I'm trying to animate a 6-axis robot in Inventor 2012 Pro, which moves to about 10 different locations. I'm using parameters to drive the constraints to position the wrist, and I have several different positional representations with unsuppressed / modified constraints. When I try to animate between the positional reps in IV Studio, the parts just snap into place instead of interpolating between each location. Also, I have to manually enter the timing for each step, instead of just entering the max angular velocity of each joint.
Would it be easier to create the animation in dynamic simulation using a spatial joint at the wrist? I'd like for the positions to still be modifiable through the parameters.
I am working on 2 Axis Robot dynamic Simulation. It is suppose to lift weight up by 22" travel horizontally and bring down 22". My input is positions (I noted down angles at four corners for both arms and used them in Input Imposed Motion.) In the simulaiton run, movement is not in a straight line. It kinda moves in a curve. How can I get it perfectly straight.
In Adobe Prem Pro, I'm finishing a short film. All, of a sudden I am bringing over one last clip, and I can't get an audio track. So, if I select a clip and drag it over, only the video shows up.
Can I edit a video clip in PRE 12 and save the clip in place of the original clip, with the same file name, without going through the Project" program?
I'm writing a program (C#) that automates the notch tool within the frame generator add-in in Inventor. I can select one part and then select multiple other parts that will notch to the first selected part automatically. This will save me a TON of time if I get it working correctly. With that being said, I have it to the the point where the user selects the first part and then window multiple parts (these are stored and then cycled through later), then I use SendKeys to open the "Notch Tool", and now this is where I encounter my problem.
The Notch Tool is waiting for the user to Pick/Select one part. In my code I've tried to use the CommandManager.DoSelect method which does not register with the tool (I'll exit out of the tool and the part will be selected). My thinking is that this notch tool will only accept the CommandManager.Pick method which would defeat the purpose of the program as I do not want the user to have to go through the parts one by one notching them together.
Is there a way to simulate a mouse click on a selected occurrence within Inventor? Is there another approach I should be considering? And finally, how to rewrite the actual notch tool to allow multiple notches to be done at once?! I'll post a snippet of my code.
I am trying to understand how to select element of pick point through API.
I have found example in API manual, chapter "Interactive selection". Everything seems be clear but finally this example (and also others which I have found on web) doesnot work as I am expecting.
There is example:
Public Sub TestSelection() ' Create a new clsSelect object. Dim oSelect As New clsSelect ' Call the pick method of the clsSelect object and set ' the filter to pick any face. Dim oFace As Face Set oFace = oSelect.Pick(kPartFaceFilter) ' Check to make sure an object was selected. If Not oFace Is Nothing Then ' Display the area of the selected face.'''' there is cursor and content menu correct [code]...
I am able to select face, during selection is cursor shown as arrow with plus symbol, content menu show correctly zoom and pan commands. Unfortunatelly when this selection is done and message box show the value, the cursor and content menu does not return to correct state. Cursor is still with plus and content menu with zoom&pan. I have found that problem is with messagebox, just before messagebox is shown the cursor and content menu return to correct state , but after messagebox is shown and closed, then cursor and content menu is wrong. Why?
Finally I need it for my addin in C#, is there and better way how to select item or input 2d point?
Is there any built in option for a symbol to have a pull down pick list of options? I know that you can make it have a prompted entry, but can you do a sim idea with a pick list?
I am wanting to draw lines from gun setup to the back sight, and then from the gun to all the radial shots that were taken from that setup. I would like to do this as automatically as possible. (i.e. a bunch of radial lines from the gun to each individual shot from that setup).
Our raw files are in TDS format. I could do it manually by using the transparent command 'PN, but I would have to draw a line from the setup to the shots individually.
Otherwise, I could write a lisp that asks me for the setup pt number, and I could give it a range ot pt #'s and have it draw lines from the gun to each of the pts in the range. (that is, if 'PN works in lisp).
Usually i just do stills, but soon i maybe will have to animate the work of a robot like that one:
I can do it just manually by moving the different parts of the robot according to the needs of the animation. But is there a way to automate/ease up animation of such a robot? Because the way that i do it is just quite slow and if i have to animate 30 robots which are doing different things it would take me a century.
what exactly I would have to do to this pic to not make the girl look so... robotly. I'm pretty sure its something in the eyes but it just looks sooo fake.
I have attach one drawing if you open and copy this from one place to place then dimension is automatically increases. can i know how this increase or what type of this dimension it is.
I completed the editing of a multi- camera edit using two tracks. The second cameras footage on the second track was towards the end of the production.
I then proceeded to add the music and sound tracks at the beginning with full ripple editing activated and when doing this I tweaked and removed a few clips to match the music which reduced the production by about 40 seconds in all.
When I got to where the synced clips were, they had moved by about 15 seconds. I had dozens of these from the second camera on the second track that took hours to edit and cut into place. However I managed to move them all in one go by highlighting them all and re-syncing the first one which made all the others fall in line again.
I am using a trial version of Videostudio Pro X3 and am experiencing some difficulty producing good quality DVD's & video files (via share->Create Video File).
My original video has been captured from an 8mm camcorder and is good quality. The file type is MPEG-2 TS Video & is 2.2GB.
If I import it into the timeline, select Share->Create Video File->Custom and set the video data rate to 8000kps my resulting mpg file has overall good quality but there are some very jerky movements and pixelation.
These are not present in the original mpeg-2 file. I get a similarly poor result if I select Share->Create Disc which starts up DVD Factory and burn a disc
However, if I have nothing in my timeline and select Share->Create Disc which starts up DVD Factory, add media, selecting my MPEG-2 TS Video file and then burn a disc. The resulting disc is excellent quality with no jerky movements or pixelation.
However, this isn't much use to me because I want to edit my video but seems to prove that something strange is happening in VideoStudio Pro X3 or my use of it.
I am just trying to fix some seems for a texture in Photoshop. I'm using a pretty simple method of a half opacity Clone Stamp brush and just tapping the obvious seams with other parts of the image.
All goes well till about 38 seconds into it the Clone Stamp makes a huge streak in the lower left half of the video. You'll even notice that my cursor didn't go over there.... its similar to drawing lines while holding shift (giving you straight lines) but it happens randomly and not on purpose... any ideas?
Snap seems to be on even if I turn it off. In CS6 I can arbitrarily create a circle. Then I create a cross shape I want to place in the center of the circle. I can place it near the center but somehow, there are these 'no man's land' unplaceable areas that are small increments but nevertheless there. I have all snaps turned off. Center objects on an axis doesn't work either.
I've tried this with Smart Guides on and off. I have tried placing a horizontal and verticle guide and turned snap to guides on, but still the cross will not allow me to move exactly where I want it.
For the second time, which is two times too many, I've found myself browsing through images and noticed they were all starting to change. Essentially I've apparently instigated a sync settings command to too many images and it wasn't immediately noticable when it happened so I couldn't just do a Ctrl-Z to undo it. I want to make sure I'm not missing something that would allow me to sync all selected images back a step in History. I would think this would be an easy enough feature to add to any version of Lightroom (using LR3 for now because I'm waiting for the LR4 I purchased to get an update that might speed it up). I've checked out auto script programs but they're a bit unweildy and frankly Lightroom should have that feature available.
I want to know if there is a way to edit the Face Robot layout? The buttons in the Face Robot panel to the right of the screen are too large. They don't all fit on screen. Is there a way to shrink the buttons so they all fit?
I just exported the animation rig option from Face Robot to dotxsi. When I try to import the dotxsi to a new Softimage scene there is no animation. What am I missing?
I am trying to find a workflow between face robot and 3ds max and so far I haven't been able to find one.
My investigation has led me here;
I am looking at purchasing point oven but in the meantime thought I'd try other options.
I looked into the "send to max" in the file menu but this doesn't seem to be setup for transfer of meshes more to do with particles?
I have used crosswalk and it will transfer a mesh but no textures and it will only transfer simple animations such as scale keyframes but nothing with regards to facerobot. The best result I've seen so far with crosswalk is that the face will be exported along with a morph target set but the morphs do nothing and all bones come in as dummy object with simple skinning. Not ideal as it negates the benefits of using face robot for implementing face capture into the pipeline.
I have seen the youtube video from Blur Studios explaining their workflow with facerobot on dantes inferno but they don't go into any detail.
UPDATE : Found out that crosswalk does not support facerobot transfer with any version of max.
Most of my experience is with Maya, but I am using Face Robot for the lipsync feature. I've now imported a c3d mocap file into Face Robot to animate the eyebrows and head motion.
This works very well, I use the adjust feature to tune out the motion I don't want (jaws, lips etc) just leaving the rest.
Great, except if I enable head rotation in the Face Robot c3d options, the neck rotates 90 in the X and 90 in the Z axes, effectively twisting the neck and contorting the head into this position. The rest of the animation (including slight head rotations) works well.
I noticed that the c3d file is not facing down the +ve Z axis in Face Robot or MotionBuilder. Is there a way to change this? I've tried manual rotation of the c3d markers, changing in MotionBuilder and re-saving the c3d data. Nothing works.
The c3d mocap comes from the new Face Shift Studio program which captures data with a kinect sensor, but it is the same with other c3d files I have downloaded.
I'm building a robot, and I have taken all these picture of metal objects in my city, but now I want all of my metal pics to be copper. What is the easiest & fastest way to take a image that is metal and make it copper and still retain it's texture?
I have modelling a face in maya 2011. I can see some youtube videos how they put dots in their face, and the 3d-face capture the dots movements. [URL] ....
I want to use dots in my face and a cheap web camera. Does this work in maya 2011? Or do I have to use MotionBuilder? What is the name of the dots?
How do you insert macros available in the user community in to the inventor. I tried to open default.ivb file and copied in it but it doesn't work. Any example which shows how to place macros in the inventor.
It seems difficult to make small on screen movements without the tool jumping. Would it be better use a low DPI mouse or a high DPI one? Wouldn't you get better control with a low DPI one?
I'm looking at the expanded DTP functionality in XDP9 and have question about resizing columns.
Say I wanted 2 columns that were different widths - I would open up the 'A4 1-Column' template, select the Text tool, right-click inside the column, take the 'Columns...' option, increase Number of columns to 2 then adjust each columns width as desired by dragging the red corner handles. The problem here is that it is very easy to inadvertently alter a columns height because it's very difficulty to move a mouse horizontally without wavering a little bit vertically up or down. Is there a constrainer keyboard key or some other method that ensures vertical movements are ignored?
At first I thought it was a touchpad problem, but I discovered that three different optical mice have the same issue + a 4th optical mouse on a different computer also experiences this issue...
particularly when I am using the free select tool, the mouse movements start to get VERY jerky when I am going around corner after corner when my image is zoomed to 100% or greater on a 2500px or larger image, it lots of times causes me to mess up because it jerks around a lot... no other program has this issue, not even other programs where I need to get into tight corners with a mouse!!! this ONLY happens in Gimp!!! other tools have this jerky mouse movement problem to but is experienced mostly using free select!!! How do I fix this Gimp jerky mouse movement issue??? Gimp seems to be the only program with this issue!!!
So i've got a stroke in a circular path. I use the scissor tool and cut a segment of it out. Now, i want to move one of the end points up and have the anchor points after it follow the movement to keep the smooth line. I think Flash had a tool like this. It allowed you to manipulate one point that would affect the whole path depending on how extreme or what direction you went.