AutoCAD Inventor :: Force Command In Loads Panel

Oct 10, 2013

When I click the Force command in the LOADS panel when doing a Frame Analysis, I don't get a dialog box. All I get is a select origin box with an arrow. There is no way to change the Magnitude value or the Angle of Plane as per instructions in the tutorial. I have tried numerous ways to get a dialog box to appear, but I can't find out how. why I am not getting a Dialog box?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Exit Panel Finishing Command Of Addin Button?

Dec 5, 2012

I am developing Addin for inventor in C#.

I have added single panel in my new ribbon tab. This panel contains a single button.

When user clicks this button then a dockable window is invoked.

Now I want to insert 'Exit' Panel(and "Finish" button in it) to kill the above dockable window.

e.g. If we switch on sketch mode then to exit from this mode the 'Finish' button is there in all tabs of ribbon

(As shown in below image)

I want to use this behaviour in my addin.

Is there any API to add this 'Exit' panel to terminate from any button command or do we need to add it ourselves?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Flip Variable / Command Line Won't Recognize After It Loads

Nov 14, 2012

I'm trying to make an autolisp that "flips" a third party variable. No luck, command line won't recognize after it loads. I've made similar variable flips that work ??

(defun c:wp (/ wp)
  (setq wp (getvar "kti_archt_wallpoche"))
  (if (= kti_archt_wallpoche 0)(setvar "kti_archt_wallpoche" 1)
  (if (= kti_archt_wallpoche 1)(setvar "kti_archt_wallpoche" 0)

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Force Command Line Focus

Jun 28, 2012

How does one programmatically set the command line to have keyboard focus?

I'm programmatically setting an active/focused PaletteSet's visibility to false.

_paletteSet.Visible = false;

I would like to follow this line with code that sets the command line to receive focus.

The PaletteSet for other reasons has KeepFocus = true.

I've tried various Win32 APIs (SwitchToThisWindow, SetForegroundWindow, SetActiveWindow) to no avail.  I also tried SendCommand() and SendStringToExecute(activate=true,..) , etc.

I imagine there's a way to do this with the native APIs.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Analysis UDL And Point Loads

Oct 10, 2012

I understand that in a normal part to apply a load to a face is to make it a UDL (uniformly distributed load) by default. To apply a point load, I was told to create a small sketch and use it to split a face to create, in effect, a small face on which to apply a load, effectively making it a point load.

Now in the frame analysis environment, there is clearly an option for 'force' and one for 'continuous force' which the description clearly describes as a uniformly distributed load. However, when I run the simulation (on a 2m long 100mm x 50mm x 4mm Rectangular hollow beam) with a normal load in the middle of the beam (1m offset); the maximum moment comes out at 500000 Nmm or 500 Nm. By my reckoning the moment should be 1000 Nm as the basic formula for a moment from a point load is M = F*D (Moment = Force * Distance). However, to get 500 Nm, it looks like Inventor is using M = (F*x^2)/2 where x is the midspan of the beam (in this case 1m). .is a normal load in frame analysis the same as a UDL? If to I make it a point load?

There are also some errors stating instability of type 2 at various nodes, I've used both Pinned and Floating constraints at either end of the beam.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Simulation Missing Applied Loads

Oct 11, 2011

I was running a simulation with success including gravity and applied loads.  I was checking both stresses and deflections.  Both were in line with what I was expecting.  The next day I went to change a few dimensions and run it again.  The stresses and deflections were significantly less than expected (I did not tweak the dimensions very much).  I changed my dimensions, remeshed and ran it again.  It worked fine and returned expected results.  I continued in this manner tweaking the size of my box.  

Finally I went for one last run....  it didn't work again.  It returned the significantly less than expected results.   A bit of investigating revealed that it is only applying the gravity loads during the simulation.  All of the applied loads are being disregarded (however, they show up in the report as if they are being applied.) If I supress the gravity my stress and deflections return 0 values.  I have tried taking my loads off and reapplying them.  I have tried removing the gravity load.  I have remeshed. I have inputted my loads and the gravity in different orders.  I cannot get my simulation to calculate using my applied loads. It was working fine.... what happened?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Pressure Loads To A Perpendicular Face

Nov 2, 2012

When adding pressure loads to a perpendicular face  inventor states that the pressure is applied uniformly to the selected face.As an example a disc of 300 mm dia(area= 70685 sq mm) with a uniform pressure load of 10MPa.

Is the 10MPa load input  construed by inventor as 10MPa per square mm or 10MPa over the entire disc area.which is the correct interpretation?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ensure Vault Ribbon / Addin Loads Within 2011?

Aug 13, 2013

Is there an easy way to ensure the Vault ribbon/addin loads within Inventor 2011?  

AutoCADM 2011 SP2
XP 32-Bit SP3

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Changing Primary Command Ribbon Panel

Aug 23, 2012

What's the best way to change the primary command on a ribbon panel?  I want to set Pline as the primary command on the draw panel as it is currently line.  I've managed to get it to work (sort off) but shouldn't it as simple as right click "set as primary command"?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Command / System Variable To Set All Buttons On Every Panel In The Ribbon

May 4, 2012

Is there a command / system variable to set all buttons on every panel in the ribbon to have a button style of "smallwithouttext". I wiould like to do this without having to adjust each button manually

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Applying Force In Simulation

Nov 16, 2011

Is it possible to set a time delay on an applied force in simulation 2012? I would like to apply a force for a set amount of time?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force Saveas From External App?

Aug 29, 2012

I want to force a saveas from an external app using code as below:-

If OApp.Ready Then
Call oDoc.SaveAs(File_Full_Name, True)

However, Inventor invariably crashes at this point - especially if panning a model. Is there a way I can either lock Inventor from the user whilst the save is happening or check that no mouse or keyboard activity is in use?

I have tried monitoring the status bar text for "Ready" but tihs is unreliable.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force All Users In Domain To Load Same Add-ins?

Feb 27, 2013

How can I force all users in a domain to load the same add-ins with Inventor Professional 2012?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Force In Frame Analysis?

May 2, 2013

I have a question regarding adding a force constraint in the Inventor frame analysis environment. When I add the fixed constraint to the beam the orientation indicator is incorrect - the square indicator being not parallel to the base of the beam. I would like to know why this is and as I am relatively new to frame analysis if I am doing something wrong. I have attached a screen shot of the placement of the constraint on the beam.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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3ds Max :: Disappearing Command Panel?

Nov 21, 2012

My workstation at work has two monitors and my laptop is docked. I have all of my toolbars open on the second screen so that I maximize my workspace. When I go home to work, however, I work directly on my laptop. When I do this, I lose my Command Panel and can't bring it back. I've tried resetting the UI, as well as checking/unchecking the "command panel" under "customize". When I leave today, I will replace everything on the main screen and make sure that I check the option to save my UI when I close out. BUT - there certainly must be a way to find your command panel or other toolbars if they get lost on your phantom monitor?

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3ds Max :: Command Panel Gone Missing?

Aug 4, 2011

I minimized then maximized Max and the panel was gone. hid and revealed in the go. Restarted...nopeLoaderd a maxstart file from Max 32 bit Windows XP sp2 i7 Quadro 3500 4 gigs

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dynamic Simulation - Use Spring Joint Or Force?

Jan 28, 2013

I'm designing a hinged cover for something right now that will use a pair of gas extension springs  for assisted opening.    I'm currently working to figure out how much force it will take to open the cover using different values of spring - it's available in 50, 100, 150, 200, etc., lb versions. 

I've tried running simulations using a force applied to the moving end of the gas spring, and I've trued running simulations using a spring joint applied between the fixed and and the moving end of the gas spring, and I'm getting dramatically different results between the two.  For instance, using a 200 lb force shows me that I need about 25 extra lbs of force applied to the handle of the cover to open it, where when I use that same 200 lbs on a spring joint, I need 50-75 lbs to keep the cover closed, because it will open on its own.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force Users To Particular Folder When They Save 3D Parts?

Mar 20, 2013

Within my InventorAddin in we are trying to force users to a particular folder when they save 3D Parts, Drawings etc.

This 'SaveAs' form does indeed fire, but after the 'Inventor' own 'SaveAs' form window. Can we suppress 'Inventors' window or even change that so it points to our preferred location.?

If we do not do this we are goinf to have 3D Drawings in the Parts folder etc etc.

PrivateSub applicationEvents_OnSaveDocument(DocumentObject As Inventor._Document, BeforeOrAfter As Inventor.EventTimingEnum, Context As Inventor.NameValueMap, ByRef HandlingCode As Inventor.HandlingCodeEnum) Handles applicationEvents.OnSaveDocument
If iApplication.ActiveEditDocument.FileSaveCounter = 0 Then


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Stress Analysis - Angular Displacement Instead Of Force

Dec 17, 2012

We are projecting a support for one mirror of our Infrared beam line. The support is a block with a rotational weak link and that needs to be rotated about +/- 1°. I would like to know a way to insert this angular displacement and get the stress in the weak link area. I don't have the moment loads and components.

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Command For Panel

Aug 15, 2012

A few weeks ago I had a panel stuck up at the top and I could not get it down and one of viewers gave me a keyboard command to get it is doing it again!!!! but I know how to fix it , but I forgot what the keyboard command was (it is an age thing).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force Save Of Drawing's Parts And Assembly To New Folder?

Feb 8, 2013

How may I best reuse a legacy assemlby and it's drawing to create/update to an vairant assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Running Force Analysis On A Complex Shape In 2013

Apr 17, 2013

Is it possible to run force analysis on my part in Inventor? I have used the force analysis before, but never for something so complex in shape. My  main issues are constraining the base of the part and applying forces. I tried thickening sections of the part in order to apply a force/constraint, but now Inventor won't recognize the thickened parts as connected to the main body.

On a side note, it won't let me attach my file, which is 122 MB. Is it too large?

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3ds Max :: How To Increase Width On Command Panel Per Column

Nov 21, 2013

how to increase width on command panel by column?
here you can see an image of what im talking about:

and here is a example from a video where shows that it is possible to do it:

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using IV Simulation FEA Results As Loads In A New Simulation

Nov 29, 2011

IV 2011.

I have an assembly with a FEA simulation result.  I can run a report and get the reaction forces and moments at each constraint.  I would like to run a new simulation with different constraints and use the reaction results from the first simulation as loads in the second one.

Currently I do this by running a report on the 1st simulation to get a table of the reaction results.  I then manually add those forces to the 2nd simulation.  This takes time to type and the forces must be edited each time I re-run the 1st simulation.

Is there a way to use parameters to automate this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Way To force File To Find Entire default Color File

Nov 9, 2011

I'm trying to update a part with different colors for various features.  My color styles are not available in this file.  I can export them from another file, then use the import function to bring it over, but there has to be a way to force this file to find the entire "default" color file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force To Use Browser Of Choice Or Default Browser?

Nov 7, 2011

When I press F1 Inventor opens the help on my default browser (Chrome), but when I click the bynocular it uses Internet Explorer.

Is it possible to force Inventor to use a browser of my choice or the default browser?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Run Function As Soon As DLL Loads?

Mar 29, 2012

Is there a way to run some code as soon as a .dll file is loaded without having to using lisp (command "Function_Name")?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Keeps Crashing Before It Loads Completely

Jan 23, 2012

I first installed 2012, then I realized that my class will be using 2011.  I downloaded 2011, and kept my 2012, and it didn't seem like there would be any issues.  So I open my 2011 and it keeps crashing before it loads completely.  There are no error messages or anything ...2012 works just fine.   I tried doing a repair, and a reinstall.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Best Way To Auto-load DLL Code When It Loads?

Aug 10, 2011

What is the best way to autoload my dll code when AutoCAD loads?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Lisp Automatically Loads On New DWG?

Mar 12, 2012

Is it possible to assign a bunch of 'Lisp' programs to a template, so when I open autocad with my normal template, I also have the 'Lisp' options?If not, is it possible to load a single 'Lisp' program to load all the rest?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Odd Error When Picturebox Loads Its Image

Oct 24, 2013

on projects that reference acad 2013 assemblies, specifically accormgd, my pictureboxes throw an exception when loading their image:

this.pictureBox2.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(resources.GetObject("pictureBox2.Image")));
 it says cannot find assembly accoremgd....

Don't know how the heck that involves a picture box, since all object types have full names here.

This Project is set to run as a windows application, for testing reasons. That is likely related, but I do this all the time with no issues. I can comment out the line above and no issues.

Is there some entanglement between pictureboxes and the acad assemblies?


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