AutoCAD Inventor :: Limitation To Length Of Extrusion?
Jan 9, 2013
We design long overland conveyors that can be kilometers long. In two separate instances, I have extruded a profile along a path that is a few hundred meters long with no problem. However, when the path gets to around 700 meters, the extrusion that worked fine at 600 meters simply falls apart. Does Inventor seriously have a limitation to length of an extrusion?
We've got a lot of pipe added from CC then manually edited the extrusion length (D2) while modeling (not using tube and pipe). Now I want to get pipe lengths from the BOM. Currently the BOM gives the PL parameter as length, which is incorrect.
I know I can rename D2 and mark it as an exported parameter and add that to the BOM.
I think I could also make PL equal to D2 which would also solve the problem.
Both of these solutions would require opening and editing hundreds of parts, taking a LONG time.
I wanted to add an extrusion to an asembly. I was able to highlight the required geometry and create the feature, but is not showing up. In the browser, there's a red "up arrow" beside it. Why is it not showing?
I have a multibodied part (roughly 700 parts) and I need to do a cut extrusion. The problem is that when I'm cutting through a hundred or more solids I might miss one if it's close to the edge. I though, no problem I'll just go back to the extrusion command and add those solids I missed. Problem, the program only lets me select one solid and undoes all I had previously.
I'm working with point clouds. is there any physical memory limitation working with autocad. because i had 32gb ram but didn't see over 4 gb for usage by autocad. my computer's os is win7 x64.
I cut a curved profile using extrusion and mirrored it about the original plane. But It doesn't cut thoroughly ? there is still a surface of the rarer side of the part ?
the original extrude cut was "Through All".When do the same cut gving a mirrors perfectly..
I am working on detailing an assembly that requires two parts to be bolted together and then have a hole bored through both parts. I want to show the assembly without the bore and then with the bore. I do not want to have to create a derived part. There should be a way of toggling this extrusion in the assembly view, but I have not yet found it.
In sketches i can see the names of the dimensions, the parameters, but if i have a few extrusions, can i know which parameter governs the height of the extrusion only according to their content?
All of a sudden, my line tool in sketch mode does not connect segment to segment and each individual line can be dragged wherever. This also means I cannot extrude any shapes I make because inventor does not realize the series of line segments create a closed shape. This happens across all part files, old and new.
I design press tools. Is there any ways in inventor 2012, where I can have only one common sketch in zero height and extrude profiles in different heights. Like plate no 1 @100 to 120mm (in vertical axis. A 20mm thick plate placed at 100mm above zero plane.) and plate no 2 in 150 to 175mm height and so on.
I have a sketch for a 1.125" tall bounding wall. The inside contour is projected, and the outside contour is offset .125." When I extrude the desired profile, the inside corners, which are project radii, turn inside out. I don't know how else to explain it. I will attach before/after screen shots.
I reboot my PC at lunch because I was getting other odd errors, lots o' C++ runtime joys. That was some two hours ago, and I had a slew of errors/crashes after that around one. Now, no error messages, but this interesting occasion.
I have just downloaded an educational version of Inventor. Although I can create sketches I cannot extrude the sketch to form a solid. The origin arrow heads appear over size and it seems as if the origin plane is being extruded to form a solid!
I need to do a cut extrusion on a multibodied part and need to select the solids. As of right now I have to select each one individually rather than doing a drag box or something like that. how I can do this fast, I've got a multibody part w/ over 1000 solids (I didn't create it, yes I know this is probably excessive).
In working with Autodesk Inventor I accidentally exited out the menu that displays all my different extrusions and sketches. what this menu is called and how I get it back?
When I try to select several solids for an extrusion cut/interference I can do so fairly quickly by selecting all of them in the browser so long as the extrusion is set to "all" or "distance".
For some reason when I need to do a "to" or "between" I have to select them one at a time. Every time I select a solid the select solids options returns to the input so that I have to select one solid then press the "Solids" button and select another one. This tends to do the same thing if I create an extrusion and then want to later modify the solids taking part in the extrusion. Is there an option I can turn off?
Inventor 2014. I have watched everything I can find and read many entries on related messages.
I create a part by creating rectangle on the XY of 90mm centered on 0,0. I add fillets on 3mm on all four corners. I then add two circles centered on 0,0 of diameters 45 mm and 41mm. What I would like to do is extrude the area between 41 mm and 45 mm circles to 10 mm and the rest of the rectangle outside of the circle 45 mm circle to 6 mm. The center of the part from center to the 41 mm circle is void or open.
I have read two solutions that use a "share sketch" function, that I can't find by right-clicking as indicated in the write-up.
I am new to Inventor, running Inventor 2012. I know Solidworks.
I have a sketch with ellipse and then squares inside the ellipse. I am trying to edit the part not create. The program extrudes either ellipse or squares. New problem: the extrusion is picking wrong sketch. I need to finish the part....
I am trying to create a sketch on a face for an extrusion. The sketch has a text box. I am having trouble excluding the text in a sketch otherwise all the closed geometries of the text get extruded.
I created an objectCollection and excluded the TextBox objects. Still not working.
I have a model in which we want to make lighter than the prototype turned out to be. In order to acomplish this i am removing a chunk of the metal in the lid(images attatched. I have completed the sketch seen in red and extruded it to prove that the loop is complete but when I try to reverse the extrusioni to cut from the lid dragging down the arrow as an example, it turns the effected area a darker red than normaly seen when you cut something. When I let go of the left mouse button it pops back up to the original surface having no effect and refuses to go benieth it and when I apply I get the error seen at the bottom of the attatched image. I do this sort of cutting often instead of digging down to the root sketch then dealing with the ripple effect of the changes we want to make.
I am having a problem using 2014 civil 3D. When I import las files and create a point cloud, and go on to make a surface from those points, it is limiting the "number of points added" to 340134. I am using the lidar las files which each tile or file has an average of 12 million points, and I have tried to create a surface using one file, and up to 28 tiles (where there should be 340 million points). Regardless, one of the files contains 12 million points and I do have the "point density" set to 100, and the "real time density" set to 100. Why will it only use 340,134 points? I have tried all options from "point cloud extents" to "window" and same result. All the points from the cloud are there and displaying fine, it just seems civil 3d is limiting the number of points used for surface.
I'm creating a template part to line the inside of a wall with wall boards. All the boards are drawn as an array of seperate solid bodies which are to be made into components once the windows and appertures have been extruded out.
The problem is when the wall changes to a shorter length and then back again. the solids are re-created and the extrusion e.g. Window1 does not have the new solids in it's effected solids list, so I get an error.
Is there a way to set the extrusions "effected solids" (Not sure if that's the correct term) to all the solids all the time through iLogic or the API?
I am trying to find a way to have iLogic code that looks at a part with only one extrusion, such as bar stock or angle stock and automatically export the length to iProperties. As per the request of the other engineers however, this code cannot be based on a common renamed parameter. Also, since no one draws things the same exact way, it can't be based off of a common dimension parameter either. At least not in terms of d0,d1..etc.
Is there such thing as a code similar to variable=standard.extrusionextentslength that I can imbed within an if then that would pull this information from the model?