AutoCAD Inventor :: Created Template - Image Not Fit
Jun 13, 2012
I've created a template with inventor 2011, where in the template it has the image logo in it. I had insert an image at the specific location. At first, it looks ok when i add it to the sheet. Unfortunately, when i want to plot the drawing the image turn out to be out of scale (it stretch the image on its own). Please see attach for reference...
I created my standard drawing template which I used on prints and I have now updated my template. Is there an easy way to get my previously created drawings updated to the new template?
I need to make a Template.idw file with my company logo. and i did that by using insert image options. Then i saved it as template file and when i try to use that tempate file for new drawing, it shows a message that the reference file path is not the part of active project. So there is any option availabe like copy image and paste in template in place of insert image with link option?
I was just wondering as to whether its possible to keep the checkered base which you get when you remove part of an image or have it transparent to stay in the created image.
I am sure you all know this.
Here is the YouTube background which I have created and wondering if I am able to keep the checkered base or whatever in the image after I have saved it rather than print screening and pasting it back like a jigsaw puzzle.
I created an attribute of a title block, our company logo is inserted as a raster image within the attribute, I created this dwg file into a dwt file (template) however every time I open a new drawing and insert in the template file in the paperspace tab the attribute comes in but always with the logo?
The frame of the logo shows up with the file path of where is is located.
I'm recently using inventor a lot. But now IM try to make a .IDW template with my own line styles and thickness and stuff. This is what I do:
I open an exciting IDW file. I go to manage and click style editor. Then I create a new style. Called test style. I make sure I activate my new style and I go to layers, where I change the line weight from 0.51mm to 0.25 mm (example)
I save my change and close style editor... After that I save my copy as template (called test 6-1) and close the drawing. I open inventor and create a new file. Select the template I created. I get this style conflict.... I don't fully understand this error... How can I fix this problem?
When my new template opens, I check the line weight by the style editor but the weight detente change... Its still 0.51 mm.
Made some minor changes / updates to our .idw template and would like to update previous .idw's to the new template. Can this be done automatically? Is this done in styles?
I have opened previous .idw's and checked for updates in styles and none are shown. The changes/updates are to the title block and revision table. New drawings open with the new template changes, but we would like those changes to any previous drawings as well.
I'm having a problem migrating a custom idw 2011 template to 2012. When I try to open the template I get the message that I need to open and then explicitly save, but I cannot open the file. I've checked the file locations in options and in the projects, and all is correct.
Is there anything wrong with creating a new template this way:
1. Create a new model for a new client. 2. Create new drawing based on the standard template. 3. Bring in model views and create new title block, notes, symbols, etc. specific to new client. 4. Save drawing as a client specific template in my template directory. 5. Open new client template and erase all drawing views but leave notes, symbols, title block, etc. 6. Save.
The question is, doing it this way, will it cause problems? Will the drawing views somehow still be linked to the template? Should I erase the drawing views BEFORE saving as a template? Is there a better way ti create a template?
I have had a dwg. template that I have used for quite some time. I recently decided I needed to update it. In doing do I added a new sheet and modified an existing title block to use on the new sheet. Now the new sheet is there when I start a new dwg. but the names are still there from the modified title block. If I open the template directly its all correct, if i start a create a new dwg only parts of it are correct. I've tried changing my styles to read/write and tried to save it as many different ways I can think of but it just won't cooperate.
Windows 7 64 bit 16 GB ram Intel i7 2600 3.4 ghz AMD radeon HD 6450 PDSU 2013
In a drawing, How is one able to edit a view after it has been created? For instance the parent view orientation is locked, the child views are locked with respect to everything except the identifier.
We recently started using Inventor DWG files (shifting away from IDW).
Part of the process for one of our programmers is to open a DWG file using AutoCAD Mechanical 2012, delete all unused dimensions and views, and use the remaining view to program his CNC machine. We are finding that this is not possible to do with the new format Inventor DWG files, as the views are not able to be selected.
What is the AutoCAD 2012 procedure for deleting views created with Inventor DWG?
I needed to create new dimensioning styles - that I can do. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to apply them to a current drawing. In the Annotation section under Format there are no "styles" listed - not even the default.
So, how is one able to populate the list so one may choose a specific style or another? Or, is there somewhere else I should be looking?
I couldn't find where this was covered, but I create a dxf from my .ipt files for the machines to cut from. When I RMB on the flat pattern, in the browser, the dxf is created with the bends down. I am needing to do this with the bends up, so when the laser operator stacks the parts cut, the flat will be in the proper position for the brake operator. Is there anyway to have my dxf created where the bends are facing up?
Lenovo Think Pad Windows 7 SP 1 64 Bit. Inventor 2013 ACAD Mechanical 2013
I created a template file for the sheet material with the specified type of material, sheet thickness and the radius of bending. Placed in the Templates folder. Call the template from the menu, HED, and all settings are reset to Default? How to make a new file so that all settings are saved?
I included a VB code in our drawing template, but then I get the "Warning: You have a non-empty VBA project.." message. If I copy the code into iLogic, I just get an error message. Why it runs fine as a separate macro, but doesn´t work in Inventor, or how I can include the code into the template? URL....
I'm using a template file (part with just a drawing in it) for the basis of a few parts.
In one of these parts I use the template sketch for an extrude. After that I would like to use it again for some other extrude.
But I can not reference the drawing again. Normally I can 'share'a sketch. But somehow a sketch from a template file can not be shared. How can I use the template sketch for a second extrude?
I was trying to make new .idw (inventor) templates based on .dwg (autocad) templates. For some reason the type face Simplex is not showing correctly on screen and on print outs. I have checked on various machines and result was same.
How do I set up the templates in 2013? we just migrated from 2012 and now some of the templates are not showing up. When we installed the vault we created a drive that the vault resides in. The templates also reside on this drive but outside of the vault. in 2012 when I selected the icon to create a new part/assy/drawing I would get the following drop down menu:
now in 2013 we have a new and imporved splash screen with more options, I think:
However as you can see, there is nothing to choose. If I use the drop down arrow this work, but not much as I have the 4 standard part, assy, drawing and project icons appear. We have used the options menu and changed the file search paths to point to our template folder but we still do not have any options in the new menu and the drop still does not show options for sheetmetal or square parts. The drawing does open with the correct template though. I have also opened each template in 2013 and saved it so it should be migrated to the new format. but that has not worked. How to set up the new splash menu to work?
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1 Vault 2013- plain vanilla version HP G71 notebook celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system Win 7 home premium
When editing the Title Box in a Drawing Template and attempting to insert a LOGO (bmp file) the logo file justs show an icon for the Logo and not the Logo
On my company's default drawing template, I have a text block on there with some drawing notes. We often edit some of the notes on the end at each drawing so I didn't create it on the "title block" layer, rather it's on the "top" layer. I also added (in the template) a revision table with Rev. A being "Released for Production" (because we are weird). How can I constrain those on the sheet so when I change sheet size, they stay in the same position relative to the corners of the sheet?
A way to create a copy of an open part by starting from a template part file and recreating all the features?
Is there a simple way to copy a sketch definition from one part to another using either VBA or Is there a way to access the browser so the order of feature creation can be copied?