AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Programmatically Update Units Of Measure For A Part
Aug 6, 2012
I am trying to programatically update Units of Measure on a part or document through Document Settings, but the changes are not reflected. I cannot save the file, because the file is a result of import, so I want to leave it up to the user. During import, I am recognizing what type of units the import file has, and I need to impose them on the document, and immediately show. I cannot use templates. There is a similar issue when the Units of Measure are updated manually through the screen, they are not reflected.
Is it possible to change the units of measure in the iProperties from lbmass to tons for instance? I deal with very large, heavy concrete objects and tons is the way we show mass. Also use cubic yards instead of cubic inches.
I've created Custom properties, parameters, to get the outside measure of the parts and it works fine until we create and leave activated a work plane outside the part so it measures not until the end of the part but until the plane.
I´m trying to measure the base dimensions of simple geometric shapes. I started out with plates since they are easy to measure as long as they sit in 90°, 180° and 270° positions relative to the origin. Then Measure.ExtentsLength, Measure.ExtentsWidth and Measure.ExtentsHeight will give me the base dimensions of a plate.
However, if the plate sits abitrary relative to origin this will obviously fail, since Measure.Extents only measures in x,y,z
Is there any way how I get positions of the geometry that is in the part, like corners surfaces on the B-REP so I can calculate the dimensions properly for a plate. I´m not sure if this is possible with iLogic. I have a strong suspicion would be needed for this.
Another problem I have is that derived parts don´t get triggered to run a script when I change the geometry in the Multibody Part and the rule is set to run by any modelgeometry change.
I using code similar to add a new part to an instance of Inventor, and it works OK. The problem is it is using the Metric Template instead of Imperial Template. I have check and confirmed my application preferences and they reflect "inches". Inve is the Variable name for my Inventor.Application.
I am trying to create a iLogic Rule that will measure the Length, Width and Thickness of a part and ut it into the custom fields we have. I am having a hard time remembering how to get it to do it from the assembly level. I want to run this on the assembly and have it populate all the parts inside of it. The code below will do it for a part but what is it I add to get it to drill down into the assembly?
Then I want to add this formula to the Stock Number iProperty = <Length> X <Width> I can get it to add the values but I can not get it to add the formula to the stock number.
I want to chose the better, to start drawing. I use inches at work, but I want to use international system for myself for personal projects
I think there is a standard unit in files imported o r exported from another soft, smaller files, easier size to process by pc, quicker units to introduce, accurate, prototyping models soft compatibility, etc.
Any previous criteria for recommendation is perfect.
¿Which is the best measure units to use? Spoiler (Highlight to read)
A way to update a property set definition programmatically?
Or via a tool palette tool.... I see there is with schedules for instance a right-click option to import a schedule style to update it... but I can't find a way to do this with property set definitions.
This would be in AutoCAD Arch (or MEP) 2012 or 2013.
I developed a plugin, which changes exif information of the image (using a third party program). Is there a way to inform Lightroom programatically to refresh image metadata? Right now I have to right-click on the folder and choose "Synchronize Folder...".
I am having some issues concerning updating drawings. When a part (.IPT) is placed in a drawing, everything is fine (ie. the views represented in the drawing are up-to-date). Yet, when I make a change to the part (something as small as a dimensional change) it does not translate through to the drawing. This is also the case for iProperties.
I have been playing around for a while now, but have had no luck. The part is also an iPart, but this shouldn't matter.
Using the 'Run Other' rule I can run a rule to switch holes on & off in a part. The rule is in the part & the run other rule in the drawing. The drawing will only update once the part is open. I would like to see the part open when the rule is ran from the drawing, how can this be done?
I am working on an assembly with subassemblies totaling over 400+ parts. I have been renaming a bunch of the files, then opening the assembly and updating the part associasions. Most parts changed their name to the respective file name, while others have not (within the assembly). When I open the actual part, the proper part name shows up, but within the assmeblies the original name shows. I went into iproperties and the occurences tab; the proper name is shown. The proper part names show up within design assistant as well (via right clicking on assembly file).
How can I have the part names within the assemblies update to the proper names?
I'm running an iLogic based model where I have a technical housing with 2 cover parts on top.
The first cover part is the basic part.
I use iLogic to assign a RAL-color to several parts in the assembly, also to that cover. The color is assigned to several features of the cover part.
The second cover part is almost identical to the first one.
So my first feature in the second cover part is a derived part of the 1st cover. I derived all the bodies.
When I'm in my assembly and I pick a RAL-color in my created customization form, the RAL-color only changes in the 1st cover part (the original), but it doesn't change in the second cover part, the derived body.
when I manually open the 2nd cover part, and I right click on the derived feature and click on 'Edit Derived Part' ; the new color shows up immediately!
So, my question is if there is a rule for iLogic to update the color automatically?
The attached part, created in Inventor 2012, has a formula for the number of occurances in a sketch pattern based on its length. When this number changes due to a length change, some parts of the sketch do not reposition and Inventor does not indicate that an update is required. The part can be fixed by dragging the affected geometry or performing a rebuild all. The following image shows the result when the length changes from 300 to 500.
Using 2013 sp1.1...After I change the hole size in the part, the callout in my hole note does not update. (crazy, I know).
If I pull a new hole note after the change, it has the correct dimension. But, if I change the hole size again, this new hole note does not update.I put the part on a new idw and it updates correctly, so somehow the idw is hosed.
I’m trying to get the embossed text on a nameplate (done in sketch on a part) to change with updating a custom property in iProperties. Right now I’m using iLogic so I can change the text in User Parameters and that updates the embossed text. So where I’m having an issue is the Export Parameters tab is grayed out so I can’t get it work with my custom properties.
I went into an assembly to change some parts and sub-assemblies and now everytime I move a part or constrain something I get this message "Errors Occurred During Update". Why is this happening?
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
When I insert a threaded part from the Content Center I get this message "unable to successfully update the member part file, problem occurred when setting thread data" The fastener will insert but the threads are very small.
A coworker brought this to my attention and I was also immediately able to reproduce this. We use content center C channels and other common beams a lot. After inserting one into an assembly if you right click and select change size and edit the length it typically doesn't update to the correct length.
Insert a 10" Ansi MC/C channel any size
right click and select change size
add +.0625 to the existing length and hit apply
measure it at 10.06252 in
repeat change size and type in 10.0625
measure it at 10.0625
repeat change size and type in 10 + .0625
and measure at 10.06252 in
It seems to mess up more when you do math but it also screws up entering a simple number
10.000325 usually ends up as 10.000315 in for me.
Editing the part directly from it's parameter dialog doesn't yield anything like this.
Is there any way to quickly measure the perimeter of a part, and also measure the length of any circles?
Our estimator is taking the drawings supplied from the customers and needs to quickly know what the cut length is around the part, and then also know the cut length of all holes or internal openings.
Lenovo Think Pad Windows 7 SP 1 64 Bit. Inventor 2013 ACAD Mechanical 2013
I am trying to use iLogic to programatically create virtual components in an assembly. These components will by used as iProperty "buckets" to hold Machine Center specific information to be exported to production planning software. This information is hierarchical in nature and cannot be (conveniently) stored in the assembly iproperties directly.
Is it possible to auto-reattach dimensions programmatically?
I have an assembly that I'm suppressing/unsuppressing parts in and my drawing dimensions keep getting orphaned. I discovered the "Preserve Orphaned Annotations" option, which keeps them from disappearing on me. I can then reattach the dimensions via the design doctor, but who wants to click the doctor 6 times for 20+ dimensions?
In ipart there is an option to add and delete rows when working with inventor graphically.I have displayed the iPart table and the values in gridview using VB.Net.
The user then selects the row in datagridview and clicks the button delete.When the button onclick even is triggered i want to delete the selected row on ipart table inside inventor.
im trying to programatically add a parts list into a drawing whilst programatically creating the drawing - the code works fine without the parts list code. The error its showing is 'Parameter incorect' on the line that sais PartsList.add(... In the past when ive got this error with other code it has been because ive used an incorrect parameter (e.g. decimal instead of an integer).
My error is somewhere inside the oPartsList.add(>>ERROR SOMEWHERE HERE<<<)