AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Default Border

Dec 5, 2012

I have the default border set in all my templates but I want to add an outside border to the default border (so everything is ultimately enclosed in a large box). How can I add that to the default? I see where I can define a new border but I can't have two borders on the same drawing so how do I combine them? I want to keep the existing "smart" default border that lets me choose how many zones etc.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Way To Have Default Text For Prompted Entry In Border

Jul 12, 2007

have default text for a Prompted Entry in a Border. I have not found a way to do this other than creating a custom iProperty, which is not an option, since it is not our title block / border.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet / Border / Title Block Default Margins

Sep 28, 2011

Is there a way to change the default margin offsets (i.e. the distance between the edge of your border or title block to the edge of your paper), without using the "Insert Drawing Border" option?

I would have thought you could do this through the "Edit Sheet" or "Define New Title Block / Border" options. I have multiple customized title blocks, which each require their own margin offsets.

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AutoCad :: Default Background Mask Border Offset Factor?

Aug 1, 2011

for some reason my default value is 1.5560E+99 i want to make the default 1.1

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GIMP :: Editing Border Tool Settings?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm looking for information on how to edit the settings for the Filters/Decor/Add Border. I'd love to set this to a 2 px border in black rather then the bright blue 25 px border.

I'm using Gimp 2.6 on a Mac running 10.6 and would like to know how to edit the filter.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Editing Default Arrowhead

Oct 4, 2013

I want to edit the default arrowhead. I know how to create custom-arrows, etc. but I want the versitility of having arrow heads on many layers, not the zero layer or any other layer that the arrow block-definition is on; and I do not want to use the pointed arrow.

Where may I edit the arrow, or substitute my own; and in what format is it in?

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VideoStudio :: Editing Titles - Apply Border / Shadow And Transparency?

Jul 21, 2012

I am not able to apply "Border/Shadow/Transparency" upon editing a title. When I try to do it, I get the message: "Encountered an Improper argument".

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Photoshop :: Drawing Boxes, Removing The Default Border...?

Sep 1, 2006

Whenever I draw a box on the page using the foreground color, the background color is applied as a 1px border (I believe) and is accompanied with the box.

When you go to select the background color, there doesn't seem to be any 'use no color for background' option. It's also not being added in the 'layer options' box either (as a stroke).

How do I remove that the outside background color?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Editing Default User Contours In Styles?

Nov 29, 2012

In the surface styles dialog under analysis you can edit elevations, colors, etc. EXCEPT for user contours. What I would like to do is edit these for user contours, then when I created it there would be a default of sorts.

is there any way to set a default for user contours in the style?

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AutoCAD LT :: Modify Border Offset Factor From Default Of 1.5 / Factor Reverts Back To 1.0

Feb 6, 2006

When using mtext and a background mask and try to modify the border offset factor from the default of 1.5 , the factor reverts back to 1.0. If I type in 1.25 or 1.75, it will not save it and revert to 1.0. If I put in a larger number like 2.0 or 3.0, that factor will be retained.

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Photoshop :: Should One Change The Default Resolution When Editing

Jul 28, 2009

I use PS 7.

The default resolution when I open a photo, is set on 72 pixels per inch. This produces a photo with not a lot of detail. I have read somewhere that it is better to work on 300 dpi.

Is this correct?

And if so, how do I change the default setting?

Or do most of you work on the 72 dpi- it is just that the image that you see in preview, does not look the same once finished.

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Lightroom :: 5 - How To Change Default External Editing Program

Jul 17, 2013

I have Photoshop CS3 and CS5 Extended on my computer. CS3 is the default external editing program Lightroom 5 chose to use to open files during initial setup, which causes selections such as "Open as Smart Object or Merge to Panorama" to be grayed out. How can I change the default to CS5 Extended, short of removing the CS3 version on my system?

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GIMP :: Copied Font Layers Revert To Default While Editing

Nov 25, 2012

In GIMP 2.8, I'm having an issue with font settings not sticking with copied layers.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Click the text tool, then click the canvas.
2. Type the word "Cow".
3. Double Click the word "Cow" and set it to a fancy font, pink, and 24pt.
4. Select the "Cow" text layer and duplicate it.
5. Move the duplicated layer down. You now have two "Cow" layers in a pink, fancy, 24pt font.
6. Double click the word "cow" in the copied layer to highlight the word "Cow".
7. Type "Chicken" over the word "Cow"

Expected result:

The text is now "Chicken" in a fancy, pink, 24pt font.

Actual result:

The text is now "Chicken" in the default font.

In order to keep the font you want, you have to insert the new text after the first letter of the existing word. ie: "CChickenow", then remove the extra "ow" from the end, then remove the "C" from the beginning. This is very tedious and frustrating.

I am aware that you can set a default font to whatever you want (except making it bold by default?). But, if I copy a layer and type over it, it's because I wanted to copy the appearance of the layer, not start over with a new one. Is there a setting I can change? Or is this a known issue with text editing in 2.8?

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Lightroom :: How To Get Back To Default Setting For Preferences For External Editing

Feb 12, 2012

I would like to send images from LR3 to Photoshop Elements 10 for editing and would like the copy sent to PSE 10 to be distinguished from the original by having 'Edit' added to the end.  I believe LR3 does this by default (have been reading Scott Kelby's book) but I must have done something to change this and don't know how to get back to this default.
Also at the end of doing some editing, the instructions in Scott kelby's book, are very clear, just press  Command-S to save the image and Command-W to close it. He's very specific about not doing anything else like choose 'Save As'.  But when I pressed Command-S, a box appeared and I had to choose Save As or Cancel.  Is that because his instructions work with full Photoshop but not Elements 10 or am I just not understanding something fundamental here?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Adding Or Editing Colours In Default Or CMYK Custom Palettes?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm using Corel Draw X5 and I can't figure out how to add or edit colours in the CMYK (default) Custom Colour Palette.  In X3 and earlier versions it was quite easy to add new colours and edit existing ones.  I would also like to know how to move the order of the colours in the palette so that I can put one a custom colour near the top.

FYI I would like make these changes to the master / global CMYK palette, not just the one for a specific document palette.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Plot Border To Cover Entire Sheet Border Instead Of Just Bottom Left Corner

Feb 19, 2013

Per the attached exhibit, how to get the plot border to cover the entire sheet border instead of just the bottom left corner.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Attributes On Border Definitions

Aug 23, 2013

I have been having trouble storing attributes on border definitions.  I have multiple borders which need to be used for different types of drawings.  I have developed a tool which will use the desired border pragmatically and it works as planned.  Currently the logic selects a border based on name, but since this can be edited by the user I need a more dependable way of retrieving a border.  I had thought attributes would be the answer, but I'm running into problems.  The attributes just won't stick.  I've tried to add them manually through the API and with the Attributes Helper tool released.

See below for the code I'm using to add the attributes

Dim oAttr As Inventor.Attribute Dim oAttrSet As AttributeSet Set oAttrSet = oBorderDef.AttributeSets.Add("TestAttributeSet", True) oAttrSet.Copy = True Set oAttr = oAttrSet.Add("TestAttribute", kIntegerType, 12345) Debug.Print oAttrSet.Parent.Parent.Name & " " & oAttrSet.Name & " " & oAttr.Name & " " & oAttr.Value

 It will print information leading me to believe that the attribute was added, but if I try to retrieve it either through the attributemanager or manually cycling through the border definitions no attributes exist.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Border From One Size To Another In A IDW

Jul 24, 2013

I have been creating a drawing of a Assembly and realized that I had drawn it on a Company "D" size border by mistake. How do I change it to a "B" size border without starting over?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Auto Zone Border

May 29, 2009

I would like to create a border that looks at the sheet number and then zones the horizontal borders in a continuous numbering scheme.

Sheet 1 = 1-8
Sheet 2= 9-16

This is a requirement that we have to meet with some customers. When drawings get to 30+sheets it becomes a pain to manually renumber the zones.

I would imagine this is done in VB code, but I have not programmed in a very long time. The formula would be something simple like;

if sheetnumber >1 then
for i =1 to 8
zone(i)i.value = zone(i).value +8
next i
end if

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Border's Rangebox With Apprentice?

Feb 19, 2013

Border's Rangebox with Apprentice?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Zone Border Edits

Jun 18, 2013

I'm having a problem with a Zone Border. I created the Zone Border like normal. I edited the appearance of the 'ABCD1234' text slightly:

- changed to center and middle justification.
- changed width to 120%
- changed color to black

The edits to 'ABCD' took effect and look just right. The edits to '1234' don't stay edited. I save the sketch, it looks okay, then when I add it to Sheet:1, the numbers have gone back to blue and lost the width and justification edits. But the letters are fine. What the heck is going on?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Two Different Border And Title Block Colors

Feb 5, 2013

I use two different measuring system IMPERIAL and METRIC.

What I want is to be able tell at a glance, by having different color border and Title-block Text  is which one of the system of units I'm using

So what I'm wanting to do is create a Metric Sheet template with on color, Border, Title Block Text and a different color for the Imperial.

I've tried changing the color using the Style Center but that affects both templates, I've tried editing the title-block text saving the template but on opening it has changed back to the defaults set in the style settings and dose not hold those that I set.

What I don't what to be doing is changing them after opening, as at some stage I'll forget.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Reduce The Border Text Size

Dec 2, 2012

I wanna to reduce the text size in border or guide me to create own border creation. Explain through photos or give me a step by step procedure so that i can understand easily because i am new to inventor.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hide Custom Table Border With VB?

Jun 25, 2012

I am creating a standalone .exe with that opens an Inventor .idw and creates a few custom tables.  I want one of the tables to have no border at all. 

So far I have tried:

Dim oFormat As TableFormat oFormat = oInvSheet.CustomTables.CreateTableFormat oFormat.InsideLineWeight = 0 oFormat.OutsideLineWeight = 0 oCustomTable_Hardware.OverrideFormat = oFormat

 But that does not hide the border lines.

I've found no similar code to try out that dealt with table borders or that sort. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Size Title Block Using Border

Mar 22, 2013

Is there a way to access any data of any Border in a Drawing files when creating a sketch in the file?

I'm trying to make a Title Block that take up the whole length of the Border bounded page and 10 mm high, anchored on the bottom.

Currently I had the Default Border "changed" by Inserting it and changing the margins to fit to approximately my printer's printable area.  It seems at this stage when I created a new title block defn I'm basically given a blank sketch with the origin at the bottom left as my only "snap point".

I found one through subject suggestion about using iLogic to change the size, but that isn't exactly what I'm trying to do as that seems just a switch for different Title Blocks that's been made up.

I thought about just drawing the title block in with the border, but I don't think that's the right way to do it.

Is there any way to draw your Title block in this case beside manually figuring out how big the Border is and dimension with that raw number?

(Just curious as it would be just a simple subtraction, but if I changed the Border margin I would have to repeat the arithmetic...)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constrain To View Border - How Is It Used (IDW File)

Jun 30, 2013

I'm currently using Inventor 2013. but I've seen this in earlier versions of Inventor.

After creating a view within a drawing sheet, if you RMB on the view label, an option for Constrain to View Border appears.

What does this option do and how is it used?  I don't see anything happening when I use this option.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Zone Border To Number Horizontally

Nov 18, 2011

How do I get the zone borders to number horizontally.

Sheet1 1-8
Sheet2 9-16
Sheet3 17-24

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Code That Allow To Get Filename From Border Of Drawing

Aug 10, 2012

I need some VBA code that will allow me to get the Filename from the border of a drawing.  I've got code to get to the text  of the filename, but I need to get the filename itself.  Hope that males sense. Here's the

Public Sub GetModelFilename()
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument


What the code returns is the text <FILENAME>.  What I need is the filename itself.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Save Own Border And Title Block?

Nov 5, 2013

When i create a drafting i use ISO.idw template. I delete the default title block and the default border and then i create my personal title block and border. How to save the new title block and the new border somewhere in "Inventor's memory" and use them in other draftings?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting A Drawing Border To Act On A Modified Custom Property

Feb 20, 2012

The company I work for produce drawings for various types of fabrication.

Using Inventor I have a drawing border in which tolerance values change depending on the type of fabrication to be produced. The type of fabrication (0,1,2,or 3) is designated by a custom property entered during part/fab model creation.

This property may change depending on various production factors. The issue I have is how do I get the border to recognize this potential change in fab type and populate the tolerance fields with the necessary information? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Border Colour When Moving Objects On Drawings?

Jan 3, 2014

Is there an option to set the default colour for object borders? Our drawing templates have a black background. If I want to move a text or a view, all that is shown while moving the text or view is a rectangular border. Unfortunately this is also black and thus invisible. So you never really know where you move your object to.

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