AutoCAD 2013 :: Cannot Create Approximating Surface For Loft?
Sep 27, 2013
layman what Autodesk is wanting me to change? Trying to use "loft" to skin the surface of 5 polylines. It will do the first, second, third and 5th for a surface, but doesn't like the 4th polyline I created.
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Jun 17, 2011
As you can see, the nature of my model forbids me from making a 3D solid using LOFT.
The top surface is consisted of 3D polyline and arc, which if "joined" will be become a spline.
The bottom surface can easily be joined into polyline.
If I loft the top and bottom, it'll only give me a LOFTED Surface, which is not I want (wanted a 3D solid).
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Nov 7, 2009
I'm loft retarded. What I did here was loft to a tangent work plane, then did a sketch on the top surface and extruded the shape that I want. There has to be a better & easier way.
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Apr 12, 2012
I have a solid that was created by extruding a regioned profile. I have made a lofted item (Yellow), that I will have to subtract from the solid (Green) to create a hole. When using the subtract command, I recieve the following error.
"The selected surface was ignored. Surfaces cannot be subtracted from solids or regions. At least two solids, surfaces, or coplanar regions must be selected."
I have tried convtosolid as well & to no avail.
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Jun 16, 2013
I'm making these legs for a piece of furniture. I need this to be a solid object.
So I drew a vertical line, set the radius using circunferemces. Then (can't remember how, it was long time ago) I manage to turn them into surfaces (circles, so it's an area).
Now when I loft them, it won't result in a solid. Why?
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Jul 19, 2013
how to loft from 2d sketch to circular surface.
I have attached the model in this model I tried to loft Sketch 6 to Sketch 19.
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Jul 19, 2013
I am having problems creating a profile around a path. The profile (image-1) resulted in an undesirable corner (image-2). Which I don't know if that can be fixed. My workaround was to create a lower profile, and then loft between the 2 rails.
The loft results in a twisted surface (image-3). So to correct this under loft> transition I turn off automatic mapping and edit the point set. I always end up with one extra set of points, or edge, and end up having one set of points on top of another, a duplicate edge. Which I believe is where my problem lies. However I can not delete this extra point set, so there is not much I can do there. Am I missing something? This results in a surface loft (image-4). When I thicken this surface by 6mm it results in this broken solid (image-5)
I have tried merging tangent surfaces in the loft command, which appears to work better, but when using thicken the error message reads that the thicken operation did not produce a meaningful result. When I change the thicken direction I get a solid, just not the one that I need.
I had many other strange errors, and seemed to have solved some of them by taking the fillets out the sketch, and applying them to the solid. But this should be an easy operation, and I can't seem to make this work at all.
I am using Inventor 2014 and the ipt file is attached.
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Mar 19, 2012
Attached is an Inventor 2012 part file. I am trying to perform a surface loft with multiple sketches and rails. Each time I try to perform this operation I get the following error:
Error: The attempted loft operation had problems with the specified rail curve not intersecting one or more sections. Try repairing the rail curve so that it intersects all the sections.
I have corrected this issue as much as I know how by project the rails onto each sketchs workplane and then using the projected points to constrain the sketch. It is not working.
It is very difficult to explain, but I have attached the part file. It was created from Autodesk Inventor 2012.
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Apr 19, 2012
Attached is a dwg file that refuses to complete the surface triangulation. Can some try this? The maximum triangle length is set to off. I'm out of guesses. If I move the furthest point around it will complete the surface but just not in it's current location. Point number 69
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May 15, 2012
I'm constructing a simple test track for my university project, and I have managed to get the geometry of the track all sorted. I'm struggling to assign a bitmap image of a 4 lane road surface to the track. When I assign the material all I get is a grey surface with no lane markings. I figured the size may be wrong, but I have tried adjusting the size settings in the co-ordinates roll out in the material editor, with no luck.
A few screenshots are in here [URL]........
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Feb 21, 2013
Trying to us SURFPATCH to create a surface from a closed 3d poly (with SP1.1 applied)
The 3D poly on the left worked correctly, but when trying SURFPATCH on the right (axe head shape) the resulting surface id rectangular - why? looks like I will need to revert to EDGESURF - for now
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Apr 27, 2012
I want to create a solid using VB and loft definition.
I creat each time different planes that have a constant distance in x dimension and a steady rotation each time φ (deg).
On each each plane i sketch the same profile and that is happened for 360 deg.
The problem is that Loft is not made because a line of the profile must follow a line tragectory and all other points must follow a circular tragectory. Also, there is a problem from 180 deg to 360 because there is intersection of profiles.
The result must be a solid similar to snail shell but all the same solid, as a cylindar whith a half sphere in the bottom.
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Jun 11, 2013
I am trying to loft a triangle around the path of a helix. I want the top point of the triangle to be facing in such that the ouside surface is flat (in the veritcal direction) for the entire helix and I have the two triangle cross sections oriented to do as much. Whenever I try loft it, autocad associates sides of the triangle that aren't supposed to connect causing the triangle to twist along the path. Is there a way that I can easily tell autocad which sides I want to connect?
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Jul 20, 2012
I am trying to create a simple loft to show smashing the end of a pipe. I created the work planes based from the middle of the part. I placed a transition sketch and then a final sketch along with a center of the part sketch. When I could not get the transition to work I went back and added a sketch on the end of the pipe though I don't think it is needed. I still get nothing. I even followed the selection procedures from Wikihelp with no change.
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Jun 20, 2013
Im trying to create a shape like the attached image using sheet metal loft from one sketch to the second sketch. No problem doing that but i want to extend the neck on the small end 1 inch like the attached image.
Currently the product is produced using 4 panels brazed together. I want to create the product with 2 bent panels 90 degrees that are split apart from the loft.
Not sure if this even possible in the real world sheet metal house to develop the flat pattern.
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Mar 16, 2013
I have a bunch of points that I am trying to turn into a solid object. I am doing this by using the 3D poly command and then LOFT, UNION and CONVTOSOLID. this has previously worked well, but this time when I use the LOFT command it does not produce a 'closed' surface, but rather a grid like surface which wont convert to a solid. Are there different settings for the LOFT command, and if so, How do I change them to produce a closed surface?
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Mar 1, 2013
Im currently using an addon for Civil 3D called Novapoint. It allows me to create 3D models of surfaces made out of 3d faces and easily models cut and fill 3d-models for me.
The only thing i need to create a cut and fill model is one or several ground surfaces (existing ground, earth layers, rock etc. whatever i need) and a closed polyline/3Dpolyline that represents the level I want my cut and/or fill model.
I enter the spcifications I want such as; earth cut angle, rock cut angle, fill angle, select which surfaces i want to include in the model calculation and select the polyline.Novapoint then calculates the cut/fill model from the surfaces to the polyline and models the different cut/fill angles and gives me the results in a 3d-face model and a specification of the volyme of rock cut, earth cut an fill.
1. Novapoint is quite unstable and crashes alot
2. You cant create profiles out of 3d faces
3. Novapoint does not automaticly combine the start surfaces with the modeled cut/fill surface
4. A large surface made out of 3d-faces demands alot of computer power
So I want to how I do the same that Novapoint does for me in Civil 3D? (I have access to Civil 3D 2007-2013 depending on which one you're using)I know I can take the 3Dfaces i created in Novapoint and make a surface in Civil 3D with them but I want to exclude Novapoint completely.
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Feb 28, 2011
I am trying to LOFT multiple ellipse shapes along a spline path to create a door handle. But as soon as I choose 1 section, MAX creates the shape. I cannot figure out how to create the shape with multiple cross sections. I have attached a screen shot and a pic of the door handle I want to create.
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Aug 3, 2012
Can a surface be created from a UCS that is something other than the WCS? For example, can you create a surface for a vertical wall, or a battered almost vertical wall?
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Feb 3, 2010
I work in both Microstation(PowerCivil) and Autodesk(C3d 2010) platforms, unfortunately not very proficient in either. We use both due to project requirements. I have no say in the format what-so-ever. Now to the point.. I am working on a project thats survey is a 2d .dgn however I am to create a model from this information (which happens to be just text spot elevations no intelligence attached) and supply it in C3d..Is this Possible ?? Or would it be easier to just do it in PowerCivil (I have made surfaces with 2d objects before with) and convert to .dwg upon completion ????
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Mar 24, 2013
I have been trying to research how to create a custom surface. I found this article [URL]...... about how to to create a surface from a jpeg. The article says to "expand color on the top left." of the style editor. However, when I open the dialogue there is no "color" that can be expanded. The only thing in the top left of dialogue box is "lighting." Is there another step that the article misses, or is there another way for me to create a surface from a jpeg?
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Jun 5, 2012
Any experience with the Tin Surface CreatebyCropping Function.
The specific stumbling block I have come across is the best way to deal with the database that is required to export the new cropped surface to as it has to be different from the current drawing. I don't actually need the cropped surface to be saved but need to be able to adjust elevations and extract the tin from it. The tin would then be used to generate a pregrade surface in the base drawing. Previously I had done this with non-destructive boundaries but I find the cropped surface to be more accurate.
Civil 3D 2013 - Windows 7(64 bit)
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Jul 19, 2013
I have two separate graded levees in my drawing. One has created a surface just fine, the other absolutely refuses to generate a surface. I've deleted the grading even the feature lines and re-did them. In my grading group I have automatic surface creation checked and the volume base surface checked. I show the surface in the prospector but there is nothing there. The one levee will show contour styles but this one ZIP!
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Aug 17, 2013
I'm creating a containment dike around and island. I want the berm to tie down to the existing surface, then offset from that tie point 21' to the surface again. I can do an offset from Baseline, or a tie to an elevation in a profile. What I can't do is make the offset 21' from the tie location over an additional 21' to another tie point on a surface.
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Sep 12, 2013
I have a point cloud of an excavation surface, i want to create a surface from this points. 3d civil can do it but im not 3d civil user, is there any way to do it in autocad or in 3ds max.
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Nov 17, 2011
I'm using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 and have a question about creating a surface. Firstly, I know how to create a surface and then add contours, how to add a boundary to the surface, and how to draw a polygon around contours and trim everything out and then create a surface of what's remaining but how can I create a surface from contours within a polygon I draw without trimming any contours out? That way I can have a smaller surface to work with but still have additional contours all around it.
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Oct 31, 2013
I am working in Civils 3D 2014 and I have a survey with points already on the correct elevation layer, I have tried creating a surface from this but it does not show up.
My process:
- I create a new drawing and insert a block (my topo survey) and click explode when I do this
- I create the surface by TIN and make sure I have the correct layer for the points that I am selecting
- Click ok
- Then go into that surface and turn on all layers and refresh - still nothing
- I also made sure that my surface style was 1m contours so I would definately see this.
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Dec 16, 2013
I have created a contour layer in MAP and need to bring the data into Civil (to create and EGL surface) which I usually I do via an alter properties query.
There is the Create Surface from GIS data in 2014 but this requires shp files so the two questions I have are:
Can the contour layer be output as shp files (and if so how)?
If yes, is this easier/more efficient than my current workflow?
(No connection with Autodesk other than using the products in the real world)
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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Jun 12, 2013
I am start work in civil 3d 2009, I have a project started in LDD2009 and am trying to migrate to civil 3d 2009. I have imported the points, tin, and contours but cannot figure how to create an actual EG surface. Can some on etell me how to create and actual EG surface using tthe tin and points.
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Dec 13, 2012
Is it possible to extrude a curved 2D surface to give it thickness? For example, if you were to draw a loop the loop shape but it was just flat, could you extrude it out to give it thickness?
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Oct 23, 2012
How would you cut into a flat surface such as a rectangle, to create an opening that is visible in 3D?
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