AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't See Whole Screen

Jan 8, 2013

Well I have tried with different resolutions, but even with the highest one 1366x768 I can´t see all the panels on the Inventor screens. It´s like my screen is to small to show all the windows inventor has.

I attach an image to show the problem, I can´t see what´s under the "point alignment" option, I can´t see the "accept" nor "cancel" buttons.I tried to search on google and here in the forum but I couldn´t find anything, I hope not to ask something has already been asked before.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Dual Screen - Jumping Browser From Right Screen To Middle Of Left Screen

Jun 3, 2013

I'm here with 2013 SP2 64 bit Build 200 and two screens. Left screen is graphics area, Browser is on the left of right screen. Graphics is ATI Fire Pro V7800 with driver

In video (zipped MP4) you see a cutout of both screens, think of screens changing at the left of the browser.

Now, in many cases, after doing an operation, the browser is jumping back to the middle of my graphics in the left screen.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hangs At Splash Screen?

Jan 26, 2012

We've got Inventor running on about 12 Win7 x64 machines in a lab and recently one of them has started acting up.  Inventor will not get past the splash screen.  The Windows event log only says "app hang."

I've tried uninstalling Inventor and manually removing any trace of it I could find from the C: drive and the registry and reinstalling to no luck.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Scrambled Screen View

Jun 6, 2013

In Inventor Professional 2014, under certain screen sizes (by lcd, not necessarily pixels), inventor will display a scrambled screen that makes it impossible to view the work to be done.

1. Radeon HD cards 5900, and 6900 series are doing this.

2. Nvidia Quadro FX 4800 is not doing this.

3. Simply adding a second open drawing, and having it display the tabs at the bottom, resolved the scrambling.

4. Only the drawing area is scrambled, not the menus, or Browers.

5. Reducing the program, or drawing window may fix the issue.

6. Templates have nothing to do with it.

7. Application options May have something to do with it, but I can't find which ones.

8. Cycling thru all hardware options has no effect.

9. Installing (clean) the latest video drivers has no effect. (even betas)

10. When the screen scrambled, dragging the main program window to undock it from monitor 2 to monitor 1 would cause Inventor to crash (most of the time).

My machine has been doing this since I installed 2014.  My supervisors computer was not.  Then when I imported the application options, it began to do so.  I MUST resolve this issue today, without installing a bunch of new video cards.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Blue Screen While Doing A Simulation

May 21, 2012

Every now and then, but recently more then I want, I get a blue screen while doing a stress analysis.

I have a pretty simple assembly with just 2 parts in it. One of these parts is built as a multibody part. It can be that the blue screens started to occur after I made a multibody design, however I am not sure about that. I downloaded and installed Inventor R13.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Access To Save As Screen

Sep 9, 2013

I have a problem for code files in inventor, my intention is codify this files whit a personal code name.

I need to launch the "SAVE AS" changing the file name that I need, with the possibility of modifying it.

ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item ("AppFileNewCmd"). Execute

Works smoothly and launches the open document window, but

ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item ("AppFileSaveAsCmd"). Execute

does nothing, either fails. At the same time would need to know how to rename the file to display.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Access To Save As Screen?

Sep 9, 2013

I have a problem for code files in inventor, my intention is codify this files whit a personal code name.

I need to launch the "SAVE AS" changing the file name that I need, with the possibility of modifying it.

ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item ("AppFileNewCmd"). Execute

Works smoothly and launches the open document window, but

ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item ("AppFileSaveAsCmd"). Execute

does nothing, either fails. At the same time would need to know how to rename the file to display.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - Turn On Welcome Screen

Oct 23, 2013

How to turn back ON the welcome screen in Inventor 2012? i cant find it anywhere!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Disable Screen Updating Via ILogic

Oct 16, 2012

I am using iLogic to change assembly dimensions, suppress components and constrains. Is there any way to turn off screen updating while iLogic rules are running?
Inventor 2013 SP2
Windows 7, 64 bits
Core TM2 Duo CPU 2,99 Gz

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Silk Screen On Sheet Metal

Feb 20, 2013

If it is possible to use a sketch to write text on sheet metal? On regular solids the emboss feature is sufficient, but I can't seem to find info on how to write on sheet metal.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Hanging At The Splash Screen?

Jun 8, 2012

We have an engineer running Inventor 2012 (Premium Suite) on a Windows 7, 64-bit machine.

He's experiencing an issue where once he starts Inventor, it doesnt proceed past the splash screen.

If I then log onto his machine, Inventor loads fine without a problem.

If this engineer then logs onto another workstation, Inventor works fine for him on that machine.

I have tried deleting the .cas file, no joy; this is a stand-alone installation.

I also reported this to our re-seller since we have a support agreement with them - they recommended a system restore; we felt that this was a lame reply since they didnt even ask for any log files.

They also recommended a registry 'hack' - the solution in the link below was recommended.


We tried this, the problem still persists.

We also created a new profile for this user, still no success.

I get a feeling that a full re-installation might be the only way forward bar a system restore.

According to our subscription support engineer, there are chances that this issue might not be resolved even with a full re-installation.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Image Of File Still On Screen After Closing

Jan 4, 2012

Several times when closing an IDW the image of the file reamains on the screen.  The Tab for the file in the lower left hand corner dissapears but the image stil remains on the screen.  You have to navigate to another open invnetor file in order for this image to dissapear.  If you are not paying close attention you can inadvertantly close several files by repeatedly trying to close the "image" that is still on the screen.  I am only seeing this on one of our workstations.  Coulod this be a video card error or a setting?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Hangs At Splash Screen?

Sep 4, 2012

Just installed product design suite 2013 without issue, however when I try to run Inventor 2013 it hangs at the splash screen.

The only way to exit is to kill the Inventor process. Other applications with in the design suite run fine ACAD, Fusion etc.

I did read a post about a windows security update causing this, but I do not have the offending update loaded so it can't be this.

Windows 7 64 bit Dell Precision

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Image For Splash Screen

Apr 6, 2013

I was wondering if there is a way to change the image for the splash screen? I've attached a screen shot. I'd like to edit the screen to show a company logo.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Implementing Touch Screen And Speech

May 10, 2010

I'm looking for a solution to keep on using Inventor despite severe RSI problems.I'd like to customize a whiteboard for zooming, panning, rotating opbjects, right clicking and no double clicking,etc... I'm already using 3Dconnection. Any whiteboards that allow customisation with specific software(i.e. inventor) on top of windows 7

I'm trying to use Dragon speech with inventor, Is it possible through VBA or other 'scripts' to get this done? Are there any existing smart softwares to perform these actions.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Simulation Probe Label On Screen

Nov 5, 2013

Has experienced very slow lags in dragging a probe label on the screen?

Its almost like its recalculating its location.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change View To Top Of Screen For Windows 7?

Feb 13, 2012

What to change to change the view to the top of the screen for windows 7? Now the icons hard to see.Over Ribbon panela.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Ignores On-Screen Keyboard?

May 8, 2012

I have a user who is disabled. He can only use a mouse and cannot use a keyboard. For keyboard inputs, he uses the On-Screen Keyboard built-in to Windows 7. He has used many versions of Autodesk Inventor... since 2010.

Normally, the On-Screen Keyboard will always "stay on top" of all other programs and windows. With Inventor 2012, the On-Screen Keyboard disappears when you press certain buttons in Inventor. In my screencast, the On-Screen Keyboard disappears when you complete an Extrude function and also when you Fillet. I've also seen it disappear when during a Chamfer, but this is not in the screencast.

This is extremely annoying for a user who can only use a mouse, as he has to constantly bring back the On-Screen Keyboard by click on the taskbar icon. It's also inconsistent with what Autodesk did in the past with previous versions of Inventor.

This is a screencast of Inventor 2012 w/ SP1 and demonstrates the disappearing On-Screen Keyboard [URL]

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Screen Controller Stop Working?

Oct 11, 2013

When I open a file on Inventor 2014, the screen says, that the graphic card controller crashes, after that, there´s no possibility to recover the work, because the work zone, shows a infinite white space.

This is the print screen (in spanish); translation will be like: "Screen controller stop working but it recover itself (something like that)"

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AutoCAD LT :: Model Space Screen Darkens And Unable To See Screen?

Nov 10, 2011

Model Space Screen Darkens and am unable to see screen

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pro 2012 Fails To Load After Splash Screen?

Mar 5, 2012

I'm a school teacher in the PLTW program that uses Inventor extensively in my classroom. Our district operates under a 125 seat license. The issue I've run into is on my personal computer (Windows Vista, x64) and is therefore outside the realm of the usual IT guy's duties. The Inventor software was installed on my laptop by the PLTW training staff during my summer session. I *think* it is a stand alone install of the program.

What happens is after I launch Autodesk Inventor, I can see the splash screen, and the inventor.exe task appears in the task manager, however after a few seconds, the splash screen disappears and the program does not launch. There is no error message.

This is confusing since until quite recently I am sure that Inventor was working hunky dory. Also, all the other Autodesk programs seems to function normally (Fusion, Design and Review)

I've tried a repair and reinstall, but the problem still persists. Also, I updated the install with SP 1, but this had no effect either.

I have recently updated my display drivers (ATI Radeon), however, I tried reverting back to the older drivers and still the problem persists, so I don't think it is graphics driver related

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Screen Shot - Import And Export Formats

May 9, 2013

Snap a screen shot of both Import and Export CAD File formats?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Silently Exiting After Splash Screen

Sep 20, 2011

I do tech-support work in a school district that is part of the Project Lead the Way program.  As part of this program, we have 2 full labs of machines (25+ each) that are licensed for using Inventor 2012.  Each year, this program supplies an updated version of Inventor, so each year I have to make a new Ghost image for those labs and apply it.  All the machines are identical, and I image them with the same Ghost image file.  This year, I'm having some major difficulty as follows:

On seemingly random machines with seemingly random student-level access accounts, the Inventor splash screen will come up when the kids launch the program…and then it will just immediately dump them back to the desktop with no error message whatsoever.  At first I thought it was a rights issue, but on some machines it does the same thing when I log in with my administrator-level account.

These machines were imaged with Ghost, with Inventor 2012 installed, then activated on standalone licenses when the kids log in the first time (at least in theory).  The machines are running Windows XP SP3, on an AD2008 domain.  Sometimes you can log into a machine with a different user account where a kid has had this problem, and Inventor will open right up.  That would seem to indicate that it's an account/permissions issue, but if you then take that kid and move him to a different (identical) PC in the lab, he'll be able to open Inventor just fine.

I've spent a good 2-3 hours Googling this one, digging into Autodesk's knowledge base and just looking through different forums, but I've had no luck isolating any factor that might cause this behavior so far.  I even went so far as to do a full uninstall using the Autodesk uninstall utility on one affected machine.  When I reinstalled from the disc, the behavior persisted.  I also tried downloading Service Pack 1 for the software, which apparently just came out on August 31st.  Installing the Service Pack didn't fix the issue either.  I see nothing suspicious in the system logs that point out an Autodesk-related error.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Expired Subscription - It Hangs On Startup Screen

Sep 3, 2013

Expired Subscription - Inventor Hangs on startup screen.

I have Autodesk Inventor 2013 Design Suite. Everything has been working fine until my subscription ran out. Inventor has been hanging on the startup screen since then (this may just be a coincidence) most of the time it take between 15 minutes to 30 minutes to open. When it does open everything works fine.

System is

Windows XP Professional x64

Version 2003

Service Pack 2

Intel Core Duo CPU

2.98 GHz, 8.00 GB Ram

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk Privacy Policy / Welcome Screen On Every Startup

Dec 19, 2013

I just upgraded 17 workstations to Product Design Suite 2014.

On one of the workstations, the Autodesk privacy policy and the welcome screen pop up on every startup.  I even tried running it as administrator first, but no matter what I do, those screens keep popping upm highly annoying for the user.

I already uninstalled and reinstalled the entore product design suite, this did not solve the issue.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Starting Sketch In XZ Plane Screen Rotates 180

Oct 1, 2012

When ever I start a new sketch in the xz plane (viewing from top down) my sketch rotates 180 degrees. Not a huge deal to rotate it back, but not everything I create is symetrical and when I go to draw the part, I want a certain ISO view to be default. I know you can insert/obtain any view into the drawing but is there an option to stop this rotation or maybe I am not setting up something correctly.

Using Inventor Pro 2012

Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014
Win7-x64 | ASUS P8Z77-V | i7 3770 -3.4 GHz | 32GB RAM |
240GB SSD | nVidia GTX 670 4GB - 320.49

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New Marking Menu Disappearing From Screen At The Bottom

Jun 10, 2011

Marking menu that cuts off the bottom of the screen yet? This is very anoying that on some PC's if clicking somewhere closer to the bottom of the screen a portion of your context meny cuts off. If you click even lower then it jumps to the top but there is an area where it does not work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Screen Continues To Show Closed Window?

Feb 24, 2012

If I have multiple windows open and close the current one, the screen continues to show the contents of the closed window although the model tree changes to show the active model tree. If I have multiple windows open then the tabs at the bottom of the screen correctly show the active window.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Center Of Screen Orbit Pivot

Jul 3, 2013

I have a three button mouse.  I can use Shift + Center button to orbit my drawing.  problem it, the stuff is always flying off the screen because the pivot point is at the center of the drawing / part / assembly/etc.  This annoys me to no end.  How do I change the Orbit Pivot to default to the center of the screen?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit Dimension Dialog Position Off Screen

Jul 30, 2010

If I double click a workplane in the browser, the edit dimension dialog comes up half way off screen, does not remember the screen position if I move it, so it has to be repositioned every time.  Seems to be tied to the browser position.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get Browser Back Along Left Side Of Screen

Oct 23, 2011

How to get the browser back along the left side of the screen.

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