketch. For a particular application I really need to use a workplane because the model is actually a dummy that gets replaced by a vb macro. So any projected model edges will loose their reference.
I found out that I could use a sketch in the model to create the section view. In a model sketch it is possible to project work planes, so this looks like a good solution. However I do prefer the flexibility that you have when you use a drawing sketch.
How to use a work plane to constrain a section view, other then the model sketch method explained above.
I have a vertically rectangular frame with internal frame elements at two separate levels based off offset work planes.
The lowest internal plane is offset up from the XZ plane and the highest internal plane is offset up from that lower plane. In hindsight I should have based that second plane also off of XZ, or off the height extents plane at the top of the rectangular box.
So that top third section of the box CAN be sized with a little math, but if I change the lower 2/3 of the rectangle it's going to want to follow that lowest internal plane (which I can tweak again to get what I want) there a way to just change the source of that higher internal planes source plane? Like switching it to XZ or the height extents?
I very often find that I would like to create a work plane defined by an axis and a point such that the plane is spanned by the point and the axis. But the only possible way seems to be to create a plane through the point and perpendicular to the axis.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn Inventor 2013 the work and origin plane back color is missing or transparent on one of my workstations. The borders are present. Planes funtion normally.
I have tried different color schemes and have have edited the registry <workplanebackcolor> value , to no avail.
I also updated to SP2, just in case.
I have attached a screenshot of the origin axes.
I have a subassembly that has been patterned.
I need to toggle the visibility of a part in that subassembly in each pattern element.
How do I refer to the part?
I have declared an object for my pattern, and can toggle the suppression on any element.
But I need to get at an individual component inside the element.
I've been trying something like this:
oPattern.OccurrencePatternElements.Item(X).Component.Visible("Valance Jig Frame - 1in:1") = False