AutoCAD Inventor :: Surface Loft With Multiple Sketches And Rails

Mar 19, 2012

Attached is an Inventor 2012 part file.  I am trying to perform a surface loft with multiple sketches and rails.  Each time I try to perform this operation I get the following error:

Error:  The attempted loft operation had problems with the specified rail curve not intersecting one or more sections.  Try repairing the rail curve so that it intersects all the sections.

I have corrected this issue as much as I know how by project the rails onto each sketchs workplane and then using the projected points to constrain the sketch.  It is not working.

It is very difficult to explain, but I have attached the part file.  It was created from Autodesk Inventor 2012.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Loft Using 3D Sketches For Rails

Apr 16, 2012

I have a part that I'm trying to loft using 3d sketches for the rails will this work? Everything is fine till I try to add the rails, As you can see the loft works with out the rails.

Windows 7 x64
IV 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Loft To Curved Surface

Nov 7, 2009

I'm loft retarded. What I did here was loft to a tangent work plane, then did a sketch on the top surface and extruded the shape that I want. There has to be a better & easier way.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Loft From 2D Sketch To Circular Surface

Jul 19, 2013

how to loft from 2d sketch to circular surface.

I have attached the model in this model I tried to loft Sketch 6 to Sketch 19.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Loft And Thicken Results In Broken Surface

Jul 19, 2013

I am having problems creating a profile around a path. The profile (image-1) resulted in an undesirable corner (image-2).  Which I don't know if that can be fixed.  My workaround was to create a lower profile, and then loft between the 2 rails.

The loft results in a twisted surface (image-3).  So to correct this under loft> transition I turn off automatic mapping and edit the point set.  I always end up with one extra set of points, or edge, and end up having one set of points on top of another, a duplicate edge.  Which I believe is where my problem lies.  However I can not delete this extra point set, so there is not much I can do there. Am I missing something?  This results in a surface loft (image-4).  When I thicken this surface by 6mm it results in this broken solid (image-5)

I have tried merging tangent surfaces in the loft command, which appears to work better, but when using thicken the error message reads that the thicken operation did not produce a meaningful result.  When I change the thicken direction I get a solid, just not the one that I need.

I had many other strange errors, and seemed to have solved some of them by taking the fillets out the sketch, and applying them to the solid.  But this should be an easy operation, and I can't seem to make this work at all.

I am using Inventor 2014 and the ipt file is attached.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Loft With Multiple Openings?

Jan 24, 2013

I was wondering if it is possible to make a surface loft go from 1 square section to 2 round sections.

So 1 ingoing section en 2 outgoing sections.

I've attached a simple drawing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Place Holes In The 2 Rails At Center Height?

Oct 12, 2012

1. How do i place holes in the 2 rails at center height..the holes placed in the rails so as to place bolt through both rails...i do not know how to place these holes around the curved rails

2. Can these rails be made using Sheet Metal tools.I would like to unfold if possible...not much experience in sheet Metal

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AutoCad 3D :: Subtracting Surface (loft) From A Solid?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a solid that was created by extruding a regioned profile. I have made a lofted item (Yellow), that I will have to subtract from the solid (Green) to create a hole. When using the subtract command, I recieve the following error.

"The selected surface was ignored. Surfaces cannot be subtracted from solids or regions. At least two solids, surfaces, or coplanar regions must be selected."

I have tried convtosolid as well & to no avail.

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AutoCad :: Loft Of Circle Results In Surface?

Jun 16, 2013

I'm making these legs for a piece of furniture. I need this to be a solid object.

So I drew a vertical line, set the radius using circunferemces. Then (can't remember how, it was long time ago) I manage to turn them into surfaces (circles, so it's an area).

Now when I loft them, it won't result in a solid. Why?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Cannot Create Approximating Surface For Loft?

Sep 27, 2013

layman what Autodesk is wanting me to change?  Trying to use "loft" to skin the surface of 5 polylines.  It will do the first, second, third and 5th for a surface, but doesn't like the 4th polyline I created.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: LOFT - Can't Create 3D Solid Because Of Spline Surface

Jun 17, 2011

As you can see, the nature of my model forbids me from making a 3D solid using LOFT.

The top surface is consisted of 3D polyline and arc, which if "joined" will be become a spline.

The bottom surface can easily be joined into polyline.

If I loft the top and bottom, it'll only give me a LOFTED Surface, which is not I want (wanted a 3D solid).

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3ds Max :: Assigning A Bitmap Surface To A Loft

May 15, 2012

I'm constructing a simple test track for my university project, and I have managed to get the geometry of the track all sorted. I'm struggling to assign a bitmap image of a 4 lane road surface to the track. When I assign the material all I get is a grey surface with no lane markings. I figured the size may be wrong, but I have tried adjusting the size settings in the co-ordinates roll out in the material editor, with no luck.

A few screenshots are in here [URL]........

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mating Multiple Parts To One Surface?

Jan 17, 2012

What I have is 4 bolts that I want to mate the underside of the head on all four to one surface.  Is there a way to do this in one operation?  Like a dynamic mate.

One plate surface with all four head surfaces mating to it in one operation.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Multiple Parts Mating To One Surface?

Aug 7, 2012

Is there a way to do dynamic mating?  Meaning if you have more then one part that needs to have the same surface on each part mated to one surface on another part?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Surface Bodies From Multiple Faces?

Dec 27, 2013

I've currently written an application for SolidWorks that reads file that geometry in the form of faces (ie. 3 or 4 double values that represent triangular and quadirilateral faces).  I am trying to create the same application to work for Autodesk Inventor, but I am having some issues.

First, I am basing my code off from the examples given in the help files.  There's a lot of pointers to objects being to get to the Face creation portion, this seems to be slowing my appliation down considerable compared to the SolidWorks counterpart.  SolidWorks API has a modelling method called CreatePlanarSurfaceDLL that allows me to provide an array of doubles representing the vertex points in order (x, y, Z) for each point, so the array looks like this for a triangle (P1.X, P1.Y, P1.Z, P2.X, P2.Y, P2.Z, P3.X, P3.Y, P3.Z).  Is there anything similar in the Inventor API to simply the process?

Secondly, when using the example, they all have a known "shape" and therefor there are a definied number of vertices, edges, faces, etc.  And when adding the faces, the known points / vertices are used.  In my case, each face contains information for it's 3 or 4 vertices.  I created these using the prescribed methods, but when the final surface body feature is created, and a repair is performed on it, it shows a lot of duplicate edges and vertices.  Do I need to take the time and filter out all of the duplicate vertices, and point to a single vertex that may represent a vertext used by up to 3 or 4 faces?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error - Importing Multiple Surfaces Results In 1 Composite Surface

Feb 16, 2012

When importing objects into Inventor, all surface objects are being joined together into 1 composite surface. What I need is multiple surfaces, or seperate surface/composite objects.

Capture 1

Shows 3 solids imported from Rhino

Each solid is a sepreate solid

Capture 2

Shows 2 solids and 1 surface composite imported from Rhino

Capture 3

Shows 1 solid and 1 surface composite imported from Rhino

1. Why is Inventor creating 1 composite from multiple non intersecting surfaces?

2. How can I avoid this from happening?

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3ds Max Modeling :: LOFT Multiple Ellipse Shapes Along A Spline Path To Create Door Handle

Feb 28, 2011

I am trying to LOFT multiple ellipse shapes along a spline path to create a door handle. But as soon as I choose 1 section, MAX creates the shape. I cannot figure out how to create the shape with multiple cross sections. I have attached a screen shot and a pic of the door handle I want to create.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraining 2D Sketches

Dec 19, 2011

Also, I'm having a hard time completely constraining copy 2D sketches.  What Inventor requires to constrain a 2D sketch?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Combining 2D And 3D Sketches

Dec 13, 2012

What instances is it necessary to combine 3d sketches with 2d sketches, I have used this combination a few times where I have to build rectangular frames then apply frame generator to the sketches to construct the frame members. I was told when I originally had training on Inventor 2013 that 3d sketches should be avoided where possible.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Fit Sketches Into A Rectangle

Sep 23, 2011

I want to fit a sketch that is to be laser cutted. i wanna fit 30 pcs on a rectangle, is there a tool who figures out the most optimal way to fit them in a rectangle?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Out A Loft

Feb 27, 2012

I need to shell out a Loft in the attached IV 2012 part file.The Loft i tried also as a new solid but the shell also cuts into the cylinder ( revolution 1 ) . I only want the 2 sides and bottom of the Loft to be Shelled, not the cylinder. What do i need to change to get the shell to work?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Functionality Of Assembly Sketches?

Oct 7, 2011

I have the following (somewhat philosophical) question: what is the concept of assembly sketches? As far as I can see (and what I use it for) is the following: an element of my design can be constructed from several parts, which are first machined with some margins, interfaces for welding, etc. Then they are mounted/welded/brazed together, and the final piece is constructed by post-machining the mounted (welded/brased/etc) assembly. Assembly sketches drive these features.

When I first got in contact with assembly sketches, I believed they can be used to positioning parts in the assembly: create a sketch, very easily and quickly draw lines/points/etc which serve as anchor points for the parts, and then constrain the parts to these lines/points/etc. But this does not work - whereas I would find it sometimes useful.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Moving Sketches Between Parts?

Feb 8, 2012

I've been making a model plane model in inventor 2012 from imported IGES geometry, and Realised that my sketches were not assigned to any part (and thus can't be lofted). Is there any way of moving the sketches to the newly created part without redrawing everything? I've tried dragging and dropping because it seemed to make sense, but alas, that had no success.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Uncheck Get Model Sketches In IDW?

Nov 5, 2012

Once I check to show model sketches I cannot set it back since it getting inaccessible.

how to set it back to not show the sketches?


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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2D Sketches In Drawing File?

Mar 20, 2012

Quite often we cretae schematic line drawings for clients approval before creating full 3D models for production. Is it possible to achieve this in Inventor and maybe go on to use the sketches as a master filoe to drive the design? Or should I continue to get approval based in AutoCAD and then switch over to Inventor?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Edit IPart Sketches

Dec 19, 2011

I have been trying to create an ipart. Once the ipart is created i am un-able to edit the sketches of features with issues.

I need to modify a sketch and to create an alternate sketch (suppress/unsuppress) but get an error message when i try to edit the sketch.

Windows 7 64 bit
Inventor 2012 Professional
Dell T1600 CPU E31245 @ 3.30GHz

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Document Frame Sketches

Sep 15, 2013

I have created a frame using the frame generator that I need to document. It is created using about 5 sketches. The sketches are part of their own .ipt file. Now I would like to document the frame but cannot figure out how to do it. I have tried creating sections of the frame but I cannot snap to points of interest on the frame, such as where two pipes meet, when dimensioning. How do I document the sketches?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How Do Representations Handle Sketches

Sep 18, 2013

I'm trying to employ a technique that I've used with SolidWorks.  I'm working on a project with several engineers doing design work on a large assembly.  The way I've seen this handled in a SolidWorks shop is to create a master assembly with sketches on the principal planes that define envelopes for sub assemblies, interface dimensions, and so on.  Each engineer can have the master assembly in their sub assembly, as a guide.  Where I've used this before, it has worked with integrating the sub assemblies later on.

Here's the complication:  There are several different "families" of the product that require different dimensions on the master sketches.  What I had hoped to do in Inventor was use view representations or level of detail representation to control the visibility of these "families" of master sketches.  When an engineer includes the master assembly in his sub assembly he could then easily turn on the "family" he wants to see.  But it turns out that neither view representations nor level of detail representations influence the visibility of sketches.  (Position representations don't, either.)  Sketches are either visible or not visible, regardless of which representation you're in.

Is there some way I can control the visibility of sketches, in groups?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Skeletal Sketches And Copy

Oct 29, 2012

we very often create parts/assemblies using skeletal sketches, problem we encounter is that when we use the copy command in the components area on the ribbon.

The problem we have is that when we open the new assembly and components they are still looking at the original skeletal sketch. is there anyway to copy the orginal skeletal sketch to a new one and the new parts look at this upon using the copy.

At present what we do is make a copy and rename the original file. Then open the assembly and it looks for the original skeletal sketch, so we point it at the new skeletal sketch.

This is not an issue when we have a couple of parts in an assembly but if you have a lot of parts in the assembly it si very time consuming.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensioning Angles In 3D Sketches

Oct 4, 2013

In the course of working up a tooling proposal, I attempted to replicate a 3D part from a customer print. While doing so, I noticed that 3D Sketch will not, under any circumstances that I can find, allow an angular dimension between a line and a plane. The customer print has two pipes projecting at odd angles from a base flange, one of which has an elbow. The print lists datum dimensions for the open pipe ends and the elbow, and gives vertical and horizontal angular dimensions to define the directions in which the pipes emerge from the flange. I have defined these three datum points in 3D space without any trouble, but Inventor 2013 will not allow me to define an angle between these sketchlines and the XZ and YZ origin planes, or between these sketchlines and the faces of the flange base I've constructed.

I am currently waiting on a proper 3D CAD model from the customer, and I'm considering longhand trigonometric calculations to place these lines properly, but I find it very hard to believe that Inventor is incapable of constraining a line to lie along what is effectively the surface of a cone.

Inventor 2013
AutoCAD 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Lines Not Closing In 2D Sketches?

Mar 12, 2012

I'm having issues when I create sketches using the line tool.  I should be seeing constraints as I create them and a green dot when the object is closed.  This is not the case however, and when i attempt to extrude or offset the sketch I can only select individual lines. 

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