AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Select Other Menu Doesn't Pop Up
Jul 5, 2011
We just installed 2012 and the new 'select other' pop-up window worked for about 2 days and just quit. Is it controlled by a setting I somewhere inadvertently changed?
I used Inventor 2010, but after a change of our Domain, I had some issues with export and mouse customization (one worked with IV running privileged, but the other didn't and vice versa). Reinstalation didnt solve the problem, so I hoped, that a newer version would solve it. Unfortunately the problems remained the same, but I could get it to work (running mouse software also privileged).
Now I noticed, that the 'select other' menu doesn't pop up, regardless of the delay choosen in the settings. Also some function keys don't work: F7, F8, and F9 don't show any reaction, while all other F-keys work.I'm using Inventor Professional 2013, 64 Bit (Build : 200, Release 2013 SP2 Update 2) from our Education Master Suite.
Not only do I find the Marking Menu extremely annoying, but it's buggy as well. It cuts off the context menu in certain zones of he screen - see attached. If the object I right click on is low enough, it will bump the menu up. The classic context menu works just fine. I find this happening more than not when trying to suppress a part for a LOD.
Im working with IV2012 and my autodrop feature doesn't work altough the checkbox in the content center is checked on. i can't seem to find a solution on my own.
As far as I know the feature has never worked since I went from IV2011 to IV2012. (alot of troubles in the beginning btw, most of it is gone since service pack installed)
I'm a computer tech in a school that uses Inventor 2012. After cloning the computers, if I log in using a profile that was there before, I can access the content service but when a student logs in, nothing happen when trying to access it. I looked for the .exe.config files in the Inventor bin directory but could not find anything related to the computer name. The structure is different in this version.
I am used to selecting a part then selecting find in browser. I have lost this ability due to my selection not staying hilighted. As soon as I move pointer away from part, the selection hi-light disappears. I looked in App Options, but unless I missed it....
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014 Vault Professional 2014 Windows 7 Pro SP1 HP-Z400: 2.67 GHz 12 Gb Ram Nvidia Quadro FX1800 driver 276.42
I have used ACAD Lt 2000 for years and it has been fine untill recently. It does not seem to like the new hardware so I am trying the 2012 Lt for 30 days. One thing it is not letting me do is calibrate the digitizer, (a GTCO 3648 Rollup II) I am not even getting a "tools" menu and typing in "CAL" gets me a weird " >> Expression: " in the command line. It shows:
On a clean install without importing the users settings, the ribbon changes to to the array menu when the command is selected but if we import settings from a previous release it doesnt work.
All the other contextual menus like text editor and hatch menus work fine, seems to be just Array (I guess because its the only new one?)
Is there a way to get it working? I checked CUI and it appears under both Tabs and contextual Tab States, the settings seem the same as the others that are working?
Acad 2013 recent install. When using the layer menu, sometimes it will update to show item frozen, but doesn't show the snowflake in the menu. Then you can't thaw it as it thinks it is already sunny. Also intermitent problems moving items from layer to layer. Says it changed them, but when listed are still in the original layer. Just this afternoon it deleted the layer, kept the item being changed with no layer association, then gave me an error message. Luckily I had saved recently. The menu has also relocated itself to covering up the menus at the top of the screen and has lost the pictures of new layer, set to current layer etc. I will probably end up reloading software. I am also having problems with dimensions not using the settings color, size etc that are set, but rather defaulting to the autocad default (yellow) etc, which don't print well for us.
When I open a file in ACAD2013/ACAD2013LT I can't see some XREFs created in ACAD2012LT. XREF command cannot resove it either. It will show path correctly.
For whatever reason the "select similar" command has disappeared from both my right click menu and my cui list when I'm in my personal profile on Architecture... Can't seem to get it back in my personal profile although can access it if I go back to the Autodesk Standard profile.
After a few seconds in the program the menu with all the slides like insert,view,etc. somehow freezes. i can´t pick it anymore. the rest of the program is working,i can work on the work surface with the current tool, but choosing an ew one isn´t possible. i have this problem with different version 2011,12 and even 13....
As said before... I don't call the _ARC command... but for the arc Command the right click menu is not shown also...What can I do, to get the normal behavior of the right click?
I am trying to write a script that will automatically hatch several drawings. The drawings contain an area in which there are several objects that need to be hatched. For each drawing the objects vary in location within the one area.I figured I would set up my script to encompass the area with the object select hatch technique. This works fine if the objects in the area have no Islands. However when an object within the "object select hatch area" contains Islands it shades the whole object ignoring the Island or if it does recognize an island it will create an individual hatch for it.
However when I use the pick internal point method the hatch comes out as expected for the object with the Islands in it.
I am having trouble with my AutoCad Civil 2013. If I want to open or save an existing file the program only allows me to input the file name in the command line. It does not open a browsing window to select the file path I want to save or open to.
A new feature in 2.8 appears to be keyboard accelerators (shortcuts) forthe pull-down menus. For example, Alt-S displays the Select menu, Alt-Wthe Windows menu, etc.
I have already assigned these key-combinations to other functions in thekeyboard shortcuts menu, but the default menubar assignments are takingprecedence.
How can I disable these menu accelerators so that I can regain the use ofthe Alt-[ESVILCTRWH] sequences?
Maybe there should be a toggle on the Configure Keyboard Shortcuts menu tohandle this. And certainly, if you reassign these keystrokes in the menu,their original function should be disabled.
I am trying to make some changes to a graphical text menu on a web site and it looks terrible. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm using the same font, size, background etc. Font is Baskerville Old Face, Regular, 14pt Strong on a transparent background.
I get an error telling me that in order to access help, I need to be connected to the internet. I AM connected to the internet (otherwise, I would not be able to post this question). All I am trying to figure out is where in the heck "Text Wrap" moved to since I cannot find it under "Window" or "Text," but realizing I have NO access to help in the program suddenly made THAT the bigger issue here. Do I need to trash my preferences file or something? I'm on a Mac, running Mountain Lion, Illustrator CS6.
How I can modify this to something closer to the 2011 version. More specifically - I used to use the "camera based selection" option all the time, and would love to have it back... It would be a bonus if modifying the marking menus for specific keys, was as easy for the ones surrounding the hotbox.
I have a new computer that has Windows 8. I have attempted this with BOTH Gimp 2.8 AND 2.6. I have a regular Wacom Bamboo Tablet.
I've been hunting online for HOURS, and all I find are the same answers that don't work for me. What I find are answers like "Enable the pen and eraser in the Devices menu" and such and such. No, that does not work. Only the core pointer shows up in the devices menu, and there is NO WAY to change that. In the Input Controllers menu, what show up are DirectX DirectInput, Mouse Buttons, Keyboard, and Main Mouse Wheel. All of these are activated. Despite every attempt I've made, nothing changes. The tablet pen and eraser DOES NOT SHOW UP AT ALL.
Again, Core Pointer is the ONLY device that appears in the Input Devices. All available controllers are active. The tablet is plugged in, and YES, I opened Gimp WITH the tablet. I'm an artist who uses Gimp, so not having the ability to draw is like not having my lifeblood.
I recently tried exporting an FBX file from Revit 2012 in to another 3d software as well as the FBX converter. On both occassions, the materials don't show up, nor the textures.
ttf files into the windows/font folder like everybody says, but they wont appear in the font select menu. I've tried closing and opening photoshop, and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling photoshop, AND uninstalling and reinstalling illustrator just to make sure, but to no avail. They all appear in the font folder, but photoshop will not recognize them. Furthermore, I've been able to add new fonts in the past, they display in the font menu just fine...but not the ones I recently tried to put in. What's going on here? Are there more than one kind of .ttf ? Is there a way to force photoshop to look at the font folder?
I've been tearing out my hair, trying to do this for hours...
When I use select object, it never displays the marquee correctly. One of two things will happen.
It will
1. Not even display the marquee at all e.g. I use select object by rectangular selection and the rectangle marquee box is invisible (although I can still select things)
2. If the marquee does display it shows it behind the objects, instead of in front of them, as scene in the image below.
When I save a render as PNG and then open it in Photoshop, it doesn't have the alpha channel, just R,G & B channels. The PNG Configuration Setup when saving the image has of course Alpha channel box checked, but is not available when I open the file in Photoshop.