AutoCAD Inventor :: Linking 2007 Excel Spread Sheet To 2009 Part
Jul 16, 2013
I am trying to link a Excel spread sheet to an Inventor 2009 part. It worked great on Friday now it is not working. The only thing that changed was that there was a windos update. When it does work I am unable to update any of the parametes that are linked to Excel file as the update button has disappear.
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Jan 7, 2014
I am trying to link excel file to drawing file (idw), but couldn't succeed.
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Dec 14, 2012
I am very new to autocad and i am using 2013 student..
1) I have drawn a curved line for a Directional Drill Shot and need to create a points on it every 2 metres to give a Cord position,
2)I need to be able to transfer these points into a excel spread sheet.
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Nov 18, 2012
If you review the attached screen shot of a PDF you will see that my Excel spreadsheet object prints very light. This is added to a Paper Space layer that is same layer as the Title Block, which is printing fine. The colorful solid objects are each in their own viewports.
I have set the OLE property "Plot Quality" to "Monochrome", also I have set the "Plot Style Table" to "monochrome.ctb".
To place the spreadsheet table I have Excel open, I select the columns/rows that I want and then Ctrl-C, I flip over to ACAD and Ctrl-V to place the object, I then resize it by dragging its handles. On screen, in ACAD, it looks fine.
I am creating the PDF using "Cute PDF Writer", which does an excellent job creating PDFs from many applications. I don't think it's related to my problem. I have tried ACAD's "DWG To PDF.pc3", but had a similar problem, but worse in other aspects.
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Sep 17, 2009
I created a sheet metal part with multi-edge flanges; the part unfolded no problem. Now, I need an exact, mirrored copy of that part [new part number]. My first attempt was a mirrored component at the assembly level. The part was mirrored but it would not unfold. My next attempt was a derived part with the mirrored option selected. This part, too, was mirrored but would not unfold either.
"In sheet metal parts, mirroring flanges or contour flanges created using multi-edge select is not supported." Is this why the flat pattern fails?
Is there a workaround? I'd hate to create the mirrored part from scratch when I all need is reverse bends.
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Sep 24, 2013
I have a job to photograph 300 items and use lightroom to number each one with its own product code.
Then I need to add the barcodes to the images so the client can scan them
They have a spread sheet with all the data on but can a sript be written to do this action ???
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Aug 16, 2012
I have a spreadsheet in Excel that is split into columns. The first is the frame number, and the subsequent columns are the rotations about the X, Y and Z axis. There is also a column that has the location in the Z axis from the origin (0). These values are currently being input manually and keyed. The object being animated is a locator node which will form the parent of an object.
Is there a way to have these values read in automatically and for each frame to then be keyed to that value?
As I've never touched MEL or Python I wouldn't have a clue where to start trying to write some sort of script to do this.
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Jan 15, 2013
Is there a possibility to furnish a hyperlink linking on a defined Excel-data sheet within an Excel file? Are there other possibilities to tie together to a drawing object external additional information, e.g., a product name, product data or product pictures?
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Apr 17, 2012
I know you can insert an Excel spread sheet into the general table and have that show up on the drawing, but it has limitations to it that Excel gives you. My question is there a way to bring the Excel spread sheet into the drawing that would give you Excel functionality?
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Mar 3, 2012
I am linking a model to an excel spreadsheet. Normally you would specify what cell on the first sheet (Sheet1) to start in. I have been told that you can link to other sheets in the workbook as well. Is this possible? I have tried, but have not been successful. If it is possible, how is it done?
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Oct 3, 2012
Is it possible to spread text gathered from the part description on 2 lines? cause on 1 line is in this case to long.
Inventor 2013
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Aug 30, 2013
As everybody know copy/paste excel file into an inventor drawing is sometimes difficult. As you can see in the printscreen a special character is not converted. I supposed it's because this special character is not in the AIGDT or is in the extended character set wich is not considered in Inventor?
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Mar 6, 2012
Ok what I'm tring to do is have a spreadsheet that has a list of prices in it that we could modify if needed for all these parts i'm making. Best way is to have the spreadsheet obviously external of the file.Though now I do not know how to do this in iLogic.And example of what I'm trying to do is, with 3 parameters.
A, B, and P
Value "A" and Value "B", these are just read items which when combined will give Value "P" to be imported into the Part file. So need A & B to be read and give the row number for P to be imported.
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Oct 26, 2009
when i try to link an excel file to the parameters dialog box i get a message telling me it is "NOT IMPLEMENTED". i just upgraded to windows 7 because it is now supported by autodesk.
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Apr 5, 2013
When the senior engineer at our company opens my acad drawings all of the text justification is off.
I'm using acad 2009 mech and saving as to 2007.
He is using 2007 LT?
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Jan 16, 2012
Op System: Windows 7 Home Premium
Processor: Intel Core I7 960
Ram 12.0 GB system 64 Bit operating system.
MIcrosoft Excel info: Excel 2010 (14.0.4756.1000) MSO(14.0.5113.5000) Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010
Inventor Info: Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012 54 bit edition
Build: 160, release 2012 RTM Date 3/1/2011
When trying to link to excel file get error "Not Implemented". Have tried the registry 'fix' - does not work. Need to get these links working to drive models. This same Excel version works fine for Solidworks which inks perfectly with no issues whatsoever. Inventor has been a problem for 2011,and now 2012 - still not working.
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Oct 1, 2012
Basically what I am trying to do is link the length of a flange on one part to a different part. Am I able to take the dimension from another part and say I want this flange to be a certain length plus the seperate part dimension?
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Sep 13, 2005
I just upgraded from AutoCAD LT 2004 to 2006. The work that I have been doing requires that I insert Excel spreadsheets on all of my drawings. In 2004 it was quite easy to size the spreadsheet.
When you pasted it AutoCAD LT would prompt me for a size which would get me close and then I could drag the corners to perfectly fit the spreadsheet. With 2006 it does not prompt me for a size AND dragging a corner is not as easy. Sometimes it will not let me drag it smaller. I then have to use the scale command.
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Oct 14, 2011
I have a small assembly with the parts. I'm doing an array (pattern) of one of the parts and I tried to do two things without success:
1. Tried to link one of the parts to the assembly itself with the equation tool ,but the software doesn't let me do it and says "...was rejected since it causes a cyclic dependency" - so what?:-) I know and need to do it!
2. After rejected the first choice, I tried to "project geometry" some stuff of the pattern I created in order to try and and make my connection in this way, but then I got a similar rejection: : problem encountered when doing cross part projection"...probably it's because it's from a pattern I'm creating from the part I'm doing this sketch inside?
What Can I do in order to bypass these remarks and make it somehow? Most important, Why can't one "tie" something from a part to its own assembly in which it's located???
Inventor 2012 Pro.
I7 workstation
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Sep 12, 2013
A collegue asked me about this as he has been given a part to model and the details are for the flat sheet not the finished model. Is this possible in 'sheet metal'? I had a quick play but couldn't work it out. Im used to creating the finished part and 'un-folding' to get the flat pattern.Detail supplied below.
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Nov 15, 2011
I set up our company log which gets embossed on most parts as a sketch block in an .ipt. The .ipt contains nothing but the sketch block. To use it, the designer only needs to derive the Logo.ipt file into their part and then use the scale setting to set the derived block to the desired size for that part. The result is a scalable set of line geometry that can easily be used for extrusion or emboss that is standard for all users. It works beautifully, that is until you try to use it in a sheet metal part in 2012.
For some reason, when this same part, which works perfectly in normal parts, is derived into a sheet metal part an error pops up stating that, "Selected part does not have any geometry that can be derived." Say what?
I was able to find a workaround by directly copying the block into the sheet metal part, but you no longer have the ability to go back and scale it if needed. Even more strange, when the block was copied over, it could not be deleted from the new part.
Is this just a bug with 2012? Why does it work in a normal part but not sheet metal?
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Dec 28, 2012
The part i make is from solid model>The part needs to be in sheet metal.What steps do i use to make as sheet metal part and have option to flatten part.
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May 4, 2012
convert the part that I have drawn to sheet metal. I have tried to make the part from sheet metal and it did not work out at all. I have attached both versions of the part.
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Aug 29, 2012
In previous releases (2009 i think) when i converted a standard part to a sheet metal part i could recall all the sheet metal styles by linking back to the sheet metal template (i can't remember exactly how this was done, but it was possible with one operation)
In 2011 i canot find a quick way of doing this, it looks like i have to open the sheet metal template and export each different style (about 40 of them) and then import each one into the converted part. am i missing something? is there a simpler way similar to how it used to be done? Why have Autodesk made this more difficult?
As it stands at the moment it would be quicker for me to remodel the parts from scratch using the sheet metal template. I know this is the obvious solution, but seems strange to change something that worked well to something that doesn't!
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Apr 3, 2013
I have a structrual rectangular tube as shown in the picture below. I need to fold the four flanges inward to create a sort of point or pyramid.
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Feb 1, 2012
When you extract information from attribute blocks to form a spreadsheet can you specify that the spreadsheet also lists the co-ordinates x,y, z for that block? For example, you have an attribute block with information regarding, station number, chine number. When I extract the information I would like to list the x, y co-ordinate point of the circle block .
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Mar 16, 2012
I have been trying to plot an excel spreadsheet within LT2009. See attached files.
Test Adobe.pdf was created using "Adobe PDF" driver, paper size A3. Looks good except for the exta lines running through columns 1 and 9.
Test Dwg to.pdf was created using "dwg to PDF.pc3" driver, paper size ISO A3 (420x297mm). The excel portion looks good but it has cut off the border all around.
Border size is 410mm x 287mm.
Using Acrobat 9 Pro and MS Office 2010.
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Mar 26, 2011
I am designing a RCC Dam and the shape of the dam is constant and will not change, but the dimensions of this shape are very likely to change depending upon hydraulic analysis.
I have written a program (irrelevant, but I am using MathCad 14) that performs a stability analysis of a RCC Dam (based on elevations from the hydraulic analysis) and then exports the dam dimensions and coordinates to Excel.
I am attempting to then take those coordinates (or dimensions) from Excel to create a 2-D dimensioned drawing of the Dam in AutoCAD.
I have successfully linked the Excel spreadsheet containing these coordinates and dimensions to AutoCad tables in my drawing, but I am having trouble getting AutoCAD to update my drawing as these tables update with different coordinates and dimensions.
I would like to have a drawing that is fully dimensioned (as the shape of the dam will not change), but that will update coordinates and dimensions as I pump out different dam dimensions from my stability analysis.
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Jul 4, 2011
So I am Loving the use of Attout and Attin for updating block attributes from a spread sheet...Currently I am producing drawings with names on desks. I have created a block with the attributes of Name and desk.
I am currently updating the drawings blocks so that I can input an excel spreadsheet with over 1500 names into the drawing using Attin (changed the .xls to .txt and roberts your mothers brother)
Unfortunately the spreadsheets I have been given have the name as one field. i.e name: Joe Bloggs, Ideally I would have the information as First Name: Joe last name: Bloggs and create two associated attributes which would enable a nicely displayed block..
is there any way that I can format the block so that the attribute displays as a multi line..e.g.
Joe Bloggs.
I know I can go into each attribute (although trying to remember that command "A something Edit" I think) and edit it like a piece of txt. I would rather not have to go and do that if there is another work around..
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Jan 9, 2014
I am trying to create a new sheet in an existing excel file and can not figure out how to do it.
I am trying to export parts lists from multiple drawings to an exisitng excel spreadsheet and I'd like have each on their own sheet. I can do everything but create a sheet. How to do this in iLogic?
Inventor Pro 2013 (PDS Ultimate)
Vault Pro 2013
Windows 7 64
Xeon 2.4 Ghz 12GB
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Oct 5, 2012
I´m having a couple of problems with getting data correctly from an Excel Sheet. I´m using the Excel Sheet to get Data for the Stock Number based on geometry.
First time the Excel File get´s opened it always cannot find the first sheet. I´m using a german Version and Sheet1 is Tabelle1 in german.
It always searches for sheet1 the first time the script runs on a new derived assembly. The second time (on second part) it correctly finds Tabelle1 and reads the correct value.Here is the code I´m using:
myXLS = "K:IdentNr.xls"
i = GoExcel.FindRow(myXLS, "Tabelle1", "Stärke", "=", Stärke, "Material", "=", iProperties.Material)
IdentNr = GoExcel.CurrentRowValue("IdentNr")
iProperties.Value("Custom", "IdentNr") = IdentNr
And there is another issue which I have solved already but still gives me a bit of a headache. When the userdefined property IdentNr gets written into the part it always defaults to a numerical value, which means that I always get a comma at the end of the Stock Number.
Only when I define IdentNr like this:
Dim IdentNr As String
the format is correctly set to Text.I expected that when you read a value from an Excel Cell that the Format of the Cell gives the format of the user defined property. Is that not correct?
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