3ds Max :: Disappearing Command Panel?

Nov 21, 2012

My workstation at work has two monitors and my laptop is docked. I have all of my toolbars open on the second screen so that I maximize my workspace. When I go home to work, however, I work directly on my laptop. When I do this, I lose my Command Panel and can't bring it back. I've tried resetting the UI, as well as checking/unchecking the "command panel" under "customize". When I leave today, I will replace everything on the main screen and make sure that I check the option to save my UI when I close out. BUT - there certainly must be a way to find your command panel or other toolbars if they get lost on your phantom monitor?

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Lightroom :: Disappearing Basic Panel In Develop

Jan 14, 2014

I recenlty upgraded from Lightroom 3 to Lightroom 5.3 with no problems. However, now after 3 weeks of use, my entire 'basic' panel in Develop has disappeared. I no longer have Wb tool, or any sliders for temp, tint, exposure, black, white, shadows, clarity, etc. If I am going to lose a panel, I don't want it to be this one!

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AutoCAD LT :: Command Line And Toolbars Disappearing

May 5, 2013

I'm using AutoCAD 2013 LT. Until recently it has been runinng fine, but now I am finding that when I start up AutoCAD all the toolbars have dissapeared and I have to reload them all again. I know you can set up your own workspace which would make it easy, but they shouldn't be dissapearing in the first place.

On top of this there is no longer the prompt showing up next to the curser which tells you distance, angle, commands etc. I can't seem to find where to turn it off/on. I would like it back. I don't know where it went in the first place!

My final point is the command line. In previous versions the command line sat neatly at the bottom of the screen and you could read the command you were entering and previous commands. Now, it is there, but it does not sit properly in the screen and does not show the command i am typing in because it does not show properly. I can move the command line out but then it is in the way.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Distance Command And Text Readout Disappearing?

Jun 6, 2012

when doing the "distance" command, typically as you go from point to point, the distance will be listed on the page next to my cursor as I go.  Then if you left click, right click, it will list the final distance down in the command window.  The machine in question no longer displays the distance on the page as you go.  This is a very useful feature for us, and although we can distance things, using the text readout in the command window takes much longer.

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3ds Max :: Command Panel Gone Missing?

Aug 4, 2011

I minimized then maximized Max and the panel was gone. hid and revealed in the roll-up...no go. Restarted...nopeLoaderd a maxstart file from Max 2011...no 32 bit Windows XP sp2 i7 Quadro 3500 4 gigs

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Command For Panel

Aug 15, 2012

A few weeks ago I had a panel stuck up at the top and I could not get it down and one of viewers gave me a keyboard command to get it down....it is doing it again!!!! but I know how to fix it , but I forgot what the keyboard command was (it is an age thing).

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3ds Max :: How To Increase Width On Command Panel Per Column

Nov 21, 2013

how to increase width on command panel by column?
here you can see an image of what im talking about:

and here is a example from a video where shows that it is possible to do it:

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force Command In Loads Panel

Oct 10, 2013

When I click the Force command in the LOADS panel when doing a Frame Analysis, I don't get a dialog box. All I get is a select origin box with an arrow. There is no way to change the Magnitude value or the Angle of Plane as per instructions in the tutorial. I have tried numerous ways to get a dialog box to appear, but I can't find out how. why I am not getting a Dialog box?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Changing Primary Command Ribbon Panel

Aug 23, 2012

What's the best way to change the primary command on a ribbon panel?  I want to set Pline as the primary command on the draw panel as it is currently line.  I've managed to get it to work (sort off) but shouldn't it as simple as right click "set as primary command"?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Exit Panel Finishing Command Of Addin Button?

Dec 5, 2012

I am developing Addin for inventor in C#.

I have added single panel in my new ribbon tab. This panel contains a single button.

When user clicks this button then a dockable window is invoked.

Now I want to insert 'Exit' Panel(and "Finish" button in it) to kill the above dockable window.

e.g. If we switch on sketch mode then to exit from this mode the 'Finish' button is there in all tabs of ribbon

(As shown in below image)

I want to use this behaviour in my addin.

Is there any API to add this 'Exit' panel to terminate from any button command or do we need to add it ourselves?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Command / System Variable To Set All Buttons On Every Panel In The Ribbon

May 4, 2012

Is there a command / system variable to set all buttons on every panel in the ribbon to have a button style of "smallwithouttext". I wiould like to do this without having to adjust each button manually

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Edge Animate CC :: Action Panel And Code Panel Can't Be Viewed In Application Frame

Sep 19, 2013

Is there a reason why I can not open the actions panel from the timeline when I have the code panel docked and open in application frame?  If I close the code panel I can view the actions panel.  Why can't I have both open?

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Lightroom :: Lost Basic Panel From Righthand Side Adjustable Panel?

Nov 28, 2013

lost basic panel from righthand side adjustable panel, how can i restore it? There are everything else but basic ones.

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Photoshop :: Brush Panel Versus Brush Presets Panel

Oct 24, 2012

From the Brush Presets Panel, I choose Basic Brushes from the drop down menu. Then Replace. The new choice of brushes appear in the Brush Panel and in the Brush Presets Panel.
But in the Brush Panel, additional brushes appear.
There are always more brushes in the Brush Panel than the Brush Presets Panel whenever I Replace. The Brushes Preset Manager is populated with identical brushes as the Brush Presets Panel. What determines the additional brushes that appear in the Brush Panel?

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Illustrator :: Drag Global Color Swatches From Color Panel To Gradient Stops In Gradient Panel

Aug 28, 2012

I have CS5. The bugs and broken features in AICS6, make it unusable in my workflow.
I am specifically concerned about the inability to drag global color swatches from the color panel to Gradient stops in the Gradient Panel. I use this method to update a gradient color because I find it MUCH faster than option-dragging to duplicate a stop color, then deleting the unused stop. Since I do this constantly, I find using CS6 very tedious.

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AutoCad :: Drag Command From Command List Pane To Quick Access Toolbar?

Apr 18, 2011

AutoCad 2011. I am having no luck when trying to drag a command from the Command List pane to the Quick Access Toolbar. I have success draging to Tool Palettes

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Annotation Command Set Correct Layer For Duration Of Command

Nov 21, 2010

I am currently writing a series of routines for setting the layers for text, leaders and dimension commands. The end goal is a system where any annotation command sets the correct layer for the duration of the command, then reverts back to the layer that was active before the command.

I have managed to complete all the code, and it appears to be working fine, I just have one question: I have used -layer "m" "Lay_name" etc... for all layer setting commands, rather than any code to see if the layer exists already. In my limited testing this seems to be suitable, nothing that exists on that layer seems to be affected.

I know how to write code to determine if the layer exists already and set the layer instead, but so far it seems unnecessary??

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Get Message Unknown Command When Running Any VBA Command

Jan 4, 2014

After installing the VBA Module, I get the message "Unknown command "VBARUN"".  I've rebooted, restarted and tried reinstalling the VBA Module to no avail.  

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AutoCAD .NET :: Send Command Executes After Exiting Command Method

Apr 23, 2013

I used send command for Export Layout..But the line only executes after exiting command method.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Command Line Appears Again After Plot Command?

May 15, 2012

I press CTRL+9 to make the Command Line disappear while drawing. When I plot (or when doing a plot preview) , the Command Line appears again by itself. So I always have to turn the Command Line off manually after each plot

The bug still happens;

- if Dynamic Input is turned off or on
- if I plot to a real device or in PDF
- if the Cammand Line Palette i docked or floating.

This is not an issue in AutoCAD 2012 so I guess it has to do with the new way they programmed the revamped Command Line palette in 2013.

Using Windows7

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AutoCad :: Command To Save File With Specific Name Using Single Command?

Oct 24, 2011

I need to save a drawing file and give it the name of my desire using a single command, I don't want to issue "saveas" and then specify the name in the file name prompt. This problem is has been faced when I was using ScriptPro and I couldn't succeeded to do that. Hence I need to know if it is feasible to do the stuff using a single command. It will be preferred if I can choose the location to save the file also rather than save the file to the default location.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Command Not Showing Up In Command Line

Nov 27, 2012

without reiterating a lot of what is said in this thread: [URL] ......

This happen outside the potential malware infection?

if you care to not click-through, the problem is that certain commands (not all of them) simply do not disply in the command line.  so the MOVE command for example looks like this:


Command: _move
Select objects:

Select objects:

same with QSAVE and who knows how many others.

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AutoCad :: Execute Line Command Like A Single Command?

Oct 27, 2013

line command is a multiple command. there is a way to execute it like a single command?

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Photoshop :: Disappearing Act?!

Sep 13, 2004

My plug-ins are disappearing...Just gone. I can't find them anywhere. Artistic - gone. Textures - gone. Not sure what's going on here... Is there any way to restore the factory default plug-ins w/o reinstalling PS altogether?

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Photoshop :: PSD Files Disappearing In CS4?

Jan 28, 2012

I've been working with psd files in CS4 and after saving once, everything seems normal. After working on a file more and trying to save, I get a message that it can't be saved because the file name is not valid. If I close the file without saving and try to reopen, it says I don't have permission to open the file. I've tried doing a SaveAs under a different name with same results. Even worse is that the files I thought I had saved previously simply disappear from the folder they were in if I do the SaveAs step under a similar, but different name (like adding -1 to the name.) They don't appear anywhere on the computer that I can find. I'm running an up-to-date Windows 7, 64-bit. CS4 also is a current 64-bit.

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Photoshop :: Text Keeps Disappearing

Aug 14, 2013

My text keeps disappearing after i have entered the text. I know you have to click the tick at the top right of the screen but i want to be able to drag the text around to see what looks good. Also, When im typing the text in i cannot see the text. I am using Photoshop CC,

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Photoshop :: Cursor On Mac 10.8.5 Disappearing In CS6?

Oct 9, 2013

how to get the cursor to stop disappearing in pscs6 both on tablet and mouse.

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Photoshop :: Disappearing Cursor In PS5.5

Sep 23, 2012

I am running Mountain Lion on an older iMac (2007) 4 gb ram, and newer (2011) Macbook Pro with 8 gb of ram. Cursor disappears and will not comeback without click in finder or another program.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Disappearing Fonts

Dec 13, 2012

The culprit is security patch KB2753842 (12-11-12), in my case, in Windows 7, 64-bit, I have talked to Microsoft and reported this as an issue. In the meantime, hit a previous restore point and re-install all service patches except for the one above. Right click on the link to that patch and HIDE it. Then, update your antivirus and you're back to normal.

This also affects CorelDRAW X5 FWIW!

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Disappearing Text

Dec 18, 2012

I have had Corel X6 on my computer for a few months and have been making signs just fine with no major problems.  However, last week it started getting rid of my text completely if I click on the pick tool or off of the text itself.  The text does not hi-lite like it usually does with a box around it, but there is a small black box on the bottom left corner. we cannot make any signs without this program.  I even uninstalled and re installed the entire program and still have the same problem.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Brush Disappearing Bug

Jun 25, 2008

I thought it was just the comp setup of some of my buddies, but I'm getting the same thing occasionally. It's kinda hard to repeat, but it Is repeatable.

It's simple. just open a decent sized file, mine right now is 5000x5000, select the brush tool and press the bracket key rapidly to change the size of the brush.

It might take a few times for it to actually disappear, but the mouse eventually should disappear anytime it's over the photoshop window. It shows up over tools and the file menu, but that's it. You can still paint, but it's Really hard to do when you can't see where the stroke is going to begin.

If it makes a diff...Photoshop has the file open and is taking 400MB of mem. Doesn't even seem high. Usually when this happens it's on a file with Way more layers and is taking something closer to 2GB of memory.

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