I'm loft retarded. What I did here was loft to a tangent work plane, then did a sketch on the top surface and extruded the shape that I want. There has to be a better & easier way.
I want to extrude a big number of pillars to a rather complicated surface and that works out fine. But each end of the pillars warps around the surface and I want them just to go up to it and stop with a resulting horizontal face.
how I can add more volume to curved object surface? Say for example I have a plastic cup.You can think of this as cylinder object ,which was the shelled out using the shell tool and then had its base sealed.
Now at certain parts, I would like to increase the thickness and then blend it the rest of the surface(may be chamfer its edges) .
At certain parts on curved surface I would like to add an extra mm, I think if the surface was flat I would just sketch the shape, then extrude it by few mm and smooth the edges by doing a chamfer
But how can this be done on surface that is curved? Or multi curved for edges?
I'm designing a press for a skateboard similar to: Rib Press
I have the board modeled: (see attached)
Now what i want to do is generate those ribs as seen in the picture.
I tried creating a block that intersected with the board and tried to split the rib at the surface, but to no avail. I think the issue has something to do with the curve of the board in two directions, but i can't seem to get it right.
if you are having trouble visualizing what i'm asking about, look at this. I want to be able to figure out the exact shape of those center ribs to print and eventually cut out of wood.
I am having problems creating a profile around a path. The profile (image-1) resulted in an undesirable corner (image-2). Which I don't know if that can be fixed. My workaround was to create a lower profile, and then loft between the 2 rails.
The loft results in a twisted surface (image-3). So to correct this under loft> transition I turn off automatic mapping and edit the point set. I always end up with one extra set of points, or edge, and end up having one set of points on top of another, a duplicate edge. Which I believe is where my problem lies. However I can not delete this extra point set, so there is not much I can do there. Am I missing something? This results in a surface loft (image-4). When I thicken this surface by 6mm it results in this broken solid (image-5)
I have tried merging tangent surfaces in the loft command, which appears to work better, but when using thicken the error message reads that the thicken operation did not produce a meaningful result. When I change the thicken direction I get a solid, just not the one that I need.
I had many other strange errors, and seemed to have solved some of them by taking the fillets out the sketch, and applying them to the solid. But this should be an easy operation, and I can't seem to make this work at all.
I am using Inventor 2014 and the ipt file is attached.
Attached is an Inventor 2012 part file. I am trying to perform a surface loft with multiple sketches and rails. Each time I try to perform this operation I get the following error:
Error: The attempted loft operation had problems with the specified rail curve not intersecting one or more sections. Try repairing the rail curve so that it intersects all the sections.
I have corrected this issue as much as I know how by project the rails onto each sketchs workplane and then using the projected points to constrain the sketch. It is not working.
It is very difficult to explain, but I have attached the part file. It was created from Autodesk Inventor 2012.
Basically I’m trying to create a circular cut in a flat pattern for a hole made in a rolled piece of sheet metal.
I have created a "case" (this is what we call it) to mount an axial fan, it will require holes for mounting the motor plate. When I create these holes in the rolled case assembly they appear to be fine, but when I flatten it they are turned into two sets of semi-circles or ellipses.
This is only a problem when we run the parts on our Laser; the laser will attempt to start the cutting at the end of each of these "semi-circles" causing a hotspot where the two semi circles meet. This causes the hole to be slightly smaller than intended in this area causing great difficulty inserting bolts, they normally require drilling.
Our material thicknesses vary from about 3mm to 8mm.
I’ve included a crude example of what I’m trying to achieve. To really see what I mean, place the file into a Drawing file and zoom into the hole. I couldn't add the file, with only 3 features the file was 5mb in size.
By the way, I have a temporary solution, it's just a little complicated. (My solution: use square holes first in the un-flat, use the diagonal lines from each corner of the square in a sketch on the flat pattern to place a circular cut on its mid points.)
I have tried, such as creating lines in a 3D sketch and projecting the geometry to surface, and creating a work plane, and both don't seem to work for me.... I'm trying to cut out a 5.8mmx14mm rectangle out of a cylinder. When I project the geometry to the cylinder's inner surface, I cannot trim the solid in order to extrude. I've attached the file.
I have a cylinder that has for lack of a better word, a zig zaged slot milled into the outside of it thru to the bore. I am unsure how to go about drawing this so I can get it to extrude correctly around the part.
From other cad software history, I could draw it on a straight plane and tell it wrap around the part of whatever diameter. But, since I have not attempted this in Inventor I don't know if this exists.
Just for reference, this is a twist lock device. Turn the cylinder, advance a key the is inside the zig zag advancing or retracting the part that is inside the bore attached to said key.
I am trying to design a new mold for some sailing rudders I am building. The files I have for the current molds are in the IGS format, which Inventor can open. The current rudders are convex going from the widest part of the foil down to the trailing edge. The goal is to create another model with this flattened. If I were doing this in logic it would be: Find max height, alter foil to be straight from max height to trailing edge. I have tried everything I can do to make this happen with no avail. what would be optimal is if I could get it set up so that I can easily control the amount of convexness to the aft section, but the primary goal is to just get it to be straight. The trailing edge is the straighter one.
The final goal is to export to g-code and send off to a cnc.
I have attached the files after I have imported them into autodesk, but below is a link to the original iges files.
I am trying to create a simple hole with threads for a set screw on a hub. I cannot figure out how to select the tangent plane I need to create the sketch. I'm using Inventor 2013 and have attached the file below.
How do I draw ribs on a curved surface. Attached is model that I am working on and I need to create ribs on the curved surface in radial direction. How do I do it?
I'm designing a part, and am having trouble creating a plane tangent to a curved surface. One option for creating a plane says "Tangent to Surface through Point", which in theory I should be able to use, but I can't figure out how to actually place a point there before in order to create a surface at the point.
Basically I am trying to cut a circle into the curved right side of the part
I need to show fillet welds between the bar and the curved surface. There is a small gap there (3/8" bar against 2 3/4" O.D. tube) and IV and neither groove or fillet weld works. How to show the weld?
I've read the posts pertaining to coil features along curved paths. The existing solutions are limited in that they must rely on a solid with the addition of a bend feature. How can I create a helical surface structure including multiple bends like the one shown?
In inventor 2013, how do I engrave and wrap some text onto a surface that is neither on a cylinder, a cone, or a sphere? I created the part by first drawing a cross section made up with the spline tool, then revolved it around an axis. I need to imprint two words on the part's curved surface. I sketched the words, then I tried using the emboss/engrave wrap feature, but I got an error message saying that emboss/engrave wrap can only be done on standard surfaces such as cylinders, cones, or spheres. How to engrave words on surfaces other than these standard surfaces? I also tried to extrude cut the words onto the surface, but the words don't wrap to the surface, and are not evenly imprinted onto it.
Also how do i make the letter's bigger when I sketch them? even though I put in large numbers such as 50 in the size box, the text does not appear big. Also, how do I increase the spacing between the letters?
I need to apply a knurled texture to an organic curved surface. It cannot be a decal, this is to be rapid prototyped so the knurl must be real 3d. I have an imported Solidworks file that shows exactly what I need. I do not have access to the author of the Solidworks part so I don't know how they did it. Its part of a pistol grip handle.
Keep in mind that emboss does not support organic surfaces, only cylindrical or planar.
I am drawing a fan wheel. The fan blade is curved intersects the shroud, consisting of two cones. I do not know how to trim the blade to the cones. I tried to "split" the blade at the cones and then "delete face" but then the "Go to flat pattern" section on the ribbon is missing. If I suppress the "delete face" feature the "Go to flat pattern" re-appears.
I would like to know how can put planar surface to solid object which surface is curved like cylinder for example. When start draw from first point rectangle of planar surface follow x cordinate not that solid object. How to do that simply?
If you look in the attached PDF, I have an elliptical wall that also has changes in elevation. call it a compound radius if you will. What I have to do is to make a wall cap to go on top of the wall. I know, sounds fun.....I have the surface on the right of the PDF and i need to figure out how i can take that shape and have it lay flat so that i can cut this shape out on my CNC. i know I can use the FLATSHOT command, but this will not give me the true shape of the board.
I have a solid that was created by extruding a regioned profile. I have made a lofted item (Yellow), that I will have to subtract from the solid (Green) to create a hole. When using the subtract command, I recieve the following error.
"The selected surface was ignored. Surfaces cannot be subtracted from solids or regions. At least two solids, surfaces, or coplanar regions must be selected."
I'm making these legs for a piece of furniture. I need this to be a solid object.
So I drew a vertical line, set the radius using circunferemces. Then (can't remember how, it was long time ago) I manage to turn them into surfaces (circles, so it's an area).
Now when I loft them, it won't result in a solid. Why?
layman what Autodesk is wanting me to change? Trying to use "loft" to skin the surface of 5 polylines. It will do the first, second, third and 5th for a surface, but doesn't like the 4th polyline I created.
I am designing perfume bottles and for that i need to to repeat a semi circle to repeat over a curved surface fo the bottle. To simplify the problem i have created curved surface and made a semi cirle as a feature, now i want the feature to repeat on the curved surface. I have tried to rectangle pattern, aswell as the circular pattern in all possible ways i can think.
P.s. I have hp I7 processor, 8 gb ram, windows 7 and am using autodesk inventor pro 2013
I keep running into a situation where I would like to be able to create an edge or a work axis at the intersection of a work plane and the surface of the part. I figured out a work around if the surface is flat, but I haven't figured out a work around for a curved surface.
How do I create work axis where work plane intersects curved surface?
Or put another way: How do I project intersection of work plane and curved surface onto the work plane in a 2D sketch?
I need to be able to draw a 2D sketch on the work plane, but get a perfectly matching projected line onto the work plane, from the curved surface, at the intersection of the curved surface and the work plane.
The attached jpg shows the intersection in question. I circled it.
I'm constructing a simple test track for my university project, and I have managed to get the geometry of the track all sorted. I'm struggling to assign a bitmap image of a 4 lane road surface to the track. When I assign the material all I get is a grey surface with no lane markings. I figured the size may be wrong, but I have tried adjusting the size settings in the co-ordinates roll out in the material editor, with no luck.