AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Polylines As Shape File?
Jul 18, 2013
I am trying to export polylines as a shape file. When I use the mapexport command, it asks me to save the file but the dialog box does not open after I name and save the shape file. How do i get this dialog box to open so I can use the map export command? I have Civil 3D 2014.
I have a large drawing with 5 meter contours that are 2D polylines on elevation. In Civil 3D 2012, when the crosshairs touch a polyline the drawing hangs for quite awhile. I've cut a piece out of the drawing so it is 28mb instead of 121mb and now the hang time is much less but it still does it. It does not happen in AutoCAD 2012.
Windows 7 x 64 Intel i7-4770 CPu @ 3.40 GHz 24 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro K2000D Civil 3D 2014 (i.108.0.4, SP1)
How can to export my SDF file to ESRI Shape file? In AutoCAD Map menu have a commands, but those works only for drawing objects. Have any way to export SDF to Shape?
I am currently using AutoCad Map3d 2013. I am trying to export some features to esri shape file. When I use the export command it does not export all the features, only a few of them. I tried each different way point, line, polygon (treat closed polylines as polygons). I just did this the other day and worked out fine.
I have a polygon with a hole in it. I want to export this exterior polygon to a shapefile. I want the shape file to display as a "donut" if you get my meaning. The shape keeps coming in completely hatched ignoring the island within. Is there a way to do this with the 2008 software?
I have a series of boxes or polygones that I would like the program to find the 1/2 distance and create two seperate polylines from the one object.
I have a square with pt1,pt2, pt3 and pt4 respectively. After I have ran the program it would create a diagonal from pt1 to pt3 and join the rest of the lines now to create the one polyline. Also it would do the same to create another exact polygonal shape for the other half. Thus creating two shapes of equal value from one.
i have any problem about export point from dwg to *.txt file.i have point file *.dwg from my friend,,but i confused why that point can't export, show warning "No point were transferred from the source" point is in layer 0...I attach the dwg file.
i have lidar contour file that is a shape file, when i import this file using map with data connect i is imported with the correct elevation but is not useable for presentation only, when i import it with the map import command it does not retain the elevation on the polyline that it imports.
I am attempting to import a shape file in Civil 3D 2014 and get an FDO error (see attached). I have performed this task nearly everyday for an entire year in 2012 with the same file, method, etc. I change my workspace to 'Planning and Analysis", select 'Map Import' and select my shape file...error!
I have an interesting problem. I have imported a shp file from a state agency. This file contains contours for an area. When I tag the pline, it shows a "zero" elevation, but shows a numeric elevation within the DXF_ELEV feature.I am needing to convert these to pline with elevation to work on in autocad. how to get polyline w/ elevations to export from c3d?
I'm using AutoCad 2013 Civil 3D. I'm trying to import the attribute table from a GIS shapefile into AutoCAD. I tried it in Map but could not get it to work. I could not find and object file in creating a quirey.
I cannot find a function in 2011 Civil 3d to export an alignment as an. RXL file onto the computer. I know that I can export an RXL directly into a Survey Controller via Trimble Link.
I am able to export to SDF but I get nothing when trying to go the two shp formats available. was a "parcel", but i exploded to polyline.
Do i need a patch to make this work? I am a C3D newbie and am struggling wit h user interface, but know that map export command line looks like it is supposed to work.
I have recently encountered a problem when exporting C3D to V8 dgn. The proxy graphics are set to 1, and I'm using a 3D seed file. Once the file is exported, the dgn file size is no larger than the seed file, and I am being told that the file is completely blank. I've run a recovery, audit - everything I can think of the correct this. I even had a co-worker try and generate a dgn from the same file with the same result.
Civil 3D 2012 Win 7 Pro 64 bit, 8 GB RAM Intel Xeon E3-1220 V2 @ 3.10 GHz Dell T1650 Civil 3D 2012 Win 7 Pro 64 bit, 8 GB RAM Intel Xeon E3-1220 V2 @ 3.10 GHz Dell T1650
As the above mentioned, I have a drawing drawn using polylines with width from someone. The width of the line are suppose to represent area,
To put things into prospective, here is an example:
The polyline is 10 unit long and with a width of 2 unit wide. If i explode that polyline, it will become a single polyline without width. The line are suppose to represent 10 unit long and 2 unit wide; representing an area.
My question is is there a way to change the line above directly from polyline with width to a close polyline (4 x polylines) of 10 unit long and 2 unit wide.
i need to export 7 million points from a tin surface to text file with only NEZ in comma delimited format for Surfer 9 software. right now i have the civil 3d surface. but the export to csv stock reporting tool sucks. why the hell do you open the file and why leave an empty row between data points? so it's not usable.
also i have 12gb ram at work and it can't export surface points to autocad format ran out of memory. this is with surface display showing points and just the "dot" style so it's autocad points after export. i was originally planning on using "dataextraction" command in autocad to export to csv. worked on a small batch of file. so i think may work for the bigger file. but i would never know because i can't even get the points into autocad.
also yeah i would love to simplify the surface but it's so buggy that you asked it to remove 80% of the points it only remove 100k points at most out of 7 million. so not usable.
last resort is i can program something in but not much motivation on doing so.
Is it possible to export a TIN file so a GIS user can use it with some Carlson software? He's having trouble using .XML's or DEM's. If I could find where ACAD stores the .TIN file for my surface, I'd just send that to him.
I am trying to utilize Trimble's ability to export Points to an XML file. The XML file contains some additional Attribute data. I have created the new Point UDP's and also Created a new Point File Format. Here lies the Problem, when I go to the Insert Tab in the Ribbon and pick import from XML. It gives me no choices to select a Point File Format? It just imports the file with just PNEZD data only, and not my additional Attributes.
We just upgraded to 2013, and one computer is having a weird issue. There is nothing in the drawing. He draws two polylines. When he goes to fillet them, it says they are non-coplanar. The properties palette says both polylines are elevation 0. why this is happening and how I can fix it?
In the ipt. sheet metal file, we create the flat and export face as a dxf file to use in our cnc software.
The problem is that our shop guy cannot open the dxf in the cnc software (he gets an error) unless we open the dxf in Autocad and explode it and resave. For some reason, Inventor creates the dxf with the perimeter of the part as a polyline.
Is there a setting that could keep it from making it a polyline.
It is time consuming to have to go into Autocad, explode and resave every sheet metal part.
The Straighten method seems to always default to the first vertex of the polylne, which is great if you want to start there but what if you wanted to delete the 10th to 15th vertex? Is this even possible using PEDIT Tools (it is very possible using the WEEDFEATURES method)
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
i want to make a multicolored polyline with all the function, i try to use MLSTYLE command but it dont work so much because i can not draw a curve or i can not add vertex after the draw
How do you suppress viewing drawing polylines in the cross section editor in 2014. I never had this problem in 2013, now it shows all of my polylines in the cross section editor. I thought it would be under 'display objects'.
I use slope symbols instead of contours to keep my maps less busy. Unfortunately I can only change my cut style and fill style to slope symbols with grading by right clicking on the little diamond in the grading and selecting grading properties.
I have created a surface with 3d poly lines not by creating grading and got contours that way, How can I create the slope symbols in a surface. I tried xploding them and then creating a block and using the measure tool on the 3d polylines but it doesn't do anything.
Picture 01 is the contours
Picture 1 is the contours turned off and cut/fill styles turned to slope symbols.
how do I convert a section that I created using an alignment and surface into a polyline. I want to be able to manipulate and easily use the section for another program.